{ "actions": { "run": { "type": "logic", "utterance_samples": [ "What are the trends on Product Hunt?", "Give me the Product Hunt trends", "What's trending on Product Hunt?", "What are the trends on PH?", "Give me the PH trends", "What's trending on PH?", "What's trending on ProductHunt?" ] } }, "answers": { "limit_max": [ "You've asked for too many Product Hunt trends, I'll give you %new_limit% trends instead.", "%limit% Product Hunt trends is a lot, let me tell you the %new_limit% trends instead." ], "reaching": [ "I'm reaching Product Hunt, please wait a second...", "Let me reach Product Hunt..." ], "today": [ "Here are the %limit% Product Hunt trends of the day:

" ], "specific_day": [ "Here are the %limit% Product Hunt trends for the %date%:

" ], "unreachable": [ "Product Hunt is unreachable for the moment, please retry later.", "I'm having difficulties to reach Product Hunt, please retry later.", "Product Hunt seems to be down, please try again later." ], "list_element": [ "
  • #%rank%. %product_name% created by %author_name% with %votes_nb% votes.
  • " ], "list_element_with_unknown_maker": [ "
  • #%rank%. %product_name% with %votes_nb% votes. There is no information about the maker.
  • ", "
  • #%rank%. %product_name% with %votes_nb% votes. I did not find any information about the maker.
  • " ], "not_found": [ "There is no product on that date.", "I did not find any product on that date." ], "invalid_developer_token": [ "Your Product Hunt developer token is invalid. Please provide a valid one by reading this.", "You did not set a valid Product Hunt developer token. Please set a valid one by reading this." ] } }