Create tests for all GitHub API functions

This commit is contained in:
Dmitrii Kovanikov 2021-04-30 13:33:46 +01:00
parent 15dd9b4c66
commit 967d1793bd
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B366F56176659E62
22 changed files with 451 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ packages: .
type: git
tag: fad9692bce2795643f4ef4bb0a7052ca43d07719
tag: bda3e6baceb1bdfd156afa851fc1d6f5e653771b

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ common common-options
mixins: base hiding (Prelude)
, relude (Relude as Prelude
, Relude.Extra.Bifunctor
, Relude.Extra.Enum
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ library
, github-graphql ^>= 0.0
, gitrev ^>= 1.3
, optparse-applicative ^>= 0.15
, pretty-simple ^>= 4.0
, process ^>= 1.6
, prolens ^>= 0.0
, shellmet ^>=
@ -134,12 +136,20 @@ test-suite hit-on-test
import: common-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Test.Hit.Names
main-is: Spec.hs
other-modules: Test.Hit.Data
build-depends: text
build-depends: github-graphql
, hspec ^>= 2.7.1
, hit-on
, text
ghc-options: -threaded

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@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ newtype Repo = Repo
newtype IssueNumber = IssueNumber
{ unIssueNumber :: Int
} deriving newtype (FromJSON)
} deriving stock (Show)
deriving newtype (Eq, FromJSON)
{- | Data type to represent the type of @push@ or @sync@: force-push
(force-reset) or not.

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@ -14,9 +14,15 @@ module Hit.Error
, renderHitError
) where
import Text.Pretty.Simple (pShow)
import qualified GitHub as GH
data HitError
= NoGitHubTokenEnv
| InvalidOwnerRepo
| GitHubApiError GH.GitHubError
renderHitError :: HitError -> Text
renderHitError = \case
@ -24,3 +30,5 @@ renderHitError = \case
"The environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN is not set"
InvalidOwnerRepo ->
"Can't parse the 'owner' and 'repo' names from the 'owner/repo' format"
GitHubApiError err ->
"Error calling GitHub API:\n\n" <> toStrict (pShow err)

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@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ module Hit.Git.Branch
, mkBranchDescription
) where
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isDigit, isSpace)
import Colourista (errorMessage, infoMessage, successMessage, warningMessage)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isDigit, isSpace)
import Relude.Extra.Bifunctor (secondF)
import Shellmet (($?))
import Hit.Core (IssueNumber (..), MilestoneOption, NewOptions (..), newOptionsWithName)
@ -196,9 +196,16 @@ showIssueLink url = infoMessage $ " Issue link: " <> url
createIssue :: Text -> Maybe MilestoneOption -> IO (Either HitError CreatedIssue)
createIssue title milestoneOpt = withAuthOwnerRepo $ \token owner repo -> do
-- TODO: optimize to 2 calls instead of 3
-- Also, it's so awkward to work with 'IO (Either ...)', but there's no better way...
milestoneNumber <- getMilestoneNumber milestoneOpt
milestoneId <- traverse (queryMilestoneId token owner repo) milestoneNumber
mutationCreateNewIssue token owner repo title milestoneId
eMilestoneId <- case milestoneNumber of
Nothing -> pure $ Right Nothing
Just mId -> secondF Just $ queryMilestoneId token owner repo mId
case eMilestoneId of
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right milestoneId -> mutationCreateNewIssue token owner repo title milestoneId
{- | Assign the user to the given 'Issue'.
@ -214,8 +221,8 @@ assignToIssue :: Issue -> Text -> IO ()
assignToIssue Issue{..} username = do
res <- withAuthOwnerRepo $ \token _owner _repo ->
if username `elem` issueAssignees
then pure (issueNumber, True)
else (, False) <$> addAssignee token issueId
then pure $ Right (issueNumber, True)
else secondF (, False) (addAssignee token issueId)
case res of
Right (iss, isAlreadyAssigned) ->
@ -226,7 +233,7 @@ assignToIssue Issue{..} username = do
errorMessage "Can not assign you to the issue."
putTextLn $ " " <> renderHitError err
addAssignee :: GH.GitHubToken -> GH.IssueId -> IO IssueNumber
addAssignee token issueId = do
myId <- queryMyId token
assignUserToIssue token myId issueId
addAssignee :: GH.GitHubToken -> GH.IssueId -> IO (Either GH.GitHubError IssueNumber)
addAssignee token issueId = queryMyId token >>= \case
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right myId -> assignUserToIssue token myId issueId

