Kovid Goyal 2cdf41f190
2018-06-23 13:20:53 +05:30

353 lines
13 KiB

:tocdepth: 2
kitty - the fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator
.. container:: major-features
* Offloads rendering to the GPU for :doc:`lower system load <performance>` and
buttery smooth scrolling. Uses threaded rendering to minimize input latency.
* Supports all modern terminal features: :doc:`graphics (images)
<graphics-protocol>`, unicode, true-color, OpenType ligatures, mouse
protocol, focus tracking, `bracketed paste
<>`_ and several :doc:`new terminal
protocol extensions <protocol-extensions>`.
* Supports tiling multiple terminal windows side by side in different
:ref:`layouts <layouts>` without needing to use an extra program like tmux
* Can be :doc:`controlled from scripts or the shell prompt <remote-control>`,
even over SSH.
* Has a framework for :ref:`kittens`, small terminal programs that can be used to
extend |kitty|'s functionality. For example, they are used for
:doc:`Unicode input <kittens/unicode-input>`, :doc:`Hints <kittens/hints>` and
:doc:`Side-by-side diff <kittens/diff>`.
* Supports :ref:`startup sessions <sessions>` which allow you to specify
the window/tab layout, working directories and programs to run on startup.
* Cross-platform: |kitty| works on Linux and macOS, but because it uses only
OpenGL for rendering, it should be trivial to port to other Unix-like platforms.
* Allows you to open :ref:`the scrollback buffer <scrollback>` in a
separate window using arbitrary programs of your choice. This is useful for
browsing the history comfortably in a pager or editor.
.. figure:: screenshots/screenshot.png
:alt: Screenshot, showing three programs in the 'Tall' layout
:align: center
:scale: 100%
Screenshot, showing vim, tig and git running in |kitty| with the 'Tall' layout
.. _quickstart:
Pre-built binaries of |kitty| are available for both macOS and Linux.
See the :doc:`binary install instructions </binary>`.
If you are on Linux, you can also use your distribution's |kitty| package.
|kitty| packages are available for:
`Debian <>`_,
`openSUSE <>`_,
`Arch Linux <>`_,
`NixOS <>`_,
`Gentoo <>`_,
`Fedora <>`_.
See :doc:`Configuring kitty <conf>` for help on configuring |kitty| and
:doc:`Invocation <invocation>` for the command line arguments |kitty| supports.
.. contents::
Design philosophy
|kitty| is designed for power keyboard users. To that end all its controls
work with the keyboard (although it fully supports mouse interactions as
well). Its configuration is a simple, human editable, single file for
easy reproducibility (I like to store configuration in source control).
The code in |kitty| is designed to be simple, modular and hackable. It is
written in a mix of C (for performance sensitive parts) and Python (for
easy hackability of the UI). It does not depend on any large and complex
UI toolkit, using only OpenGL for rendering everything.
Finally, |kitty| is designed from the ground up to support all modern
terminal features, such as unicode, true color, bold/italic fonts, text
formatting, etc. It even extends existing text formatting escape codes,
to add support for features not available elsewhere, such as colored and
styled (curly) underlines. One of the design goals of |kitty| is to be
easily extensible so that new features can be added in the future with
relatively less effort.
Tabs and Windows
|kitty| is capable of running multiple programs organized into tabs and
windows. The top level of organization is the *Tab*. Each tab consists
of one or more *windows*. The windows can be arranged in multiple
different layouts, like windows are organized in a tiling window
manager. The keyboard controls (which are all customizable) for tabs and
windows are:
======================== =======================
Action Shortcut
======================== =======================
Scroll line up :sc:`scroll_line_up`
Scroll line down :sc:`scroll_line_down`
Scroll page up :sc:`scroll_page_up`
Scroll page down :sc:`scroll_page_down`
Scroll to top :sc:`scroll_home`
Scroll to bottom :sc:`scroll_end`
======================== =======================
======================== =======================
Action Shortcut
======================== =======================
New tab :sc:`new_tab`
Close tab :sc:`close_tab`
Next tab :sc:`next_tab`
Previous tab :sc:`previous_tab`
Next layout :sc:`next_layout`
Move tab forward :sc:`move_tab_forward`
Move tab backward :sc:`move_tab_backward`
Set tab title :sc:`set_tab_title`
======================== =======================
======================== =======================
Action Shortcut
======================== =======================
New window :sc:`new_window`
New OS window :sc:`new_os_window` (also :kbd:`⌘+n` on macOS)
Close window :sc:`close_window`
Next window :sc:`next_window`
Previous window :sc:`previous_window`
Move window forward :sc:`move_window_forward`
Move window backward :sc:`move_window_backward`
Move window to top :sc:`move_window_to_top`
Focus specific window :sc:`first_window`, :sc:`second_window` ... :sc:`tenth_window`
(clockwise from the top-left)
======================== =======================
Other keyboard shortcuts
================================== =======================
Action Shortcut
================================== =======================
Copy to clipboard :sc:`copy_to_clipboard` (also :kbd:`⌘+c` on macOS)
Paste from clipboard :sc:`paste_from_clipboard` (also :kbd:`⌘+v` on macOS)
Paste from selection :sc:`paste_from_selection`
Increase font size :sc:`increase_font_size`
Decrease font size :sc:`decrease_font_size`
Restore font size :sc:`reset_font_size`
Toggle fullscreen :sc:`toggle_fullscreen`
Input unicode character :sc:`input_unicode_character`
Click URL using the keyboard :sc:`open_url`
Pass current selection to program :sc:`pass_selection_to_program`
Edit |kitty| config file :sc:`edit_config_file`
Open a |kitty| shell :sc:`kitty_shell`
Increase background opacity :sc:`increase_background_opacity`
Decrease background opacity :sc:`decrease_background_opacity`
Full background opacity :sc:`full_background_opacity`
Reset background opacity :sc:`reset_background_opacity`
================================== =======================
.. _layouts:
Currently, there are five layouts available,
* **Stack** -- Only a single maximized window is shown at a time
* **Tall** -- One window is shown full height on the left, the rest of the windows are shown one below the other on the right
* **Fat** -- One window is shown full width on the top, the rest of the windows are shown side-by-side on the bottom
* **Grid** -- All windows are shown in a grid
* **Horizontal** -- All windows are shown side-by-side
* **Vertical** -- All windows are shown one below the other
You can switch between layouts using the :sc:`next_layout` key combination. You can
also create shortcuts to select particular layouts, and choose which layouts
you want to enable/disable, see :ref:`conf-kitty-shortcuts.layout` for examples.
