import dotenv from 'dotenv' import crypto from 'crypto' import fs from 'fs' import { prompt } from 'inquirer' import path from 'path' import { LOG } from '@/helpers/log' import { randomString } from '@/helpers/string' dotenv.config() /** * Generate HTTP API key script * save it in the .env file */ const generateHttpApiKey = () => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {'Generating the HTTP API key...') try { const shasum = crypto.createHash('sha1') const str = randomString(11) const dotEnvPath = path.join(process.cwd(), '.env') const envVarKey = 'LEON_HTTP_API_KEY' let content = fs.readFileSync(dotEnvPath, 'utf8') shasum.update(str) const sha1 = shasum.digest('hex') let lines = content.split('\n') lines = => { if (line.indexOf(`${envVarKey}=`) !== -1) { line = `${envVarKey}=${sha1}` } return line }) content = lines.join('\n') fs.writeFileSync(dotEnvPath, content) LOG.success('HTTP API key generated') resolve() } catch (e) { LOG.error(e.message) reject(e) } }) export default () => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { if ( !process.env.LEON_HTTP_API_KEY || process.env.LEON_HTTP_API_KEY === '' ) { await generateHttpApiKey() } else if (!process.env.IS_DOCKER) { const answer = await prompt({ type: 'confirm', name: 'generate.httpApiKey', message: 'Do you want to regenerate the HTTP API key?', default: false }) if (answer.generate.httpApiKey === true) { await generateHttpApiKey() } } resolve() } catch (e) { reject(e) } })