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Hit.Git.Milestones
import Colourista (blue, cyan, errorMessage, formatWith, italic, yellow)
import Colourista.Short (b)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hit.Error (renderHitError)
import Hit.GitHub (Milestone (..), MilestoneNumber (..), queryMilestoneList, withAuthOwnerRepo)
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ prettyMilestone Milestone{..} = mconcat
, ")"
, " "
, formatWith [cyan] $ show milestoneProgressPercentage <> "%"
, formatWith [cyan] $ prettyDouble milestoneProgressPercentage
, case Text.strip milestoneDescription of
"" -> ""
desc -> "\n " <> desc
@ -54,9 +55,17 @@ prettyMilestone Milestone{..} = mconcat
milestoneOpenIssues :: Int
milestoneOpenIssues = round
$ fromIntegral milestoneTotalIssues * milestoneProgressPercentage
$ (fromIntegral milestoneTotalIssues * milestoneProgressPercentage) / 100
fetchMilestones :: IO [Milestone]
fetchMilestones = withAuthOwnerRepo queryMilestoneList >>= \case
Left err -> errorMessage (renderHitError err) >> exitFailure
Right ms -> pure ms
{- | Show double prettily with only 2 digits after dot.
prettyDouble :: Double -> Text
prettyDouble x =
if fromIntegral (floor x :: Int) == x -- display without decimal part
then toText (printf "%.0f" x :: String) <> "%"
else toText (printf "%.2f" x :: String) <> "%"

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Hit.Git.Branch (runNew)
import Hit.Git.Commit (runCommit)
import Hit.Git.Common (getCurrentBranch, getUsername, issueFromBranch, whenOnMainBranch)
import Hit.Git.Issue (fetchIssue)
import Hit.GitHub (Issue (..), queryPullRequests, withAuthOwnerRepo)
import Hit.GitHub (Issue (..), PrTitle (..), queryPullRequests, withAuthOwnerRepo)
import Hit.Hub (withHub)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ runPr isDraft = do
putTextLn $ " " <> renderHitError err
Right prs -> case prs of
_ : _ -> do
errorMessage "PR for the current branch already exists"
PrTitle title : _ -> do
errorMessage $
"PR for the current branch already exists with the name: " <> title
[] -> do
runCommit CommitOptions

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@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ Functions to perform authenticated GitHub API requests.
module Hit.GitHub.Auth
( withAuthOwnerRepo
, getGitHubToken
, parseOwnerRepo
) where
import Relude.Extra.Bifunctor (firstF)
import Shellmet (($|))
import Hit.Core (Owner (..), Repo (..))
@ -28,13 +30,16 @@ import qualified GitHub as GH
All actions to query GraphQL GitHub API require authentication token.
:: (GH.GitHubToken -> Owner -> Repo -> IO a)
:: (GH.GitHubToken -> Owner -> Repo -> IO (Either GH.GitHubError a))
-> IO (Either HitError a)
withAuthOwnerRepo action = GH.getGitHubToken "GITHUB_TOKEN" >>= \case
withAuthOwnerRepo action = getGitHubToken >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ Left NoGitHubTokenEnv
Just token -> getOwnerRepo >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ Left InvalidOwnerRepo
Just (owner, repo) -> Right <$> action token owner repo
Just (owner, repo) -> firstF GitHubApiError (action token owner repo)
getGitHubToken :: IO (Maybe GH.GitHubToken)
getGitHubToken = GH.getGitHubToken "GITHUB_TOKEN"
-- Fetch and parse name and repo from URL

