import fs from 'node:fs' import path from 'node:path' import stream from 'node:stream' import readline from 'node:readline' import axios from 'axios' import { command } from 'execa' import prettyBytes from 'pretty-bytes' import prettyMilliseconds from 'pretty-ms' import extractZip from 'extract-zip' import { BINARIES_FOLDER_NAME, GITHUB_URL, NODEJS_BRIDGE_ROOT_PATH, NODEJS_BRIDGE_DIST_PATH, PYTHON_BRIDGE_DIST_PATH, TCP_SERVER_DIST_PATH, NODEJS_BRIDGE_BIN_NAME, PYTHON_BRIDGE_BIN_NAME, TCP_SERVER_BIN_NAME, NODEJS_BRIDGE_VERSION, PYTHON_BRIDGE_VERSION, TCP_SERVER_VERSION } from '@/constants' import { LogHelper } from '@/helpers/log-helper' /** * Set up binaries according to the given setup target * 1. Delete the existing dist binaries if already exist * 2. Download the latest binaries from GitHub releases * 3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to the dist folder */ const TARGETS = new Map() TARGETS.set('nodejs-bridge', { name: 'Node.js bridge', distPath: NODEJS_BRIDGE_DIST_PATH, manifestPath: path.join(NODEJS_BRIDGE_DIST_PATH, 'manifest.json'), archiveName: `${NODEJS_BRIDGE_BIN_NAME.split('.')[0]}.zip`, version: NODEJS_BRIDGE_VERSION, isPlatformDependent: false // Need to be built for the target platform or not }) TARGETS.set('python-bridge', { name: 'Python bridge', distPath: PYTHON_BRIDGE_DIST_PATH, manifestPath: path.join(PYTHON_BRIDGE_DIST_PATH, 'manifest.json'), archiveName: `${PYTHON_BRIDGE_BIN_NAME}-${BINARIES_FOLDER_NAME}.zip`, version: PYTHON_BRIDGE_VERSION, isPlatformDependent: true }) TARGETS.set('tcp-server', { name: 'TCP server', distPath: TCP_SERVER_DIST_PATH, manifestPath: path.join(TCP_SERVER_DIST_PATH, 'manifest.json'), archiveName: `${TCP_SERVER_BIN_NAME}-${BINARIES_FOLDER_NAME}.zip`, version: TCP_SERVER_VERSION, isPlatformDependent: true }) async function createManifestFile(manifestPath, name, version) { const manifest = { name, version, setupDate: } await fs.promises.writeFile(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2)) } const setupBinaries = async (key) => { const { name, distPath, archiveName, version, manifestPath, isPlatformDependent } = TARGETS.get(key) let manifest = null if (fs.existsSync(manifestPath)) { manifest = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(manifestPath, 'utf8'))`Found ${name} ${manifest.version}`)`Latest version is ${version}`) } if (!manifest || manifest.version !== version) { const buildPath = isPlatformDependent ? path.join(distPath, BINARIES_FOLDER_NAME) : path.join(distPath, 'bin') const archivePath = path.join(distPath, archiveName) await Promise.all([ fs.promises.rm(buildPath, { recursive: true, force: true }), fs.promises.rm(archivePath, { recursive: true, force: true }) ]) if (key === 'nodejs-bridge') { try {'Installing Node.js bridge npm packages...') await command( `npm install --package-lock=false --prefix ${NODEJS_BRIDGE_ROOT_PATH}`, { shell: true } ) LogHelper.success('Node.js bridge npm packages installed') } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Failed to install Node.js bridge npm packages: ${e}`) } } try {`Downloading ${name}...`) const archiveWriter = fs.createWriteStream(archivePath) const latestReleaseAssetURL = `${GITHUB_URL}/releases/download/${key}_v${version}/${archiveName}` const { data } = await axios.get(latestReleaseAssetURL, { responseType: 'stream', onDownloadProgress: ({ loaded, total, progress, estimated, rate }) => { const percentage = Math.floor(progress * 100) const downloadedSize = prettyBytes(loaded) const totalSize = prettyBytes(total) const estimatedTime = !estimated ? 0 : prettyMilliseconds(estimated * 1_000, { secondsDecimalDigits: 0 }) const downloadRate = !rate ? 0 : prettyBytes(rate) readline.clearLine(process.stdout, 0) readline.cursorTo(process.stdout, 0, null) process.stdout.write( `Download progress: ${percentage}% (${downloadedSize}/${totalSize} | ${downloadRate}/s | ${estimatedTime} ETA)` ) if (percentage === 100) { process.stdout.write('\n') } } }) data.pipe(archiveWriter) await stream.promises.finished(archiveWriter) LogHelper.success(`${name} downloaded`)`Extracting ${name}...`) const absoluteDistPath = path.resolve(distPath) await extractZip(archivePath, { dir: absoluteDistPath }) LogHelper.success(`${name} extracted`) await Promise.all([ fs.promises.rm(archivePath, { recursive: true, force: true }), createManifestFile(manifestPath, name, version) ]) LogHelper.success(`${name} manifest file created`) LogHelper.success(`${name} ${version} ready`) } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Failed to set up ${name}: ${e}`) } } else { LogHelper.success(`${name} is already at the latest version (${version})`) } } export default async () => { await setupBinaries('nodejs-bridge') await setupBinaries('python-bridge') await setupBinaries('tcp-server') }