Kovid Goyal 098a38a3a9
Remove rendering via framebuffer for transparent windows with images
There is no need for it with the current rendering pipeline. Images are
blended with premult blending.
2023-06-21 16:06:07 +05:30

128 lines
4.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: GPLv3 Copyright: 2021, Kovid Goyal <kovid at>
import os
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest
from functools import partial
from . import BaseTest
class TestBuild(BaseTest):
def test_exe(self) -> None:
from kitty.constants import kitten_exe, kitty_exe, str_version
exe = kitty_exe()
self.assertTrue(os.access(exe, os.X_OK))
self.assertIn('kitty', os.path.basename(exe))
exe = kitten_exe()
self.assertTrue(os.access(exe, os.X_OK))
self.assertIn(str_version, subprocess.check_output([exe, '--version']).decode())
def test_loading_extensions(self) -> None:
import kitty.fast_data_types as fdt
from kittens.transfer import rsync
del fdt, rsync
def test_loading_shaders(self) -> None:
from kitty.shaders import Program
for name in 'cell border bgimage tint graphics'.split():
def test_glfw_modules(self) -> None:
from kitty.constants import glfw_path, is_macos
linux_backends = ['x11']
if not self.is_ci:
modules = ['cocoa'] if is_macos else linux_backends
for name in modules:
path = glfw_path(name)
self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path), f'{path} is not a file')
self.assertTrue(os.access(path, os.X_OK), f'{path} is not executable')
def test_all_kitten_names(self) -> None:
from kittens.runner import all_kitten_names
names = all_kitten_names()
self.assertIn('diff', names)
self.assertIn('hints', names)
self.assertGreater(len(names), 8)
def test_filesystem_locations(self) -> None:
from kitty.constants import local_docs, logo_png_file, shell_integration_dir, terminfo_dir
zsh = os.path.join(shell_integration_dir, 'zsh')
self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(terminfo_dir), f'Terminfo dir: {terminfo_dir}')
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(logo_png_file), f'Logo file: {logo_png_file}')
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(zsh), f'Shell integration: {zsh}')
def is_executable(x):
mode = os.stat(x).st_mode
q = stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
return mode & q == q
for x in ('kitty', 'kitten'):
x = os.path.join(shell_integration_dir, 'ssh', x)
self.assertTrue(is_executable(x), f'{x} is not executable')
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(local_docs()), f'Local docs: {local_docs()}')
def test_ca_certificates(self):
import ssl
if not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
self.skipTest('CA certificates are only tested on frozen builds')
c = ssl.create_default_context()
self.assertGreater(c.cert_store_stats()['x509_ca'], 2)
def test_docs_url(self):
from kitty.constants import website_url
from kitty.utils import docs_url
def run_tests(p, base, suffix='.html'):
def t(x, e):, base + e)
t('', 'index.html' if suffix == '.html' else '')
t('conf', f'conf{suffix}')
t('kittens/ssh#frag', f'kittens/ssh{suffix}#frag')
t('#ref=confloc', f'conf{suffix}#confloc')
t('#ref=conf-kitty-fonts', f'conf{suffix}#conf-kitty-fonts')
t('#ref=conf-kitten-ssh-xxx', f'kittens/ssh{suffix}#conf-kitten-ssh-xxx')
t('#ref=at_close_tab', f'remote-control{suffix}#at-close-tab')
t('#ref=at-close-tab', f'remote-control{suffix}#at-close-tab')
t('#ref=action-copy', f'actions{suffix}#copy')
t('#ref=doc-/marks', f'marks{suffix}')
run_tests(partial(docs_url, local_docs_root='/docs'), 'file:///docs/')
w = website_url()
run_tests(partial(docs_url, local_docs_root=None), w, '/')'#ref=issues-123'), '')
def test_launcher_ensures_stdio(self):
import subprocess
from kitty.constants import kitty_exe
exe = kitty_exe()
cp =[exe, '+runpy', f'''\
import os, sys
if sys.stdin:
if sys.stdout:
if sys.stderr:
os.execlp({exe!r}, 'kitty', '+runpy', 'import sys; raise SystemExit(1 if sys.stdout is None or sys.stdin is None or sys.stderr is None else 0)')
self.assertEqual(cp.returncode, 0)
def main() -> None:
tests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestBuild)
r = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=4)
result =
if result.errors or result.failures:
raise SystemExit(1)