mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 14:12:45 +03:00
Clean up some more, remove some half-baked effects
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Criterion (bench, bgroup, whnf)
import Criterion.Main (defaultMain)
import Control.Monad.Freer (Member, Eff, run, send)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Eff(E, Val), decomp, qApp, tsingleton)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Eff(..), decomp, qApp, tsingleton)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Error (runError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Freer.State (get, put, runState)
import Control.Monad.Freer.StateRW (ask, tell, runStateR)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import qualified Control.Eff.State.Lazy as EE
oneGet :: Int -> (Int, Int)
oneGet = run . runState get
oneGet n = run (runState n get)
oneGetMTL :: Int -> (Int, Int)
oneGetMTL = MTL.runState MTL.get
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ oneGetEE :: Int -> (Int, Int)
oneGetEE n = EE.run $ EE.runState n EE.get
countDown :: Int -> (Int, Int)
countDown start = run (runState go start)
countDown start = run (runState start go)
where go = get >>= (\n -> if n <= 0 then pure n else put (n-1) >> go)
countDownRW :: Int -> (Int, Int)
countDownRW start = run (runStateR go start)
countDownRW start = run (runStateR start go)
where go = ask >>= (\n -> if n <= 0 then pure n else tell (n-1) >> go)
countDownMTL :: Int -> (Int, Int)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ countDownEE start = EE.run $ EE.runState start go
-- Exception + State --
countDownExc :: Int -> Either String (Int,Int)
countDownExc start = run $ runError (runState go start)
countDownExc start = run $ runError (runState start go)
where go = get >>= (\n -> if n <= (0 :: Int) then throwError "wat" else put (n-1) >> go)
countDownExcMTL :: Int -> Either String (Int,Int)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ runConsole = runM . interpretM (\case
runConsolePure :: [String] -> Eff '[Console] w -> [String]
runConsolePure inputs req = snd . fst $
run (runWriter (runState (runError (reinterpret3 go req)) inputs))
run (runWriter (runState inputs (runError (reinterpret3 go req))))
go :: Console v -> Eff '[Error (), State [String], Writer [String]] v
go (PutStrLn msg) = tell [msg]
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ runConsolePureM
-> Eff effs (Maybe w, [String], [String])
runConsolePureM inputs req = do
((x, inputs'), output) <- reinterpret3 go req
& runError & flip runState inputs & runWriter
& runError & runState inputs & runWriter
pure (either (const Nothing) Just x, inputs', output)
go :: Console v
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
module Cut () where
-- import Control.Monad.Freer.Cut
-- The signature is inferred
tcut1 :: (Member Choose r, Member (Error CutFalse) r) => Eff r Int
tcut1 = (return (1::Int) `mplus'` return 2) `mplus'`
((cutfalse `mplus'` return 4) `mplus'`
return 5)
tcut1r = run . makeChoice $ call tcut1
-- [1,2]
tcut2 = return (1::Int) `mplus'`
call (return 2 `mplus'` (cutfalse `mplus'` return 3) `mplus'`
return 4)
`mplus'` return 5
-- Here we see nested call. It poses no problems...
tcut2r = run . makeChoice $ call tcut2
-- [1,2,5]
-- More nested calls
tcut3 = call tcut1 `mplus'` call (tcut2 `mplus'` cutfalse)
tcut3r = run . makeChoice $ call tcut3
-- [1,2,1,2,5]
tcut4 = call tcut1 `mplus'` (tcut2 `mplus'` cutfalse)
tcut4r = run . makeChoice $ call tcut4
-- [1,2,1,2,5]
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Freer.Trace (runTrace, trace)
-- Fresh 0
-- Fresh 1
traceFresh :: IO ()
traceFresh = runTrace $ flip evalFresh 0 $ do
traceFresh = runTrace $ evalFresh 0 $ do
n <- fresh
trace $ "Fresh " ++ show n
n' <- fresh
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Console
, runConsoleM
import Coroutine ()
import Cut ()
import Fresh ()
import Trace ()
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ mapMdebug f (h:t) = do
pure (h':t')
tMd :: IO [Int]
tMd = runTrace $ runReader (mapMdebug f [1..5]) (10::Int)
tMd = runTrace $ runReader (10::Int) (mapMdebug f [1..5])
where f x = (+) <$> ask <*> pure x
mapMdebug: 1
@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ mapMdebug: 5
-- duplicate layers
tdup :: IO ()
tdup = runTrace $ runReader m (10::Int)
tdup = runTrace $ runReader (10::Int) m
m = do
runReader tr (20::Int)
runReader (20::Int) tr
tr = do
v <- ask
@ -70,18 +70,21 @@ import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal
-- transformation from some effect @eff@ to some effectful computation with
-- effects @effs@, produces a natural transformation from @'Eff' (eff ': effs)@
-- to @'Eff' effs@.
