# Uzbek translation for linuxmint # Copyright (c) 2022 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2022 # This file is distributed under the same license as the linuxmint package. # FIRST AUTHOR , 2022. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: linuxmint\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-06 11:53+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-06-12 10:15+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Umidjon Almasov \n" "Language-Team: Uzbek \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2024-06-18 17:56+0000\n" "X-Generator: Launchpad (build bbfa2351d9d6a9ddfe262109428f7bf5516e65d1)\n" "Language: uz\n" #: src/AppConsole.vala:626 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" "Press ENTER to continue..." msgstr "" "\n" "Davom etish uchun ENTER bosing..." #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:556 #, c-format msgid "%d snapshots, %s free" msgstr "%d ta snapshot, %s bo‘sh" #: src/AppConsole.vala:927 #, c-format msgid "'%s' will be on '%s'" msgstr "'%s' '%s' da bo‘ladi" #: src/AppConsole.vala:924 #, c-format msgid "'%s' will be on root device" msgstr "'%s' ildiz qurilmada bo‘ladi" #: src/Gtk/BootOptionsBox.vala:118 msgid "(Re)install GRUB2 on:" msgstr "GRUB2 ni (qayta) o‘rnatish:" #: src/Core/Main.vala:381 msgid "** Uninstalled Timeshift BTRFS **" msgstr "** Timeshift BTRFS o‘chirildi **" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3544 msgid "/ is mapped to device" msgstr "/ qurilmaga moslashtirilgan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3566 msgid "/boot is mapped to device" msgstr "/boot qurilmaga moslashtirilgan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3577 msgid "/boot/efi is mapped to device" msgstr "/boot/efi qurilmaga moslashtirilgan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3555 msgid "/home is mapped to device" msgstr "/home qurilmaga moslashtirilgan" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:289 msgid "Comments (double-click to edit)" msgstr "Izohlar (tahrirlash uchun ikki marta bosing)" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:168 msgid "" "A maintenance task runs once every hour and creates snapshots as needed." msgstr "" "Ta'mirlash vazifasi har soatda bir marta ishlaydi va kerak bo‘lganda " "snapshotlarni yaratadi." #: src/AppConsole.vala:711 src/AppConsole.vala:775 src/AppConsole.vala:907 #: src/AppConsole.vala:1002 src/AppConsole.vala:1047 src/AppConsole.vala:1088 #: src/AppConsole.vala:1106 msgid "Aborted." msgstr "To‘xtatilgan." #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:375 msgid "About" msgstr "Haqida" #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:471 msgid "Action" msgstr "Amal" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:225 msgid "Add" msgstr "Qo‘shish" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:242 msgid "Add Files" msgstr "Fayllarni qo‘shish" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:248 msgid "Add Folders" msgstr "Jildlarni qo‘shish" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:225 msgid "Add custom pattern" msgstr "Maxsus namuna qo‘shish" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:248 msgid "Add directories" msgstr "Kataloglarni qo‘shish" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:242 msgid "Add files" msgstr "Fayllarni qo‘shish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:371 msgid "Add tags to snapshot (default: O)" msgstr "Snapshotga teglarni qo‘shish (standart: O)" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:312 msgid "Added cron task" msgstr "Cron vazifasi qo‘shildi" #: src/AppGtk.vala:147 msgid "Admin Access Required" msgstr "Administrator ruxsati talab qilinadi" #: src/AppGtk.vala:142 msgid "Admin access is required to backup and restore system files." msgstr "" "Tizim fayllarini zaxiralash va tiklash uchun administrator ruxsati talab " "qilinadi." #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:363 msgid "All Files" msgstr "Barcha fayllar" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:197 msgid "" "All files are copied when first snapshot is created. Subsequent snapshots " "are incremental. Unchanged files will be hard-linked from the previous " "snapshot if available." msgstr "" "Birinchi surat yaratilganda barcha fayllar nusxalanadi. Keyingi suratlar " "bosqichma-bosqich. O'zgartirilmagan fayllar, agar mavjud bo'lsa, avvalgi " "snapshot bilan qattiq bog'langan bo'ladi." #: src/Gtk/ExcludeMessageWindow.vala:129 msgid "All other files and folders are excluded." msgstr "Boshqa barcha fayl va jildlar bundan mustasno." #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:486 msgid "" "An encrypted device is selected for root file system (/). The boot directory " "(/boot) must be mounted on a non-encrypted device for the system to boot " "successfully.\n" "\n" "Either select a non-encrypted device for boot directory or select a non-" "encrypted device for root filesystem." msgstr "" "Ildiz fayl tizimi (/) uchun shifrlangan qurilma tanlangan. Tizim " "muvaffaqiyatli yuklanishi uchun yuklash katalogi (/boot) shifrlanmagan " "qurilmaga o‘rnatilgan bo‘lishi kerak.