mirror of
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: GPLv3 Copyright: 2021, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>
import os
import shutil
import stat
import tempfile
import zlib
from pathlib import Path
from kittens.transfer.librsync import (
LoadSignature, PatchFile, delta_for_file, signature_of_file
from kittens.transfer.main import parse_transfer_args
from kittens.transfer.receive import File, files_for_receive
from kittens.transfer.rsync import decode_utf8_buffer, parse_ftc
from kittens.transfer.send import files_for_send
from kittens.transfer.utils import cwd_path, expand_home, home_path, set_paths
from kitty.file_transmission import (
Action, Compression, FileTransmissionCommand, FileType,
TestFileTransmission as FileTransmission, TransmissionType,
ZlibDecompressor, iter_file_metadata
from . import BaseTest
def response(id='test', msg='', file_id='', name='', action='status', status='', size=-1):
ans = {'action': 'status'}
if id:
ans['id'] = id
if file_id:
ans['file_id'] = file_id
if name:
ans['name'] = name
if status:
ans['status'] = status
if size > -1:
ans['size'] = size
return ans
def names_in(path):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for d in dirnames + filenames:
yield os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, d), path)
def serialized_cmd(**fields) -> str:
if 'id' not in fields:
fields['id'] = 'test'
for k, A in (('action', Action), ('ftype', FileType), ('ttype', TransmissionType), ('compression', Compression)):
if k in fields:
fields[k] = A[fields[k]]
if isinstance(fields.get('data'), str):
fields['data'] = fields['data'].encode('utf-8')
ans = FileTransmissionCommand(**fields)
return ans.serialize()
class TestFileTransmission(BaseTest):
def setUp(self):
self.tdir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp())
self.responses = []
self.orig_home = os.environ.get('HOME')
def tearDown(self):
self.responses = []
if self.orig_home is None:
os.environ.pop('HOME', None)
os.environ['HOME'] = self.orig_home
def clean_tdir(self):
self.tdir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp())
self.responses = []
def cr(self, a, b):
def f(r):
r.pop('size', None)
return r
a = tuple(f(r) for r in a if r.get('status') != 'PROGRESS')
b = tuple(f(r) for r in b if r.get('status') != 'PROGRESS')
self.ae(a, b)
def assertResponses(self, ft, limit=1024, **kw):
self.cr(ft.test_responses[:limit], self.responses[:limit])
def assertPathEqual(self, a, b):
a = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(a))
b = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(b))
self.ae(a, b)
def test_rsync_roundtrip(self):
a_path = os.path.join(self.tdir, 'a')
b_path = os.path.join(self.tdir, 'b')
c_path = os.path.join(self.tdir, 'c')
def files_equal(a_path, c_path):
self.ae(os.path.getsize(a_path), os.path.getsize(c_path))
with open(c_path, 'rb') as b, open(c_path, 'rb') as c:
self.ae(b.read(), c.read())
def patch(old_path, new_path, output_path, max_delta_len=0):
sig_loader = LoadSignature()
for chunk in signature_of_file(old_path):
delta_len = 0
with PatchFile(old_path, output_path) as patcher:
for chunk in delta_for_file(new_path, sig_loader.signature):
delta_len += len(chunk)
if max_delta_len:
self.assertLessEqual(delta_len, max_delta_len)
files_equal(output_path, new_path)
sz = 1024 * 1024 + 37
with open(a_path, 'wb') as f:
with open(b_path, 'wb') as f:
patch(a_path, b_path, c_path)
# test size of delta
patch(a_path, a_path, c_path, max_delta_len=256)
def test_file_get(self):
# send refusal
for quiet in (0, 1, 2):
ft = FileTransmission(allow=False)
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='receive', id='x', quiet=quiet))
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [] if quiet == 2 else [response(id='x', status='EPERM:User refused the transfer')])
# reading metadata for specs
cwd = os.path.join(self.tdir, 'cwd')
home = os.path.join(self.tdir, 'home')
os.mkdir(cwd), os.mkdir(home)
with set_paths(cwd=cwd, home=home):
