Update documentation for Control.Monad.Freer.TH

This commit is contained in:
Alexis King 2018-10-23 11:17:01 -05:00
parent 992bf2f869
commit e0f4c73e90
2 changed files with 36 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -161,6 +161,10 @@ readFile :: 'FilePath' -> 'Eff' '[FileSystem] 'String'
then 'readFile' would /only/ be usable with an 'Eff' computation that /only/
performed @FileSystem@ effects, which isnt especially useful.
Since writing these functions is entirely mechanical, they can be generated
automatically using Template Haskell; see "Control.Monad.Freer.TH" for more
module Control.Monad.Freer
( -- * Effect Monad

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@ -4,7 +4,29 @@
-- Originally ported from code written by Sandy Maguire (@isovector), available
-- at https://github.com/IxpertaSolutions/freer-effects/pull/28.
-- | Automatic generation of freer monadic actions.
This module provides Template Haskell functions for automatically generating
effect operation functions (that is, functions that use 'send') from a given
effect algebra. For example, using the @FileSystem@ effect from the example in
the module documentation for "Control.Monad.Freer", we can write the following:
data FileSystem r where
ReadFile :: 'FilePath' -> FileSystem 'String'
WriteFile :: 'FilePath' -> 'String' -> FileSystem ()
'makeEffect' ''FileSystem
This will automatically generate the following functions:
readFile :: 'Member' FileSystem effs => 'FilePath' -> 'Eff' effs 'String'
readFile a = 'send' (ReadFile a)
writeFile :: 'Member' FileSystem effs => 'FilePath' -> 'String' -> 'Eff' effs ()
writeFile a b = 'send' (WriteFile a b)
module Control.Monad.Freer.TH
( makeEffect
, makeEffect_
@ -20,20 +42,22 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH
import Prelude
-- | @$('makeEffect' ''T)@ provides freer monadic actions for the constructors of
-- the given GADT @T@.
-- | If @T@ is a GADT representing an effect algebra, as described in the module
-- documentation for "Control.Monad.Freer", @$('makeEffect' ''T)@ automatically
-- generates a function that uses 'send' with each operation. For more
-- information, see the module documentation for "Control.Monad.Freer.TH".
makeEffect :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeEffect = genFreer True
-- | Like 'makeEffect', but does not provide type signatures.
-- This can be used to attach Haddock comments to individual arguments
-- for each generated function.
-- | Like 'makeEffect', but does not provide type signatures. This can be used
-- to attach Haddock comments to individual arguments for each generated
-- function.
-- @
-- data Lang x where
-- Output :: String -> Lang ()
-- makeEffect_ 'Lang
-- makeEffect_ ''Lang
-- -- | Output a string.
-- output :: Member Lang effs
@ -41,7 +65,7 @@ makeEffect = genFreer True
-- -> Eff effs () -- ^ No result.
-- @
-- 'makeEffect_' must be called *before* the explicit type signatures.
-- Note that 'makeEffect_' must be used /before/ the explicit type signatures.
makeEffect_ :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeEffect_ = genFreer False