mirror of
synced 2024-11-14 12:11:12 +03:00
365 lines
16 KiB
365 lines
16 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# License: GPL v3 Copyright: 2016, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>
import time
from binascii import hexlify
from functools import partial
from kitty.fast_data_types import CURSOR_BLOCK, parse_bytes, parse_bytes_dump
from . import BaseTest
class CmdDump(list):
def __call__(self, *a):
class TestParser(BaseTest):
def parse_bytes_dump(self, s, x, *cmds):
cd = CmdDump()
if isinstance(x, str):
x = x.encode('utf-8')
cmds = tuple(('draw', x) if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in cmds)
parse_bytes_dump(cd, s, x)
current = ''
q = []
for args in cd:
if args[0] == 'draw':
if args[1] is not None:
current += args[1]
if current:
q.append(('draw', current))
current = ''
if current:
q.append(('draw', current))
self.ae(tuple(q), cmds)
def test_simple_parsing(self):
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('12', '12')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '12')
self.ae(s.cursor.x, 2)
pb('3456', '3456')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '12345')
self.ae(str(s.line(1)), '6')
pb(b'\n123\n\r45', ('screen_linefeed',), '123', ('screen_linefeed',), ('screen_carriage_return',), '45')
self.ae(str(s.line(1)), '6')
self.ae(str(s.line(2)), ' 123')
self.ae(str(s.line(3)), '45')
parse_bytes(s, b'\rabcde')
self.ae(str(s.line(3)), 'abcde')
pb('\rßxyz1', ('screen_carriage_return',), 'ßxyz1')
self.ae(str(s.line(3)), 'ßxyz1')
pb('ニチ ', 'ニチ ')
self.ae(str(s.line(4)), 'ニチ ')
def test_esc_codes(self):
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('12\033Da', '12', ('screen_index',), 'a')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '12')
self.ae(str(s.line(1)), ' a')
pb('\033x', ('Unknown char after ESC: 0x%x' % ord('x'),))
pb('\033c123', ('screen_reset', ), '123')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '123')
def test_charsets(self):
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb(b'\xa1', ('draw', b'\xc3\xa1'.decode('utf-8')))
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('\033)0\x0e/_', ('screen_designate_charset', 1, ord('0')), ('screen_change_charset', 1), '/_')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '/\xa0')
pb('\033%@_', ('screen_use_latin1', 1), '_')
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('\033(0/_', ('screen_designate_charset', 0, ord('0')), '/_')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '/\xa0')
def test_csi_codes(self):
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('abcde', 'abcde')
pb('x\033[2@y', 'x', ('screen_insert_characters', 2), 'y')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), 'xy bc')
pb('x\033[2;7@y', 'x', ('screen_insert_characters', 2), 'y')
pb('x\033[@y', 'x', ('screen_insert_characters', 1), 'y')
pb('x\033[345@y', 'x', ('screen_insert_characters', 345), 'y')
pb('x\033[345;@y', 'x', ('CSI code 0x40 has unsupported start modifier: 0x0 or end modifier: 0x3b',), 'y')
pb('\033[H', ('screen_cursor_position', 1, 1))
self.ae(s.cursor.x, 0), self.ae(s.cursor.y, 0)
pb('\033[4H', ('screen_cursor_position', 4, 1))
pb('\033[4;0H', ('screen_cursor_position', 4, 0))
pb('\033[3;2H', ('screen_cursor_position', 3, 2))
pb('\033[3;2;H', ('screen_cursor_position', 3, 2))
pb('\033[00000000003;0000000000000002H', ('screen_cursor_position', 3, 2))
self.ae(s.cursor.x, 1), self.ae(s.cursor.y, 2)
pb('\033[J', ('screen_erase_in_display', 0, 0))
pb('\033[?J', ('screen_erase_in_display', 0, 1))
pb('\033[?2J', ('screen_erase_in_display', 2, 1))