interpret :: (eff ~> Eff effs) -> Eff (eff ': effs) ~> Eff effs
interpret :: forall eff effs. (eff ~> Eff effs) -> Eff (eff ': effs) ~> Eff effs
interpret f = interpretWith (\e -> (f e >>=))
{-# INLINE interpret #-}
-- | Like 'interpret', but instead of handling the effect, allows responding to
-- the effect while leaving it unhandled.
interpose :: Member eff effs => (eff ~> Eff effs) -> Eff effs ~> Eff effs
interpose :: forall eff effs. Member eff effs => (eff ~> Eff effs) -> Eff effs ~> Eff effs
interpose f = interposeWith (\e -> (f e >>=))
{-# INLINE interpose #-}
-- | Like 'interpret', but instead of removing the interpreted effect @f@,
-- reencodes it in some new effect @g@.
reinterpret :: (f ~> Eff (g ': effs)) -> Eff (f ': effs) ~> Eff (g ': effs)
reinterpret :: forall f g effs. (f ~> Eff (g ': effs)) -> Eff (f ': effs) ~> Eff (g ': effs)
reinterpret f = replaceRelay pure (\e -> (f e >>=))
{-# INLINE reinterpret #-}
-- | Like 'reinterpret', but encodes the @f@ effect in /two/ new effects instead
-- of just one.
@ -89,6 +92,7 @@ reinterpret2
:: forall f g h effs
. (f ~> Eff (g ': h ': effs)) -> Eff (f ': effs) ~> Eff (g ': h ': effs)
reinterpret2 = reinterpretN @[g, h]
{-# INLINE reinterpret2 #-}
-- | Like 'reinterpret', but encodes the @f@ effect in /three/ new effects
-- instead of just one.
@ -97,6 +101,7 @@ reinterpret3
. (f ~> Eff (g ': h ': i ': effs))
-> Eff (f ': effs) ~> Eff (g ': h ': i ': effs)
reinterpret3 = reinterpretN @[g, h, i]
{-# INLINE reinterpret3 #-}
-- | Like 'interpret', 'reinterpret', 'reinterpret2', and 'reinterpret3', but
-- allows the result to have any number of additional effects instead of simply
@ -107,6 +112,7 @@ reinterpretN
:: forall gs f effs. Weakens gs
=> (f ~> Eff (gs :++: effs)) -> Eff (f ': effs) ~> Eff (gs :++: effs)
reinterpretN f = replaceRelayN @gs pure (\e -> (f e >>=))
{-# INLINE reinterpretN #-}
-- | Runs an effect by translating it into another effect. This is effectively a
-- more restricted form of 'reinterpret', since both produce a natural
@ -121,8 +127,9 @@ reinterpretN f = replaceRelayN @gs pure (\e -> (f e >>=))
-- @
-- 'translate' f = 'reinterpret' ('send' . f)
-- @
translate :: (f ~> g) -> Eff (f ': effs) ~> Eff (g ': effs)
translate :: forall f g effs. (f ~> g) -> Eff (f ': effs) ~> Eff (g ': effs)
translate f = reinterpret (send . f)
{-# INLINE translate #-}
-- | Like 'interpret', this function runs an effect without introducing another
-- one. Like 'translate', this function runs an effect by translating it into
@ -134,9 +141,11 @@ translate f = reinterpret (send . f)
-- 'interpretM' f = 'interpret' ('sendM' . f)
-- @
:: (Monad m, LastMember m effs)
:: forall eff effs m
. (Monad m, LastMember m effs)
=> (eff ~> m) -> Eff (eff ': effs) ~> Eff effs
interpretM f = interpret (sendM . f)
{-# INLINE interpretM #-}
-- | A highly general way of handling an effect. Like 'interpret', but
-- explicitly passes the /continuation/, a function of type @v -> 'Eff' effs b@,
@ -150,10 +159,12 @@ interpretM f = interpret (sendM . f)
-- 'interpret' f = 'interpretWith' (\e -> (f e '>>='))
-- @
:: (forall v. eff v -> (v -> Eff effs b) -> Eff effs b)
:: forall eff effs b
. (forall v. eff v -> (v -> Eff effs b) -> Eff effs b)
-> Eff (eff ': effs) b
-> Eff effs b
interpretWith = handleRelay pure
{-# INLINE interpretWith #-}
-- | Combines the interposition behavior of 'interpose' with the
-- continuation-passing capabilities of 'interpretWith'.
