2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
"name" : "leon" ,
2023-11-12 17:22:56 +03:00
"version" : "1.0.0-beta.10+dev" ,
2022-02-13 02:48:17 +03:00
"description" : "Server, skills and web app of the Leon personal assistant" ,
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
"author" : {
"name" : "Louis Grenard" ,
2022-08-23 18:01:46 +03:00
"email" : "louis@getleon.ai" ,
2022-02-19 04:24:34 +03:00
"url" : "https://twitter.com/grenlouis"
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
} ,
"license" : "MIT" ,
"homepage" : "https://getleon.ai" ,
"repository" : {
"type" : "git" ,
"url" : "git+https://github.com/leon-ai/leon.git"
} ,
"bugs" : {
"url" : "https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/issues"
} ,
2021-03-28 08:20:06 +03:00
"engines" : {
2021-11-07 05:24:00 +03:00
"node" : ">=16.0.0" ,
"npm" : ">=8.0.0"
2021-03-28 08:20:06 +03:00
} ,
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
"scripts" : {
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"lint" : "tsx scripts/lint.js" ,
2022-02-03 16:44:49 +03:00
"test" : "npm run test:json && npm run test:over-http && npm run test:unit && npm run test:e2e" ,
2022-10-04 09:19:56 +03:00
"test:unit" : "npm run train en && cross-env PIPENV_PIPFILE=bridges/python/src/Pipfile LEON_NODE_ENV=testing jest --forceExit --silent --projects test/unit/unit.jest.json && npm run train" ,
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
"test:e2e" : "npm run test:e2e:nlp-modules && npm run test:e2e:modules" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"test:e2e:modules" : "tsx scripts/run-clean-test-dbs.js && npm run train en && cross-env PIPENV_PIPFILE=bridges/python/src/Pipfile LEON_NODE_ENV=testing jest --forceExit --silent --verbose --projects test/e2e/modules/e2e.modules.jest.json && tsx scripts/run-clean-test-dbs.js && npm run train" ,
2022-10-04 09:19:56 +03:00
"test:e2e:nlp-modules" : "npm run train en && cross-env PIPENV_PIPFILE=bridges/python/src/Pipfile LEON_NODE_ENV=testing jest --forceExit --silent --verbose --setupTestFrameworkScriptFile=./test/paths.setup.js test/e2e/nlp-modules.spec.js && npm run train" ,
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
"test:json" : "jest --silent --projects test/json/json.jest.json" ,
2022-10-04 09:19:56 +03:00
"test:over-http" : "npm run generate:skills-endpoints && npm run train && cross-env PIPENV_PIPFILE=bridges/python/src/Pipfile LEON_NODE_ENV=testing LEON_HOST=http://localhost LEON_PORT=1338 LEON_HTTP_API_KEY=72aeb5ba324580963114481144385d7179c106fc jest --forceExit --silent --verbose --notify=false --bail --collectCoverage=false test/e2e/over-http.spec.js" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"test:module" : "tsx scripts/test-module.js" ,
"setup:offline" : "tsx scripts/setup-offline/setup-offline.js" ,
"setup:offline-stt" : "tsx scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-stt.js" ,
"setup:offline-tts" : "tsx scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-tts.js" ,
"setup:offline-hotword" : "tsx scripts/setup-offline/run-setup-hotword.js" ,
"setup:python-bridge" : "tsx scripts/setup/setup-python-dev-env.js python-bridge" ,
"setup:tcp-server" : "tsx scripts/setup/setup-python-dev-env.js tcp-server" ,
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
"preinstall" : "node scripts/setup/preinstall.js" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"postinstall" : "tsx scripts/setup/setup.js" ,
2021-03-15 20:11:40 +03:00
"dev:app" : "vite --config app/vite.config.js" ,
2024-06-29 18:29:25 +03:00
"dev:server" : "npm run train && npm run generate:skills-endpoints && cross-env LEON_NODE_ENV=development LEON_WARM_UP_LLM_DUTIES=true tsc-watch --noClear --onSuccess \"nodemon\"" ,