\n" "\n" "Yoki yuklash katalogi uchun shifrlanmagan qurilmani tanlang yoki ildiz fayl " "tizimi uchun shifrlanmagan qurilmani tanlang." #: src/Core/Main.vala:267 msgid "Another instance of Timeshift is creating a snapshot." msgstr "Timeshift boshqa nusxasi snapshot yaratmoqda." #: src/Utility/AppLock.vala:49 msgid "Another instance of this application is running" msgstr "Ushbu ilovaning boshqa nusxasi ishlamoqda" #: src/Core/Main.vala:271 msgid "Another instance of timeshift is currently running!" msgstr "Hozirda timeshiftning boshqa nusxasi ishlamoqda!" #: src/AppConsole.vala:387 msgid "Answer YES to all confirmation prompts" msgstr "Barcha tasdiqlash so‘rovlariga \"HA\" deb javob berish" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3381 msgid "App config loaded" msgstr "Ilova konfiguratsiyasi yuklandi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3265 msgid "App config saved" msgstr "Ilova konfiguratsiyasi saqlandi" #: src/AppConsole.vala:107 msgid "Application needs admin access." msgstr "Ilovaga administrator ruxsati kerak." #: src/Core/Main.vala:3721 msgid "Application will exit" msgstr "Ilova chiqadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:397 msgid "Application will exit." msgstr "Ilova chiqadi." #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:561 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this snapshot?" msgstr "Haqiqatan ham bu snapshotni o‘chirib tashlamoqchimisiz?" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:345 msgid "Available" msgstr "Mavjud" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:95 msgid "BTRFS" msgstr "BTRFS" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:174 msgid "BTRFS Snapshots" msgstr "BTRFS snapshotlari" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2215 src/Core/Main.vala:2219 msgid "BTRFS device is not mounted" msgstr "BTRFS qurilmasi ulanmagan" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:98 msgid "" "BTRFS snapshots are saved on system partition. Other partitions are not " "supported." msgstr "" "BTRFS snapshotlari tizim bo‘limida saqlanadi. Boshqa bo‘limlar qo‘llab-" "quvvatlanmaydi." #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:92 msgid "" "BTRFS snapshots are saved on the same disk from which it is created. If the " "system disk fails, snapshots will be lost along with the system. Save " "snapshots to an external non-system disk in RSYNC mode to guard against disk " "failures." msgstr "" "BTRFS snapshotlari u yaratilgan diskda saqlanadi. Tizim diski ishlamay " "qolsa, snapshotlar tizim bilan birga yo‘qoladi. Diskdagi nosozliklardan " "himoyalanish uchun snapshotlarni RSYNC rejimida tashqi tizim bo‘lmagan " "diskka saqlang." #: src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:94 msgid "Backend" msgstr "Bekend" #: src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:92 src/AppConsole.vala:367 msgid "Backup" msgstr "Zaxira" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2191 msgid "Backup Device" msgstr "Zaxira qurilmasi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2186 msgid "Backup device not specified!" msgstr "Zaxira qurilmasi belgilanmagan!" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:91 msgid "Bittorrent Clients" msgstr "Bittorrent mijozlari" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:297 src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:136 msgid "Boot" msgstr "Yuklash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:485 msgid "Boot device not selected" msgstr "Yuklash qurilmasi tanlanmagan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1058 msgid "Boot snapshot failed!" msgstr "Yuklash snapshoti amalga oshmadi!" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:169 msgid "" "Boot snapshots are created with a delay of 10 minutes after system startup." msgstr "" "Yuklash snapshotlari tizim ishga tushirilgandan keyin 10 daqiqalik kechikish " "bilan yaratiladi." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1039 msgid "Boot snapshots are enabled" msgstr "Yuklash snapshotlari yoqilgan" #: src/Gtk/BootOptionsWindow.vala:49 msgid "Bootloader Options" msgstr "Yuklovchi parametrlari" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:402 msgid "Bootloader Options (Advanced)" msgstr "Yuklovchi parametrlari (kengaytirilgan)" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:170 msgid "Browse" msgstr "Ko‘rib chiqish" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:321 msgid "Browse Files" msgstr "Fayllarni ko‘rib chiqish" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:171 msgid "Browse selected snapshot" msgstr "Tanlangan snapshotni koʻrib chiqish" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2681 msgid "Building file list..." msgstr "Fayllar roʻyxati tuzilmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1418 msgid "Calculating required disk space..." msgstr "Zarur disk maydoni hisoblanmoqda..." #: src/Utility/Gtk/CustomMessageDialog.vala:152 src/Utility/GtkHelper.vala:109 #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:215 src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:224 #: src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:181 src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:220 #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:190 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Bekor qilish" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:230 msgid "Cancel restore?" msgstr "Tiklash bekor qilinsinmi?" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:232 msgid "" "Cancelling the restore process will leave the target system in an " "inconsistent state. The system may fail to boot or you may run into various " "issues. After cancelling, you need to restore another snapshot, to bring the " "system to a consistent state. Click Yes to confirm." msgstr "" "Qayta tiklash jarayonini bekor qilish mo‘ljal tizimini mos kelmaydigan " "holatda qoldiradi. Tizim ishga tushmasligi mumkin yoki siz turli muammolarga " "duch kelishingiz mumkin. Bekor qilgandan so‘ng, tizimni barqaror holatga " "keltirish uchun boshqa snapsotni tiklashingiz kerak. Tasdiqlash uchun Ha " "bosing." #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:547 msgid "Cannot Delete Live Snapshot" msgstr "Jonli snapshotni oʻchirib boʻlmadi" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:90 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:125 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:380 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:383 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:566 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:587 msgid "Changed" msgstr "O‘zgartirilgan" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:92 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:127 msgid "Changed items:" msgstr "O‘zgartirilgan elementlar:" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:104 msgid "Checking Restore Actions (Dry Run)" msgstr "Tiklash amallari tekshirilmoqda (quruq ishga tushirish)" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2914 msgid "Checking file systems for errors..." msgstr "Fayl tizimlarida xatolar tekshirilmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:95 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:130 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:390 #, c-format msgid "Checksum" msgstr "Nazorat summasi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2562 msgid "Cleaning up..." msgstr "Tozalanmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:84 src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:88 msgid "Click to edit. Drag and drop to re-order." msgstr "Tahrirlash uchun bosing. Qayta tartiblash uchun torting." #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:59 msgid "Click to edit. Drag-drop to re-order." msgstr "Tahrirlash uchun bosing. Qayta tartiblash uchun torting." #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:69 msgid "Clone System" msgstr "Tizimni klonlash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:68 msgid "Cloning" msgstr "Klonlanmoqda" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2964 msgid "Cloning system..." msgstr "Tizim klonlanmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/BootOptionsWindow.vala:106 src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:501 #: src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:172 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:266 #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:173 msgid "Close" msgstr "Yopish" #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:101 src/Gtk/DeleteFinishBox.vala:71 #: src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:106 src/Gtk/BackupFinishBox.vala:70 msgid "Close window to exit" msgstr "Chiqish uchun oynani yoping" #: src/Core/Main.vala:366 msgid "Commands listed below are not available on this system" msgstr "Quyida keltirilgan buyruqlar ushbu tizimda mavjud emas" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:223 msgid "Comments (click to edit)" msgstr "Sharhlar (tahrirlash uchun bosing)" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2957 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:74 #: src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:187 msgid "Comparing Files (Dry Run)..." msgstr "Fayllar solishtirilmoqda (quruq ishga tushirish)..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:2723 msgid "Comparing files with rsync..." msgstr "Fayllar rsync bilan solishtirilmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/DeleteFinishBox.vala:50 src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:50 #: src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:75 src/Gtk/BackupFinishBox.vala:50 msgid "Completed" msgstr "Bajarildi" #: src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:78 msgid "Completed With Errors" msgstr "Xatolar bilan tugallangan" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:109 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:87 msgid "Confirm Actions" msgstr "Amallarni tasdiqlang" #: src/AppConsole.vala:1081 #, c-format msgid "Continue with restore? (y/n): " msgstr "Tiklash davom ettirilsinmi? (y/n): " #: src/AppConsole.vala:847 src/AppConsole.vala:978 msgid "Could not find device" msgstr "Qurilmani topib boʻlmadi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1330 #, c-format msgid "Could not find file" msgstr "Faylni topib boʻlmadi" #: src/AppConsole.vala:744 msgid "Could not find snapshot" msgstr "Snapshotni topib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3126 msgid "Could not find system subvolume" msgstr "Tizim kichik boʻlimni topib boʻlmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3154 msgid "Could not find system subvolumes