pb('\033[20;4h', ('screen_set_mode', 20, 0), ('screen_set_mode', 4, 0))
pb('\033[?1000;1004h', ('screen_set_mode', 1000, 1), ('screen_set_mode', 1004, 1))
pb('\033[20;4;20l', ('screen_reset_mode', 20, 0), ('screen_reset_mode', 4, 0), ('screen_reset_mode', 20, 0))
pb('\033[=c', ('report_device_attributes', 0, 61))
def sgr(params):
return (('select_graphic_rendition', '{} '.format(x)) for x in params.split())
pb('\033[1;2;3;4;7;9;34;44m', *sgr('1 2 3 4 7 9 34 44'))
for attr in 'bold italic reverse strikethrough dim'.split():
self.assertTrue(getattr(s.cursor, attr))
self.ae(s.cursor.decoration, 1)
self.ae(s.cursor.fg, 4 << 8 | 1)
self.ae(s.cursor.bg, 4 << 8 | 1)
pb('\033[38;5;1;48;5;7m', ('select_graphic_rendition', '38 5 1 '), ('select_graphic_rendition', '48 5 7 '))
self.ae(s.cursor.fg, 1 << 8 | 1)
self.ae(s.cursor.bg, 7 << 8 | 1)
pb('\033[38;2;1;2;3;48;2;7;8;9m', ('select_graphic_rendition', '38 2 1 2 3 '), ('select_graphic_rendition', '48 2 7 8 9 '))
self.ae(s.cursor.fg, 1 << 24 | 2 << 16 | 3 << 8 | 2)
self.ae(s.cursor.bg, 7 << 24 | 8 << 16 | 9 << 8 | 2)
pb('\033[0;2m', *sgr('0 2'))
pb('\033[;2m', *sgr('0 2'))
pb('\033[m', *sgr('0 '))
pb('\033[1;;2m', *sgr('1 0 2'))
pb('\033[38;5;1m', ('select_graphic_rendition', '38 5 1 '))
pb('\033[58;2;1;2;3m', ('select_graphic_rendition', '58 2 1 2 3 '))
pb('\033[38;2;1;2;3m', ('select_graphic_rendition', '38 2 1 2 3 '))
pb('\033[1001:2:1:2:3m', ('select_graphic_rendition', '1001 2 1 2 3 '))
pb('\033[38:2:1:2:3;48:5:9;58;5;7m', (
'select_graphic_rendition', '38 2 1 2 3 '), ('select_graphic_rendition', '48 5 9 '), ('select_graphic_rendition', '58 5 7 '))
c = s.callbacks
pb('\033[5n', ('report_device_status', 5, 0))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\033[0n')
pb('\033[6n', ('report_device_status', 6, 0))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\033[1;1R')
pb('12345', '12345')
pb('\033[6n', ('report_device_status', 6, 0))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\033[2;1R')
s.cursor_key_mode = True
pb('\033[?1$p', ('report_mode_status', 1, 1))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\033[?1;1$y')
pb('\033[?1l', ('screen_reset_mode', 1, 1))
pb('\033[?1$p', ('report_mode_status', 1, 1))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\033[?1;2$y')
pb('\033[2;4r', ('screen_set_margins', 2, 4))
pb('\033[14t', ('screen_report_size', 14))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\033[4;100;50t')
self.ae(s.margin_top, 1), self.ae(s.margin_bottom, 3)
pb('\033[r', ('screen_set_margins', 0, 0))
self.ae(s.margin_top, 0), self.ae(s.margin_bottom, 4)
pb('\033[1 q', ('screen_set_cursor', 1, ord(' ')))
self.ae(s.cursor.shape, CURSOR_BLOCK)
pb('\033[3 @', ('Shift left escape code not implemented',))
pb('\033[3 A', ('Shift right escape code not implemented',))
pb('\033[3;4 S', ('Select presentation directions escape code not implemented',))
def test_csi_code_rep(self):
s = self.create_screen(8)
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('\033[1b', ('screen_repeat_character', 1))
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '')
pb('x\033[7b', 'x', ('screen_repeat_character', 7))
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), 'xxxxxxxx')
pb('\033[1;3H', ('screen_cursor_position', 1, 3))
pb('\033[byz\033[b', ('screen_repeat_character', 1), 'yz', ('screen_repeat_character', 1))
# repeat 'x' at 3, then 'yz' at 4-5, then repeat 'z' at 6
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), 'xxxyzzxx')
pb(' \033[3b', ' ', ('screen_repeat_character', 3))
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), ' ')