"dev:server:no-lint" : "npm run train && npm run generate:skills-endpoints && cross-env LEON_NODE_ENV=development LEON_WARM_UP_LLM_DUTIES=true \"nodemon\"" ,
2024-07-02 17:12:48 +03:00
"inspect:gpu" : "./node_modules/node-llama-cpp/dist/cli/cli.js inspect gpu" ,
2019-05-25 07:07:11 +03:00
"wake" : "cross-env LEON_HOST=http://localhost LEON_PORT=1337 node hotword/index.js" ,
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
"delete-dist:server" : "shx rm -rf ./server/dist" ,
2022-10-04 09:19:56 +03:00
"clean:python-deps" : "shx rm -rf ./bridges/python/src/.venv && npm run postinstall" ,
2021-12-27 17:57:06 +03:00
"prepare" : "husky install" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"generate:skills-endpoints" : "tsx scripts/generate/run-generate-skills-endpoints.js" ,
"generate:http-api-key" : "tsx scripts/generate/run-generate-http-api-key.js" ,
"generate:json-schemas" : "tsx scripts/generate/run-generate-json-schemas.js" ,
2021-12-27 13:02:32 +03:00
"build" : "npm run build:app && npm run build:server" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"build:app" : "cross-env LEON_NODE_ENV=production tsx scripts/app/run-build-app.js" ,
2023-04-30 16:36:07 +03:00
"build:server" : "npm run delete-dist:server && npm run train && npm run generate:skills-endpoints && tsc --project tsconfig.json && resolve-tspaths && shx rm -rf server/dist/core server/dist/package.json && shx mv -f server/dist/server/src/* server/dist && shx rm -rf server/dist/server && shx mkdir -p server/dist/tmp" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"build:nodejs-bridge" : "tsx scripts/build-binaries.js nodejs-bridge" ,
"build:python-bridge" : "tsx scripts/build-binaries.js python-bridge" ,
"build:tcp-server" : "tsx scripts/build-binaries.js tcp-server" ,
2024-06-23 18:29:09 +03:00
"start:tcp-server" : "cross-env PIPENV_PIPFILE=tcp_server/src/Pipfile LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`PIPENV_PIPFILE=tcp_server/src/Pipfile pipenv run python -c 'import os; import nvidia.cublas.lib; import nvidia.cudnn.lib; print(os.path.dirname(nvidia.cublas.lib.__file__) + \":\" + os.path.dirname(nvidia.cudnn.lib.__file__))'` pipenv run python tcp_server/src/main.py" ,
2022-11-11 16:43:24 +03:00
"start" : "cross-env LEON_NODE_ENV=production node server/dist/pre-check.js && node server/dist/index.js" ,
2022-11-06 16:57:04 +03:00
"python-bridge" : "cross-env PIPENV_PIPFILE=bridges/python/src/Pipfile pipenv run python bridges/python/src/main.py server/src/intent-object.sample.json" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"train" : "tsx scripts/train/run-train.js" ,
"prepare-release" : "tsx scripts/release/prepare-release.js" ,
"skill-package" : "tsx scripts/skill-package.js" ,
"pre-release:nodejs-bridge" : "tsx scripts/release/pre-release-binaries.js nodejs-bridge" ,
"pre-release:python-bridge" : "tsx scripts/release/pre-release-binaries.js python-bridge" ,
"pre-release:tcp-server" : "tsx scripts/release/pre-release-binaries.js tcp-server" ,
2024-05-21 18:57:36 +03:00
"check" : "tsx scripts/check.js" ,
"kill" : "pkill -f node && pkill -f leon-tcp-server && pkill -f pt_main_thread"
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
} ,
"dependencies" : {
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"@aws-sdk/client-polly" : "3.18.0" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"@fastify/static" : "6.12.0" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"@ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg" : "1.1.0" ,
2024-06-01 20:01:27 +03:00
"@ffprobe-installer/ffprobe" : "2.1.2" ,
2023-11-22 20:10:45 +03:00
