Mark text on screen --------------------- kitty has the ability to mark text on the screen based on regular expressions. This can be useful to highlight words or phrases when browsing output from long running programs or similar. Lets start with a few examples: Examples ---------- Suppose we want to be able to highlight the word ERROR in the current window. Add the following to :file:`kitty.conf`:: map f1 toggle_marker text 1 ERROR Now when you press :kbd:`F1` all instances of the word :code:`ERROR` will be highlighted. To turn off the highlighting, press :kbd:`F1` again. If you want to make it case-insensitive, use:: map f1 toggle_marker itext 1 ERROR To make it match only complete words, use:: map f1 toggle_marker regex 1 \\bERROR\\b Suppose you want to highlight both :code:`ERROR` and :code:`WARNING`, case insensitively:: map f1 toggle_marker iregex 1 \\bERROR\\b 2 \\bWARNING\\b kitty supports up to 3 mark groups (the numbers in the commands above). You can control the colors used for these groups in :file:`kitty.conf` with:: mark1_foreground red mark1_background gray mark2_foreground green ... .. note:: For performance reasons, matching is done per line only, and only when that line is altered in any way. So you cannot match text that stretches across multiple lines. Creating markers dynamically --------------------------------- If you want to create markers dynamically rather than pre-defining them in :file:`kitty.conf` you can do so as follows:: map f1 create_marker map f2 remove_marker Then pressing :kbd:`F1` will allow you to enter the marker definition and set it and pressing :kbd:`F2` will remove the marker. ``create_marker`` accepts the same syntax as ``toggle_marker`` above. Note that while creating markers, the prompt has history so you can easily re-use previous marker expressions. You can also use the facilities for :doc:`remote-control` to dynamically add/remove markers. Scrolling to marks -------------------- kitty has an action to scroll to the next line that contains a mark. You can use it by mapping it to some shortcut in :file:`kitty.conf`:: map ctrl+p scroll_to_mark prev map ctrl+n scroll_to_mark next Then pressing :kbd:`ctrl+p` will scroll to the first line in the scrollback buffer above the current top line that contains a mark. Pressing :kbd:`ctrl+n` will scroll to show the first line below the current last line that contains a mark. If you wish to jump to a mark of a specific type, you can add that to the mapping:: map ctrl+1 scroll_to_mark prev 1 Which will scroll only to marks of type 1. The full syntax for creating marks ------------------------------------- The syntax of the :code:`toggle_marker` command is:: toggle_marker Here :code:`marker-type` is one of: * :code:`text` - simple substring matching * :code:`itext` - case-insensitive substring matching * :code:`regex` - A python regular expression * :code:`iregex` - A case-insensitive python regular expression * :code:`function` - An arbitrary function defined in a python file, see :ref:`marker_funcs`. .. _marker_funcs: Arbitrary marker functions ----------------------------- You can create your own marker functions. Create a python file named :file:`` and in it create a :code:`marker` function. This function receives the text of the line as input and must yield three numbers, the starting character position, the ending character position and the mark group (1-3). For example: .. code-block:: def marker(text): # Function to highlight the letter X for i, ch in enumerate(text): if ch.lower() == 'x': yield i, i, 3 Save this file somewhere and in :file:`kitty.conf`, use:: map f1 toggle_marker function /path/to/ If you save the file in the kitty config directory, you can use:: map f1 toggle_marker function