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Hit.GitHub.Issue
, mutationCreateNewIssue
) where
import Data.Aeson (Array, FromJSON (..), withObject, (.:), (.:?))
import Data.Aeson (Array, FromJSON (..), Object, Value (..), withObject, (.:))
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Prolens (set)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ data Issue = Issue
, issueLabels :: [Text]
, issueAssignees :: [Text]
, issueMilestoneNumber :: Maybe MilestoneNumber
} deriving stock (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON Issue
@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ instance FromJSON Issue
assigneesNodes <- assignees .: "nodes"
issueAssignees <- parseAssignees assigneesNodes
milestone <- o .: "milestone"
issueMilestoneNumber <- milestone .:? "number"
issueMilestoneNumber <- parseMilestoneNumber o
pure Issue{..}
@ -95,8 +94,9 @@ issueQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) (IssueNumber issueNumber) = GH.repository
( GH.defIssueArgs
& set GH.numberL issueNumber
( GH.title
:| [ $ one GH.login
( GH.IssueId
:| [ GH.title
, $ one GH.login
, GH.IssueBody
, GH.IssueNumber
, GH.IssueUrl
@ -119,9 +119,14 @@ issueQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) (IssueNumber issueNumber) = GH.repository
{- | Queries a single issue by number.
queryIssue :: GH.GitHubToken -> Owner -> Repo -> IssueNumber -> IO Issue
:: GH.GitHubToken
-> Owner
-> Repo
-> IssueNumber
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError Issue)
queryIssue token owner repo issueNumber =
GH.unNested @'[ "repository", "issue" ] <$>
GH.unNest @'[ "repository", "issue" ] $
(GH.repositoryToAst $ issueQuery owner repo issueNumber)
@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ data ShortIssue = ShortIssue
, shortIssueAuthorLogin :: Text
, shortIssueAssignees :: [Text]
, shortIssueMilestoneNumber :: Maybe MilestoneNumber
} deriving stock (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON ShortIssue
@ -152,8 +157,7 @@ instance FromJSON ShortIssue
assigneesNodes <- assignees .: "nodes"
shortIssueAssignees <- parseAssignees assigneesNodes
milestone <- o .: "milestone"
shortIssueMilestoneNumber <- milestone .:? "number"
shortIssueMilestoneNumber <- parseMilestoneNumber o
pure ShortIssue{..}
@ -190,19 +194,23 @@ issueListQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) = GH.repository
, GH.IssueNumber
, GH.IssueAssignees
$ GH.Assignees
( GH.defAssigneesArgs
& set GH.lastL 5
(GH.nodes $ one GH.UserLogin)
( GH.defAssigneesArgs
& set GH.lastL 5
(GH.nodes $ one GH.UserLogin)
, GH.IssueMilestone $ one GH.MilestoneNumber
{- | Queries the latest 100 issues of the repository.
queryIssueList :: GH.GitHubToken -> Owner -> Repo -> IO [ShortIssue]
:: GH.GitHubToken
-> Owner
-> Repo
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError [ShortIssue])
queryIssueList token owner repo =
GH.unNested @'[ "repository", "issues", "nodes" ] <$>
GH.unNest @'[ "repository", "issues", "nodes" ] $
(GH.repositoryToAst $ issueListQuery owner repo)
@ -213,7 +221,8 @@ queryIssueList token owner repo =
newtype IssueTitle = IssueTitle
{ unIssueTitle :: Text
} deriving newtype (FromJSON)
} deriving stock (Show)
deriving newtype (Eq, FromJSON)
issueTitleQuery :: Owner -> Repo -> IssueNumber -> GH.Repository
issueTitleQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) (IssueNumber issueNumber) = GH.repository
@ -230,9 +239,14 @@ issueTitleQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) (IssueNumber issueNumber) = GH.reposit
{- | Queries 'IssueTitle' by number.
queryIssueTitle :: GH.GitHubToken -> Owner -> Repo -> IssueNumber -> IO IssueTitle
:: GH.GitHubToken
-> Owner
-> Repo
-> IssueNumber
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError IssueTitle)
queryIssueTitle token owner repo issueNumber =
GH.unNested @'[ "repository", "issue", "title" ] <$>
GH.unNest @'[ "repository", "issue", "title" ] $
(GH.repositoryToAst $ issueTitleQuery owner repo issueNumber)
@ -278,13 +292,13 @@ mutationCreateNewIssue
-> Repo
-> Text
-> Maybe GH.MilestoneId
-> IO CreatedIssue
mutationCreateNewIssue token (Owner owner) (Repo repo) issueTitle milestoneId = do
repositoryId <- GH.queryRepositoryId token owner repo
GH.unNested @'[ "repository", "issue" ] <$> GH.mutationGitHub
(GH.createIssueToAst $ createIssueMutation repositoryId issueTitle milestoneId)
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError CreatedIssue)
mutationCreateNewIssue token (Owner owner) (Repo repo) issueTitle milestoneId =
GH.queryRepositoryId token owner repo >>= \case
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right repositoryId -> GH.unNest @'[ "repository", "issue" ] $ GH.mutationGitHub
(GH.createIssueToAst $ createIssueMutation repositoryId issueTitle milestoneId)
-- Internals
@ -292,3 +306,12 @@ mutationCreateNewIssue token (Owner owner) (Repo repo) issueTitle milestoneId =
parseAssignees :: Array -> Parser [Text]
parseAssignees = mapM (withObject "Assignee" $ \o -> o .: "login") . toList
parseMilestoneNumber :: Object -> Parser (Maybe MilestoneNumber)
parseMilestoneNumber obj = do
-- special parsing of milestone because it can be 'null'
milestoneVal <- obj .: "milestone"
case milestoneVal of
Null -> pure Nothing
Object milestone -> milestone .: "number"
_ -> fail "Expected 'null' or object with 'number' key"

