Install kitty ======================== Binary install ---------------- .. |ins| replace:: curl -L :literal:`` | sh /dev/stdin .. highlight:: sh You can install pre-built binaries of |kitty| if you are on macOS or Linux using the following simple command: .. parsed-literal:: :class: pre |ins| The binaries will be installed in the standard location for your OS, :file:`/Applications/` on macOS and :file:`~/.local/` on Linux. The installer only touches files in that directory. To update kitty, simply re-run the command. Manually installing --------------------- If something goes wrong or you simply do not want to run the installer, you can manually download and install |kitty| from the `GitHub releases page `_. If you are on macOS, download the :file:`.dmg` and install as normal. If you are on Linux, download the tarball and extract it into a directory. The |kitty| executable will be in the :file:`bin` sub-directory. Desktop integration on Linux -------------------------------- If you want the kitty icon to appear in the taskbar and an entry for it to be present in the menus, you will need to install the :file:`kitty.desktop` file. The details of the following procedure may need to be adjusted for your particular desktop, but it should work for most major desktop environments. .. code-block:: sh # Create a symbolic link to add kitty to PATH (assuming ~/.local/bin is in # your PATH) ln -s ~/.local/ ~/.local/bin/ # Place the kitty.desktop file somewhere it can be found by the OS cp ~/.local/ ~/.local/share/applications/ # Update the path to the kitty icon in the kitty.desktop file sed -i "s|Icon=kitty|Icon=/home/$USER/.local/|g" ~/.local/share/applications/kitty.desktop .. note:: If you use the venerable `stow `_ command to manage your manual installations, the following takes care of the above for you (use with :file:`dest=~/.local/stow`):: cd ~/.local/stow stow -v Customizing the installation -------------------------------- * You can specify a different install location, with ``dest``: .. parsed-literal:: :class: pre |ins| \\ dest=/some/other/location * You can tell the installer not to launch |kitty| after installing it with ``launch=n``: .. parsed-literal:: :class: pre |ins| \\ launch=n * You can use a previously downloaded dmg/tarball, with ``installer``: .. parsed-literal:: :class: pre |ins| \\ installer=/path/to/dmg or tarball Uninstalling ---------------- All the installer does is copy the kitty files into the install directory. To uninstall, simply delete that directory. Building from source ------------------------ |kitty| is easy to build from source, follow the :doc:`instructions `.