@ -162,8 +173,10 @@ interpretWith = handleRelay pure
-- 'interpose' f = 'interposeWith' (\e -> (f e '>>='))
-- @
:: Member eff effs
:: forall eff effs b
. Member eff effs
=> (forall v. eff v -> (v -> Eff effs b) -> Eff effs b)
-> Eff effs b
-> Eff effs b
interposeWith = Internal.interpose pure
{-# INLINE interposeWith #-}
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-- |
-- Module: Control.Monad.Freer.Cut
-- Description: An implementation of logical Cut.
-- Copyright: (c) 2016 Allele Dev; 2017 Ixperta Solutions s.r.o.; 2017 Alexis King
-- License: BSD3
-- Maintainer: ixcom-core@ixperta.com
-- Stability: broken
-- Portability: GHC specific language extensions.
-- Composable handler for logical Cut effects. Implemented in terms of 'Error'
-- effect.
-- Using <http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/extensible/Eff1.hs> as a starting point.
module Control.Monad.Freer.Cut
( CutFalse(..)
, cutFalse
-- , call
) where
-- import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Freer.Error (Error, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Eff, Member)
data CutFalse = CutFalse
-- data Choose a b = Choose [a] b
-- | Implementation of logical Cut using Error effects.
cutFalse :: Member (Error CutFalse) r => Eff r a
cutFalse = throwError CutFalse
call :: Member (Error CutFalse) r => Eff (Error CutFalse ': r) a -> Eff r a
call m = loop [] m where
loop jq (Val x) = return x `mplus` next jq -- (C2)
loop jq (E u q) = case decomp u of
Right (Error CutFalse) -> mzero -- drop jq (F2)
Left u -> check jq u
check jq u | Just (Choose [] _) <- prj u = next jq -- (C1)
check jq u | Just (Choose [x] k) <- prj u = loop jq (k x) -- (C3), optim
check jq u | Just (Choose lst k) <- prj u = next $ map k lst ++ jq -- (C3)
check jq u = send (\k -> fmap k u) >>= loop jq -- (C4)
next [] = mzero
next (h:t) = loop t h
@ -19,36 +19,36 @@ module Control.Monad.Freer.Error
, handleError
) where
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Eff, Member, handleRelay, interpose, send)
-- Exceptions --
import Control.Monad.Freer (Eff, Member, interposeWith, interpretWith, send)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (handleRelay)
-- | Exceptions of the type @e :: *@ with no resumption.
newtype Error e a = Error e
newtype Error e r where
Error :: e -> Error e r
-- | Throws an error carrying information of type @e :: *@.
throwError :: Member (Error e) effs => e -> Eff effs a
throwError :: forall e effs a. Member (Error e) effs => e -> Eff effs a
throwError e = send (Error e)
-- | Handler for exception effects. If there are no exceptions thrown, returns
-- 'Right'. If exceptions are thrown and not handled, returns 'Left', while
-- interrupting the execution of any other effect handlers.
runError :: Eff (Error e ': effs) a -> Eff effs (Either e a)
runError = handleRelay (pure . Right) (\(Error e) _k -> pure (Left e))
runError :: forall e effs a. Eff (Error e ': effs) a -> Eff effs (Either e a)
runError = handleRelay (pure . Right) (\(Error e) _ -> pure (Left e))
-- | A catcher for Exceptions. Handlers are allowed to rethrow exceptions.
