tokenary/Encrypted Ink/Ethereum/EIP712/EIP712Hash.swift
2021-06-12 19:09:39 +03:00

34 lines
823 B

// This source file is part of the 0x.swift open source project
// Copyright 2019 The 0x.swift Authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// Hash:.swift
// Created by Igor Shmakov on 09/04/2019
import Foundation
public class EIP712Hash: EIP712Hashable {
private let typedData: EIP712Hashable
private let domain: EIP712Hashable
public init(domain: EIP712Hashable, typedData: EIP712Hashable) {
self.domain = domain
self.typedData = typedData
public func hash() throws -> Data {
let domainData = try? domain.hash(),
let structData = try? typedData.hash()
else {
throw EIP712Error.invalidMessage
return (Data(hex: "0x1901") + domainData + structData).sha3(.keccak256)