{ "actions": { "start": { "type": "dialog", "utterance_samples": [ "Let's play rochambeau", "I wanna play rock paper scissors", "Can we play paper rock scissors?", "I want to play rochambeau" ], "answers": [ "Alright, let's get started!", "1, 2, 3, FIRE!", "Rock, paper, scissors..." ], "next_action": "play" }, "play": { "type": "logic", "loop": { "expected_item": { "type": "entity", "name": "handsign" } }, "suggestions": ["Rock ✊", "Paper ✋", "Scissors ✌"], "entities": [ { "type": "enum", "name": "handsign", "options": { "ROCK": { "synonyms": ["rock", "stone"] }, "PAPER": { "synonyms": ["paper"] }, "SCISSORS": { "synonyms": ["scissors"] } } } ], "next_action": "rematch" }, "rematch": { "type": "logic", "loop": { "expected_item": { "type": "global_resolver", "name": "affirmation_denial" } }, "suggestions": ["Yes", "No thanks"] } }, "answers": { "ready": ["Let's get started!"], "leon_emoji": ["%leon_emoji%"], "equal": ["No point.", "It's a tie."], "point_for_leon": [ "I got you. The %handsign_1% beats the %handsign_2%.", "Yeaaah, I won! The %handsign_1% beats the %handsign_2%.", "Gotcha! I got the point because the %handsign_1% beats the %handsign_2%." ], "point_for_player": [ "You got me. The %handsign_1% beats the %handsign_2%.", "Aargh no, you got the point. The %handsign_1% beats the %handsign_2%.", "Well played! You got the point because the %handsign_1% beats the %handsign_2%." ], "ask_for_rematch": [ "Do you want a rematch?", "Should we go for another round?" ], "confirm_rematch": ["Be ready!", "I'm not gonna let you win."], "deny_rematch": ["As you wish.", "Let me know anytime you want to play."] } }