Kovid Goyal 6b8e5ea225
Rename kitty-tool to kitten
It's easier to type, and cuter.

Also, most, if not all of the TUI parts of
kitty's kittens will eventually be re-written into kitten.

The only downside I can see is that we cant tab complete kitty
anymore, but hopefully there will be less reason to run kitty
from the shell as command line tools migrate to kitten.

2023-01-14 15:44:52 +05:30

178 lines
6.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: GPLv3 Copyright: 2022, Kovid Goyal <kovid at>
import json
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import tempfile
from kitty.constants import kitten_exe as kitten
from . import BaseTest
class TestCompletion(BaseTest):
def test_completion(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir:
completion(self, tdir)
def get_all_words(result):
all_words = set()
for group in result.get('groups', ()):
for m in group['matches']:
return all_words
def has_words(*words):
def t(self, result):
q = set(words)
missing = q - get_all_words(result)
self.assertFalse(missing, f'Words missing. Command line: {self.current_cmd!r}')
return t
def does_not_have_words(*words):
def t(self, result):
q = set(words)
all_words = get_all_words(result)
self.assertFalse(q & all_words, f'Words unexpectedly present. Command line: {self.current_cmd!r}')
return t
def all_words(*words):
def t(self, result):
expected = set(words)
actual = get_all_words(result)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual, f'Command line: {self.current_cmd!r}')
return t
def is_delegate(num_to_remove: int = 0, command: str = ''):
q = {}
if num_to_remove:
q['num_to_remove'] = num_to_remove
if command:
q['command'] = command
def t(self, result):
d = result['delegate']
self.assertEqual(d, q, f'Command line: {self.current_cmd!r}')
return t
def completion(self: TestCompletion, tdir: str):
all_cmds = []
all_argv = []
all_tests = []
def add(cmdline: str, *tests):
new_word = cmdline.endswith(' ')
if new_word:
cmdline = cmdline[:-1]
if new_word:
def run_tool():
env = os.environ.copy()
env['PATH'] = os.path.join(tdir, 'bin')
env['HOME'] = os.path.join(tdir, 'sub')
env['KITTY_CONFIG_DIRECTORY'] = os.path.join(tdir, 'sub')
cp =
[kitten(), '__complete__', 'json'],
check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=tdir, input=json.dumps(all_argv).encode(), env=env
self.assertEqual(cp.returncode, 0, f'kitten __complete__ failed with exit code: {cp.returncode}')
return json.loads(cp.stdout)
add('kitty ', has_words('@', '@ls', '+', '+open'))
add('kitty @ l', has_words('ls', 'last-used-layout', 'launch'))
add('kitty @l', has_words('@ls', '@last-used-layout', '@launch'))
def make_file(path, mode=None):
with open(os.path.join(tdir, path), mode='x') as f:
if mode is not None:
os.chmod(f.fileno(), mode)
os.mkdir(os.path.join(tdir, 'bin'))
os.mkdir(os.path.join(tdir, 'sub'))
make_file('bin/exe1', 0o700)
make_file('exe2', 0o700)
make_file('sub/exe3', 0o700)
add('kitty x', all_words())
add('kitty e', all_words('exe1', 'exe2'))
add('kitty ./', all_words('./bin/', './sub/', './exe2'))
add('kitty ./e', all_words('./exe2'))
add('kitty ./s', all_words('./sub/'))
add('kitty ~', all_words('~/exe3'))
add('kitty ~/', all_words('~/exe3'))
add('kitty ~/e', all_words('~/exe3'))
add('kitty @ goto-layout ', has_words('tall', 'fat'))
add('kitty @ goto-layout spli', all_words('splits'))
add('kitty @ goto-layout f f', all_words())
add('kitty @ set-window-logo ', all_words('exe-not2.jpeg', 'sub/'))
add('kitty @ set-window-logo e', all_words('exe-not2.jpeg'))
add('kitty @ set-window-logo e e', all_words())
add('kitty +ope', has_words('+open'))
add('kitty +open -', has_words('-1', '-T'))
add('kitty -', has_words('-c', '-1', '--'), does_not_have_words('--config', '--single-instance'))
add('kitty -c', all_words('-c'))
add('kitty --', has_words('--config', '--single-instance', '--'))
add('kitty --s', has_words('--session', '--start-as'))
add('kitty --start-as', all_words('--start-as'))
add('kitty --start-as ', all_words('minimized', 'maximized', 'fullscreen', 'normal'))
add('kitty -1 ', does_not_have_words('@ls', '@'))
add('kitty --directory ', all_words('bin/', 'sub/'))
add('kitty -1d ', all_words('exe1'))
add('kitty -1d', all_words('-1d'))
add('kitty -o a', has_words('allow_remote_control='))
add('kitty --listen-on ', all_words('unix:', 'tcp:'))
add('kitty --listen-on unix:b', all_words('unix:bin/'))
add('kitty --directory=', all_words('--directory=bin/', '--directory=sub/'))
add('kitty --start-as=m', all_words('--start-as=minimized', '--start-as=maximized'))
add('kitty @launch --ty', has_words('--type'))
add('kitty @launch --type ', has_words('window', 'background', 'overlay'))
add('kitty @launch --cwd ', has_words('current', 'oldest', 'last_reported'))
add('kitty @launch --logo ', all_words('exe-not3.png'))
add('kitty @launch --logo ~', all_words('~/exe-not3.png'))
add('kitten ', has_words('@'))
add('kitten ', does_not_have_words('__complete__'))
add('kitten @launch --ty', has_words('--type'))
add('kitty + ', has_words('launch', 'kitten'))
add('kitty + kitten ', has_words('icat', 'diff'))
add('kitty +kitten icat ', has_words('sub/', 'exe-not2.jpeg'))
add('kitty + kitten icat --pr', has_words('--print-window-size'))
add('kitty + kitten diff ', has_words('exe-not2.jpeg'))
add('kitty + kitten themes --', has_words('--cache-age'))
add('kitty + kitten themes D', has_words('Default'))
add('kitty + kitten hyperlinked_grep ', is_delegate(3, 'rg'))
add('kitty +kitten hyperlinked_grep ', is_delegate(2, 'rg'))
add('clone-in-kitty --ty', has_words('--type'))
add('kitty bash ', is_delegate(1, 'bash'))
add('kitty -1 bash ', is_delegate(2, 'bash'))
add('kitty -1 bash --n', is_delegate(2, 'bash'))
add('kitty @launch --type tab bash --n', is_delegate(4, 'bash'))
add('kitty +kitten hyperlinked_grep --s', is_delegate(2, 'rg'))
add('kitty @launch e', all_words('exe1', 'exe2'))
for cmd, tests, result in zip(all_cmds, all_tests, run_tool()):
self.current_cmd = cmd
for test in tests:
test(self, result)