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// BigUInt.swift
// BigInt
// Created by Károly Lőrentey on 2015-12-26.
// Copyright © 2016-2017 Károly Lőrentey.
/// An arbitary precision unsigned integer type, also known as a "big integer".
/// Operations on big integers never overflow, but they may take a long time to execute.
/// The amount of memory (and address space) available is the only constraint to the magnitude of these numbers.
/// This particular big integer type uses base-2^64 digits to represent integers; you can think of it as a wrapper
/// around `Array<UInt64>`. (In fact, `BigUInt` only uses an array if there are more than two digits.)
public struct BigUInt: UnsignedInteger {
/// The type representing a digit in `BigUInt`'s underlying number system.
public typealias Word = UInt
/// The storage variants of a `BigUInt`.
enum Kind {
/// Value consists of the two specified words (low and high). Either or both words may be zero.
case inline(Word, Word)
/// Words are stored in a slice of the storage array.
case slice(from: Int, to: Int)
/// Words are stored in the storage array.
case array
internal fileprivate (set) var kind: Kind // Internal for testing only
internal fileprivate (set) var storage: [Word] // Internal for testing only; stored separately to prevent COW copies
/// Initializes a new BigUInt with value 0.
public init() {
self.kind = .inline(0, 0) = []
internal init(word: Word) {
self.kind = .inline(word, 0) = []
internal init(low: Word, high: Word) {
self.kind = .inline(low, high) = []
/// Initializes a new BigUInt with the specified digits. The digits are ordered from least to most significant.
public init(words: [Word]) {
self.kind = .array = words
internal init(words: [Word], from startIndex: Int, to endIndex: Int) {
self.kind = .slice(from: startIndex, to: endIndex) = words
extension BigUInt {
public static var isSigned: Bool {
return false
/// Return true iff this integer is zero.
/// - Complexity: O(1)
var isZero: Bool {
switch kind {
case .inline(0, 0): return true
case .array: return storage.isEmpty
return false
/// Returns `1` if this value is, positive; otherwise, `0`.
/// - Returns: The sign of this number, expressed as an integer of the same type.
public func signum() -> BigUInt {
return isZero ? 0 : 1
extension BigUInt {
mutating func ensureArray() {
switch kind {
case let .inline(w0, w1):
kind = .array
storage = w1 != 0 ? [w0, w1]
: w0 != 0 ? [w0]
: []
case let .slice(from: start, to: end):
kind = .array
storage = Array(storage[start ..< end])
case .array:
var capacity: Int {
guard case .array = kind else { return 0 }
return storage.capacity
mutating func reserveCapacity(_ minimumCapacity: Int) {
switch kind {
case let .inline(w0, w1):
kind = .array
if w1 != 0 {
else if w0 != 0 {
case let .slice(from: start, to: end):
kind = .array
var words: [Word] = []
words.reserveCapacity(Swift.max(end - start, minimumCapacity))
words.append(contentsOf: storage[start ..< end])
storage = words
case .array:
/// Gets rid of leading zero digits in the digit array and converts slices into inline digits when possible.
internal mutating func normalize() {
switch kind {
case .slice(from: let start, to: var end):
assert(start >= 0 && end <= storage.count && start <= end)
while start < end, storage[end - 1] == 0 {
end -= 1
switch end - start {
case 0:
kind = .inline(0, 0)
storage = []
case 1:
kind = .inline(storage[start], 0)
storage = []
case 2:
kind = .inline(storage[start], storage[start + 1])
storage = []
case storage.count:
assert(start == 0)
kind = .array
kind = .slice(from: start, to: end)
case .array where storage.last == 0:
while storage.last == 0 {
/// Set this integer to 0 without releasing allocated storage capacity (if any).
mutating func clear() {
/// Set this integer to `value` by copying its digits without releasing allocated storage capacity (if any).
mutating func load(_ value: BigUInt) {
switch kind {
case .inline, .slice:
self = value
case .array: true) value.words)
extension BigUInt {
//MARK: Collection-like members
/// The number of digits in this integer, excluding leading zero digits.
var count: Int {
switch kind {
case let .inline(w0, w1):
return w1 != 0 ? 2
: w0 != 0 ? 1
: 0
case let .slice(from: start, to: end):
return end - start
case .array:
return storage.count
/// Get or set a digit at a given index.
/// - Note: Unlike a normal collection, it is OK for the index to be greater than or equal to `endIndex`.
/// The subscripting getter returns zero for indexes beyond the most significant digit.
/// Setting these extended digits automatically appends new elements to the underlying digit array.
/// - Requires: index >= 0
/// - Complexity: The getter is O(1). The setter is O(1) if the conditions below are true; otherwise it's O(count).