pb('\t\033[b', ('screen_tab',), ('screen_repeat_character', 1))
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '\t')
def test_osc_codes(self):
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
c = s.callbacks
pb('a\033]2;x\\ryz\x9cbcde', 'a', ('set_title', 'x\\ryz'), 'bcde')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), 'abcde')
self.ae(c.titlebuf, 'x\\ryz')
pb('\033]\x07', ('set_title', ''), ('set_icon', ''))
self.ae(c.titlebuf, ''), self.ae(c.iconbuf, '')
pb('\033]ab\x07', ('set_title', 'ab'), ('set_icon', 'ab'))
self.ae(c.titlebuf, 'ab'), self.ae(c.iconbuf, 'ab')
pb('\033]2;;;;\x07', ('set_title', ';;;'))
self.ae(c.titlebuf, ';;;')
pb('\033]2;\x07', ('set_title', ''))
self.ae(c.titlebuf, '')
pb('\033]110\x07', ('set_dynamic_color', 110, ''))
self.ae(c.colorbuf, '')
def test_dcs_codes(self):
s = self.create_screen()
c = s.callbacks
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
q = hexlify(b'kind').decode('ascii')
pb('a\033P+q{}\x9cbcde'.format(q), 'a', ('screen_request_capabilities', 43, q), 'bcde')
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), 'abcde')
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, '1+r{}={}'.format(q, '1b5b313b3242').encode('ascii'))
pb('\033P$q q\033\\', ('screen_request_capabilities', ord('$'), ' q'))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\033P1$r1 q\033\\')
pb('\033P$qm\033\\', ('screen_request_capabilities', ord('$'), 'm'))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\033P1$rm\033\\')
for sgr in '0;34;102;1;2;3;4 0;38:5:200;58:2:10:11:12'.split():
expected = set(sgr.split(';')) - {'0'}
parse_bytes(s, '\033[{}m\033P$qm\033\\'.format(sgr).encode('ascii'))
r = c.wtcbuf.decode('ascii').partition('r')[2].partition('m')[0]
self.ae(expected, set(r.split(';')))
pb('\033P$qr\033\\', ('screen_request_capabilities', ord('$'), 'r'))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, '\033P1$r{};{}r\033\\'.format(s.margin_top + 1, s.margin_bottom + 1).encode('ascii'))
def test_sc81t(self):
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('\033 G', ('screen_set_8bit_controls', 1))
c = s.callbacks
pb('\033P$qm\033\\', ('screen_request_capabilities', ord('$'), 'm'))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\x901$rm\x9c')
pb('\033[0c', ('report_device_attributes', 0, 0))
self.ae(c.wtcbuf, b'\x9b?62;c')
def test_pending(self):
s = self.create_screen()
timeout = 0.1
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('\033P=1s\033\\', ('screen_start_pending_mode',))
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), '')
pb('\033P=2s\033\\', ('screen_stop_pending_mode',), ('draw', 'a'))
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), 'a')
pb('\033P=1s\033\\', ('screen_start_pending_mode',))
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), 'a')
pb('c', ('draw', 'bc'))
self.ae(str(s.line(0)), 'abc')
pb('\033P=1s\033\\d', ('screen_start_pending_mode',))
pb('\033P=2s\033\\', ('screen_stop_pending_mode',), ('draw', 'd'))
pb('\033P=1s\033\\e', ('screen_start_pending_mode',))
pb('\033P'), pb('='), pb('2s')
pb('\033\\', ('screen_stop_pending_mode',), ('draw', 'e'))
pb('\033P=1sxyz;.;\033\\''\033P=2skjf".,><?_+)98\033\\', ('screen_start_pending_mode',), ('screen_stop_pending_mode',))
pb('\033P=1s\033\\f\033P=1s\033\\', ('screen_start_pending_mode',), ('screen_start_pending_mode',))
def test_oth_codes(self):
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
for prefix in '\033_', '\u009f':
for suffix in '\u009c', '\033\\':
pb('a{}+\\++{}bcde'.format(prefix, suffix), ('draw', 'a'), ('Unrecognized APC code: 0x2b',), ('draw', 'bcde'))
