import Nlu from '@/core/nlu' describe('NLU', () => { describe('constructor()', () => { test('creates a new instance of Nlu', () => { const nlu = new Nlu() expect(nlu).toBeInstanceOf(Nlu) }) }) describe('loadModel()', () => { test('returns warning NLP model does not exist', async () => { const nlu = new Nlu() try { await nlu.loadModel('ghost-model.nlp') } catch (e) { expect(e.type).toBe('warning') } }) test('rejects because of a broken NLP model', async () => { const nlu = new Nlu() nlu.brain = { talk: jest.fn(), wernicke: jest.fn(), socket: { emit: jest.fn() } } try { await nlu.loadModel(global.paths.broken_nlp_model) } catch (e) { expect(e.type).toBe('error') } }) test('loads the NLP model', async () => { const nlu = new Nlu() await nlu.loadModel(global.paths.nlp_model) expect(nlu.nlp.nluManager.domainManagers).not.toBeEmpty() }) }) describe('process()', () => { const nluFallbackTmp = Nlu.fallback test('rejects because the NLP model is empty', async () => { const nlu = new Nlu() nlu.brain = { talk: jest.fn(), wernicke: jest.fn(), socket: { emit: jest.fn() } } await expect(nlu.process('Hello')).rejects.toEqual('The NLP model is missing, please rebuild the project or if you are in dev run: npm run train') }) test('resolves with intent not found', async () => { const nlu = new Nlu() nlu.brain = { talk: jest.fn(), wernicke: jest.fn(), socket: { emit: jest.fn() } } await nlu.loadModel(global.paths.nlp_model) await expect(nlu.process('Unknown intent')).resolves.toHaveProperty('message', 'Intent not found') expect( }) test('executes brain with the fallback value (object)', async () => { const utterance = 'Thisisanutteranceexampletotestfallbacks' const fallbackObj = { utterance, entities: [], classification: { package: 'leon', module: 'randomnumber', action: 'run' } } const nlu = new Nlu() nlu.brain = { execute: jest.fn() } Nlu.fallback = jest.fn(() => fallbackObj) await nlu.loadModel(global.paths.nlp_model) await expect(nlu.process(utterance)).resolves.toHaveProperty('processingTime') expect(nlu.brain.execute.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe(fallbackObj) Nlu.fallback = nluFallbackTmp // Need to give back the real fallback method }) test('returns true thanks to intent found', async () => { const nlu = new Nlu() nlu.brain = { execute: jest.fn() } await nlu.loadModel(global.paths.nlp_model) await expect(nlu.process('Hello')).toResolve() expect(nlu.brain.execute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) }) describe('fallback()', () => { test('returns false because there is no fallback matching the utterance', () => { expect(Nlu.fallback({ utterance: 'This is an utterance example to test fallbacks' }, [])).toBeFalsy() }) test('returns fallback injected object', () => { const obj = { utterance: 'This is am utterance example to test fallbacks', classification: { } } expect(Nlu.fallback(obj, [ { words: ['utterance', 'example', 'test', 'fallbacks'], package: 'fake-pkg', module: 'fake-module', action: 'fake-action' } ]).classification).toContainEntries([['package', 'fake-pkg'], ['module', 'fake-module'], ['action', 'fake-action'], ['confidence', 1]]) }) }) })