site_name: Lens Documentation site_description: Documentation for Lens IDE. The only system you’ll ever need to take control of your Kubernetes clusters. It's open source and free. Download it today! site_author: Mirantis, Inc. site_url: docs_dir: docs/ repo_name: GitHub repo_url: copyright: Copyright © 2020 Mirantis Inc. - All rights reserved. edit_uri: "" nav: - Overview: - Getting Started: getting-started/ - Managing Clusters: - Adding Clusters: clusters/ - Removing Clusters: clusters/ - Settings: clusters/ - Using Helm Charts: helm/ - Using Extensions: extensions/usage/ - Preferences: getting-started/ - Extension Development: - Overview: extensions/ - Getting Started: - Overview: extensions/get-started/ - Your First Extension: extensions/get-started/ - Extension Anatomy: extensions/get-started/ - Wrapping Up: extensions/get-started/ - Extension Capabilities: - Common Capabilities: extensions/capabilities/ - Styling: extensions/capabilities/ - Color Reference: extensions/capabilities/ - Extension Guides: - Overview: extensions/guides/ - Generator: extensions/guides/ - Main Extension: extensions/guides/ - Renderer Extension: extensions/guides/ - Stores: extensions/guides/ - Working with mobx: extensions/guides/ - Testing and Publishing: - Testing Extensions: extensions/testing-and-publishing/ - Publishing Extensions: extensions/testing-and-publishing/ - API Reference: extensions/api/ - Contributing: - Overview: contributing/ - Development: contributing/ - Documentation: contributing/ - Maintainers: contributing/ - Promotion: contributing/ - Support: support/ - FAQ: faq/ theme: name: 'material' highlightjs: true language: 'en' custom_dir: docs/custom_theme favicon: img/favicon.ico logo: img/lens-logo-icon.svg palette: - scheme: default toggle: icon: material/toggle-switch name: Switch to light mode - scheme: slate toggle: icon: material/toggle-switch-off-outline name: Switch to dark mode features: - toc.autohide - search.suggest - search.highlight extra_css: - stylesheets/extra.css plugins: - search markdown_extensions: - pymdownx.highlight: {} - pymdownx.superfences: {} - pymdownx.inlinehilite: {} - toc: permalink: "#" toc_depth: 3 extra: generator: false social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: name: Lens on GitHub - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter link: name: Lens on Twitter - icon: fontawesome/brands/slack link: name: Lens on Slack - icon: fontawesome/solid/link link: name: Lens Website version: method: mike