ft = FileTransmission()
self.responses = []
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='receive', size=1))
self.assertResponses(ft, status='OK')
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', file_id='missing', name='XXX'))
self.responses.append(response(status='ENOENT:Failed to read spec', file_id='missing'))
self.assertResponses(ft, status='OK', name=home)
ft = FileTransmission()
self.responses = []
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='receive', size=2))
self.assertResponses(ft, status='OK')
with open(os.path.join(home, 'a'), 'w') as f:
os.mkdir(f.name + 'd')
with open(os.path.join(f.name + 'd', 'b'), 'w') as f2:
os.symlink(f.name, f.name + 'd/s')
os.link(f.name, f.name + 'd/h')
os.symlink('XXX', f.name + 'd/q')
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', file_id='a', name='a'))
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', file_id='b', name='ad'))
files = {r['name']: r for r in ft.test_responses if r['action'] == 'file'}
self.ae(len(files), 6)
q = files[f.name]
tgt = q['status'].encode('ascii')
self.ae(q['size'], 1), self.assertNotIn('ftype', q)
q = files[f.name + 'd']
self.ae(q['ftype'], 'directory')
q = files[f.name + 'd/b']
self.ae(q['size'], 3)
q = files[f.name + 'd/s']
self.ae(q['ftype'], 'symlink')
self.ae(q['data'], tgt)
q = files[f.name + 'd/h']
self.ae(q['ftype'], 'link')
self.ae(q['data'], tgt)
q = files[f.name + 'd/q']
self.ae(q['ftype'], 'symlink')
self.assertNotIn('data', q)
base = os.path.join(self.tdir, 'base')
src = os.path.join(base, 'src.bin')
data = os.urandom(16 * 1024)
with open(src, 'wb') as f:
sl = os.path.join(base, 'src.link')
os.symlink(src, sl)
for compress in ('none', 'zlib'):
ft = FileTransmission()
self.responses = []
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='receive', size=1))
self.assertResponses(ft, status='OK')
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', file_id='src', name=src))
ft.active_sends['test'].metadata_sent = True
ft.test_responses = []
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', file_id='src', name=src, compression=compress))
received = b''.join(x['data'] for x in ft.test_responses)
if compress == 'zlib':
received = ZlibDecompressor()(received, True)
self.ae(data, received)
ft.test_responses = []
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', file_id='sl', name=sl, compression=compress))
received = b''.join(x['data'] for x in ft.test_responses)
self.ae(received.decode('utf-8'), src)
def test_file_put(self):
# send refusal
for quiet in (0, 1, 2):
ft = FileTransmission(allow=False)
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='send', id='x', quiet=quiet))
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [] if quiet == 2 else [response(id='x', status='EPERM:User refused the transfer')])
# simple single file send
for quiet in (0, 1, 2):
ft = FileTransmission()
dest = os.path.join(self.tdir, '1.bin')
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='send', quiet=quiet))
self.assertIn('test', ft.active_receives)
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [] if quiet else [response(status='OK')])
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', name=dest))
self.assertPathEqual(ft.active_file('test').name, dest)
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [] if quiet else [response(status='OK'), response(status='STARTED', name=dest)])
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='data', data='abcd'))
self.assertPathEqual(ft.active_file('test').name, dest)
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='end_data', data='123'))
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [] if quiet else [response(status='OK'), response(status='STARTED', name=dest), response(status='OK', name=dest)])
with open(dest) as f:
self.ae(f.read(), 'abcd123')
# cancel a send
ft = FileTransmission()
dest = os.path.join(self.tdir, '2.bin')
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [response(status='OK')])
