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module Main (main) where
import GitHub.Data.Name (Name (..))
import Test.Hspec (describe, hspec, it, shouldBe)
import Hit.GitHub (parseOwnerRepo)
import Test.Hit.Names (namesSpec)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "parseOwnerRepo" $ do
let expectedOwnerName = N "kowainik"
let expectedRepoName = N "hit-on"
let expectedCredentials = Just (expectedOwnerName, expectedRepoName)
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (SSH) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "git@github.com:kowainik/hit-on.git" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (SSH) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "git@github.com:kowainik/hit-on" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (HTTPS) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "https://github.com/kowainik/hit-on.git" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses a GitHub repo link (HTTPS) and gives use the Owner Name and Repo Name separately" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "https://github.com/kowainik/hit-on" `shouldBe` expectedCredentials
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "github.com/kowainik/hit-on" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "https://githu.com/kowainik/hit-on" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "https://github.com/kowainik" `shouldBe` Nothing
it "Parses an invalid GitHub repo link and returns a `Nothing`" $ do
parseOwnerRepo "git@github.com" `shouldBe` Nothing