:: Member (Error e) effs
:: forall e effs a
. Member (Error e) effs
=> Eff effs a
-> (e -> Eff effs a)
-> Eff effs a
catchError m handle = interpose pure (\(Error e) _ -> handle e) m
catchError m handle = interposeWith (\(Error e) _ -> handle e) m
-- | A catcher for Exceptions. Handlers are /not/ allowed to rethrow exceptions.
:: Eff (Error e ': effs) a
:: forall e effs a
. Eff (Error e ': effs) a
-> (e -> Eff effs a)
-> Eff effs a
handleError m handle = handleRelay pure (\(Error e) _ -> handle e) m
handleError m handle = interpretWith (\(Error e) _ -> handle e) m
@ -17,13 +17,12 @@ module Control.Monad.Freer.Fresh
, fresh
, runFresh
, evalFresh
, runFresh'
) where
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Eff, Member, handleRelayS, send)
-- | Fresh effect model.
data Fresh a where
data Fresh r where
Fresh :: Fresh Int
-- | Request a fresh effect.
@ -32,18 +31,11 @@ fresh = send Fresh
-- | Handler for 'Fresh' effects, with an 'Int' for a starting value. The
-- return value includes the next fresh value.
runFresh :: Eff (Fresh ': effs) a -> Int -> Eff effs (a, Int)
runFresh m s =
handleRelayS s (\s' a -> pure (a, s')) (\s' Fresh k -> (k $! s' + 1) s') m
runFresh :: Int -> Eff (Fresh ': effs) a -> Eff effs (a, Int)
runFresh s =
handleRelayS s (\s' a -> pure (a, s')) (\s' Fresh k -> (k $! s' + 1) s')
-- | Handler for 'Fresh' effects, with an 'Int' for a starting value. Discards
-- the next fresh value.
evalFresh :: Eff (Fresh ': effs) a -> Int -> Eff effs a
evalFresh = ((fst <$>) .) . runFresh
-- | Backward compatibility alias for 'evalFresh'.
runFresh' :: Eff (Fresh ': effs) a -> Int -> Eff effs a
runFresh' = evalFresh
{-# DEPRECATED runFresh'
"Use `evalFresh` instead, this function will be removed in next release."
evalFresh :: Int -> Eff (Fresh ': effs) a -> Eff effs a
evalFresh s = fmap fst . runFresh s
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
-- TODO: Remove once GHC can deduce the decidability of this instance.
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module: Control.Monad.Freer.Internal
-- Description: Mechanisms to make effects work.
@ -60,6 +58,7 @@ module Control.Monad.Freer.Internal
, handleRelay
, handleRelayS
, interpose
, interposeS
, replaceRelay
, replaceRelayS
, replaceRelayN
@ -139,6 +138,7 @@ instance (MonadBase b m, LastMember m effs) => MonadBase b (Eff effs) where
-- | Send a request and wait for a reply.
send :: Member eff effs => eff a -> Eff effs a
send t = E (inj t) (tsingleton Val)
{-# INLINE send #-}
-- | Identical to 'send', but specialized to the final effect in @effs@ to
-- assist type inference. This is useful for running actions in a monad
@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ replaceRelayS s' pure' bind = loop s'
Left u -> E (weaken u) (tsingleton (k s))
k s'' x = loop s'' $ qApp q x
{-# INLINE replaceRelayS #-}
-- | Interpret an effect by transforming it into another effect on top of the
-- stack. The primary use case of this function is allow interpreters to be
@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ replaceRelay pure' bind = loop
Left u -> E (weaken u) (tsingleton k)
k = qComp q loop
{-# INLINE replaceRelay #-}
:: forall gs t a effs w
@ -223,6 +225,7 @@ replaceRelayN pure' bind = loop
k :: Arr (gs :++: effs) b w
k = qComp q loop
{-# INLINE replaceRelayN #-}
-- | Given a request, either handle it or relay it.
