Kovid Goyal 6d7df1c5e8
Refactor configuration file parsing
Now the time for importing the kitty.config module has been halved, from
16ms from 32ms on my machine. Also, the new architecture will eventually
allow for auto generating a bunch of python-to-C boilerplate code.
2021-05-31 17:40:49 +05:30

129 lines
3.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# License: GPL v3 Copyright: 2016, Kovid Goyal <kovid at>
import os
from unittest import TestCase
from kitty.config import (
Options, defaults, finalize_keys, finalize_mouse_mappings
from kitty.fast_data_types import (
Cursor, HistoryBuf, LineBuf, Screen, set_options
from kitty.options.parse import merge_result_dicts
from kitty.types import MouseEvent
class Callbacks:
def __init__(self, opts) -> None:
self.opts = opts
def write(self, data) -> None:
self.wtcbuf += data
def title_changed(self, data) -> None:
self.titlebuf += data
def icon_changed(self, data) -> None:
self.iconbuf += data
def set_dynamic_color(self, code, data) -> None:
self.colorbuf += data or ''
def set_color_table_color(self, code, data) -> None:
self.ctbuf += ''
def request_capabilities(self, q) -> None:
from kitty.terminfo import get_capabilities
for c in get_capabilities(q, None):
def use_utf8(self, on) -> None:
self.iutf8 = on
def desktop_notify(self, osc_code: int, raw_data: str) -> None:
self.notifications.append((osc_code, raw_data))
def open_url(self, url: str, hyperlink_id: int) -> None:
self.open_urls.append((url, hyperlink_id))
def clear(self) -> None:
self.wtcbuf = b''
self.iconbuf = self.titlebuf = self.colorbuf = self.ctbuf = ''
self.iutf8 = True
self.notifications = []
self.open_urls = []
def on_activity_since_last_focus(self) -> None:
def on_mouse_event(self, event):
ev = MouseEvent(**event)
action = self.opts.mousemap.get(ev)
if action is None:
return False
self.current_mouse_button = ev.button
getattr(self, action.func)(*action.args)
self.current_mouse_button = 0
return True
def filled_line_buf(ynum=5, xnum=5, cursor=Cursor()):
ans = LineBuf(ynum, xnum)
cursor.x = 0
for i in range(ynum):
t = ('{}'.format(i)) * xnum
ans.line(i).set_text(t, 0, xnum, cursor)
return ans
def filled_cursor():
ans = Cursor()
ans.bold = ans.italic = ans.reverse = ans.strikethrough = ans.dim = True
ans.fg = 0x101 = 0x201
ans.decoration_fg = 0x301
return ans
def filled_history_buf(ynum=5, xnum=5, cursor=Cursor()):
lb = filled_line_buf(ynum, xnum, cursor)
ans = HistoryBuf(ynum, xnum)
for i in range(ynum):
return ans
class BaseTest(TestCase):
ae = TestCase.assertEqual
maxDiff = 2000
is_ci = os.environ.get('CI') == 'true'
def set_options(self, options=None):
final_options = {'scrollback_pager_history_size': 1024, 'click_interval': 0.5}
if options:
options = Options(merge_result_dicts(defaults._asdict(), final_options))
return options
def create_screen(self, cols=5, lines=5, scrollback=5, cell_width=10, cell_height=20, options=None):
opts = self.set_options(options)
c = Callbacks(opts)
s = Screen(c, lines, cols, scrollback, cell_width, cell_height, 0, c)
return s
def assertEqualAttributes(self, c1, c2):
x1, y1, c1.x, c1.y = c1.x, c1.y, 0, 0
x2, y2, c2.x, c2.y = c2.x, c2.y, 0, 0
self.assertEqual(c1, c2)
c1.x, c1.y, c2.x, c2.y = x1, y1, x2, y2