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// This source file is part of the Web3Swift.io open source project
// Copyright 2018 The Web3Swift Authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// SECP256k1Signature.swift
// Created by Timofey Solonin on 10/05/2018
import CryptoSwift
import Foundation
import secp256k1
public final class SigningError: DescribedError {
private let hash: Array<UInt8>
public init(hash: Array<UInt8>) {
self.hash = hash
public var description: String {
return "Libsecp256k1 failed raw signature for hash \(self.hash.toHexString())"
public final class SignatureSerializationError: DescribedError {
private let rs: Array<UInt8>
private let recoveryID: Int32
private let signature: secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature
public init(
rs: Array<UInt8>,
recoveryID: Int32,
signature: secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature
) {
self.rs = rs
self.recoveryID = recoveryID
self.signature = signature
public var description: String {
var tmp = signature.data
let signatureHex: String = Array<UInt8>(
start: &tmp.0,
count: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: tmp)
return "Libsecp256k1 failed to serialize for raw signature\n" +
"Raw signature hex: \(signatureHex)\n" +
"RS value: \(self.rs.toHexString())\n" +
"Recovery id: \(self.recoveryID)"
/** / This is an object that represents EC recoverable signature for EC secp256k1. */
public final class SECP256k1Signature: ECRecoverableSignature {
// swiftlint:disable:next large_tuple
private let stickyComputation: StickyComputation<(r: Data, s: Data, recoveryID: UInt8)>
- parameters:
- digest: 32 bytes digest of the message to sign
- privateKey: value of the private key
public init(
digest: BytesScalar,
privateKey: BytesScalar
) {
let digest = FixedLengthBytes(
origin: digest,
length: 32
stickyComputation = StickyComputation{
var digest = try Array(digest.value())
var signature: secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature = secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature()
var privateKey = try Array(privateKey.value())
guard secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
secp256k1_context_create(UInt32(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY)),
) == 1 else {
throw SigningError(hash: digest)
var rs: Array<UInt8> = Array<UInt8>(repeating: 0, count: 64)
var recoveryID: Int32 = -1
guard secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_serialize_compact(
secp256k1_context_create(UInt32(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY)),
) == 1 && (0...255).contains(recoveryID) else {
throw SignatureSerializationError(
rs: rs,
recoveryID: recoveryID,
signature: signature
return (
r: Data(rs.prefix(32)),
s: Data(rs.suffix(32)),
recoveryID: UInt8(recoveryID)
- parameters:
- privateKey: private key as defined in ecdsa
- message: message as fined in ecdsa
- hashFunction: hashing function that is used to compute message hash
public convenience init(
privateKey: PrivateKey,
message: BytesScalar,
hashFunction: @escaping (Array<UInt8>) -> (Array<UInt8>)
) {
digest: SimpleBytes{
try Data(
privateKey: privateKey
R point as defined in ecdsa
- returns:
32 byte `Data`
- throws:
`DescribedError` if something went wrong
public func r() throws -> BytesScalar {
let stickyComputation = self.stickyComputation
return EthNumber(
hex: SimpleBytes{
try stickyComputation.result().r
S point as defined in ecdsa
- returns:
32 byte `Data`
- throws:
`DescribedError` if something went wrong
public func s() throws -> BytesScalar {
let stickyComputation = self.stickyComputation
return EthNumber(
hex: SimpleBytes{
try stickyComputation.result().s
//TODO: This need to be properly wrapped
Recovery id as defined in ecdsa
- returns:
a single byte from 0 to 3
- throws:
`DescribedError` if something went wrong
public func recoverID() throws -> IntegerScalar {
let stickyComputation = self.stickyComputation
return SimpleInteger{
try stickyComputation.result().recoveryID