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2023-05-07 16:51:31 +03:00
# Virtual desktops for Hyprland ![hyprico](.github/hyprland.ico)
`virtual-desktops` is a plugin for the [Hyprland](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland) compositor. `virtual-desktops` manages multiple screens workspaces as if they were a single virtual desktop.
## What is this exactly?
In Hyprland, each screen has its own set of workspaces. For instance, say you have two monitors, with workspace 1 on screen 1
and workspace 2 on screen 2:
- When you switch from workspace 1 to 2, Hyprland will simply focus your second screen;
- If you switch to workspace 3, your active screen will go to workspace 3, whereas the other screen will stay on whichever workspace it is currently on.
You may think of a virtual desktop, instead, as a "single"
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workspace which extends across your screens (even though, internally, you will still have _n_ different workspaces on your _n_ monitors). If you've ever used KDE Plasma (or Gnome, I think) with
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multiple screens, this plugin basically replicates that
Taking the previous example:
- You will be on virtual desktop 1. Let's say you open your web browser on your first screen and an IDE on your second screen;
- When you switch to virtual desktop 2, both screens will switch to empty workspaces. Let's say here you open your email client and your favourite chat applicaiton;
- If you switch back to virtual desktop 1, you will get back your web browser and the IDE on screen 1 and 2; and viceversa when you go back to virtual desktop 2.
## How does this work?
### It's just workspaces, really
Internally, this simply ties _n_ workspaces to your _n_ screens, for each virtual desktop. That is, on virtual desktop 1 you will always have workspace 1 on screen 1 and workspace 2 on screen 2;
on virtual desktop 2, you will always have workspace 3 on screen 1 and workspace 4 on screen 2, and so on.
**Notice**: screen 1 and screen 2 are not necessarily what you expect your first and second screen to be, i.e., screen 1 is not necessarily your left screen, and screen 2 is not necessarily your right screen.
### Hyprctl dispatchers
This plugin exposes a few hyprctl dispatchers:
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| Dispatcher | descritpion | type | example|
| vdesk [vdesk] | Changes to virtual desktop `vdesk` | see below | `vdesk 3` or `vdesk coding`|
| prevdesk | Changes to previous virtual desktop | `none` | `prevdesk`|
| printdesk (vdesk)| Prints to Hyprland log the specified vdesk or the currently active vdesk* (if no argument is given) | optional vdesk, see below | `printdesk` or `printdesk 2` or `printdesk coding`|
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| movetodesk vdesk(, window) | Moves the active/selected window to the specified `vdesk` | `vdesk`, optional window, see below | `movetodesk 2` or `movetodesk 2,title:kitty` |
| movetodesksilent vdesk(, window) | same as `movetodesk`, but doesn't switch to desk | same as above | same as above |
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\*`printdesk` currently prints to the active Hyprland session log, thus probably not really useful.
For `vdesk` names, you can use:
- ID: e.g., `1`, `2` etc;
- Name: e.g., `coding`, `internet`, `mail and chats`
If a `vdesk` with a given ID or name does not exist, it'll be created on the fly. If you give a (non configured, see [below](#configuration-values))
name, it will be assigned to the next available vdesk id: the virtual-desktops
plugin will remember this association even if Hyprland kills the related workspaces.
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The `movetodesk` and `movetodesksilent` dispatchers work similarly to
Hyprland's `movetoworkspace` and `movetoworkspacesilent` dispatchers. See [Hyprland's wiki](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Dispatchers/#list-of-dispatchers). Of course, make sure to use the `vdesk` syntax above instead of Hyprland's.
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#### Mix with Hyprland native workspaces, but know what you're doing
You can mix this with Hyprland native workspaces functionality, but beware
of how this plugin manages workspaces. Every vdesk will _always_ operate on the _same_ set of workspaces. If you're on vdesk 1, with 2 monitors, and
switch monitor 2 to workspace 4, switching to vdesk 2 will always show workspaces 3 and 4 (and switching back to vdesk 1 will show workspace 1 and
Also notice that you can use `hyprctl dispatch vdesk n`, even if you have
no secondary screen connected at the moment (the behaviour would be identical to native workspaces). Also, I would REMOVE
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any workspace related configuration, such as `wsbind`. If you want to leverage [workspace-specific rules](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Workspace-Rules/), you can: workspaces are always assigned
to the same vdesk given the same number of monitors. For instance:
- Given two monitors:
- vdesk 1 has workspaces 1 and 2;
- vdesk 2 has workspaces 3 and 4, and so on;
- Given three monitors:
- vdesk 1 has workspaces 1, 2 and 3;
- vdesk 2 has workspaces 4, 5 and 6, and so on.
- Given four monitors...
The vdesk a workspace will end up to is easily computed by doing `ceil(workspace_id / n_monitors)`. You know where I'm going with this one...you can easily script it.
### Configuration values
This plugin exposes a few configuration options, under the `plugin:virtual-desktops:` category, namely:
| Name | type | example|
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| names | map[int:string], see below| `1:coding, 2:internet, 3:mail and chats`|
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| cycleworkspaces | `0` or `1`| `1`|
* The `names` config option maps virtual desktop IDs to a name (you can then use this with the hyprctl [dispatcher](#hyprctl-dispatchers));
* If `cycleworkspaces` is set to `1`, and you switch to the currently active virtual desktop, this swaps the workspaces of your two monitors (see hyprctl [swapactiveworkspaces](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Dispatchers/#list-of-dispatchers)).
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THIS CURRENTLY DOES NOT WORK WITH MORE THAN 2 MONITORS. If you need this feature, please feel welcome to submit a PR ^^ (see also the `dev` branch).
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#### Example config
plugin {
virtual-desktops {
names = 1:coding, 2:internet, 3:mail and chats
cycleworkspaces = 1
## Install
In order to use plugins, you should compile Hyprland yourself. See [Hyprland Wiki#Using Plugins](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Plugins/Using-Plugins/).
You can use:
HYPRLAND_HEADERS=path/to/hyprlandrepo make all
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this will compile and copy the compiled `.so` plugin in the `$HOME/.local/share/hyprload/plugins/bin` path (useful if you use [hyprload](https://github.com/Duckonaut/hyprload)).
You can also use `make virtual-desktops.so` to output the compiled plugin in the repo directory.
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Once compiled, you can tell Hyprland to load the plugin as described in the [Hyprland wiki](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Plugins/Using-Plugins/#installing--using-plugins).
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### Thanks to
[split-workspaces](https://github.com/Duckonaut/split-monitor-workspaces/), from which I borrowed the Makefile,
and the general idea of how to write Hyprland plugins.