Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
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2016-12-11 14:48:00 +05:30
kitty Fix incorrect handling of trailing whitespace for lines in the history buffer when resizing 2016-12-11 14:48:00 +05:30
kitty_tests Fix incorrect handling of trailing whitespace for lines in the history buffer when resizing 2016-12-11 14:48:00 +05:30
terminfo Add the status line capabilities to terminfo 2016-12-10 08:40:03 +05:30 Initial commit 2016-10-14 12:33:27 +05:30
.gitignore Remove the markdown readme 2016-12-08 09:59:50 +05:30
.travis.yml Fix load og on travis 2016-11-29 20:13:39 +05:30 Initial commit 2016-10-14 12:33:27 +05:30
build-terminfo Make terminfo data available in program 2016-11-24 11:29:28 +05:30 ... 2016-12-05 09:41:59 +05:30
LICENSE Initial commit 2016-10-14 12:33:27 +05:30 Document more shortcuts 2016-12-08 11:19:43 +05:30
README.asciidoc ... 2016-12-11 09:58:38 +05:30
session.vim Use the new native screen class 2016-11-18 15:30:59 +05:30
setup.cfg Initial commit 2016-10-14 12:33:27 +05:30 Get rid of glfw_constants 2016-11-29 14:20:21 +05:30 Allow building with debug symbols 2016-11-07 13:23:03 +05:30

= kitty - A terminal emulator
:sc_close_tab: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+q`]
:sc_close_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+w`]
:sc_copy_to_clipboard: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+c`]
:sc_eighth_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+8`]
:sc_fifth_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+5`]
:sc_first_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+1`]
:sc_fourth_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+4`]
:sc_move_tab_backward: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+,`]
:sc_move_tab_forward: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+.`]
:sc_move_window_backward: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+b`]
:sc_move_window_forward: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+f`]
:sc_move_window_to_top: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+``]
:sc_new_tab: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+t`]
:sc_new_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+enter`]
:sc_next_layout: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+l`]
:sc_next_tab: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+right`]
:sc_next_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+]`]
:sc_ninth_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+9`]
:sc_paste_from_clipboard: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+v`]
:sc_paste_from_selection: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+s`]
:sc_previous_tab: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+left`]
:sc_previous_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+[`]
:sc_scroll_end: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+end`]
:sc_scroll_home: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+home`]
:sc_scroll_line_down: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+down` or `ctrl+shift+j`]
:sc_scroll_line_up: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+up` or `ctrl+shift+k`]
:sc_scroll_page_down: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+page_down`]
:sc_scroll_page_up: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+page_up`]
:sc_second_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+2`]
:sc_seventh_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+7`]
:sc_show_scrollback: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+h`]
:sc_sixth_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+6`]
:sc_tenth_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+0`]
:sc_third_window: pass:quotes[`ctrl+shift+3`]

image::[Build status, link=]

.Major features
* Supports tiling multiple terminal windows side by side in different
layouts without needing to use an extra program like tmux

* Supports all modern terminal features: unicode, true-color, mouse
protocol, focus tracking, bracketed paste and so on.

* Allows you to view the scrollback buffer in a separate window
using your favorite pager program such as less

* Support startup sessions which allow you to specify the window/tab layout,
working directories and programs to run on startup.

* Easily hackable (UI layer written in python, inner loops in C for
speed). Less than ten thousand lines of code.

* Uses OpenGL+FreeType for rendering, does not depend on any GUI
toolkits, offloads rendering work to the GPU for lower system load.


== Installation

kitty is designed to run from source, for easy hackability. Make sure
the following dependencies are installed first.

* python >= 3.5
* glew >= 2.0
* glfw-dev >= 3.2
* freetype
* fontconfig
* gcc (required for building, clang should also work, but it is not tested)
* pkg-config (required for building)

Install kitty with:

git clone && cd kitty

Now build the C parts of kitty with the following command:

python3 build

You can run kitty, as:

python3 /path/to/kitty/folder

== Design philosophy

kitty is designed for power keyboard users. To that end all its controls
work with the keyboard (although it fully supports mouse interactions as
well). It's configuration is a simple, human editable, single file for
easy reproducability (I like to store config files in source control).