for creating pre-restore snapshot" msgstr "" "Tiklashdan oldingi snapshotni yaratish uchun tizimning kichik boʻlimlarini " "topib boʻlmadi" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:140 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:366 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:570 #, c-format msgid "Create" msgstr "Yaratish" #: src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:62 msgid "Create Snapshot" msgstr "Snapshot yaratish" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:136 msgid "Create one per boot" msgstr "Har yuklashda bitta yaratish" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:100 msgid "Create one per day" msgstr "Kuniga bitta yaratish" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:118 msgid "Create one per hour" msgstr "Soatiga bitta yaratish" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:64 msgid "Create one per month" msgstr "Oyiga bitta yaratish" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:82 msgid "Create one per week" msgstr "Haftasiga bitta yaratish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:369 msgid "Create snapshot (even if not scheduled)" msgstr "Snapshot yaratish (hatto rejalashtirilmagan bo‘lsa ham)" #: src/AppConsole.vala:368 msgid "Create snapshot if scheduled" msgstr "Agar rejalashtirilgan bo‘lsa, snapshot yaratish" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:141 msgid "Create snapshot of current system" msgstr "Joriy tizimning snapshotini yaratish" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1044 msgid "" "Create snapshots manually or enable scheduled snapshots to protect your " "system" msgstr "" "Tizimingizni himoya qilish uchun qoʻlda snapshotlar yarating yoki " "rejalashtirilgan snapshotlar yaratishni yoqing" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:96 msgid "Create snapshots using BTRFS" msgstr "BTRFS yordamida snapshotlar yaratish" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:78 msgid "Create snapshots using RSYNC tool and hard-links" msgstr "RSYNC vositasi va qattiq havolalar yordamida snapshotlar yaratish" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:88 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:123 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:366 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:570 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:591 #, c-format msgid "Created" msgstr "Yaratilgan" #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:430 msgid "Created control file" msgstr "Yaratilgan nazorat fayli" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:268 msgid "Created directory" msgstr "Yaratilgan katalog" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3176 msgid "Created pre-restore snapshot" msgstr "Yaratilgan tiklashdan oldingi snapshot" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1673 msgid "Created subvolume snapshot" msgstr "Yaratilgan kichik boʻlim snapshoti" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:71 msgid "Creating Snapshot..." msgstr "Snapshot yaratilmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1611 msgid "Creating new backup..." msgstr "Yangi zaxira yaratilmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1457 msgid "Creating new snapshot..." msgstr "Yangi snapshot yaratilmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:3104 msgid "Creating pre-restore snapshot from system subvolumes..." msgstr "" "Tizim kichik boʻlimlardan tiklashdan oldingi snapshot yaratilmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:3720 msgid "Critical Error" msgstr "Kritik xato" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:136 msgid "Cron job added" msgstr "Cron vazifasi qo‘shildi" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:217 msgid "Cron job removed" msgstr "Cron vazifasi olib tashlandi" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:304 msgid "Cron task exists" msgstr "Cron vazifasi mavjud" #: src/Gtk/MiscBox.vala:94 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Maxsus" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:299 src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:100 msgid "Daily" msgstr "Har kuni" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1120 msgid "Daily snapshot failed!" msgstr "Kundalik snapshot bajarilmadi!" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1101 msgid "Daily snapshots are enabled" msgstr "Kundalik snapshotlar yoqilgan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2285 msgid "Data will be modified on following devices:" msgstr "Ma'lumotlar quyidagi qurilmalarda o‘zgartiriladi:" #: src/Gtk/MiscBox.vala:67 msgid "Date Format" msgstr "Sana formati" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:342 src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:160 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:370 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:574 #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:98 src/AppConsole.vala:381 #, c-format msgid "Delete" msgstr "O‘chirish" #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:62 msgid "Delete Snapshots" msgstr "Snapshotlarni oʻchirish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:383 msgid "Delete all snapshots" msgstr "Barcha snapshotlarni