2021-06-12 14:51:17 +03:00

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// Division.swift
// BigInt
// Created by Károly Lőrentey on 2016-01-03.
// Copyright © 2016-2017 Károly Lőrentey.
//MARK: Full-width multiplication and division
extension FixedWidthInteger where Magnitude == Self {
private var halfShift: Self {
return Self(Self.bitWidth / 2)
private var high: Self {
return self &>> halfShift
private var low: Self {
let mask: Self = 1 &<< halfShift - 1
return self & mask
private var upshifted: Self {
return self &<< halfShift
private var split: (high: Self, low: Self) {
return (self.high, self.low)
private init(_ value: (high: Self, low: Self)) {
self = value.high.upshifted + value.low
/// Divide the double-width integer `dividend` by `self` and return the quotient and remainder.
/// - Requires: `dividend.high < self`, so that the result will fit in a single digit.
/// - Complexity: O(1) with 2 divisions, 6 multiplications and ~12 or so additions/subtractions.
internal func fastDividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Self, low: Self.Magnitude)) -> (quotient: Self, remainder: Self) {
// Division is complicated; doing it with single-digit operations is maddeningly complicated.
// This is a Swift adaptation for "divlu2" in Hacker's Delight,
// which is in turn a C adaptation of Knuth's Algorithm D (TAOCP vol 2, 4.3.1).
precondition(dividend.high < self)
// This replaces the implementation in stdlib, which is much slower.
// FIXME: Speed up stdlib. It should use full-width idiv on Intel processors, and
// fall back to a reasonably fast algorithm elsewhere.
// The trick here is that we're actually implementing a 4/2 long division using half-words,
// with the long division loop unrolled into two 3/2 half-word divisions.
// Luckily, 3/2 half-word division can be approximated by a single full-word division operation
// that, when the divisor is normalized, differs from the correct result by at most 2.
/// Find the half-word quotient in `u / vn`, which must be normalized.
/// `u` contains three half-words in the two halves of `u.high` and the lower half of
/// `u.low`. (The weird distribution makes for a slightly better fit with the input.)
/// `vn` contains the normalized divisor, consisting of two half-words.
/// - Requires: u.high < vn && u.low.high == 0 && vn.leadingZeroBitCount == 0
func quotient(dividing u: (high: Self, low: Self), by vn: Self) -> Self {
let (vn1, vn0) = vn.split
// Get approximate quotient.
let (q, r) = u.high.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: vn1)
let p = q * vn0
// q is often already correct, but sometimes the approximation overshoots by at most 2.
// The code that follows checks for this while being careful to only perform single-digit operations.
if q.high == 0 && p <= r.upshifted + u.low { return q }
let r2 = r + vn1
if r2.high != 0 { return q - 1 }
if (q - 1).high == 0 && p - vn0 <= r2.upshifted + u.low { return q - 1 }
//assert((r + 2 * vn1).high != 0 || p - 2 * vn0 <= (r + 2 * vn1).upshifted + u.low)
return q - 2
/// Divide 3 half-digits by 2 half-digits to get a half-digit quotient and a full-digit remainder.
/// - Requires: u.high < v && u.low.high == 0 && vn.width = width(Digit)
func quotientAndRemainder(dividing u: (high: Self, low: Self), by v: Self) -> (quotient: Self, remainder: Self) {
let q = quotient(dividing: u, by: v)
// Note that `uh.low` masks off a couple of bits, and `q * v` and the
// subtraction are likely to overflow. Despite this, the end result (remainder) will
// still be correct and it will fit inside a single (full) Digit.
let r = Self(u) &- q &* v
assert(r < v)
return (q, r)
// Normalize the dividend and the divisor (self) such that the divisor has no leading zeroes.
let z = Self(self.leadingZeroBitCount)
let w = Self(Self.bitWidth) - z
let vn = self << z
let un32 = (z == 0 ? dividend.high : (dividend.high &<< z) | (dividend.low &>> w)) // No bits are lost
let un10 = dividend.low &<< z
let (un1, un0) = un10.split
// Divide `(un32,un10)` by `vn`, splitting the full 4/2 division into two 3/2 ones.
let (q1, un21) = quotientAndRemainder(dividing: (un32, un1), by: vn)
let (q0, rn) = quotientAndRemainder(dividing: (un21, un0), by: vn)
// Undo normalization of the remainder and combine the two halves of the quotient.
let mod = rn >> z
let div = Self((q1, q0))
return (div, mod)
/// Return the quotient of the 3/2-word division `x/y` as a single word.