View File

@ -57,25 +57,33 @@ latestMilestoneQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) = GH.repository
$ GH.milestones
( GH.defMilestonesArgs
& set GH.lastL 1
& set GH.statesL (one
& set GH.orderL
( Just $ GH.defMilestoneOrder
& set GH.fieldL GH.MNumber
& set GH.directionL GH.Desc
& set GH.directionL GH.Asc
(one $ GH.nodes $ one GH.MilestoneNumber)
{- | Query the number of the latest milestone.
queryLatestMilestoneNumber :: GH.GitHubToken -> Owner -> Repo -> IO (Maybe MilestoneNumber)
:: GH.GitHubToken
-> Owner
-> Repo
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError (Maybe MilestoneNumber))
queryLatestMilestoneNumber token owner repo = do
milestones <-
GH.unNested @'[ "repository", "milestones", "nodes" ] <$>
eMilestones <-
GH.unNest @'[ "repository", "milestones", "nodes" ] $
(GH.repositoryToAst $ latestMilestoneQuery owner repo)
pure $ case milestones of
pure $ second getMilestoneNumber eMilestones
getMilestoneNumber :: [LatestMilestone] -> Maybe MilestoneNumber
getMilestoneNumber = \case
[] -> Nothing
m:_ -> Just $ unLatestMilestone m
@ -117,6 +125,7 @@ milestonesQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) = GH.repository
$ GH.milestones
( GH.defMilestonesArgs
& set GH.lastL 100
& set GH.statesL (one
& set GH.orderL
( Just $ GH.defMilestoneOrder
& set GH.fieldL GH.MCreatedAt
@ -127,8 +136,9 @@ milestonesQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) = GH.repository
$ GH.nodes
$ GH.MilestoneId
:| [ GH.MilestoneNumber
, GH.MilestoneProgressPercentage
, GH.MilestoneTitle
, GH.MilestoneDescription
, GH.MilestoneProgressPercentage
, GH.MilestoneIssues $ GH.Issues
( GH.defIssuesArgs
& set GH.lastL 1000
@ -140,9 +150,13 @@ milestonesQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) = GH.repository
{- | Queries the latest 100 issues of the repository.
queryMilestoneList :: GH.GitHubToken -> Owner -> Repo -> IO [Milestone]
:: GH.GitHubToken
-> Owner
-> Repo
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError [Milestone])
queryMilestoneList token owner repo =
GH.unNested @'[ "repository", "milestones", "nodes" ] <$>
GH.unNest @'[ "repository", "milestones", "nodes" ] $
(GH.repositoryToAst $ milestonesQuery owner repo)
@ -153,6 +167,6 @@ queryMilestoneId
-> Owner
-> Repo
-> MilestoneNumber
-> IO GH.MilestoneId
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError GH.MilestoneId)
queryMilestoneId token (Owner owner) (Repo repo) (MilestoneNumber number) =
GH.queryMilestoneId token owner repo number

