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127 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# License: GPL v3 Copyright: 2018, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>
from kitty.fast_data_types import Color
from kitty.options.utils import DELETE_ENV_VAR
from kitty.utils import log_error
from . import BaseTest
class TestConfParsing(BaseTest):
def setUp(self):
self.error_messages = []
log_error.redirect = self.error_messages.append
def tearDown(self):
del log_error.redirect
def test_conf_parsing(self):
from kitty.config import defaults, load_config
from kitty.constants import is_macos
from kitty.fonts import FontModification, ModificationType, ModificationUnit, ModificationValue
from kitty.options.utils import to_modifiers
bad_lines = []
def p(*lines, bad_line_num=0):
del bad_lines[:]
del self.error_messages[:]
ans = load_config(overrides=lines, accumulate_bad_lines=bad_lines)
if bad_line_num:
self.ae(len(bad_lines), bad_line_num)
return ans
def keys_for_func(opts, name):
for key, defn in opts.keymap.items():
for action in opts.alias_map.resolve_aliases(defn):
if action.func == name:
yield key
opts = p('font_size 11.37', 'clear_all_shortcuts y', 'color23 red')
self.ae(opts.font_size, 11.37)
self.ae(opts.mouse_hide_wait, 0 if is_macos else 3)
self.ae(opts.color23, Color(255, 0, 0))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'map f1 next_window')
self.ae(len(opts.keymap), 1)
opts = p('clear_all_mouse_actions y', 'mouse_map left click ungrabbed mouse_click_url_or_select')
self.ae(len(opts.mousemap), 1)
opts = p('strip_trailing_spaces always')
self.ae(opts.strip_trailing_spaces, 'always')
opts = p('pointer_shape_when_grabbed XXX', bad_line_num=1)
self.ae(opts.pointer_shape_when_grabbed, defaults.pointer_shape_when_grabbed)
opts = p('modify_font underline_position -2', 'modify_font underline_thickness 150%', 'modify_font size Test -1px')
self.ae(opts.modify_font, {
'underline_position': FontModification(ModificationType.underline_position, ModificationValue(-2., ModificationUnit.pt)),
'underline_thickness': FontModification(ModificationType.underline_thickness, ModificationValue(150, ModificationUnit.percent)),
'size:Test': FontModification(ModificationType.size, ModificationValue(-1., ModificationUnit.pixel), 'Test'),
# test the aliasing options
opts = p('env A=1', 'env B=x$A', 'env C=', 'env D', 'clear_all_shortcuts y', 'kitten_alias a b --moo', 'map f1 kitten a arg')
self.ae(opts.env, {'A': '1', 'B': 'x1', 'C': '', 'D': DELETE_ENV_VAR})
def ac(which=0):
ka = tuple(opts.keymap.values())[0]
acs = opts.alias_map.resolve_aliases(ka)
return acs[which]
ka = ac()
self.ae(ka.func, 'kitten')
self.ae(ka.args, ('b', '--moo', 'arg'))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'kitten_alias hints hints --hi', 'map f1 kitten hints XXX')
ka = ac()
self.ae(ka.func, 'kitten')
self.ae(ka.args, ('hints', '--hi', 'XXX'))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'action_alias la launch --moo', 'map f1 la XXX')
ka = ac()
self.ae(ka.func, 'launch')
self.ae(ka.args, ('--moo', 'XXX'))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'action_alias one launch --moo', 'action_alias two one recursive', 'map f1 two XXX')
ka = ac()
self.ae(ka.func, 'launch')
self.ae(ka.args, ('--moo', 'recursive', 'XXX'))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'action_alias launch two 1', 'action_alias two launch 2', 'map f1 launch 3')
ka = ac()
self.ae(ka.func, 'launch')
self.ae(ka.args, ('2', '1', '3'))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'action_alias launch launch --moo', 'map f1 launch XXX')
ka = ac()
self.ae(ka.func, 'launch')
self.ae(ka.args, ('--moo', 'XXX'))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'action_alias cfs change_font_size current', 'map f1 cfs +2')
ka = ac()
self.ae(ka.func, 'change_font_size')
self.ae(ka.args, (False, '+', 2.0))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'action_alias la launch --moo', 'map f1 combine : new_window : la ')
self.ae((ac().func, ac(1).func), ('new_window', 'launch'))
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'action_alias cc combine : new_window : launch --moo', 'map f1 cc XXX')
self.ae((ac().func, ac(1).func), ('new_window', 'launch'))
self.ae(ac(1).args, ('--moo', 'XXX'))
opts = p('kitty_mod alt')
self.ae(opts.kitty_mod, to_modifiers('alt'))
self.ae(next(keys_for_func(opts, 'next_layout')).mods, opts.kitty_mod)
# deprecation handling
opts = p('clear_all_shortcuts y', 'send_text all f1 hello')
self.ae(len(opts.keymap), 1)
opts = p('macos_hide_titlebar y' if is_macos else 'x11_hide_window_decorations y')
self.ae(len(self.error_messages), 1)