@ -241,6 +244,7 @@ handleRelay ret h = loop
Left u -> E u (tsingleton k)
k = qComp q loop
{-# INLINE handleRelay #-}
-- | Parameterized 'handleRelay'. Allows sending along some state of type
-- @s :: *@ to be handled for the target effect, or relayed to a handler that
@ -262,6 +266,7 @@ handleRelayS s' ret h = loop s'
Left u -> E u (tsingleton (k s))
k s'' x = loop s'' $ qApp q x
{-# INLINE handleRelayS #-}
-- | Intercept the request and possibly reply to it, but leave it unhandled.
@ -278,6 +283,26 @@ interpose ret h = loop
_ -> E u (tsingleton k)
k = qComp q loop
{-# INLINE interpose #-}
-- | Like 'interpose', but with support for an explicit state to help implement
-- the interpreter.
:: Member eff effs
=> s
-> (s -> a -> Eff effs b)
-> (forall v. s -> eff v -> (s -> Arr effs v b) -> Eff effs b)
-> Eff effs a
-> Eff effs b
interposeS s' ret h = loop s'
loop s (Val x) = ret s x
loop s (E u q) = case prj u of
Just x -> h s x k
_ -> E u (tsingleton (k s))
k s'' x = loop s'' $ qApp q x
{-# INLINE interposeS #-}
-- | Embeds a less-constrained 'Eff' into a more-constrained one. Analogous to
-- MTL's 'lift'.
@ -286,6 +311,7 @@ raise = loop
loop (Val x) = pure x
loop (E u q) = E (weaken u) . tsingleton $ qComp q loop
{-# INLINE raise #-}
-- Nondeterministic Choice --
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module: Control.Monad.Freer.NonDet
-- Description: Non deterministic effects
@ -20,9 +18,9 @@ import Control.Applicative (Alternative, (<|>), empty)
import Control.Monad (msum)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal
( Eff(E, Val)
( Eff(..)
, Member
, NonDet(MPlus, MZero)
, NonDet(..)
, handleRelay
, prj
, qApp
@ -30,51 +30,43 @@ module Control.Monad.Freer.Reader
-- $localExample
) where
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal
( Arr
, Eff
, Member
, handleRelay
, interpose
, send
import Control.Monad.Freer (Eff, Member, interpose, interpret, send)
-- | Represents shared immutable environment of type @(e :: *)@ which is made
-- available to effectful computation.
data Reader e a where
Reader :: Reader e e
data Reader r a where
Ask :: Reader r r
-- | Request a value of the environment.
ask :: Member (Reader e) effs => Eff effs e
ask = send Reader
ask :: forall r effs. Member (Reader r) effs => Eff effs r
ask = send Ask
-- | Request a value of the environment, and apply as selector\/projection
-- function to it.
:: Member (Reader e) effs
=> (e -> a)
:: forall r effs a
. Member (Reader r) effs
=> (r -> a)
-- ^ The selector\/projection function to be applied to the environment.
-> Eff effs a
asks f = f <$> ask
-- | Handler for 'Reader' effects.
runReader :: Eff (Reader e ': effs) a -> e -> Eff effs a
runReader m e = handleRelay pure (\Reader k -> k e) m
runReader :: forall r effs a. r -> Eff (Reader r ': effs) a -> Eff effs a
runReader r = interpret (\Ask -> pure r)
-- | Locally rebind the value in the dynamic environment.
-- This function is like a relay; it is both an admin for 'Reader' requests,
-- and a requestor of them.
:: forall e a effs. Member (Reader e) effs
=> (e -> e)
:: forall r effs a. Member (Reader r) effs
=> (r -> r)
-> Eff effs a
-> Eff effs a
local f m = do
e <- f <$> ask
let h :: Reader e v -> Arr effs v a -> Eff effs a
h Reader k = k e
interpose pure h m
r <- asks f
interpose @(Reader r) (\Ask -> pure r) m
-- $simpleReaderExample
@ -93,7 +85,7 @@ local f m = do
-- >
-- > -- Returns True if the "count" variable contains correct bindings size.