"@fontsource/source-sans-pro" : "5.0.8" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"@google-cloud/speech" : "4.2.0" ,
"@google-cloud/text-to-speech" : "3.2.1" ,
2023-12-03 17:31:31 +03:00
"@leon-ai/aurora" : "1.0.0-beta.9" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"@nlpjs/builtin-microsoft" : "4.22.7" ,
"@nlpjs/core-loader" : "4.22.7" ,
"@nlpjs/lang-all" : "4.22.12" ,
"@nlpjs/nlp" : "4.22.17" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"@segment/ajv-human-errors" : "2.11.3" ,
"@sinclair/typebox" : "0.31.23" ,
"ajv" : "8.12.0" ,
2022-11-13 15:00:15 +03:00
"ajv-formats" : "2.1.1" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"archiver" : "6.0.1" ,
"axios" : "1.6.2" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"cross-env" : "7.0.3" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"dayjs" : "1.11.10" ,
2024-04-29 16:24:21 +03:00
"dotenv" : "16.4.5" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"execa" : "5.1.1" ,
2022-10-19 14:23:28 +03:00
"extract-zip" : "2.0.1" ,
2024-04-29 16:25:25 +03:00
"fastify" : "4.26.2" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"fluent-ffmpeg" : "2.1.2" ,
"getos" : "3.2.1" ,
"googleapis" : "67.1.1" ,
"ibm-watson" : "6.1.1" ,
2024-07-01 04:03:02 +03:00
"node-llama-cpp" : "3.0.0-beta.36" ,
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
"node-wav" : "0.0.2" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"os-name" : "4.0.1" ,
"pretty-bytes" : "5.6.0" ,
"pretty-ms" : "7.0.1" ,
2024-05-23 04:11:52 +03:00
"ps-list" : "7.2.0" ,
2023-05-14 18:22:01 +03:00
"react" : "18.2.0" ,
"react-dom" : "18.2.0" ,
2023-11-22 01:09:12 +03:00
"remixicon" : "3.5.0" ,
2024-04-29 16:27:16 +03:00
"socket.io" : "4.7.5" ,
2024-04-29 16:28:20 +03:00
"socket.io-client" : "4.7.5" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"stt" : "1.4.0" ,
"tree-kill" : "1.2.2"
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00
} ,
"devDependencies" : {
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"@nlpjs/utils" : "4.24.1" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"@tsconfig/node16" : "16.1.1" ,
"@tsconfig/strictest" : "2.0.2" ,
"@types/archiver" : "6.0.1" ,
"@types/cli-spinner" : "0.2.3" ,
"@types/fluent-ffmpeg" : "2.1.24" ,
"@types/getos" : "3.0.4" ,
"@types/node" : "20.9.0" ,
"@types/node-wav" : "0.0.2" ,
"@types/react" : "18.2.37" ,
"@types/react-dom" : "18.2.15" ,
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin" : "6.11.0" ,
"@typescript-eslint/parser" : "6.11.0" ,
"@vercel/ncc" : "0.38.1" ,
"@vitejs/plugin-react" : "4.1.1" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"cli-spinner" : "0.2.10" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"eslint" : "8.53.0" ,
"eslint-config-prettier" : "9.0.0" ,
"eslint-import-resolver-typescript" : "3.6.1" ,
"eslint-plugin-import" : "npm:eslint-plugin-i@2.29.0" ,
"eslint-plugin-unicorn" : "49.0.0" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"git-changelog" : "2.0.0" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"husky" : "8.0.3" ,
"inquirer" : "8.2.3" ,
2023-02-11 06:36:08 +03:00
"jest" : "27.4.7" ,
"jest-canvas-mock" : "2.3.1" ,
"jest-extended" : "2.0.0" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"json" : "11.0.0" ,
"lint-staged" : "15.1.0" ,
2024-06-22 07:44:23 +03:00
"nodemon" : "3.1.4" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"prettier" : "3.1.0" ,
"resolve-tspaths" : "0.8.17" ,
2024-05-29 10:07:14 +03:00
"sass" : "1.77.2" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"semver" : "7.5.4" ,
"shx" : "0.3.4" ,
2024-04-29 16:08:49 +03:00
"tsc-watch" : "6.2.0" ,
2024-05-23 05:47:38 +03:00
"tsx" : "4.10.5" ,
2023-11-15 03:10:06 +03:00
"typescript" : "5.2.2" ,
"vite" : "4.5.0"
2019-02-10 15:26:50 +03:00