oʻchirish" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:161 msgid "Delete selected snapshot" msgstr "Tanlangan shapshotni oʻchirish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:382 msgid "Delete snapshot" msgstr "Snapshotni oʻchirish" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:89 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:124 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:370 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:574 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:595 #, c-format msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Oʻchirilgan" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:302 msgid "Deleted directory" msgstr "O‘chirilgan katalog" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3083 src/Core/Main.vala:3087 src/Core/Subvolume.vala:167 #, c-format msgid "Deleted subvolume" msgstr "Oʻchirilgan kichik boʻlim" #: src/Gtk/DeleteBox.vala:58 msgid "Deleting Snapshots..." msgstr "Snapshotlar oʻchirilmoqda..." #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:141 #, c-format msgid "Deleting subvolume" msgstr "Kichik boʻlim oʻchirilmoqda" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:105 msgid "Deluge, Transmission" msgstr "Deluge, Transmission" #: src/AppConsole.vala:439 src/AppConsole.vala:555 msgid "Description" msgstr "Tavsif" #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:181 #, c-format msgid "Destroyed qgroup" msgstr "Yo‘q qilingan qgroup" #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:171 #, c-format msgid "Destroying qgroup" msgstr "qgroupni yo‘q qilinmoqda" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2288 src/Core/Main.vala:2320 #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:74 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:599 #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:602 src/Utility/Device.vala:1954 #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1964 src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:97 #: src/AppConsole.vala:467 src/AppConsole.vala:506 src/AppConsole.vala:554 #, c-format msgid "Device" msgstr "Qurilma" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1412 msgid "Device is unlocked" msgstr "Qurilma qulfdan chiqarilgan" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1307 src/Utility/Device.vala:1369 msgid "Device name is empty!" msgstr "Qurilma nomi boʻsh!" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3434 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:479 #: src/AppConsole.vala:676 msgid "Device not found" msgstr "Qurilma topilmadi" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:97 #, c-format msgid "Devices displayed above have BTRFS file systems." msgstr "Yuqorida ko‘rsatilgan qurilmalarda BTRFS fayl tizimlari mavjud." #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:104 #, c-format msgid "Devices displayed above have Linux file systems." msgstr "Yuqorida ko‘rsatilgan qurilmalarda Linux fayl tizimlari mavjud." #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:84 msgid "Devices from which snapshot was created are pre-selected." msgstr "Snapshot yaratilgan qurilmalar oldindan tanlangan." #: src/AppConsole.vala:332 msgid "Devices with Linux file systems" msgstr "Linux fayl tizimlariga ega qurilmalar" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:105 msgid "Devices with Windows file systems are not supported (NTFS, FAT, etc)." msgstr "" "Windows fayl tizimlariga ega qurilmalar qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi (NTFS, FAT va " "boshqalar)." #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:914 msgid "Directory not found" msgstr "Katalog topilmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2380 src/Gtk/RestoreSummaryBox.vala:64 msgid "Disclaimer" msgstr "Masʼuliyatdan voz kechish" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:127 msgid "Disk" msgstr "Disk" #: src/Core/Main.vala:244 msgid "Distribution" msgstr "Distributiv" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1038 msgid "Enable scheduled snapshots to protect your system" msgstr "" "Tizimingizni himoya qilish uchun rejalashtirilgan snapshotlarni yoqish" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1476 msgid "Encrypted Device" msgstr "Shifrlangan qurilma" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:232 msgid "Encrypted Home Directory" msgstr "Shifrlangan uy katalogi" #: src/AppConsole.vala:897 #, c-format msgid "Enter device name or number" msgstr "Qurilma nomi yoki raqamini kiriting" #: src/AppConsole.vala:695 src/AppConsole.vala:1026 #, c-format msgid "Enter device name or number (a=Abort)" msgstr "Qurilma nomini yoki raqamini kiriting (a=To‘xtatish)" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1477 #, c-format msgid "Enter passphrase to unlock '%s'" msgstr "'%s' qulfini ochish uchun parol iborasini kiriting" #: src/AppConsole.vala:767 #, c-format msgid "Enter snapshot number (a=Abort, p=Previous, n=Next)" msgstr "Snapshot raqamini kiriting (a=To‘xtatish, p=Oldingi, n=Keyingi)" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:231 msgid "Enter the pattern to exclude (Ex: *.mp3, *.bak)" msgstr "Istisno qilish uchun namuna kiriting (masalan: *.mp3, *.bak)" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:520 msgid "Error" msgstr "Xato" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:481 msgid "Error running Rsync" msgstr "Rsync ishga tushirishda xatolik yuz berdi" #: src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:82 src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:99 msgid "Estimate" msgstr "Taxmin qilish" #: src/Gtk/EstimateBox.vala:56 msgid "Estimating System Size..." msgstr "Tizim hajmi taxmin qilinmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1453 msgid "Estimating system size..." msgstr "Tizim hajmi taxmin qilinmoqda..." #: src/AppConsole.vala:398 msgid "Examples" msgstr "Misollar" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:132 msgid "Exclude All Files" msgstr "Barcha fayllarni istisno qilish" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:55 src/Gtk/ExcludeAppsBox.vala:51 msgid "Exclude Application Settings" msgstr "Ilova sozlamalarini istisno qilish" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:99 msgid "Exclude Apps" msgstr "Ilovalarni istisno qilish" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeMessageWindow.vala:70 msgid "Exclude List" msgstr "Istisno qilish ro‘yxati" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeListSummaryWindow.vala:49 msgid "Exclude List Summary" msgstr "Istisno qilish ro‘yxati xulosasi" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:230 msgid "Exclude Pattern" msgstr "Istisno qilish namunasi" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeMessageWindow.vala:56 msgid "Excluded Directories" msgstr "Istisno qilingan kataloglar" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1741 msgid "Expected values: O, B, H, D, W, M" msgstr "Kutilgan qiymatlar: O, B, H, D, V, M" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:132 msgid "Failed to add cron job" msgstr "Cron vazifasini qo‘shib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:155 msgid "Failed to copy file" msgstr "Faylni nusxalab bo‘lmadi" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:271 #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:280 msgid "Failed to create directory" msgstr "Katalog yaratib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1579 msgid "Failed to create new snapshot" msgstr "Yangi snapshot yaratib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1333 msgid "Failed to create snapshot" msgstr "Snapshot yaratib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1669 msgid "Failed to create subvolume snapshot" msgstr "Kichik bo‘lim snapshotini yaratib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:955 msgid "Failed to create symlinks" msgstr "Ramziy havolalar yaratib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:305 msgid "Failed to delete directory" msgstr "Katalogni oʻchirib boʻlmadi" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:86 msgid "Failed to delete file" msgstr "Faylni oʻchirib boʻlmadi" #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:153 msgid "Failed to delete snapshot nested subvolume" msgstr "Snapshot ichiga oʻrnatilgan kichik boʻlimni oʻchirib boʻlmadi" #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:163 msgid "Failed to delete snapshot subvolume" msgstr "Snapshot kichik bo‘limni o‘chirib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:981 msgid "Failed to delete symlinks" msgstr "Ramziy havolalarni oʻchirib boʻlmadi" #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:177 msgid "Failed to destroy qgroup" msgstr "qgroupni yo‘q qilib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3935 src/Core/Main.vala:3941 msgid "Failed to estimate system size" msgstr "Tizim hajmini taxmin qilib boʻlmadi" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:257 msgid "Failed to export crontab file" msgstr "Crontab faylini eksport qilib bo‘lmadi" #: src/AppConsole.vala:710 src/AppConsole.vala:774 src/AppConsole.vala:906 #: src/AppConsole.vala:1001 src/AppConsole.vala:1046 src/AppConsole.vala:1087 msgid "Failed to get input from user in 3 attempts" msgstr "3 marta urinishda foydalanuvchidan maʼlumot olinmadi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:746 msgid "Failed to get partition list" msgstr "Boʻlimlar roʻyxatini olib boʻlmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3517 msgid "Failed to get partition list." msgstr "Boʻlimlar roʻyxatini olib boʻlmadi." #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:240 msgid "Failed to install crontab file" msgstr "Crontab faylini oʻrnatib boʻlmadi" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:521 msgid "Failed to mount devices" msgstr "Qurilmalarni ulab bo‘lmadi" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:174 msgid "Failed to move file" msgstr "Faylni ko‘chirib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3141 msgid "Failed to move system subvolume to snapshot directory" msgstr "Tizimning kichik bo‘limni snapshotlar katalogiga ko‘chirib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:4048 msgid "Failed to query subvolume list" msgstr "Kichik boʻlimlar roʻyxatini soʻrab boʻlmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:4133 msgid "Failed to query subvolume quota" msgstr "Kichik disk kvotasi so‘rovi amalga oshmadi" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:50 msgid "Failed to read cron tab" msgstr "Crontab o‘qib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:112 