[#49] Speed up and refactor property tests (#53)

This commit is contained in:
Veronika Romashkina 2018-08-14 16:19:24 +08:00 committed by Dmitrii Kovanikov
parent a6bb3c6263
commit a87b578559
3 changed files with 44 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Change log
Add a function that returns its own name.
* [#43](https://github.com/kowainik/relude/issues/43):
Implement `Relude.Extra.Newtype` module.
* [#49](https://github.com/kowainik/relude/issues/49):
Speed up and refactor property tests.

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@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ test-suite relude-test
other-modules: Test.Relude.Property
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
, relude
, bytestring
, text
, utf8-string
, hedgehog
, hedgehog >= 0.6
, tasty
, tasty-hedgehog
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ test-suite relude-test
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude
test-suite relude-doctest
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0

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@ -6,27 +6,26 @@ License: MIT
module Test.Relude.Property
( hedgehogTestTree
) where
( hedgehogTestTree
) where
import Relude
import Data.List (nub)
import Hedgehog (Gen, MonadGen, Property, assert, forAll, property, (===))
import Hedgehog (Gen, Property, assert, forAll, property, (===))
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
import qualified Relude as U
hedgehogTestTree :: TestTree
hedgehogTestTree = testGroup "Tests" [utfProps, listProps, boolMProps]
-- utf8 conversion
utfProps :: TestTree
utfProps = testGroup "utf8 conversion property tests"
[ testProperty "String to ByteString invertible" prop_StringToBytes
@ -34,100 +33,94 @@ utfProps = testGroup "utf8 conversion property tests"
, testProperty "ByteString to Text or String invertible" prop_BytesTo
unicode' :: MonadGen m => m U.Char
unicode' = do
a <- Gen.unicode
if elem a ['\65534', '\65535']
then unicode'
else return a
utf8String :: Gen String
utf8String = Gen.string (Range.linear 0 1000) Gen.unicode
utf8String :: Gen U.String
utf8String = Gen.string (Range.linear 0 10000) unicode'
utf8Text :: Gen Text
utf8Text = Gen.text (Range.linear 0 1000) Gen.unicode
utf8Text :: Gen T.Text
utf8Text = Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10000) unicode'
utf8Bytes :: Gen B.ByteString
utf8Bytes = Gen.utf8 (Range.linear 0 10000) unicode'
utf8Bytes :: Gen ByteString
utf8Bytes = Gen.utf8 (Range.linear 0 1000) Gen.unicode
-- "\65534" fails, but this is from BU.toString
-- > import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU
-- > BU.toString (BU.fromString "\65534") == "\65533"
-- > True
prop_StringToBytes :: Property
prop_StringToBytes = property $ do
str <- forAll utf8String
assert $ str == (decodeUtf8 (encodeUtf8 str :: B.ByteString))
&& str == (decodeUtf8 (encodeUtf8 str :: LB.ByteString))
assert $ str == decodeUtf8 @_ @ByteString (encodeUtf8 str)
&& str == decodeUtf8 @_ @LByteString (encodeUtf8 str)
prop_TextToBytes :: Property
prop_TextToBytes = property $ do
txt <- forAll utf8Text
assert $ txt == (decodeUtf8 (encodeUtf8 txt :: B.ByteString))
&& txt == (decodeUtf8 (encodeUtf8 txt :: LB.ByteString))
assert $ txt == decodeUtf8 @_ @ByteString (encodeUtf8 txt)
&& txt == decodeUtf8 @_ @LByteString (encodeUtf8 txt)
-- "\239\191\190" fails, but this is the same as "\65534" :: String
prop_BytesTo :: Property
prop_BytesTo = property $ do
utf <- forAll utf8Bytes
assert $ utf == (encodeUtf8 (decodeUtf8 utf :: U.String))
&& utf == (encodeUtf8 (decodeUtf8 utf :: T.Text))
&& utf == (encodeUtf8 (decodeUtf8 utf :: LT.Text))
assert $ utf == encodeUtf8 @String (decodeUtf8 utf)
&& utf == encodeUtf8 @Text (decodeUtf8 utf)
&& utf == encodeUtf8 @LText (decodeUtf8 utf)
-- ordNub
listProps :: TestTree
listProps = testGroup "list function property tests"
[ testProperty "Hedgehog ordNub xs == nub xs" prop_ordNubCorrect
, testProperty "Hedgehog hashNub xs == nub xs" prop_hashNubCorrect
, testProperty "Hedgehog sortNub xs == sort $ nub xs" prop_sortNubCorrect
, testProperty "Hedgehog sort $ unstableNub xs == sort $ nub xs" prop_unstableNubCorrect
[ testProperty "ordNub xs == nub xs" prop_ordNubCorrect
, testProperty "hashNub xs == nub xs" prop_hashNubCorrect
, testProperty "sortNub xs == sort (nub xs)" prop_sortNubCorrect
, testProperty "sort (unstableNub xs) == sort (nub xs)" prop_unstableNubCorrect
genIntList :: Gen [U.Int]
genIntList = Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10000) Gen.enumBounded
genIntList :: Gen [Int]
genIntList = Gen.list (Range.linear 0 1000) Gen.enumBounded
prop_ordNubCorrect :: Property
prop_ordNubCorrect = property $ do
xs <- forAll genIntList
U.ordNub xs === nub xs
ordNub xs === nub xs
prop_hashNubCorrect :: Property
prop_hashNubCorrect = property $ do
xs <- forAll genIntList
U.hashNub xs === nub xs
hashNub xs === ordNub xs
prop_sortNubCorrect :: Property
prop_sortNubCorrect = property $ do
xs <- forAll genIntList
U.sortNub xs === (U.sort $ nub xs)
sortNub xs === sort (ordNub xs)
prop_unstableNubCorrect :: Property
prop_unstableNubCorrect = property $ do
xs <- forAll genIntList
(U.sort $ U.unstableNub xs) === (U.sort $ nub xs)
sort (unstableNub xs) === sortNub xs
-- logicM
-- this section needs a little more thought
genBoolList :: Gen [U.Bool]
genBoolList :: Gen [Bool]
genBoolList = Gen.list (Range.linear 0 1000) Gen.bool
boolMProps :: TestTree
boolMProps = testGroup "lifted logic function property tests"
[ testProperty "Hedgehog andM" prop_andM
, testProperty "Hedgehog orM" prop_orM
[ testProperty "andM" prop_andM
, testProperty "orM" prop_orM
prop_andM :: Property
prop_andM = property $ do
bs <- forAll genBoolList
U.andM (return <$> bs) === ((return $ U.and bs) :: U.Maybe U.Bool)
andM (pure <$> bs) === pure @Maybe (and bs)
prop_orM :: Property
prop_orM = property $ do
bs <- forAll genBoolList
U.orM (return <$> bs) === ((return $ U.or bs) :: U.Maybe U.Bool)
orM (pure <$> bs) === pure @Maybe (or bs)