You can resize windows inside layouts. Press :sc:`start_resizing_window` to
enter resizing mode and follow the on-screen instructions. In a given window
layout only some operations may be possible for a particular window. For
example, in the Tall layout you can make the first window wider/narrower, but
not taller/shorter. Note that what you are resizing is actually not a window,
but a row/column in the layout, all windows in that row/column will be resized.
Some layouts take options to control their behavior. For example, the ``fat``
and ``tall`` layouts accept the ``bias`` option to control how the available
space is split up. To specify the option, in :opt:`kitty.conf <enabled_layouts>` use::
enabled_layouts tall:bias=70
This will make the tall window occupy ``70%`` of available width. ``bias`` can be
any number between 10 and 90.
Writing a new layout only requires about a hundred lines of code, so if there
is some layout you want, take a look at `
<>`_ and submit
a pull request!
.. _kittens:
|kitty| has a framework for easily creating terminal programs that make use of
its advanced features. These programs are called kittens. They are used both
to add features to |kitty| itself and to create useful standalone programs.
Some prominent kittens:
:doc:`icat <kittens/icat>`
Display images in the terminal
:doc:`diff <kittens/diff>`
A fast, side-by-side diff for the terminal with syntax highlighting and
:doc:`Unicode Input <kittens/unicode-input>`
Easily input arbitrary unicode characters in |kitty| by name or hex code.
:doc:`Hints <kittens/hints>`
Select and open/paste/insert arbitrary text snippets such as URLs,
filenames, words, lines, etc from the terminal screen.
:doc:`Panel <kittens/panel>`
Draw a GPU accelerated dock panel on your desktop showing the output
from an arbitrary terminal program.
:doc:`Clipboard <kittens/clipboard>`
Copy/paste to the clipboard from shell scripts, even over SSH.
Configuring kitty
|kitty| is highly configurable, everything from keyboard shortcuts to
painting frames-per-second. For details and a sample :file:`kitty.conf`,
see the :doc:`configuration docs <conf>`.
.. _sessions:
Startup Sessions
You can control the tabs, window layout, working directory, startup programs,
etc. by creating a "session" file and using the :option:`kitty --session`
command line flag or the :opt:`startup_session` option in :file:`kitty.conf`.
For example:
.. code-block:: session
# Set the window layout for the current tab
layout tall
# Set the working directory for windows in the current tab
cd ~
# Create a window and run the specified command in it
launch zsh
# Create a window with some environment variables set and run
# vim in it
launch env FOO=BAR vim
# Set the title for the next window
title Chat with x
launch irssi --profile x
# Create a new tab (the part after new_tab is the optional tab
# name which will be displayed in the tab bar, if omitted, the
# title of the active window will be used instead)
new_tab my tab
cd ~/somewhere
# Set the layouts allowed in this tab
enabled_layouts tall, stack
# Set the current layout
layout stack
launch zsh
# Make the current window the active (focused) window
launch emacs
Mouse features
* You can also hold down :kbd:`ctrl+shift` and click on a URL to open it in a browser.
* You can double click to select a word and triple click to select a line.
* You can right click to extend a previous selection
Font control
|kitty| has extremely flexible and powerful font selection features. You can
specify individual families for the regular, bold, italic and bold+italic
fonts. You can even specify specific font families for specific ranges of
unicode characters. This allows precise control over text rendering. It can
come in handy for applications like powerline, without the need to use patched
fonts. See the various font related configuration directives in
.. _scrollback:
The scrollback buffer
|kitty| supports scrolling back to view history, just like most terminals. You
can use either keyboard shortcuts or the mouse scroll wheel to do so. However,
|kitty| has an extra, neat feature. Sometimes you need to explore the
scrollback buffer in more detail, maybe search for some text or refer to it
side-by-side while typing in a follow-up command. |kitty| allows you to do this
by pressing the :sc:`show_scrollback` key-combination, which will open the
scrollback buffer in your favorite pager program (which is ``less`` by default).
Colors and text formatting are preserved. You can explore the scrollback buffer
comfortably within the pager.
Frequently Asked Questions
The list of Frequently Asked Questions (*FAQ*) is :doc:`available here <faq>`.
See :doc:`changelog`.
.. toctree::