-- > isCountCorrect :: Bindings -> Bool
-- > isCountCorrect bindings = run $ runReader calc_isCountCorrect bindings
-- > isCountCorrect bindings = run $ runReader bindings calc_isCountCorrect
-- >
-- > -- The Reader effect, which implements this complicated check.
-- > calc_isCountCorrect :: Eff '[Reader Bindings] Bool
@ -138,8 +130,8 @@ local f m = do
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- > let s = "12345";
-- > let modifiedLen = run $ runReader calculateModifiedContentLen s;
-- > let len = run $ runReader calculateContentLen s ;
-- > let s = "12345"
-- > let modifiedLen = run $ runReader s calculateModifiedContentLen
-- > let len = run $ runReader s calculateContentLen
-- > putStrLn $ "Modified 's' length: " ++ (show modifiedLen)
-- > putStrLn $ "Original 's' length: " ++ (show len)
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
-- |
-- Module: Control.Monad.Freer.State
-- Description: State effects, for state-carrying computations.
@ -33,73 +35,75 @@ module Control.Monad.Freer.State
-- * State Utilities
, transactionState
, transactionState'
) where
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal
( Eff(E, Val)
, Member
, Union
, decomp
, prj
, qApp
, qComp
, send
, tsingleton
-- State, strict --
import Control.Monad.Freer (Eff, Member, send)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Arr, handleRelayS, interposeS)
-- | Strict 'State' effects: one can either 'Get' values or 'Put' them.
data State s a where
data State s r where
Get :: State s s
Put :: !s -> State s ()
-- | Retrieve the current value of the state of type @s :: *@.
get :: Member (State s) effs => Eff effs s
get :: forall s effs. Member (State s) effs => Eff effs s
get = send Get
-- | Set the current state to a specified value of type @s :: *@.
put :: Member (State s) effs => s -> Eff effs ()
put :: forall s effs. Member (State s) effs => s -> Eff effs ()
put s = send (Put s)
-- | Modify the current state of type @s :: *@ using provided function
-- @(s -> s)@.
modify :: Member (State s) effs => (s -> s) -> Eff effs ()
modify :: forall s effs. Member (State s) effs => (s -> s) -> Eff effs ()
modify f = fmap f get >>= put
-- | Handler for 'State' effects.
runState :: Eff (State s ': effs) a -> s -> Eff effs (a, s)
runState (Val x) s = return (x, s)
runState (E u q) s = case decomp u of
Right Get -> runState (qApp q s) s
Right (Put s') -> runState (qApp q ()) s'
Left u' -> E u' (tsingleton (\x -> runState (qApp q x) s))
runState :: forall s effs a. s -> Eff (State s ': effs) a -> Eff effs (a, s)
runState s0 = handleRelayS s0 (\s x -> pure (x, s)) $ \s x k -> case x of
Get -> k s s
Put s' -> k s' ()
-- | Run a 'State' effect, returning only the final state.
execState :: Eff (State s ': effs) a -> s -> Eff effs s
execState st s = snd <$> runState st s
execState :: forall s effs a. s -> Eff (State s ': effs) a -> Eff effs s
execState s = fmap snd . runState s
-- | Run a State effect, discarding the final state.
evalState :: Eff (State s ': effs) a -> s -> Eff effs a
evalState st s = fst <$> runState st s
evalState :: forall s effs a. s -> Eff (State s ': effs) a -> Eff effs a
evalState s = fmap fst . runState s
-- | An encapsulated State handler, for transactional semantics. The global
-- state is updated only if the 'transactionState' finished successfully.
-- GHC cannot infer the @s@ type parameter for this function, so it must be
-- specified explicitly with @TypeApplications@. Alternatively, it can be
-- specified by supplying a 'Proxy' to 'transactionState''.
