import path from 'node:path' import { prompt } from 'inquirer' import { command } from 'execa' import { PYTHON_BRIDGE_SRC_PATH, TCP_SERVER_SRC_PATH } from '@/constants' import { LogHelper } from '@/helpers/log-helper' import { LoaderHelper } from '@/helpers/loader-helper' /** * Pre-release binaries via GitHub Actions * 1. Ask for confirmation whether the binary version has been bumped * 2. Trigger GitHub workflow to pre-release binaries */ const BUILD_TARGETS = new Map() BUILD_TARGETS.set('python-bridge', { workflowFileName: 'pre-release-python-bridge.yml', setupFilePath: path.join(PYTHON_BRIDGE_SRC_PATH, '') }) BUILD_TARGETS.set('tcp-server', { workflowFileName: 'pre-release-tcp-server.yml', setupFilePath: path.join(TCP_SERVER_SRC_PATH, '') }) ;(async () => { LoaderHelper.start() const { argv } = process const givenReleaseTarget = argv[2].toLowerCase() const givenBranch = argv[3]?.toLowerCase() const { workflowFileName, setupFilePath } = BUILD_TARGETS.get(givenReleaseTarget) LoaderHelper.stop() const answer = await prompt({ type: 'confirm', name: 'binary.bumped', message: `Have you bumped the version number of the binary from the "${setupFilePath}" file?`, default: false }) LoaderHelper.start() if (!answer.binary.bumped) { 'Please bump the version number of the binary from the setup file before continuing' ) process.exit(0) } try {'Triggering the GitHub workflow...') const runWorkflowCommand = !givenBranch ? `gh workflow run ${workflowFileName}` : `gh workflow run ${workflowFileName} --ref ${givenBranch}` await command(runWorkflowCommand, { shell: true, stdout: 'inherit' }) LogHelper.success( 'GitHub workflow triggered. The pre-release is on its way!' ) LogHelper.success( 'Once the pre-release is done, go to the GitHub releases to double-check information and hit release' ) process.exit(0) } catch (e) { LogHelper.error( `An error occurred while triggering the GitHub workflow: ${e}` ) process.exit(1) } })()