/// - Requires: (x.0, x.1) <= y && y.0.high != 0
/// - Returns: The exact value when it fits in a single word, otherwise `Self`.
static func approximateQuotient(dividing x: (Self, Self, Self), by y: (Self, Self)) -> Self {
// Start with q = (x.0, x.1) / y.0, (or Word.max on overflow)
var q: Self
var r: Self
if x.0 == y.0 {
q = Self.max
let (s, o) = x.0.addingReportingOverflow(x.1)
if o { return q }
r = s
else {
(q, r) = y.0.fastDividingFullWidth((x.0, x.1))
// Now refine q by considering x.2 and y.1.
// Note that since y is normalized, q * y - x is between 0 and 2.
let (ph, pl) = q.multipliedFullWidth(by: y.1)
if ph < r || (ph == r && pl <= x.2) { return q }
let (r1, ro) = r.addingReportingOverflow(y.0)
if ro { return q - 1 }
let (pl1, so) = pl.subtractingReportingOverflow(y.1)
let ph1 = (so ? ph - 1 : ph)
if ph1 < r1 || (ph1 == r1 && pl1 <= x.2) { return q - 1 }
return q - 2
extension BigUInt {
//MARK: Division
/// Divide this integer by the word `y`, leaving the quotient in its place and returning the remainder.
/// - Requires: y > 0
/// - Complexity: O(count)
internal mutating func divide(byWord y: Word) -> Word {
precondition(y > 0)
if y == 1 { return 0 }
var remainder: Word = 0
for i in (0 ..< count).reversed() {
let u = self[i]
(self[i], remainder) = y.fastDividingFullWidth((remainder, u))
return remainder
/// Divide this integer by the word `y` and return the resulting quotient and remainder.
/// - Requires: y > 0
/// - Returns: (quotient, remainder) where quotient = floor(x/y), remainder = x - quotient * y
/// - Complexity: O(x.count)
internal func quotientAndRemainder(dividingByWord y: Word) -> (quotient: BigUInt, remainder: Word) {
var div = self
let mod = div.divide(byWord: y)
return (div, mod)
/// Divide `x` by `y`, putting the quotient in `x` and the remainder in `y`.
/// Reusing integers like this reduces the number of allocations during the calculation.
static func divide(_ x: inout BigUInt, by y: inout BigUInt) {
// This is a Swift adaptation of "divmnu" from Hacker's Delight, which is in
// turn a C adaptation of Knuth's Algorithm D (TAOCP vol 2, 4.3.1).
// First, let's take care of the easy cases.
if x < y {
(x, y) = (0, x)
if y.count == 1 {
// The single-word case reduces to a simpler loop.
y = BigUInt(x.divide(byWord: y[0]))
// In the hard cases, we will perform the long division algorithm we learned in school.
// It works by successively calculating the single-word quotient of the top y.count + 1
// words of x divided by y, replacing the top of x with the remainder, and repeating
// the process one word lower.
// The tricky part is that the algorithm needs to be able to do n+1/n word divisions,
// but we only have a primitive for dividing two words by a single
// word. (Remember that this step is also tricky when we do it on paper!)
// The solution is that the long division can be approximated by a single full division
// using just the most significant words. We can then use multiplications and
// subtractions to refine the approximation until we get the correct quotient word.
// We could do this by doing a simple 2/1 full division, but Knuth goes one step further,
// and implements a 3/2 division. This results in an exact approximation in the
// vast majority of cases, eliminating an extra subtraction over big integers.
// The function `approximateQuotient` above implements Knuth's 3/2 division algorithm.
// It requires that the divisor's most significant word is larger than
// Word.max / 2. This ensures that the approximation has tiny error bounds,
// which is what makes this entire approach viable.
// To satisfy this requirement, we will normalize the division by multiplying
// both the divisor and the dividend by the same (small) factor.
let z = y.leadingZeroBitCount
y <<= z
x <<= z // We'll calculate the remainder in the normalized dividend.
var quotient = BigUInt()
assert(y.leadingZeroBitCount == 0)
// We're ready to start the long division!
let dc = y.count
let d1 = y[dc - 1]
let d0 = y[dc - 2]
var product: BigUInt = 0
for j in (dc ... x.count).reversed() {
// Approximate dividing the top dc+1 words of `remainder` using the topmost 3/2 words.
let r2 = x[j]
let r1 = x[j - 1]
let r0 = x[j - 2]
let q = Word.approximateQuotient(dividing: (r2, r1, r0), by: (d1, d0))
// Multiply the entire divisor with `q` and subtract the result from remainder.
