import fs from 'node:fs' import path from 'node:path' import { command } from 'execa' import { EN_SPACY_MODEL_NAME, EN_SPACY_MODEL_VERSION, FR_SPACY_MODEL_NAME, FR_SPACY_MODEL_VERSION, PYTHON_BRIDGE_SRC_PATH, PYTHON_TCP_SERVER_SRC_PATH } from '@/constants' import { CPUArchitectures, OSTypes } from '@/types' import { LogHelper } from '@/helpers/log-helper' import { LoaderHelper } from '@/helpers/loader-helper' import { SystemHelper } from '@/helpers/system-helper' /** * Set up development environment according to the given setup target * 1. Verify Python environment * 2. Verify if the targeted development environment is up-to-date * 3. If up-to-date, exit * 4. If not up-to-date, delete the outdated development environment and install the new one * 5. Install spaCy models if the targeted development environment is the TCP server */ // Define mirror to download models installation file function getModelInstallationFileUrl(model, mirror = undefined) { const { name, version } = SPACY_MODELS.get(model) const suffix = 'py3-none-any.whl' let urlPrefix = '' if (mirror === 'cn') { 'Using Chinese mirror to download model installation file...' ) urlPrefix = '' } return `${urlPrefix}/${name}-${version}/${name}-${version}-${suffix}` } const SETUP_TARGETS = new Map() const SPACY_MODELS = new Map() SETUP_TARGETS.set('python-bridge', { name: 'Python bridge', pipfilePath: path.join(PYTHON_BRIDGE_SRC_PATH, 'Pipfile'), dotVenvPath: path.join(PYTHON_BRIDGE_SRC_PATH, '.venv'), dotProjectPath: path.join(PYTHON_BRIDGE_SRC_PATH, '.venv', '.project') }) SETUP_TARGETS.set('tcp-server', { name: 'TCP server', pipfilePath: path.join(PYTHON_TCP_SERVER_SRC_PATH, 'Pipfile'), dotVenvPath: path.join(PYTHON_TCP_SERVER_SRC_PATH, '.venv'), dotProjectPath: path.join(PYTHON_TCP_SERVER_SRC_PATH, '.venv', '.project') }) SPACY_MODELS.set('en', { name: EN_SPACY_MODEL_NAME, version: EN_SPACY_MODEL_VERSION }) SPACY_MODELS.set('fr', { name: FR_SPACY_MODEL_NAME, version: FR_SPACY_MODEL_VERSION }) ;(async () => { LoaderHelper.start() const { argv } = process const givenSetupTarget = argv[2].toLowerCase() // cn const givenMirror = argv[3]?.toLowerCase() if (!SETUP_TARGETS.has(givenSetupTarget)) { LogHelper.error( `Invalid setup target: ${givenSetupTarget}. Valid targets are: ${Array.from( SETUP_TARGETS.keys() ).join(', ')}` ) process.exit(1) } const { name: setupTarget, pipfilePath, dotVenvPath, dotProjectPath } = SETUP_TARGETS.get(givenSetupTarget)'Checking Python environment...') /** * Verify Python environment */ // Check if the Pipfile exists if (fs.existsSync(pipfilePath)) { LogHelper.success(`${pipfilePath} found`) try { // Check if Pipenv is installed const pipenvVersionChild = await command('pipenv --version', { shell: true }) let pipenvVersion = String(pipenvVersionChild.stdout) if (pipenvVersion.includes('version')) { pipenvVersion = pipenvVersion.split('version')[1].trim() pipenvVersion = `${pipenvVersion} version` } LogHelper.success(`Pipenv ${pipenvVersion} found`) } catch (e) { LogHelper.error( `${e}\nPlease install Pipenv: "pip install pipenv" or read the documentation` ) process.exit(1) } } /** * Install Python packages */`Setting up ${setupTarget} development environment...`) const pipfileMtime = fs.statSync(pipfilePath).mtime const hasDotVenv = fs.existsSync(dotVenvPath) const { type: osType, cpuArchitecture } = SystemHelper.getInformation() /** * Install PyTorch with CUDA support * as it is required by the latest NVIDIA drivers for CUDA runtime APIs. * PyTorch will automatically download nvidia-* packages and bundle them. * * It is important to specify the "--ignore-installed" flag to make sure the * "~/.pyenv/versions/3.11.9/lib/python3.11/site-packages" is not used in case * NVIDIA deps are already installed. Otherwise, it won't install it in our * TCP server .venv as it is already installed (satisfied) in * the path mentioned above * * @see * @see * @see * @see */ const installPytorch = async () => { const logInfo = osType === OSTypes.MacOS ? 'Installing PyTorch...' : 'Installing PyTorch with CUDA support...' try { // There is no CUDA support on macOS const commandToExecute = osType === OSTypes.MacOS ? 'pipenv run pip install --ignore-installed --force-reinstall torch==2.3.1' : 'pipenv run pip install --ignore-installed --force-reinstall torch==2.3.1 --index-url' await command(commandToExecute, { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }) LogHelper.success('PyTorch with CUDA support installed') } catch (e) { LogHelper.error(`Failed to install PyTorch with CUDA support: ${e}`) process.exit(1) } } const installPythonPackages = async () => {`Installing Python packages from ${pipfilePath}...