/// - The integer's storage is not shared with another integer
/// - The integer wasn't created as a slice of another integer
/// - `index < count`
subscript(_ index: Int) -> Word {
get {
precondition(index >= 0)
switch (kind, index) {
case (.inline(let w0, _), 0): return w0
case (.inline(_, let w1), 1): return w1
case (.slice(from: let start, to: let end), _) where index < end - start:
return storage[start + index]
case (.array, _) where index < storage.count:
return storage[index]
return 0
set(word) {
precondition(index >= 0)
switch (kind, index) {
case let (.inline(_, w1), 0):
kind = .inline(word, w1)
case let (.inline(w0, _), 1):
kind = .inline(w0, word)
case let (.slice(from: start, to: end), _) where index < end - start:
replace(at: index, with: word)
case (.array, _) where index < storage.count:
replace(at: index, with: word)
extend(at: index, with: word)
private mutating func replace(at index: Int, with word: Word) {
precondition(index < storage.count)
storage[index] = word
if word == 0, index == storage.count - 1 {
private mutating func extend(at index: Int, with word: Word) {
guard word != 0 else { return }
reserveCapacity(index + 1)
precondition(index >= storage.count)
storage.append(contentsOf: repeatElement(0, count: index - storage.count))
/// Returns an integer built from the digits of this integer in the given range.
internal func extract(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> BigUInt {
switch kind {
case let .inline(w0, w1):
let bounds = bounds.clamped(to: 0 ..< 2)
if bounds == 0 ..< 2 {
return BigUInt(low: w0, high: w1)
else if bounds == 0 ..< 1 {
return BigUInt(word: w0)
else if bounds == 1 ..< 2 {
return BigUInt(word: w1)
else {
return BigUInt()
case let .slice(from: start, to: end):
let s = Swift.min(end, start + Swift.max(bounds.lowerBound, 0))
let e = Swift.max(s, (bounds.upperBound > end - start ? end : start + bounds.upperBound))
return BigUInt(words: storage, from: s, to: e)
case .array:
let b = bounds.clamped(to: storage.startIndex ..< storage.endIndex)
return BigUInt(words: storage, from: b.lowerBound, to: b.upperBound)
internal func extract<Bounds: RangeExpression>(_ bounds: Bounds) -> BigUInt where Bounds.Bound == Int {
return self.extract(bounds.relative(to: 0 ..< Int.max))
extension BigUInt {
internal mutating func shiftRight(byWords amount: Int) {
assert(amount >= 0)
guard amount > 0 else { return }
switch kind {
case let .inline(_, w1) where amount == 1:
kind = .inline(w1, 0)
case .inline(_, _):
kind = .inline(0, 0)
case let .slice(from: start, to: end):
let s = start + amount
if s >= end {
kind = .inline(0, 0)
else {
kind = .slice(from: s, to: end)
case .array:
if amount >= storage.count {
storage.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
else {
internal mutating func shiftLeft(byWords amount: Int) {
assert(amount >= 0)
guard amount > 0 else { return }
guard !isZero else { return }
switch kind {
case let .inline(w0, 0) where amount == 1:
kind = .inline(0, w0)
case let .inline(w0, w1):
let c = (w1 == 0 ? 1 : 2)
storage.reserveCapacity(amount + c)
storage.append(contentsOf: repeatElement(0, count: amount))
if w1 != 0 {
kind = .array
case let .slice(from: start, to: end):
var words: [Word] = []
words.reserveCapacity(amount + count)
words.append(contentsOf: repeatElement(0, count: amount))
words.append(contentsOf: storage[start ..< end])
storage = words
kind = .array
case .array:
storage.insert(contentsOf: repeatElement(0, count: amount), at: 0)
extension BigUInt {
//MARK: Low and High
/// Split this integer into a high-order and a low-order part.
/// - Requires: count > 1
/// - Returns: `(low, high)` such that
/// - `self == low.add(high, shiftedBy: middleIndex)`
/// - `high.width <= floor(width / 2)`
/// - `low.width <= ceil(width / 2)`
/// - Complexity: Typically O(1), but O(count) in the worst case, because high-order zero digits need to be removed after the split.
internal var split: (high: BigUInt, low: BigUInt) {
precondition(count > 1)
let mid = middleIndex
return (self.extract(mid...), self.extract(..<mid))
/// Index of the digit at the middle of this integer.
/// - Returns: The index of the digit that is least significant in `self.high`.
internal var middleIndex: Int {
return (count + 1) / 2
/// The low-order half of this BigUInt.
/// - Returns: `self[0 ..< middleIndex]`
/// - Requires: count > 1
internal var low: BigUInt {
return self.extract(0 ..< middleIndex)
/// The high-order half of this BigUInt.
/// - Returns: `self[middleIndex ..< count]`
/// - Requires: count > 1
internal var high: BigUInt {
return self.extract(middleIndex ..< count)