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@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ PullRequest-related queries and data types.
module Hit.GitHub.PullRequest
( queryPullRequests
( PrTitle (..)
, queryPullRequests
) where
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), withObject, (.:))
import Prolens (set)
import Hit.Core (Owner (..), Repo (..))
@ -37,9 +39,24 @@ pullRequestsQuery (Owner owner) (Repo repo) branch = GH.repository
(one $ GH.nodes $ one GH.title)
queryPullRequests :: GH.GitHubToken -> Owner -> Repo -> Text -> IO [Text]
:: GH.GitHubToken
-> Owner
-> Repo
-> Text
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError [PrTitle])
queryPullRequests token owner repo branch =
GH.unNested @'[ "repository", "pullRequests", "nodes", "title" ] <$>
GH.unNest @'[ "repository", "pullRequests", "nodes" ] $
(GH.repositoryToAst $ pullRequestsQuery owner repo branch)
newtype PrTitle = PrTitle
{ unPriTitle :: Text
} deriving stock (Show)
deriving newtype (Eq)
instance FromJSON PrTitle
parseJSON = withObject "PrTitle" $ \o ->
PrTitle <$> (o .: "title")

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@ -22,17 +22,21 @@ import qualified GitHub as GH
-- TODO: move to @github-graphql@
queryMyId :: GH.GitHubToken -> IO GH.UserId
queryMyId :: GH.GitHubToken -> IO (Either GH.GitHubError GH.UserId)
queryMyId token =
fmap (GH.unNested @'[ "viewer" ])
GH.unNest @'[ "viewer" ]
$ GH.queryGitHub token
$ GH.viewerToAst
$ GH.Viewer
$ one GH.UserId
assignUserToIssue :: GH.GitHubToken -> GH.UserId -> GH.IssueId -> IO IssueNumber
:: GH.GitHubToken
-> GH.UserId
-> GH.IssueId
-> IO (Either GH.GitHubError IssueNumber)
assignUserToIssue token userId issueId =
fmap (GH.unNested @'[ "number" ])
GH.unNest @'[ "number" ]
$ GH.mutationGitHub token
$ GH.addAssigneesToAssignableToAst
$ GH.AddAssigneesToAssignable issueId [userId]

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
module Main (main) where
import Test.Hspec (describe, hspec, it, shouldBe)
import Hit.Core (Owner (..), Repo (..))
import Hit.GitHub.Auth (parseOwnerRepo)
import Test.Hit.Names (namesSpec)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "parseOwnerRepo" $ do
let expectedOwnerName = Owner "kowainik"
let expectedRepoName = Repo "hit-on"
let expectedCredentials = Just (expectedOwnerName, expectedRepoName)
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (SSH) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (SSH) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (HTTPS) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (HTTPS) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` Nothing

test/Spec.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module Main (main) where
import Test.Hspec (hspec)
import Hit.GitHub.Auth (getGitHubToken)
import Test.Hit.GitHub (gitHubSpec)
import Test.Hit.Names (namesSpec)
import Test.Hit.Parse (parseSpec)
main :: IO ()
main = do
token <- getGitHubToken >>= \case
Nothing -> error "The env variable GITHUB_TOKEN is not set"
Just token -> pure token
hspec $ do
gitHubSpec token

test/Test/Hit/Data.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module Test.Hit.Data
( testOwner
, testRepo
) where
import Hit.Core (Owner (..), Repo (..))
testOwner :: Owner
testOwner = Owner "kowainik"
testRepo :: Repo
testRepo = Repo "hit-off"

test/Test/Hit/GitHub.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module Test.Hit.GitHub
( gitHubSpec
) where
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe)
import Test.Hit.GitHub.Issue (issueSpec)
import Test.Hit.GitHub.Milestone (milestoneSpec)
import Test.Hit.GitHub.PullRequest (pullRequestSpec)
import Test.Hit.GitHub.User (userSpec)
import qualified GitHub as GH
gitHubSpec :: GH.GitHubToken -> Spec
gitHubSpec token = describe "GitHub API" $ do
userSpec token
pullRequestSpec token
milestoneSpec token
issueSpec token

