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Alexis King 2018-11-16 09:58:16 -06:00
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commit eb93c6b064

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@ -1,45 +1,37 @@
# Freer: Extensible Effects with Freer Monads [![Build Status](](
# freer-simple — a friendly effect system for Haskell [![Build Status](](
# Description
The `freer-simple` library (a fork of [`freer-effects`]( is an implementation of an effect system for Haskell, which is based on the work of Oleg Kiselyov et al.:
- [Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects](
- [Reflection without Remorse](
- [Extensible Effects](
Much of the implementation is a repackaging and cleaning up of the reference materials provided [here](
# Features
The `freer-simple` library is an implementation of an *extensible effect system* for Haskell, a general-purpose way of tracking effects at the type level and handling them in different ways. The concept of an “effect” is very general: it encompasses the things most people consider side-effects, like generating random values, interacting with the file system, and mutating state, but it also includes things like access to an immutable global environment and exception handling.
The key features of `freer-simple` are:
- An efficient effect system for Haskell as a library.
- Implementations for several common Haskell monads as effects:
- `Reader`
- `Writer`
- `State`
- `Trace`
- `Error`
- Core components for defining your own Effects.
# Example: Console DSL
- Implementations for several common Haskell monads as effects, including `Reader`, `Writer`, `State`, `Error`, and others.
Here's what using `freer-simple` looks like:
- A combinator language for defining your own effects, designed to make simple, common use cases easy to read and write.
[**For more details, see the package documentation on Hackage.**](
## Code example
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Console where
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import qualified Prelude
import qualified System.Exit
import Prelude hiding (putStrLn, getLine)
import Control.Monad.Freer
import Control.Monad.Freer.TH
import Control.Monad.Freer.Error
import Control.Monad.Freer.State
import Control.Monad.Freer.Writer
import System.Exit hiding (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
-- Effect Model --
@ -48,24 +40,16 @@ data Console r where
PutStrLn :: String -> Console ()
GetLine :: Console String
ExitSuccess :: Console ()
putStrLn' :: Member Console effs => String -> Eff effs ()
putStrLn' = send . PutStrLn
getLine' :: Member Console effs => Eff effs String
getLine' = send GetLine
exitSuccess' :: Member Console effs => Eff effs ()
exitSuccess' = send ExitSuccess
makeEffect ''Console
-- Effectful Interpreter --
runConsole :: Eff '[Console, IO] a -> IO a
runConsole = runM . interpretM (\case
PutStrLn msg -> putStrLn msg
GetLine -> getLine
ExitSuccess -> exitSuccess)
PutStrLn msg -> Prelude.putStrLn msg
GetLine -> Prelude.getLine
ExitSuccess -> System.Exit.exitSuccess)
-- Pure Interpreter --
@ -82,37 +66,6 @@ runConsolePure inputs req = snd . fst $
go ExitSuccess = throwError ()
# Contributing
## Acknowledgements
Contributions are welcome! Documentation, examples, code, and feedback - they all help.
## Developer Setup
The easiest way to start contributing is to install [stack]( Stack can install GHC/Haskell for you, and automates common developer tasks.
The key commands are:
- `stack setup` — install required version of GHC compiler
- `stack build` — builds project, dependencies are automatically resolved
- `stack test` — builds project, its tests, and executes the tests
- `stack bench` — builds project, its benchmarks, and executes the benchamks
- `stack ghci` — start a REPL instance with a project modules loaded
- `stack clean`
- `stack haddock` — builds documentation
More information about `stack` can be found in its [documentation](
# Licensing
This project is distributed under a BSD3 license. See the included LICENSE file for more details.
# Acknowledgements
The `freer-simple` package started as a fork of [freer-effects]( by Ixperta Solutions, which in turn is a fork of [freer]( by Allele Dev. All implementations are based on the paper and reference implementation by Oleg Kiselyov. In particular:
- `Data.OpenUnion` maps to [OpenUnion51.hs](
- `Data.FTCQueue` maps to [FTCQueue1](
- `Control.Monad.Freer*` maps to [Eff1.hs](
There will be deviations from the source.
The `freer-simple` package began as a fork of [freer-effects]( by Ixperta Solutions, which in turn is a fork of [freer]( by Allele Dev. All implementations are based on the [paper and reference implementation by Oleg Kiselyov](