2024-02-25 09:57:44 +05:30

158 lines
7.5 KiB

Tabs and Windows
|kitty| is capable of running multiple programs organized into tabs and windows.
The top level of organization is the :term:`OS window <os_window>`. Each OS
window consists of one or more :term:`tabs <tab>`. Each tab consists of one or more
:term:`kitty windows <window>`. The kitty windows can be arranged in multiple
different :term:`layouts <layout>`, like windows are organized in a tiling
window manager. The keyboard controls (which are :ref:`all customizable
<conf-kitty-shortcuts>`) for tabs and windows are:
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Action Shortcut
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Line up :sc:`scroll_line_up` (also :kbd:`⌥+⌘+⇞` and :kbd:`⌘+↑` on macOS)
Line down :sc:`scroll_line_down` (also :kbd:`⌥+⌘+⇟` and :kbd:`⌘+↓` on macOS)
Page up :sc:`scroll_page_up` (also :kbd:`⌘+⇞` on macOS)
Page down :sc:`scroll_page_down` (also :kbd:`⌘+⇟` on macOS)
Top :sc:`scroll_home` (also :kbd:`⌘+↖` on macOS)
Bottom :sc:`scroll_end` (also :kbd:`⌘+↘` on macOS)
Previous shell prompt :sc:`scroll_to_previous_prompt` (see :ref:`shell_integration`)
Next shell prompt :sc:`scroll_to_next_prompt` (see :ref:`shell_integration`)
Browse scrollback in less :sc:`show_scrollback`
Browse last cmd output :sc:`show_last_command_output` (see :ref:`shell_integration`)
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The scroll actions only take effect when the terminal is in the main screen.
When the alternate screen is active (for example when using a full screen
program like an editor) the key events are instead passed to program running in the
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Action Shortcut
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New tab :sc:`new_tab` (also :kbd:`⌘+t` on macOS)
Close tab :sc:`close_tab` (also :kbd:`⌘+w` on macOS)
Next tab :sc:`next_tab` (also :kbd:`⌃+⇥` and :kbd:`⇧+⌘+]` on macOS)
Previous tab :sc:`previous_tab` (also :kbd:`⇧+⌃+⇥` and :kbd:`⇧+⌘+[` on macOS)
Next layout :sc:`next_layout`
Move tab forward :sc:`move_tab_forward`
Move tab backward :sc:`move_tab_backward`
Set tab title :sc:`set_tab_title` (also :kbd:`⇧+⌘+i` on macOS)
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Action Shortcut
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New window :sc:`new_window` (also :kbd:`⌘+↩` on macOS)
New OS window :sc:`new_os_window` (also :kbd:`⌘+n` on macOS)
Close window :sc:`close_window` (also :kbd:`⇧+⌘+d` on macOS)
Resize window :sc:`start_resizing_window` (also :kbd:`⌘+r` on macOS)
Next window :sc:`next_window`
Previous window :sc:`previous_window`
Move window forward :sc:`move_window_forward`
Move window backward :sc:`move_window_backward`
Move window to top :sc:`move_window_to_top`
Visually focus window :sc:`focus_visible_window`
Visually swap window :sc:`swap_with_window`
Focus specific window :sc:`first_window`, :sc:`second_window` ... :sc:`tenth_window`
(also :kbd:`⌘+1`, :kbd:`⌘+2` ... :kbd:`⌘+9` on macOS)
(clockwise from the top-left)
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Additionally, you can define shortcuts in :file:`kitty.conf` to focus
neighboring windows and move windows around (similar to window movement in
map ctrl+left neighboring_window left
map shift+left move_window right
map ctrl+down neighboring_window down
map shift+down move_window up
You can also define a shortcut to switch to the previously active window::
map ctrl+p nth_window -1
:ac:`nth_window` will focus the nth window for positive numbers (starting from
zero) and the previously active windows for negative numbers.
To switch to the nth OS window, you can define :ac:`nth_os_window`. Only
positive numbers are accepted, starting from one.
.. _detach_window:
You can define shortcuts to detach the current window and move it to another tab
or another OS window::
# moves the window into a new OS window
map ctrl+f2 detach_window
# moves the window into a new tab
map ctrl+f3 detach_window new-tab
# moves the window into the previously active tab
map ctrl+f3 detach_window tab-prev
# moves the window into the tab at the left of the active tab
map ctrl+f3 detach_window tab-left
# moves the window into a new tab created to the left of the active tab
map ctrl+f3 detach_window new-tab-left
# asks which tab to move the window into
map ctrl+f4 detach_window ask
Similarly, you can detach the current tab, with::
# moves the tab into a new OS window
map ctrl+f2 detach_tab
# asks which OS Window to move the tab into
map ctrl+f4 detach_tab ask
Finally, you can define a shortcut to close all windows in a tab other than the
currently active window::
map f9 close_other_windows_in_tab
Other keyboard shortcuts
The full list of actions that can be mapped to key presses is available
:doc:`here </actions>`. To learn how to do more sophisticated keyboard
mappings, such as modal mappings, per application mappings, etc. see
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Action Shortcut
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Show this help :sc:`show_kitty_doc`
Copy to clipboard :sc:`copy_to_clipboard` (also :kbd:`⌘+c` on macOS)
Paste from clipboard :sc:`paste_from_clipboard` (also :kbd:`⌘+v` on macOS)
Paste from selection :sc:`paste_from_selection`
Pass selection to program :sc:`pass_selection_to_program`
Increase font size :sc:`increase_font_size` (also :kbd:`⌘++` on macOS)
Decrease font size :sc:`decrease_font_size` (also :kbd:`⌘+-` on macOS)
Restore font size :sc:`reset_font_size` (also :kbd:`⌘+0` on macOS)
Toggle fullscreen :sc:`toggle_fullscreen` (also :kbd:`⌃+⌘+f` on macOS)
Toggle maximized :sc:`toggle_maximized`
Input Unicode character :sc:`input_unicode_character` (also :kbd:`⌃+⌘+space` on macOS)
Open URL in web browser :sc:`open_url`
Reset the terminal :sc:`reset_terminal` (also :kbd:`⌥+⌘+r` on macOS)
Edit :file:`kitty.conf` :sc:`edit_config_file` (also :kbd:`⌘+,` on macOS)
Reload :file:`kitty.conf` :sc:`reload_config_file` (also :kbd:`⌃+⌘+,` on macOS)
Debug :file:`kitty.conf` :sc:`debug_config` (also :kbd:`⌥+⌘+,` on macOS)
Open a |kitty| shell :sc:`kitty_shell`
Increase background opacity :sc:`increase_background_opacity`
Decrease background opacity :sc:`decrease_background_opacity`
Full background opacity :sc:`full_background_opacity`
Reset background opacity :sc:`reset_background_opacity`
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