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
module Test.Hit.GitHub.Issue
( issueSpec
) where
import Relude.Extra.Bifunctor (secondF)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldReturn)
import Hit.Core (IssueNumber (..))
import Hit.GitHub.Issue (Issue (..), IssueTitle (..), ShortIssue (..), queryIssue, queryIssueList,
import Hit.GitHub.Milestone (MilestoneNumber (..))
import Test.Hit.Data (testOwner, testRepo)
import qualified GitHub as GH
issueSpec :: GH.GitHubToken -> Spec
issueSpec token = describe "Issue" $ do
it "queries issue title" $
(IssueNumber 1)
Right (IssueTitle "Issue with \"this\" and 'this'")
it "queries issue not in milestone with multiple assignees" $
getIssue 8 `shouldReturn` Right testIssue1
it "queries issue in milestone with labels" $
getIssue 10 `shouldReturn` Right testIssue2
it "queries list of all open issues" $
secondF (take 4) (queryIssueList token testOwner testRepo)
`shouldReturn` Right testShortIssues
getIssue :: Int -> IO (Either GH.GitHubError Issue)
getIssue issueNumber = queryIssue token testOwner testRepo (IssueNumber issueNumber)
testIssue1 :: Issue
testIssue1 = Issue
{ issueId = GH.Id "MDU6SXNzdWU1MzQwNDk1MjQ="
, issueTitle = "Test 'hit new --issue'"
, issueAuthorLogin = "chshersh"
, issueBody = "Some description"
, issueNumber = IssueNumber 8
, issueUrl = ""
, issueState =
, issueLabels = []
, issueAssignees = [ "chshersh", "vrom911" ]
, issueMilestoneNumber = Nothing
testIssue2 :: Issue
testIssue2 = Issue
{ issueId = GH.Id "MDU6SXNzdWU2NTMxOTQ0NTI="
, issueTitle = "This issue should be in the milestone"
, issueAuthorLogin = "vrom911"
, issueBody = ""
, issueNumber = IssueNumber 10
, issueUrl = ""
, issueState =
, issueLabels = [ "documentation" ]
, issueAssignees = [ "vrom911" ]
, issueMilestoneNumber = Just $ MilestoneNumber 1
testShortIssues :: [ShortIssue]
testShortIssues =
[ ShortIssue
{ shortIssueNumber = IssueNumber 1
, shortIssueTitle = "Issue with \"this\" and 'this'"
, shortIssueAuthorLogin = "vrom911"
, shortIssueAssignees = []
, shortIssueMilestoneNumber = Nothing
, ShortIssue
{ shortIssueNumber = IssueNumber 8
, shortIssueTitle = "Test 'hit new --issue'"
, shortIssueAuthorLogin = "chshersh"
, shortIssueAssignees = [ "chshersh", "vrom911" ]
, shortIssueMilestoneNumber = Nothing
, ShortIssue
{ shortIssueNumber = IssueNumber 9
, shortIssueTitle = "[RFC] Ignore RFC in issues"
, shortIssueAuthorLogin = "vrom911"
, shortIssueAssignees = [ ]
, shortIssueMilestoneNumber = Just $ MilestoneNumber 1
, ShortIssue
{ shortIssueNumber = IssueNumber 10
, shortIssueTitle = "This issue should be in the milestone"
, shortIssueAuthorLogin = "vrom911"
, shortIssueAssignees = [ "vrom911" ]
, shortIssueMilestoneNumber = Just $ MilestoneNumber 1

