diff --git a/locales/de/app.json b/locales/de/app.json index ae81443..079cf73 100644 --- a/locales/de/app.json +++ b/locales/de/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "Synchronisation erfolgreich", "sync_reset_ok": "Zurücksetzung erfolgreich" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "Diese Website ist nicht erreichbar", + "long_respond": "hat zu lange zum Antworten gebraucht.", + "try": "Versuchen Sie:", + "check_1": "Die Verbindung überprüfen", + "check_2": "Proxy und Firewall überprüfen" + } } } diff --git a/locales/en/app.json b/locales/en/app.json index c6a15cf..082fd6f 100644 --- a/locales/en/app.json +++ b/locales/en/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "Synchronization successful", "sync_reset_ok": "Reset successful" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "This site can’t be reached", + "long_respond": "took too long to respond.", + "try": "Try:", + "check_1": "Checking the connection", + "check_2": "Checking the proxy and the firewall" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/es/app.json b/locales/es/app.json index a2f18ca..a0dfd77 100644 --- a/locales/es/app.json +++ b/locales/es/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "Sincronización exitosa", "sync_reset_ok": "Restablecimiento exitoso" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "No se puede acceder a este sitio", + "long_respond": "tardó demasiado en responder.", + "try": "Intenta:", + "check_1": "Revisar la conexión", + "check_2": "Revisar el proxy y el cortafuegos" + } } } diff --git a/locales/fr/app.json b/locales/fr/app.json index df3e013..c77790e 100644 --- a/locales/fr/app.json +++ b/locales/fr/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "Synchronisation réussie", "sync_reset_ok": "Réinitialisation réussie" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "Ce site est inaccessible", + "long_respond": "a mis trop de temps à répondre.", + "try": "Essayez de:", + "check_1": "Vérifier la connexion", + "check_2": "Vérifier le proxy et le pare-feu" + } } } diff --git a/locales/it/app.json b/locales/it/app.json index 7c75c14..f4088db 100644 --- a/locales/it/app.json +++ b/locales/it/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "Sincronizzazione riuscita", "sync_reset_ok": "Reimpostazione riuscita" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "Impossibile raggiungere il sito", + "long_respond": "ha impiegato troppo tempo per rispondere.", + "try": "Prova:", + "check_1": "Verificare la connessione", + "check_2": "Controllare il proxy e il firewall" + } } } diff --git a/locales/ja/app.json b/locales/ja/app.json index b2b3d78..9bc8eb4 100644 --- a/locales/ja/app.json +++ b/locales/ja/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "同期成功", "sync_reset_ok": "リセット成功" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "このサイトにアクセスできません", + "long_respond": "の応答に時間がかかりすぎます。", + "try": "試してみてください:", + "check_1": "接続を確認する", + "check_2": "プロキシとファイアウォールを確認する" + } } } diff --git a/locales/ko/app.json b/locales/ko/app.json index b6e97d3..2b3d62d 100644 --- a/locales/ko/app.json +++ b/locales/ko/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "동기화 성공", "sync_reset_ok": "초기화 성공" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "이 사이트에 연결할 수 없음", + "long_respond": "응답하는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸림.", + "try": "시도:", + "check_1": "연결 확인", + "check_2": "프록시 및 방화벽 확인" + } } } diff --git a/locales/pt/app.json b/locales/pt/app.json index e26799f..97e2554 100644 --- a/locales/pt/app.json +++ b/locales/pt/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "Sincronização bem-sucedida", "sync_reset_ok": "Redefinição bem-sucedida" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "Não é possível acessar este site", + "long_respond": "demorou muito para responder.", + "try": "Tente:", + "check_1": "Verificar a conexão", + "check_2": "Verificar o proxy e o firewall" + } } } diff --git a/locales/ru/app.json b/locales/ru/app.json index 6caf52f..143199a 100644 --- a/locales/ru/app.json +++ b/locales/ru/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "Синхронизация успешна", "sync_reset_ok": "Сброс успешен" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "Сайт недоступен", + "long_respond": "слишком долго отвечает.", + "try": "Попробуйте:", + "check_1": "Проверить соединение", + "check_2": "Проверить прокси и фаервол" + } } } diff --git a/locales/tr/app.json b/locales/tr/app.json index 12e6db0..073c905 100644 --- a/locales/tr/app.json +++ b/locales/tr/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "Senkronizasyon başarılı", "sync_reset_ok": "Sıfırlama başarılı" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "Bu siteye ulaşılamıyor", + "long_respond": "yanıt vermek için çok uzun sürdü.", + "try": "Deneyin:", + "check_1": "Bağlantıyı kontrol et", + "check_2": "Proxy ve güvenlik duvarını kontrol et" + } } } diff --git a/locales/zh-TW/app.json b/locales/zh-TW/app.json index 47f22b0..110cbf8 100644 --- a/locales/zh-TW/app.json +++ b/locales/zh-TW/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "同步成功", "sync_reset_ok": "重置成功" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "無法連接到此網站", + "long_respond": "響應時間過長。", + "try": "嘗試:", + "check_1": "檢查連接", + "check_2": "檢查代理和防火牆" + } } } diff --git a/locales/zh/app.json b/locales/zh/app.json index e296b32..b5c5bd1 100644 --- a/locales/zh/app.json +++ b/locales/zh/app.json @@ -92,5 +92,14 @@ "sync_ok": "同步成功", "sync_reset_ok": "重置成功" } + }, + "network": { + "error": { + "title": "无法连接到此网站", + "long_respond": "响应时间过长。", + "try": "尝试:", + "check_1": "检查连接", + "check_2": "检查代理和防火墙" + } } }