for prefix in '\033^', '\u009e':
for suffix in '\u009c', '\033\\':
pb('a{}+\\++{}bcde'.format(prefix, suffix), ('draw', 'a'), ('Unrecognized PM code: 0x2b',), ('draw', 'bcde'))
def test_graphics_command(self):
from base64 import standard_b64encode
def enc(x):
return standard_b64encode(x.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(x, str) else x).decode('ascii')
def c(**k):
for p, v in tuple(k.items()):
if isinstance(v, str) and p != 'payload':
k[p] = v.encode('ascii')
for f in 'action delete_action transmission_type compressed'.split():
k.setdefault(f, b'\0')
for f in ('format more id data_sz data_offset width height x_offset y_offset data_height data_width'
' num_cells num_lines cell_x_offset cell_y_offset z_index').split():
k.setdefault(f, 0)
p = k.pop('payload', '').encode('utf-8')
k['payload_sz'] = len(p)
return ('graphics_command', k, p)
def t(cmd, **kw):
pb('\033_G{};{}\033\\'.format(cmd, enc(kw.get('payload', ''))), c(**kw))
def e(cmd, err):
pb('\033_G{}\033\\'.format(cmd), (err,))
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
uint32_max = 2**32 - 1
t('i=%d' % uint32_max, id=uint32_max)
e('i=%d' % (uint32_max + 1), 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, number is too large')
pb('\033_Gi=12\033\\', c(id=12))
t('a=t,t=d,s=100,z=-9', payload='X', action='t', transmission_type='d', data_width=100, z_index=-9, payload_sz=1)
t('a=t,t=d,s=100,z=9', payload='payload', action='t', transmission_type='d', data_width=100, z_index=9, payload_sz=7)
t('a=t,t=d,s=100,z=9', action='t', transmission_type='d', data_width=100, z_index=9)
e(',s=1', 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, invalid key character: 0x2c')
e('W=1', 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, invalid key character: 0x57')
e('1=1', 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, invalid key character: 0x31')
e('a=t,,w=2', 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, invalid key character: 0x2c')
e('s', 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, no = after key')
e('s=', 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, expecting an integer value')
e('s==', 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, expecting an integer value for key: s')
e('s=1=', 'Malformed GraphicsCommand control block, expecting a comma or semi-colon after a value, found: 0x3d')
def test_deccara(self):
s = self.create_screen()
pb = partial(self.parse_bytes_dump, s)
pb('\033[$r', ('deccara', '0 0 0 0 0 '))
('deccara', '0 0 0 0 4 3 '), ('deccara', '0 0 0 0 38 5 10 '), ('deccara', '0 0 0 0 48 2 1 2 3 '), ('deccara', '0 0 0 0 1 '))
for y in range(s.lines):
line = s.line(y)
for x in range(s.columns):
c = line.cursor_from(x)
self.ae(c.bold, True)
self.ae(c.italic, False)
self.ae(c.decoration, 3)
self.ae(c.fg, (10 << 8) | 1)
self.ae(c.bg, (1 << 24 | 2 << 16 | 3 << 8 | 2))
self.ae(s.line(0).cursor_from(0).bold, True)
pb('\033[1;2;2;3;22;39$r', ('deccara', '1 2 2 3 22 '), ('deccara', '1 2 2 3 39 '))
self.ae(s.line(0).cursor_from(0).bold, True)
line = s.line(0)
for x in range(1, s.columns):
c = line.cursor_from(x)
self.ae(c.bold, False)
self.ae(c.fg, 0)
line = s.line(1)
for x in range(0, 3):
c = line.cursor_from(x)
self.ae(c.bold, False)
self.ae(line.cursor_from(3).bold, True)
pb('\033[2*x\033[3;2;4;3;34$r\033[*x', ('screen_decsace', 2), ('deccara', '3 2 4 3 34 '), ('screen_decsace', 0))
for y in range(2, 4):
line = s.line(y)
for x in range(s.columns):
self.ae(line.cursor_from(x).fg, (10 << 8 | 1) if x < 1 or x > 2 else (4 << 8) | 1)