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// Copyright © 2021 Encrypted Ink. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import WalletConnect
class WalletConnect {
private let sessionStorage = SessionStorage.shared
private let networkMonitor = NetworkMonitor.shared
private let ethereum = Ethereum.shared
private let walletsManager = WalletsManager.shared
static let shared = WalletConnect()
private init() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(connectionAppeared), name: .connectionAppeared, object: nil)
private var interactors = [WCInteractor]()
private var interactorsPendingReconnection = [String: WCInteractor]()
private var peers = [String: WCPeerMeta]()
func sessionWithLink(_ link: String) -> WCSession? {
return WCSession.from(string: link)
func connect(session: WCSession, chainId: Int, walletId: String, uuid: UUID = UUID(), completion: @escaping ((Bool) -> Void)) {
let clientMeta = WCPeerMeta(name: "Encrypted Ink", url: "https://encrypted.ink", description: "Ethereum agent for macOS", icons: ["https://encrypted.ink/icon.png"])
let interactor = WCInteractor(session: session, meta: clientMeta, uuid: uuid)
configure(interactor: interactor, chainId: chainId, walletId: walletId)
interactor.connect().done { connected in
}.catch { [weak self, weak interactor] _ in
if let interactor = interactor {
self?.didDisconnect(interactor: interactor)
func restartSessions() {
let items = sessionStorage.loadAll()
for item in items {
guard let uuid = UUID(uuidString: item.clientId) else { continue }
connect(session: item.session, chainId: item.chainId ?? 1, walletId: item.walletId, uuid: uuid) { _ in }
peers[item.clientId] = item.sessionDetails.peerMeta
@objc private func connectionAppeared() {
if !interactorsPendingReconnection.isEmpty {
private func reconnectPendingInteractors() {
let pending = interactorsPendingReconnection.values
interactorsPendingReconnection = [:]
pending.forEach {
private func didDisconnect(interactor: WCInteractor) {
if sessionStorage.shouldReconnect(interactor: interactor) {
reconnectWhenPossible(interactor: interactor)
} else {
removeInteractor(id: interactor.clientId)
private func removeInteractor(id: String) {
interactors.removeAll(where: { $0.clientId == id })
peers.removeValue(forKey: id)
sessionStorage.remove(clientId: id)
private func getPeerOfInteractor(_ interactor: WCInteractor?) -> WCPeerMeta? {
guard let id = interactor?.clientId else { return nil }
return peers[id]
private func configure(interactor: WCInteractor, chainId: Int, walletId: String) {
guard let address = walletsManager.getWallet(id: walletId)?.ethereumAddress else { return }
let accounts = [address]
interactor.onError = { _ in }
interactor.onSessionRequest = { [weak self, weak interactor] (id, peerParam) in
guard let interactor = interactor else { return }
self?.peers[interactor.clientId] = peerParam.peerMeta
self?.sessionStorage.add(interactor: interactor, chainId: chainId, walletId: walletId, sessionDetails: peerParam)
interactor.approveSession(accounts: accounts, chainId: chainId).cauterize()
interactor.onDisconnect = { [weak interactor, weak self] _ in
if let interactor = interactor {
self?.didDisconnect(interactor: interactor)
interactor.eth.onSign = { [weak self, weak interactor] (id, payload) in
self?.approveSign(id: id, payload: payload, walletId: walletId, interactor: interactor)
self?.sessionStorage.didInteractWith(clientId: interactor?.clientId)
interactor.eth.onTransaction = { [weak self, weak interactor] (id, event, transaction) in
self?.approveTransaction(id: id, wct: transaction, walletId: walletId, chainId: chainId, interactor: interactor)
self?.sessionStorage.didInteractWith(clientId: interactor?.clientId)
private func reconnectWhenPossible(interactor: WCInteractor) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.interactorsPendingReconnection[interactor.clientId] = interactor
if self?.interactorsPendingReconnection.count == 1 && self?.networkMonitor.hasConnection == true {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(7)) {
private func approveTransaction(id: Int64, wct: WCEthereumTransaction, walletId: String, chainId: Int, interactor: WCInteractor?) {
guard let to = wct.to, let chain = EthereumChain(rawValue: chainId) else {
rejectRequest(id: id, interactor: interactor, message: "Something went wrong.")
let peer = getPeerOfInteractor(interactor)
let transaction = Transaction(from: wct.from, to: to, nonce: wct.nonce, gasPrice: wct.gasPrice, gas: wct.gas, value: wct.value, data: wct.data)
Agent.shared.showApprove(transaction: transaction, chain: chain, peerMeta: peer) { [weak self, weak interactor] transaction in
if let transaction = transaction {
self?.sendTransaction(transaction, walletId: walletId, chainId: chainId, requestId: id, interactor: interactor)
} else {
self?.rejectRequest(id: id, interactor: interactor, message: "Cancelled")
private func approveSign(id: Int64, payload: WCEthereumSignPayload, walletId: String, interactor: WCInteractor?) {
var message: String?
let signingItem: SigningItem
switch payload {
case let .sign(data: data, raw: _):
message = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
signingItem = .message
case let .personalSign(data: data, raw: _):
message = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
signingItem = .personalMessage
case let .signTypeData(id: _, data: _, raw: raw):
signingItem = .typedData
if raw.count >= 2 {
message = raw[1]
let peer = getPeerOfInteractor(interactor)
Agent.shared.showApprove(signingItem: signingItem, meta: message ?? "", peerMeta: peer) { [weak self, weak interactor] approved in
if approved {
self?.sign(id: id, message: message, payload: payload, walletId: walletId, interactor: interactor)
} else {
self?.rejectRequest(id: id, interactor: interactor, message: "Cancelled")
private func rejectRequest(id: Int64, interactor: WCInteractor?, message: String) {
interactor?.rejectRequest(id: id, message: message).cauterize()
private func sendTransaction(_ transaction: Transaction, walletId: String, chainId: Int, requestId: Int64, interactor: WCInteractor?) {
guard let wallet = walletsManager.getWallet(id: walletId), let chain = EthereumChain(rawValue: chainId) else {
rejectRequest(id: requestId, interactor: interactor, message: "Something went wrong.")
guard let hash = try? ethereum.send(transaction: transaction, wallet: wallet, chain: chain) else {
rejectRequest(id: requestId, interactor: interactor, message: "Failed to send")
interactor?.approveRequest(id: requestId, result: hash).cauterize()
private func sign(id: Int64, message: String?, payload: WCEthereumSignPayload, walletId: String, interactor: WCInteractor?) {
guard let message = message, let wallet = walletsManager.getWallet(id: walletId) else {
rejectRequest(id: id, interactor: interactor, message: "Something went wrong.")
var signed: String?
switch payload {
case .personalSign:
signed = try? ethereum.signPersonal(message: message, wallet: wallet)
case .signTypeData:
signed = try? ethereum.sign(typedData: message, wallet: wallet)
case .sign:
signed = try? ethereum.sign(message: message, wallet: wallet)
guard let result = signed else {
rejectRequest(id: id, interactor: interactor, message: "Something went wrong.")
interactor?.approveRequest(id: id, result: result).cauterize()