:: forall s effs a
. Member (State s) effs
=> Eff effs a
-> Eff effs a
transactionState m = do
s0 <- get @s
(x, s) <- interposeS s0 (\s x -> pure (x, s)) handle m
put s
pure x
handle :: s -> State s v -> (s -> Arr effs v b) -> Eff effs b
handle s x k = case x of
Get -> k s s
Put s' -> k s' ()
-- | Like 'transactionState', but @s@ is specified by providing a 'Proxy'
-- instead of requiring @TypeApplications@.
:: forall s effs a
. Member (State s) effs
=> Proxy s
-> Eff effs a
-> Eff effs a
transactionState _ m = do s <- get; loop s m
loop :: s -> Eff effs a -> Eff effs a
loop s (Val x) = put s >> return x
loop s (E (u :: Union r b) q) = case prj u :: Maybe (State s b) of
Just Get -> loop s (qApp q s)
Just (Put s') -> loop s'(qApp q ())
_ -> E u (tsingleton k) where k = qComp q (loop s)
transactionState' _ = transactionState @s
{-# INLINE transactionState' #-}
@ -25,15 +25,12 @@ import Control.Monad.Freer.Writer (Writer(..), tell)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Eff(..), decomp, qComp, tsingleton)
-- | State handler, using 'Reader' and 'Writer' effects.
runStateR :: Eff (Writer s ': Reader s ': effs) a -> s -> Eff effs (a, s)
runStateR m s = loop s m
loop :: s -> Eff (Writer s ': Reader s ': effs) a -> Eff effs (a, s)
loop s' (Val x) = return (x, s')
loop s' (E u q) = case decomp u of
Right (Writer o) -> k o ()
runStateR :: s -> Eff (Writer s ': Reader s ': effs) a -> Eff effs (a, s)
runStateR s' (Val x) = return (x, s')
runStateR s' (E u q) = case decomp u of
Right (Tell o) -> k o ()
Left u' -> case decomp u' of
Right Reader -> k s' s'
Right Ask -> k s' s'
Left u'' -> E u'' (tsingleton (k s'))
k s'' = qComp q (loop s'')
k s'' = qComp q (runStateR s'')
@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Monad.Freer.Internal (Eff, Member, handleRelay, send)
-- | Writer effects - send outputs to an effect environment.
data Writer w a where
Writer :: w -> Writer w ()
data Writer w r where
Tell :: w -> Writer w ()
-- | Send a change to the attached environment.
tell :: Member (Writer w) effs => w -> Eff effs ()
tell w = send $ Writer w
tell :: forall w effs. Member (Writer w) effs => w -> Eff effs ()
tell w = send (Tell w)
-- | Simple handler for 'Writer' effects.
runWriter :: Monoid w => Eff (Writer w ': effs) a -> Eff effs (a, w)
runWriter = handleRelay (\a -> pure (a, mempty)) $ \(Writer w) k ->
runWriter :: forall w effs a. Monoid w => Eff (Writer w ': effs) a -> Eff effs (a, w)
runWriter = handleRelay (\a -> pure (a, mempty)) $ \(Tell w) k ->
second (w <>) <$> k ()
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ countOddDuoPrefix list = count list 0
count _ n = n
runTestCoroutine :: [Int] -> Int
runTestCoroutine list = snd . run $ runState effTestCoroutine 0
runTestCoroutine list = snd . run $ runState 0 effTestCoroutine
testCoroutine :: Members '[Yield () Int, State Int] r => Eff r ()
testCoroutine = do
@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ tes1 :: (Members '[State Int, Error String] r) => Eff r b
tes1 = incr >> throwError "exc"
ter1 :: (Either String Int, Int)
ter1 = run $ runState (runError tes1) (1 :: Int)
ter1 = run $ runState (1 :: Int) (runError tes1)
ter2 :: Either String (String, Int)
ter2 = run $ runError (runState tes1 (1 :: Int))
ter2 = run $ runError (runState (1 :: Int) tes1)
teCatch :: Member (Error String) r => Eff r a -> Eff r String
teCatch m = (m >> pure "done") `catchError` \e -> pure (e :: String)
ter3 :: (Either String String, Int)
ter3 = run $ runState (runError (teCatch tes1)) (1 :: Int)
ter3 = run $ runState (1 :: Int) (runError (teCatch tes1))
ter4 :: Either String (String, Int)
ter4 = run $ runError (runState (teCatch tes1) (1 :: Int))
ter4 = run $ runError (runState (1 :: Int) (teCatch tes1))
-- | The example from the paper.
