{ "actions": { "choose_thematic": { "type": "dialog", "utterance_samples": [ "[Let's play|I want to play|I wanna play] with Akinator" ], "slots": [ { "name": "thematic", "item": { "type": "entity", "name": "thematic" }, "questions": [ "What thematic would you like to play with?", "What thematic do you choose?" ], "suggestions": [ "Characters", "Objects", "Animals" ] } ], "entities": [ { "type": "enum", "name": "thematic", "options": { "characters": { "synonyms": ["characters", "character"] }, "objects": { "synonyms": ["objects", "object"] }, "animals": { "synonyms": ["animals", "animal"] } } } ], "next_action": "setup" }, "setup": { "type": "logic", "next_action": "guess" }, "guess": { "type": "logic", "loop": { "expected_item": { "type": "skill_resolver", "name": "answer" } }, "suggestions": [ "Yes", "No", "Don't know", "Probably", "Probably not" ], "next_action": "retry" }, "retry": { "type": "logic", "loop": { "expected_item": { "type": "global_resolver", "name": "affirmation_denial" } }, "suggestions": [ "Yes", "No thanks" ] } }, "resolvers": { "answer": { "intents": { "yes": { "utterance_samples": [ "[Yes|Yep|Yup|Yeah]", "Sure", "Correct" ], "value": "y" }, "no": { "utterance_samples": [ "[No|Nope|Nah]" ], "value": "n" }, "idk": { "utterance_samples": [ "I do not know", "Do not know", "[Dont|Don't] know", "No idea", "Not sure" ], "value": "idk" }, "probably": { "utterance_samples": [ "Probably", "Probably yes" ], "value": "p" }, "probably_not": { "utterance_samples": [ "Probably [no|not]" ], "value": "pn" } } } }, "answers": { "network_error": [ "I cannot reach Akinator, you may verify your network.", "Akinator isn't reachable at the moment. Please check your network.", "It looks like your network cannot reach Akinator." ], "calling_akinator": [ "I'm calling my friend Akinator...", "Alright, let me call Akinator, wait a sec...", "Sure, let me get in touch with Akinator. Please wait a sec..." ], "guessed": [ "I take the shot, you are thinking of %name%. %description%.", "I guess you think of %name%. %description%." ], "guessed_img": [ "\"%name%\"" ], "ask_for_retry": [ "Do you want to go for another one?", "Should we go for another try?" ], "confirm_retry": [ "Gotcha!", "Let's go for another try then!" ], "deny_retry": [ "Got it, take care.", "Let me know anytime you want I call Akinator." ] } }