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Building kitty from source
.. image::
:alt: Build status
|kitty| is designed to run from source, for easy hackability. Make sure
the following dependencies are installed first.
Run-time dependencies:
* python >= 3.5
* harfbuzz >= 1.5.0
* zlib
* libpng
* freetype (not needed on macOS)
* fontconfig (not needed on macOS)
* ImageMagick (optional, needed to use the ``kitty icat`` tool to display images in the terminal)
* pygments (optional, need for syntax highlighting in ``kitty +kitten diff``)
Build-time dependencies:
* gcc or clang
* pkg-config
* For building on Linux in addition to the above dependencies you might also need to install the ``-dev`` packages for:
``libdbus-1-dev``, ``libxcursor-dev``, ``libxrandr-dev``, ``libxi-dev``, ``libxinerama-dev``, ``libgl1-mesa-dev``, ``libxkbcommon-x11-dev``, ``libfontconfig-dev`` and ``libpython-dev``.
if they are not already installed by your distro.
Install and run from source
.. code-block:: sh
git clone && cd kitty
Now build the native code parts of |kitty| with the following command::
You can run |kitty|, as::
python3 .
If that works, you can create a script to launch |kitty|:
.. code-block:: sh
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import runpy
runpy.run_path('/path/to/kitty/dir', run_name='__main__')
And place it in :file:`~/bin` or :file:`/usr/bin` so that you can run |kitty| using
just ``kitty``.
Building on macOS from source
Install `imagemagick`, `optipng` and `librsvg` using `brew` or similar (needed
for the logo generation step). And run::
make app
This :file:`` unlike the released one does not include its own copy of
python and the other dependencies. So if you ever un-install/upgrade those dependencies
you might have to rebuild the app.
Note that the released :file:`kitty.dmg` includes all dependencies, unlike the
:file:`` built above and is built automatically by using the :file:`kitty` branch of
`build-calibre <>`_ however, that
is designed to run on Linux and is not for the faint of heart.
Note for Linux/macOS packagers
The released |kitty| source code is available as a `tarball`_ from
`the GitHub releases page <>`_.
While |kitty| does use python, it is not a traditional python package, so please
do not install it in site-packages.
Instead run::
python3 linux-package
This will install |kitty| into the directory :file:`linux-package`. You can run |kitty|
with :file:`linux-package/bin/kitty`. All the files needed to run kitty will be in
:file:`linux-package/lib/kitty`. The terminfo file will be installed into
:file:`linux-package/share/terminfo`. Simply copy these files into :file:`/usr` to install
|kitty|. In other words, :file:`linux-package` is the staging area into which |kitty| is
installed. You can choose a different staging area, by passing the ``--prefix``
argument to :file:``.
You should probably split |kitty| into two packages, :file:`kitty-terminfo` that
installs the terminfo file and :file:`kitty` that installs the main program.
This allows users to install the terminfo file on servers into which they ssh,
without needing to install all of |kitty|.
.. note::
You need a couple of extra dependencies to build linux-package.
:file:`tic` to compile terminfo files, usually found in the
development package of :file:`ncurses`. Also, if you are building from
a git checkout instead of the released source code tarball, you will
need :file:`sphinx-build` from the `Sphinx documentation generator
This applies to creating packages for |kitty| for macOS package managers such as
brew or MacPorts as well.