// Normalization ensures the 3/2 quotient will either be exact for the full division, or
// it may overshoot by at most 1, in which case the product will be greater
// than the remainder.
product.multiply(byWord: q)
if product <= x.extract(j - dc ..< j + 1) {
x.subtract(product, shiftedBy: j - dc)
quotient[j - dc] = q
else {
// This case is extremely rare -- it has a probability of 1/2^(Word.bitWidth - 1).
x.add(y, shiftedBy: j - dc)
x.subtract(product, shiftedBy: j - dc)
quotient[j - dc] = q - 1
// The remainder's normalization needs to be undone, but otherwise we're done.
x >>= z
y = x
x = quotient
/// Divide `x` by `y`, putting the remainder in `x`.
mutating func formRemainder(dividingBy y: BigUInt, normalizedBy shift: Int) {
assert(y.leadingZeroBitCount == 0)
if y.count == 1 {
let remainder = self.divide(byWord: y[0] >> shift)
self <<= shift
if self >= y {
let dc = y.count
let d1 = y[dc - 1]
let d0 = y[dc - 2]
var product: BigUInt = 0
for j in (dc ... self.count).reversed() {
let r2 = self[j]
let r1 = self[j - 1]
let r0 = self[j - 2]
let q = Word.approximateQuotient(dividing: (r2, r1, r0), by: (d1, d0))
product.multiply(byWord: q)
if product <= self.extract(j - dc ..< j + 1) {
self.subtract(product, shiftedBy: j - dc)
else {
self.add(y, shiftedBy: j - dc)
self.subtract(product, shiftedBy: j - dc)
self >>= shift
/// Divide this integer by `y` and return the resulting quotient and remainder.
/// - Requires: `y > 0`
/// - Returns: `(quotient, remainder)` where `quotient = floor(self/y)`, `remainder = self - quotient * y`
/// - Complexity: O(count^2)
public func quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy y: BigUInt) -> (quotient: BigUInt, remainder: BigUInt) {
var x = self
var y = y
BigUInt.divide(&x, by: &y)
return (x, y)
/// Divide `x` by `y` and return the quotient.
/// - Note: Use `divided(by:)` if you also need the remainder.
public static func /(x: BigUInt, y: BigUInt) -> BigUInt {
return x.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: y).quotient
/// Divide `x` by `y` and return the remainder.
/// - Note: Use `divided(by:)` if you also need the remainder.
public static func %(x: BigUInt, y: BigUInt) -> BigUInt {
var x = x
let shift = y.leadingZeroBitCount
x.formRemainder(dividingBy: y << shift, normalizedBy: shift)
return x
/// Divide `x` by `y` and store the quotient in `x`.
/// - Note: Use `divided(by:)` if you also need the remainder.
public static func /=(x: inout BigUInt, y: BigUInt) {
var y = y
BigUInt.divide(&x, by: &y)
/// Divide `x` by `y` and store the remainder in `x`.
/// - Note: Use `divided(by:)` if you also need the remainder.
public static func %=(x: inout BigUInt, y: BigUInt) {
let shift = y.leadingZeroBitCount
x.formRemainder(dividingBy: y << shift, normalizedBy: shift)
extension BigInt {
/// Divide this integer by `y` and return the resulting quotient and remainder.
/// - Requires: `y > 0`
/// - Returns: `(quotient, remainder)` where `quotient = floor(self/y)`, `remainder = self - quotient * y`
/// - Complexity: O(count^2)
public func quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy y: BigInt) -> (quotient: BigInt, remainder: BigInt) {
var a = self.magnitude
var b = y.magnitude
BigUInt.divide(&a, by: &b)
return (BigInt(sign: self.sign == y.sign ? .plus : .minus, magnitude: a),
BigInt(sign: self.sign, magnitude: b))
/// Divide `a` by `b` and return the quotient. Traps if `b` is zero.
public static func /(a: BigInt, b: BigInt) -> BigInt {
return BigInt(sign: a.sign == b.sign ? .plus : .minus, magnitude: a.magnitude / b.magnitude)
/// Divide `a` by `b` and return the remainder. The result has the same sign as `a`.
public static func %(a: BigInt, b: BigInt) -> BigInt {
return BigInt(sign: a.sign, magnitude: a.magnitude % b.magnitude)
/// Return the result of `a` mod `b`. The result is always a nonnegative integer that is less than the absolute value of `b`.
public func modulus(_ mod: BigInt) -> BigInt {
let remainder = self.magnitude % mod.magnitude
return BigInt(
self.sign == .minus && !remainder.isZero
? mod.magnitude - remainder
: remainder)
extension BigInt {
/// Divide `a` by `b` storing the quotient in `a`.
public static func /=(a: inout BigInt, b: BigInt) { a = a / b }
/// Divide `a` by `b` storing the remainder in `a`.
public static func %=(a: inout BigInt, b: BigInt) { a = a % b }