The code in kitty is designed to be simple, modular and hackable. It is
written in a mix of C (for performance sensitive parts) and Python (for
easy hackability of the UI). It does not depend on any large and complex
UI toolkit, using only OpenGL+FreeType for rendering everything.

Finally, kitty is designed from the ground up to support all modern
terminal features, such as unicode, true color, bold/italic fonts, text
formatting, etc. It even extends existing text formatting escape codes,
to add support for features not available elsewhere, such as colored and
styled (curly) underlines. One of the design goals of kitty is to be
easily extensible so that new features can be added in the future with
relatively less effort.

== Tabs and Windows

kitty is capable of running multiple programs organized into tabs and
windows. The top level of organization is the _Tab_. Each tab consists
of one or more _windows_. The windows can be arranged in multiple
different layouts, like windows are organized in a tiling window
manager. The keyboard controls (which are all customizable) for tabs and
windows are:

|Action |Shortcut

|Scroll line up   | {sc_scroll_line_up}
|Scroll line down | {sc_scroll_line_down}
|Scroll page up   | {sc_scroll_page_up}
|Scroll page down | {sc_scroll_page_down}
|Scroll to top    | {sc_scroll_home}
|Scroll to bottom | {sc_scroll_end}


|Action |Shortcut

|New tab   | {sc_new_tab}
|Close tab | {sc_close_tab}
|Next tab  | {sc_next_tab}
|Previous tab | {sc_previous_tab}
|Next layout | {sc_next_layout}
|Move tab forward | {sc_move_tab_forward}
|Move tab backward | {sc_move_tab_backward}


|Action |Shortcut

|New window   | {sc_new_window}
|Close window | {sc_close_window}
|Next window  | {sc_next_window}
|Previous window | {sc_previous_window}
|Move window forward | {sc_move_window_forward}
|Move window backward | {sc_move_window_backward}
|Move window to top | {sc_move_window_to_top}
|Focus specific window (windows are counted clockwise from the top left corner) | {sc_first_window}, {sc_second_window} ... {sc_tenth_window}


== The scrollback buffer

kitty supports scrolling back to view history, just like most terminals. You
can use either the <<scrolling-shortcuts,keyboard shortcuts>> or the mouse
scroll wheel to do so.  However, kitty has an extra, neat feature. Sometimes you
need to explore the scrollback buffer in more detail, maybe search for some
text or refer to it side-by-side while typing in a follow-up command. kitty
allows you to do this by pressing the {sc_show_scrollback} key-combination,
which will open the scrollback buffer in a new window, using your favorite
pager program (which is less by default). You can then explore the scrollback
buffer using whatever program you normally use. Colors and text formatting are

== Miscellaneous features

You can double click to select a word and triple click to select a line. You can also
hold down `ctrl+shift` and click on a URL to open it in a browser.

== Layouts

Currently, there are two layouts available,

* Stack -- Only a single maximized window is shown at a time
* Tall -- One window is shown full height on the left, the rest of the windows are shown one below the other on the right.

You can switch between layouts using the {sc_next_layout} key combination.

Writing a new layout only requires about thirty lines of code, so if there is
some layout you want, take a look at link:kitty/[] and submit
a pull request!

== Configuration

kitty is highly customizable, everything from keyboard shortcuts, to
painting frames-per-second. See the heavily commented
link:kitty/kitty.conf[default config file]. By default kitty looks for a
config file in the OS config directory (usually
`~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf` on linux) but you can pass a specific path
via the `--config` option.

== Startup Sessions

You can control the tabs, window layout, working directory, startup
programs, etc. by creating a "session" file and using the `--session`
command line flag. For example:

# Set the window layout for the current tab
layout tall
# Set the working directory for the current tab
cd ~
# Create a window and run the specified command in it
launch zsh
launch vim
launch irssi --profile x

# Create a new tab (the part after new_tab is the optional tab name which will
# be displayed in the tab bar, if ommitted, the title of the active window will
# be used instead)
new_tab my tab
cd ~/somewhere
# Set the layouts allowed in this tab
enabled_layouts tall, stack
# Set the current layout
layout stack
launch zsh
# Make the current window the active (focused) window
launch emacs

== Resources on terminal behavior