# Trend Package The trend package contains modules related to trends. ## Modules ### GitHub Grab the GitHub trends repositories according to several options. #### Usage ``` (en-US) "What's trending on GitHub?" (en-US) "Give me the 4 GitHub trends of this week for the JavaScript language" (en-US) "What's the three GitHub trends of this month?" (fr-FR) "Quelles sont les tendances sur GitHub ?" (fr-FR) "Donne-moi les 4 tendances GitHub de cette semaine pour le langage JavaScript" (fr-FR) "Donne-moi les trois tendances GitHub de ce mois" ... ``` ### Product Hunt Grab the Product Hunt trends. #### Usage 1. Log in to your [Product Hunt](https://www.producthunt.com/) account. 2. Add a [new application](https://www.producthunt.com/v1/oauth/applications) (E.g. name: Leon; Redirect URI: https://localhost). 3. Once your application is created, click `Create Token`. 4. Copy the `Developer Token` and paste it in `packages/trend/config/config.json` at the `producthunt.developer_token` key. ``` (en-US) "What's trending on Product Hunt?" (en-US) "What were the four first Product Hunt trends on the 7th of October 2018?" (en-US) "What were the Product Hunt trends of yesterday?" (fr-FR) "Quelles sont les tendances sur Product Hunt ?" (fr-FR) "Donne-moi les 4 tendances Product Hunt du 7 octobre 2018" ... ```