newtype TooBig = TooBig Int
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ runErrBig :: Eff (Error TooBig ': r) a -> Eff r (Either TooBig a)
runErrBig = runError
ex2rr :: Either TooBig Int
ex2rr = run $ runReader (runErrBig (ex2 ask)) (5 :: Int)
ex2rr = run $ runReader (5 :: Int) (runErrBig (ex2 ask))
ex2rr1 :: Either TooBig Int
ex2rr1 = run $ runReader (runErrBig (ex2 ask)) (7 :: Int)
ex2rr1 = run $ runReader (7 :: Int) (runErrBig (ex2 ask))
-- | Different order of handlers (layers).
ex2rr2 :: Either TooBig Int
ex2rr2 = run $ runErrBig (runReader (ex2 ask) (7 :: Int))
ex2rr2 = run $ runErrBig (runReader (7 :: Int) (ex2 ask))
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ tests = testGroup "Fresh tests"
makeFresh :: Int -> Eff r Int
makeFresh n = fst <$> runFresh (last <$> replicateM n fresh) 0
makeFresh n = fst <$> runFresh 0 (last <$> replicateM n fresh)
testFresh :: Int -> Int
testFresh = run . makeFresh
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ tests = testGroup "Reader tests"
-- Examples --
testReader :: Int -> Int -> Int
testReader n x = run . flip runReader n $ (+) <$> ask <*> pure x
testReader n x = run . runReader n $ (+) <$> ask <*> pure x
t1rr' = run t1
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ t1rr' = run t1
testMultiReader :: Integer -> Int -> Integer
testMultiReader i = run . flip runReader i . runReader t2
testMultiReader i j = run . runReader i $ runReader j t2
t2 = do
v1 <- ask
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ t2rrr1' = run $ runReader (runReader t2 (20 :: Float)) (10 :: Float)
testLocal :: Int -> Int -> Int
testLocal env inc = run $ runReader t3 env
testLocal env inc = run $ runReader env t3
t3 = (+) <$> t1 <*> local (+ inc) t1
t1 = (+) <$> ask <*> pure (1 :: Int)
@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ tests = testGroup "State tests"
testPutGet :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
testPutGet n start = run $ runState go start
testPutGet n start = run $ runState start go
go = put n >> get
testPutGetRW :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
testPutGetRW n start = run $ runStateR go start
testPutGetRW n start = run $ runStateR start go
go = tell n >> ask
testPutGetPutGetPlus :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
testPutGetPutGetPlus p1 p2 start = run $ runState go start
testPutGetPutGetPlus p1 p2 start = run $ runState start go
go = do
put p1
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ testPutGetPutGetPlus p1 p2 start = run $ runState go start
pure (x + y)
testPutGetPutGetPlusRW :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
testPutGetPutGetPlusRW p1 p2 start = run $ runStateR go start
testPutGetPutGetPlusRW p1 p2 start = run $ runStateR start go
go = do
tell p1
@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ testPutGetPutGetPlusRW p1 p2 start = run $ runStateR go start
pure (x+y)
testGetStart :: Int -> (Int, Int)
testGetStart = run . runState get
testGetStart = run . flip runState get
testGetStartRW :: Int -> (Int, Int)
testGetStartRW = run . runStateR ask
testGetStartRW = run . flip runStateR ask
testEvalState :: Int -> Int
testEvalState = run . evalState go
testEvalState = run . flip evalState go
go = do
x <- get
@ -75,4 +75,4 @@ testEvalState = run . evalState go
pure x
testExecState :: Int -> Int
testExecState n = run $ execState (put n) 0
testExecState n = run $ execState 0 (put n)
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