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', name=dest))
self.assertPathEqual(ft.active_file('test').name, dest)
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='data', data='abcd'))
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [response(status='OK'), response(status='STARTED', name=dest), response(status='CANCELED')])
# compress with zlib
ft = FileTransmission()
dest = os.path.join(self.tdir, '3.bin')
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [response(status='OK')])
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', name=dest, compression='zlib'))
self.assertPathEqual(ft.active_file('test').name, dest)
odata = b'abcd' * 1024 + b'xyz'
c = zlib.compressobj()
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='data', data=c.compress(odata)))
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='end_data', data=c.flush()))
self.cr(ft.test_responses, [response(status='OK'), response(status='STARTED', name=dest), response(status='OK', name=dest)])
with open(dest, 'rb') as f:
self.ae(f.read(), odata)
del odata
# overwriting
ft = FileTransmission()
one = os.path.join(self.tdir, '1')
two = os.path.join(self.tdir, '2')
three = os.path.join(self.tdir, '3')
open(two, 'w').close()
os.symlink(two, one)
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', name=one))
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='end_data', data='abcd'))
with open(one) as f:
self.ae(f.read(), 'abcd')
ft = FileTransmission()
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', name=two, ftype='symlink'))
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='end_data', data='path:/abcd'))
self.ae(os.readlink(two), '/abcd')
with open(three, 'w') as f:
self.responses = []
ft = FileTransmission()
self.assertResponses(ft, status='OK')
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='file', name=three))
self.assertResponses(ft, status='STARTED', name=three, size=4)
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='end_data', data='11'))
with open(three) as f:
self.ae(f.read(), '11')
# multi file send
ft = FileTransmission()
dest = os.path.join(self.tdir, '2.bin')
self.assertResponses(ft, status='OK')
fid = 0
def send(name, data, **kw):
nonlocal fid
fid += 1
kw['action'] = 'file'
kw['file_id'] = str(fid)
kw['name'] = name
self.assertResponses(ft, status='OK' if not data else 'STARTED', name=name, file_id=str(fid))
if data:
ft.handle_serialized_command(serialized_cmd(action='end_data', file_id=str(fid), data=data))
self.assertResponses(ft, status='OK', name=name, file_id=str(fid))
send(dest, b'xyz', permissions=0o777, mtime=13000)
st = os.stat(dest)
self.ae(st.st_nlink, 1)
self.ae(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o777)
self.ae(st.st_mtime_ns, 13000)
send(dest + 's1', 'path:' + os.path.basename(dest), permissions=0o777, mtime=17000, ftype='symlink')
st = os.stat(dest + 's1', follow_symlinks=False)
self.ae(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o777)
self.ae(st.st_mtime_ns, 17000)
self.ae(os.readlink(dest + 's1'), os.path.basename(dest))
send(dest + 's2', 'fid:1', ftype='symlink')
self.ae(os.readlink(dest + 's2'), os.path.basename(dest))
send(dest + 's3', 'fid_abs:1', ftype='symlink')
self.assertPathEqual(os.readlink(dest + 's3'), dest)
send(dest + 'l1', 'path:' + os.path.basename(dest), ftype='link')
self.ae(os.stat(dest).st_nlink, 2)
send(dest + 'l2', 'fid:1', ftype='link')
self.ae(os.stat(dest).st_nlink, 3)
send(dest + 'd1/1', 'in_dir')
send(dest + 'd1', '', ftype='directory', mtime=29000)
send(dest + 'd2', '', ftype='directory', mtime=29000)
with open(dest + 'd1/1') as f:
self.ae(f.read(), 'in_dir')
self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(dest + 'd1'))
self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(dest + 'd2'))
self.ae(os.stat(dest + 'd1').st_mtime_ns, 29000)
self.ae(os.stat(dest + 'd2').st_mtime_ns, 29000)
def test_parse_ftc(self):
def t(raw, *expected):
a = []
def c(k, v, has_semicolons):
if has_semicolons:
v = bytes(v).replace(b';;', b';')
parse_ftc(raw, c)
self.ae(tuple(a), expected)
t('a=b', 'a', 'b')
t('a=b;', 'a', 'b')
t('a1=b1;c=d;;', 'a1', 'b1', 'c', 'd;')
t('a1=b1;c=d;;e', 'a1', 'b1', 'c', 'd;e')
t('a1=b1;c=d;;;1=1', 'a1', 'b1', 'c', 'd;', '1', '1')
def test_path_mapping_receive(self):
opts = parse_transfer_args([])[0]
b = Path(os.path.join(self.tdir, 'b'))
open(b / 'r', 'w').close()
os.mkdir(b / 'd')
open(b / 'd' / 'r', 'w').close()
def am(files, kw):
m = {f.remote_path: f.expanded_local_path for f in files}
kw = {str(k): expand_home(str(v)) for k, v in kw.items()}
self.ae(kw, m)
def gm(all_specs):
specs = list((str(i), str(s)) for i, s in enumerate(all_specs))
files = []
for x in iter_file_metadata(specs):
if isinstance(x, Exception):
raise x
return files, specs
def tf(args, expected, different_home=''):
if opts.mode == 'mirror':
all_specs = args
dest = ''
all_specs = args[:-1]
dest = args[-1]
files, specs = gm(all_specs)
orig_home = home_path()
with set_paths(cwd_path(), different_home or orig_home):
files = list(files_for_receive(opts, dest, files, orig_home, specs))
self.ae(len(files), len(expected))
am(files, expected)
opts.mode = 'mirror'
with set_paths(cwd=b, home='/foo/bar'):
tf([b/'r', b/'d'], {b/'r': b/'r', b/'d': b/'d', b/'d'/'r': b/'d'/'r'})
tf([b/'r', b/'d/r'], {b/'r': b/'r', b/'d'/'r': b/'d'/'r'})
with set_paths(cwd=b, home=self.tdir):
tf([b/'r', b/'d'], {b/'r': '~/b/r', b/'d': '~/b/d', b/'d'/'r': '~/b/d/r'}, different_home='/foo/bar')
opts.mode = 'normal'
with set_paths(cwd='/some/else', home='/foo/bar'):
tf([b/'r', b/'d', '/dest'], {b/'r': '/dest/r', b/'d': '/dest/d', b/'d'/'r': '/dest/d/r'})
tf([b/'r', b/'d', '~/dest'], {b/'r': '~/dest/r', b/'d': '~/dest/d', b/'d'/'r': '~/dest/d/r'})
with set_paths(cwd=b, home='/foo/bar'):
tf([b/'r', b/'d', '/dest'], {b/'r': '/dest/r', b/'d': '/dest/d', b/'d'/'r': '/dest/d/r'})
os.symlink('/foo/b', b / 'e')
os.symlink('r', b / 's')
os.link(b / 'r', b / 'h')
with set_paths(cwd='/some/else', home='/foo/bar'):
files = gm((b/'e', b/'s', b/'r', b / 'h'))[0]
self.assertEqual(files[0].ftype, FileType.symlink)
self.assertEqual(files[1].ftype, FileType.symlink)
self.assertEqual(files[1].remote_target, files[2].remote_id)
self.assertEqual(files[3].ftype, FileType.link)
self.assertEqual(files[3].remote_target, files[2].remote_id)
def test_path_mapping_send(self):
opts = parse_transfer_args([])[0]
b = Path(os.path.join(self.tdir, 'b'))
open(b / 'r', 'w').close()
os.mkdir(b / 'd')
open(b / 'd' / 'r', 'w').close()
def gm(*args):
return files_for_send(opts, list(map(str, args)))
def am(files, kw):
m = {f.expanded_local_path: f.remote_path for f in files}
kw = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in kw.items()}
self.ae(m, kw)
def tf(args, expected):
files = gm(*args)
self.ae(len(files), len(expected))
am(files, expected)
opts.mode = 'mirror'
with set_paths(cwd=b, home='/foo/bar'):
tf(['r', 'd'], {b/'r': b/'r', b/'d': b/'d', b/'d'/'r': b/'d'/'r'})
tf(['r', 'd/r'], {b/'r': b/'r', b/'d'/'r': b/'d'/'r'})
with set_paths(cwd=b, home=self.tdir):
tf(['r', 'd'], {b/'r': '~/b/r', b/'d': '~/b/d', b/'d'/'r': '~/b/d/r'})
opts.mode = 'normal'
with set_paths(cwd='/some/else', home='/foo/bar'):
tf([b/'r', b/'d', '/dest'], {b/'r': '/dest/r', b/'d': '/dest/d', b/'d'/'r': '/dest/d/r'})
tf([b/'r', b/'d', '~/dest'], {b/'r': '~/dest/r', b/'d': '~/dest/d', b/'d'/'r': '~/dest/d/r'})
with set_paths(cwd=b, home='/foo/bar'):
tf(['r', 'd', '/dest'], {b/'r': '/dest/r', b/'d': '/dest/d', b/'d'/'r': '/dest/d/r'})
os.symlink('/foo/b', b / 'e')
os.symlink('r', b / 's')
os.link(b / 'r', b / 'h')
with set_paths(cwd='/some/else', home='/foo/bar'):
files = gm(b / 'e', 'dest')
self.ae(files[0].symbolic_link_target, 'path:/foo/b')
files = gm(b / 's', b / 'r', 'dest')
self.ae(files[0].symbolic_link_target, 'fid:2')
files = gm(b / 'h', 'dest')
self.ae(files[0].file_type, FileType.regular)
files = gm(b / 'h', b / 'r', 'dest')
self.ae(files[1].file_type, FileType.link)
self.ae(files[1].hard_link_target, '1')