import fs from 'node:fs' import path from 'node:path' import stream from 'node:stream' import { command } from 'execa' import { LLM_NAME, LLM_NAME_WITH_VERSION, LLM_MINIMUM_TOTAL_RAM, LLM_DIR_PATH, LLM_PATH, LLM_VERSION, LLM_HF_DOWNLOAD_URL, LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG } from '@/constants' import { OSTypes, CPUArchitectures } from '@/types' import { SystemHelper } from '@/helpers/system-helper' import { LogHelper } from '@/helpers/log-helper' import { FileHelper } from '@/helpers/file-helper' /** * Download and set up LLM * 1. Check minimum hardware requirements * 2. Check if Hugging Face is accessible * 3. Download the latest LLM from Hugging Face or mirror * 4. Download and compile the latest llama.cpp release * 5. Create manifest file */ const LLM_MANIFEST_PATH = path.join(LLM_DIR_PATH, 'manifest.json') let manifest = null function checkMinimumHardwareRequirements() { return SystemHelper.getTotalRAM() >= LLM_MINIMUM_TOTAL_RAM } async function downloadLLM() { try {'Downloading LLM...') if (fs.existsSync(LLM_MANIFEST_PATH)) { manifest = JSON.parse( await fs.promises.readFile(LLM_MANIFEST_PATH, 'utf8') )`Found ${LLM_NAME} ${manifest.version}`)`Latest version is ${LLM_VERSION}`) } if (!manifest || manifest.version !== LLM_VERSION) { // Just in case the LLM file already exists, delete it first if (fs.existsSync(LLM_PATH)) { await fs.promises.unlink(LLM_PATH) } `Downloading ${LLM_NAME_WITH_VERSION} from ${LLM_HF_DOWNLOAD_URL}...` ) const llmWriter = fs.createWriteStream(LLM_PATH) const response = await FileHelper.downloadFile( LLM_HF_DOWNLOAD_URL, 'stream' ) await stream.promises.finished(llmWriter) await FileHelper.createManifestFile( LLM_MANIFEST_PATH, LLM_NAME, LLM_VERSION, { llamaCPPVersion: manifest?.llamaCPPVersion ? manifest.llamaCPPVersion : null } ) LogHelper.success('Manifest file updated') LogHelper.success(`${LLM_NAME_WITH_VERSION} downloaded`) LogHelper.success(`${LLM_NAME_WITH_VERSION} ready`) } else { LogHelper.success( `${LLM_NAME_WITH_VERSION} is already set up and use the latest version` ) } } catch (e) { LogHelper.error(`Failed to download LLM: ${e}`) process.exit(1) } } async function downloadAndCompileLlamaCPP() { const { type: osType, cpuArchitecture } = SystemHelper.getInformation() try { `Downloading and compiling "${LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG}" llama.cpp release...` ) if (manifest?.llamaCPPVersion) {`Found llama.cpp ${manifest.llamaCPPVersion}`)`Latest version is ${LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG}`) } if (!manifest || manifest?.llamaCPPVersion !== LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG) { if (manifest?.llamaCPPVersion !== LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG) {`Updating llama.cpp to ${LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG}...`) } let llamaCPPDownloadCommand = `npx --no node-llama-cpp download --release "${LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG}"` if ( osType === OSTypes.MacOS && cpuArchitecture === CPUArchitectures.X64 ) { // llamaCPPDownloadCommand = `${llamaCPPDownloadCommand} --no-metal``macOS Intel chipset detected, Metal support disabled`) } await command(llamaCPPDownloadCommand, { shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' }) await FileHelper.createManifestFile( LLM_MANIFEST_PATH, LLM_NAME, LLM_VERSION, { llamaCPPVersion: LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG } ) LogHelper.success('Manifest file updated') LogHelper.success(`llama.cpp downloaded and compiled`) LogHelper.success('The LLM is ready to go') } else { LogHelper.success( `llama.cpp is already set up and use the latest version (${LLM_LLAMA_CPP_RELEASE_TAG})` ) } } catch (e) { LogHelper.error(`Failed to set up llama.cpp: ${e}`) if ( osType === OSTypes.MacOS && cpuArchitecture === CPUArchitectures.ARM64 ) { LogHelper.error( `Please verify that the Metal developer tools for macOS are installed.\n You can verify by running the following command in your terminal: xcode-select --install\n Otherwise download them here and retry:` ) } process.exit(1) } } export default async () => { const canSetupLLM = checkMinimumHardwareRequirements() if (!canSetupLLM) { const totalRAM = SystemHelper.getTotalRAM() LogHelper.warning( `LLM requires at least ${LLM_MINIMUM_TOTAL_RAM} of total RAM. Current total RAM is ${totalRAM} GB. No worries though, Leon can still run without LLM.` ) } else { await downloadLLM() await downloadAndCompileLlamaCPP() } }