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// Copyright © 2021 Encrypted Ink. All rights reserved.
// Rewrite of KeyStore.swift from Trust Wallet Core.
import Foundation
import WalletCore
final class WalletsManager {
static let shared = WalletsManager()
private let keychain = Keychain.shared
private(set) var wallets = [InkWallet]()
private init() {}
func start() {
try? load()
private func load() throws {
let ids = keychain.getAllWalletsIds()
for id in ids {
guard let data = keychain.getWalletData(id: id), let key = StoredKey.importJSON(json: data) else { continue }
let wallet = InkWallet(id: id, key: key)
func createWallet(name: String, password: String, coin: CoinType) throws -> InkWallet {
let key = StoredKey(name: name, password: Data(password.utf8))
let id = makeNewWalletId()
let wallet = InkWallet(id: id, key: key)
_ = try wallet.getAccount(password: password, coin: coin)
try save(wallet: wallet)
return wallet
func importJSON(_ json: Data, name: String, password: String, newPassword: String, coin: CoinType) throws -> InkWallet {
guard let key = StoredKey.importJSON(json: json) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidKey }
guard let data = key.decryptPrivateKey(password: Data(password.utf8)) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidPassword }
if let mnemonic = checkMnemonic(data) { return try self.importMnemonic(mnemonic, name: name, encryptPassword: newPassword, coin: coin) }
guard let privateKey = PrivateKey(data: data) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidKey }
return try self.importPrivateKey(privateKey, name: name, password: newPassword, coin: coin)
func checkMnemonic(_ data: Data) -> String? {
guard let mnemonic = String(data: data, encoding: .ascii), Mnemonic.isValid(mnemonic: mnemonic) else { return nil }
return mnemonic
func importPrivateKey(_ privateKey: PrivateKey, name: String, password: String, coin: CoinType) throws -> InkWallet {
guard let newKey = StoredKey.importPrivateKey(privateKey: privateKey.data, name: name, password: Data(password.utf8), coin: coin) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidKey }
let id = makeNewWalletId()
let wallet = InkWallet(id: id, key: newKey)
_ = try wallet.getAccount(password: password, coin: coin)
try save(wallet: wallet)
return wallet
func importMnemonic(_ mnemonic: String, name: String, encryptPassword: String, coin: CoinType) throws -> InkWallet {
guard let key = StoredKey.importHDWallet(mnemonic: mnemonic, name: name, password: Data(encryptPassword.utf8), coin: coin) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidMnemonic }
let id = makeNewWalletId()
let wallet = InkWallet(id: id, key: key)
_ = try wallet.getAccount(password: encryptPassword, coin: coin)
try save(wallet: wallet)
return wallet
func exportPrivateKey(wallet: InkWallet, password: String) throws -> Data {
guard let key = wallet.key.decryptPrivateKey(password: Data(password.utf8)) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidPassword }
return key
func exportMnemonic(wallet: InkWallet, password: String) throws -> String {
guard let mnemonic = wallet.key.decryptMnemonic(password: Data(password.utf8)) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidPassword }
return mnemonic
func update(wallet: InkWallet, password: String, newPassword: String) throws {
try update(wallet: wallet, password: password, newPassword: newPassword, newName: wallet.key.name)
func update(wallet: InkWallet, password: String, newName: String) throws {
try update(wallet: wallet, password: password, newPassword: password, newName: newName)
private func update(wallet: InkWallet, password: String, newPassword: String, newName: String) throws {
guard let index = wallets.firstIndex(of: wallet) else { throw KeyStore.Error.accountNotFound }
guard var privateKeyData = wallet.key.decryptPrivateKey(password: Data(password.utf8)) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidPassword }
defer { privateKeyData.resetBytes(in: 0 ..< privateKeyData.count) }
let coins = wallet.accounts.map({ $0.coin })
guard !coins.isEmpty else { throw KeyStore.Error.accountNotFound }
if let mnemonic = checkMnemonic(privateKeyData),
let key = StoredKey.importHDWallet(mnemonic: mnemonic, name: newName, password: Data(newPassword.utf8), coin: coins[0]) {
wallets[index].key = key
} else if let key = StoredKey.importPrivateKey(
privateKey: privateKeyData, name: newName, password: Data(newPassword.utf8), coin: coins[0]) {
wallets[index].key = key
} else {
throw KeyStore.Error.invalidKey
_ = try wallets[index].getAccounts(password: newPassword, coins: coins)
try save(wallet: wallets[index])
func delete(wallet: InkWallet, password: String) throws {
guard let index = wallets.firstIndex(of: wallet) else { throw KeyStore.Error.accountNotFound }
guard var privateKey = wallet.key.decryptPrivateKey(password: Data(password.utf8)) else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidKey }
defer { privateKey.resetBytes(in: 0..<privateKey.count) }
wallets.remove(at: index)
try keychain.removeWallet(id: wallet.id)
func destroy() throws {
wallets.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false)
try keychain.removeAllWallets()
private func save(wallet: InkWallet) throws {
guard let data = wallet.key.exportJSON() else { throw KeyStore.Error.invalidPassword }
try keychain.saveWallet(id: wallet.id, data: data)
private func makeNewWalletId() -> String {
let uuid = UUID().uuidString
let date = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
let walletId = "\(uuid)-\(date)"
return walletId