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
module Test.Hit.GitHub.Milestone
( milestoneSpec
) where
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldReturn)
import Hit.GitHub.Milestone (Milestone (..), MilestoneNumber (..), queryLatestMilestoneNumber,
import Test.Hit.Data (testOwner, testRepo)
import qualified GitHub as GH
milestoneSpec :: GH.GitHubToken -> Spec
milestoneSpec token = describe "Milestone" $ do
it "fetches the latest milestone" $
Right (Just $ MilestoneNumber 2)
it "fetches the latest milestone" $
Right testMilestones
testMilestones :: [Milestone]
testMilestones =
[ Milestone
{ milestoneId = "MDk6TWlsZXN0b25lNjcxNDY5MQ=="
, milestoneNumber = MilestoneNumber 2
, milestoneTitle = "Latest milestone"
, milestoneDescription = ""
, milestoneProgressPercentage = 0
, milestoneTotalIssues = 0
, Milestone
{ milestoneId = "MDk6TWlsZXN0b25lNTYzMjE1NQ=="
, milestoneNumber = MilestoneNumber 1
, milestoneTitle = "One big milestone"
, milestoneDescription = "I am a milestone who is never going to be finished"
, milestoneProgressPercentage = 33.33333333333333
, milestoneTotalIssues = 3

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module Test.Hit.GitHub.PullRequest
( pullRequestSpec
) where
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldReturn)
import Hit.GitHub.PullRequest (PrTitle (..), queryPullRequests)
import Test.Hit.Data (testOwner, testRepo)
import qualified GitHub as GH
pullRequestSpec :: GH.GitHubToken -> Spec
pullRequestSpec token = describe "PullRequest" $ do
it "doesn't find PR for non-existing branch" $
getPRs "non-existing" `shouldReturn` Right []
it "doesn't find closed PR with existing branch" $
getPRs "closed-pr" `shouldReturn` Right []
it "find open PR" $
getPRs "chshersh/test" `shouldReturn` Right [PrTitle "Test PR"]
getPRs :: Text -> IO (Either GH.GitHubError [PrTitle])
getPRs = queryPullRequests token testOwner testRepo

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module Test.Hit.GitHub.User
( userSpec
) where
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldSatisfy)
import Hit.GitHub.User (queryMyId)
import qualified GitHub as GH
userSpec :: GH.GitHubToken -> Spec
userSpec token = describe "User" $
it "can query my own User ID" $
queryMyId token >>= (`shouldSatisfy` isRight)
-- simply checking that query works;
-- we can't compare with any specific ID here

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@ -12,19 +12,12 @@ import Hit.Git.Common (getMainBranch)
namesSpec :: Spec
namesSpec = describe "Names for branches and commit messages" $ do
branchNamesSpec :: Spec
branchNamesSpec = describe "Branch naming" $ do
describe "Existing issue as argument" $ do
it "from issue with RFC" $
checkName Nothing "117" "117-hit-go-for-branch-switching"
it "from issue with dots and symbols" $
checkName Nothing "163" "163-Add-tests-commit-msgs-and"
it "from issue with preserved special symbols" $
checkName Nothing "175" "175-Update-header_information/-in-the-library"
describe "Title without issue" $ do
it "Simple title" $
checkName Nothing "this-should-be-branch-name" "this-should-be-branch-name"
@ -39,7 +32,13 @@ branchNamesSpec = describe "Branch naming" $ do
checkName (Just $ IssueNumber 100000) "I am a new issue" "100000-I-am-a-new-issue"
it "from IssueNumber and title (more than 5 words)" $
checkName (Just $ IssueNumber 100000) "I am a new issue in here" "100000-I-am-a-new-issue"
describe "Existing issue as argument" $ do
it "from issue with RFC" $
checkName Nothing "117" "117-hit-go-for-branch-switching"
it "from issue with dots and symbols" $
checkName Nothing "163" "163-Add-tests-commit-msgs-and"
it "from issue with preserved special symbols" $
checkName Nothing "175" "175-Update-header_information/-in-the-library"
checkName :: Maybe IssueNumber -> Text -> Text -> Expectation
checkName mIssue title expectedName =

test/Test/Hit/Parse.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module Test.Hit.Parse
( parseSpec
) where
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Hit.Core (Owner (..), Repo (..))
import Hit.GitHub.Auth (parseOwnerRepo)
parseSpec :: Spec
parseSpec = describe "parseOwnerRepo" $ do
let expectedOwnerName = Owner "kowainik"
let expectedRepoName = Repo "hit-on"
let expectedCredentials = Just (expectedOwnerName, expectedRepoName)
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (SSH) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (SSH) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (HTTPS) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (HTTPS) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "" `shouldBe` Nothing