`) // Delete .venv directory to reset the development environment if (hasDotVenv) {`Deleting ${dotVenvPath}...`) await fs.promises.rm(dotVenvPath, { recursive: true, force: true }) LogHelper.success(`${dotVenvPath} deleted`) } try { await command('pipenv install --verbose --skip-lock', { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }) if ( osType === OSTypes.MacOS && cpuArchitecture === CPUArchitectures.ARM64 ) {'macOS ARM64 detected') 'Installing Rust installer as it is needed for the "tokenizers" package for macOS ARM64 architecture...' ) await command('curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y', { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }) LogHelper.success('Rust installer installed')'Reloading configuration from "$HOME/.cargo/env"...') await command('source "$HOME/.cargo/env"', { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }) LogHelper.success('Configuration reloaded')'Checking Rust compiler version...') await command('rustc --version', { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }) LogHelper.success('Rust compiler OK') } LogHelper.success('Python packages installed') if (givenSetupTarget === 'tcp-server') { await installPytorch() } } catch (e) { if (hasDotVenv) { await fs.promises.rm(dotVenvPath, { recursive: true, force: true })`Error occurred, so "${dotVenvPath}" was deleted`) } LogHelper.error(`Failed to install Python packages: ${e}`) if (osType === OSTypes.Linux || osType === OSTypes.MacOS) { LogHelper.error( 'If the error is related to "PortAudio" not installed or found, you can install it by running: "sudo apt install portaudio19-dev" or "brew install portaudio". Then retry. PortAudio is required for the "pyaudio" package used to record audio' ) } if (osType === OSTypes.Windows) { LogHelper.error( 'Please check the error above. It might be related to Microsoft C++ Build Tools. If it is, you can check here: "" then restart your machine and retry' ) LogHelper.error( 'If it is related to some hash mismatch, you can try by installing Pipenv 2024.0.1: pip install pipenv==2024.0.1' ) } process.exit(1) } } /** * Verify if a fresh development environment installation is necessary */ // Required environment variables to set up process.env.PIPENV_PIPFILE = pipfilePath process.env.PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT = true if (givenSetupTarget === 'python-bridge') { // As per: process.env.PIP_NO_BINARY = 'cx_Freeze' } try { if (!hasDotVenv) { await installPythonPackages() } else { if (fs.existsSync(dotProjectPath)) { const dotProjectMtime = (await fs.promises.stat(dotProjectPath)).mtime // Check if Python deps tree has been modified since the initial setup if (pipfileMtime > dotProjectMtime) {'The development environment is not up-to-date') await installPythonPackages() } else { LogHelper.success('Python packages are up-to-date') } } else { await installPythonPackages() } } } catch (e) { LogHelper.error( `Failed to set up the ${setupTarget} development environment: ${e}` ) } finally { LoaderHelper.stop() } if (givenSetupTarget === 'tcp-server') { const installSpacyModels = async () => { try {'Installing spaCy models...') // Install models one by one to avoid network throttling for (const modelLanguage of SPACY_MODELS.keys()) { const modelInstallationFileUrl = getModelInstallationFileUrl( modelLanguage, givenMirror ) await command(`pipenv run pip install ${modelInstallationFileUrl}`, { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }) } LogHelper.success('spaCy models installed') } catch (e) { LogHelper.error(`Failed to install spaCy models: ${e}`) process.exit(1) } }'Checking whether all spaCy models are installed...') try { for (const { name: modelName } of SPACY_MODELS.values()) { const { stderr } = await command( `pipenv run python -c "import ${modelName}"`, { shell: true } ) // Check stderr output for Windows as no exception is thrown if (osType === OSTypes.Windows) { if (String(stderr).length > 0) { await installSpacyModels() break } } } LogHelper.success('All spaCy models are already installed') } catch (e) {'Not all spaCy models are installed') await installSpacyModels() } } LogHelper.success(`${setupTarget} development environment ready`) })()