msgid "Failed to read file" msgstr "Faylni o‘qib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:901 msgid "Failed to remove" msgstr "Olib tashlab bo‘lmadi" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:213 msgid "Failed to remove cron job" msgstr "Cron vazifasini olib tashlab bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:530 src/Core/Snapshot.vala:542 #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:550 msgid "Failed to remove snapshot" msgstr "Snapshotni olib tashlab bo‘lmadi" #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:216 msgid "Failed to restore system subvolume" msgstr "Tizimning kichik boʻlimini tiklab boʻlmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1529 msgid "Failed to save exclude list" msgstr "Istisno qilinganlar roʻyxatini saqlab boʻlmadi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1403 src/Utility/Device.vala:1457 #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1482 src/Utility/Device.vala:1503 #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1523 msgid "Failed to unlock device" msgstr "Qurilma qulfini ochib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1755 msgid "Failed to unmount" msgstr "Uzib boʻlmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3721 msgid "Failed to unmount device!" msgstr "Qurilmani uzib bo‘lmadi!" #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:139 msgid "Failed to write file" msgstr "Faylni yozib bo‘lmadi" #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:122 msgid "File (snapshot)" msgstr "Fayl (snapshot)" #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:119 msgid "File (system)" msgstr "Fayl (tizim)" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeMessageWindow.vala:97 msgid "File Pattern" msgstr "Fayl namunasi" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:83 msgid "File and directory counts:" msgstr "Fayl va kataloglar soni:" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:225 src/Utility/RsyncTask.vala:298 #: src/Utility/TeeJee.FileSystem.vala:169 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Fayl topilmadi" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeListSummaryWindow.vala:62 msgid "" "Files & directories matching the patterns below will be excluded. " "Patterns starting with a + will include the item instead of excluding." msgstr "" "Quyidagi namunalarga mos keladigan fayl va kataloglar bundan mustasno. " "Namunalar + bilan boshlanganda istisno qilish o‘rniga elementni o‘z ichiga " "oladi." #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:201 msgid "Files and directories can be excluded to save disk space." msgstr "" "Diskdagi joyni tejash uchun fayllar va kataloglarni chiqarib tashlash mumkin." #: src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:119 msgid "Files and directory counts:" msgstr "Fayllar va kataloglar soni:" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeMessageWindow.vala:76 msgid "Files matching the following patterns will be excluded" msgstr "Quyidagi namunalarga mos keladigan fayllar bundan mustasno" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1972 #, c-format msgid "Filesystem" msgstr "Fayl tizimi" #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:302 msgid "Filter by name or path" msgstr "Nomi yoki yo‘li bo‘yicha filtrlash" #: src/Gtk/SettingsWindow.vala:103 msgid "Filters" msgstr "Filtrlar" #: src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:97 src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:211 #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:103 msgid "Finish" msgstr "Tugatish" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:130 src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:120 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Tugadi" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:78 msgid "Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, Opera, Epiphany, Midori" msgstr "Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, Opera, Epiphany, Midori" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:583 msgid "First snapshot requires:" msgstr "Birinchi snapshot talab qiladi:" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3074 msgid "Found existing pre-restore snapshot" msgstr "Tiklashdan oldingi mavjud snapshot topildi" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:215 msgid "Free" msgstr "Boʼsh" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:75 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:145 msgid "Free space" msgstr "Boʻsh joy" #: src/AppConsole.vala:1055 msgid "GRUB Device" msgstr "GRUB qurilmasi" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:497 msgid "GRUB device not selected" msgstr "GRUB qurilmasi tanlanmagan" #: src/AppConsole.vala:1060 msgid "GRUB will NOT be reinstalled" msgstr "GRUB qayta oʻrnatilmaydi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2522 msgid "Generating initramfs..." msgstr "Initramfs yaratilmoqda..." #: src/AppConsole.vala:385 msgid "Global" msgstr "Global" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:100 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:135 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:400 #, c-format msgid "Group" msgstr "Guruh" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:141 msgid "Help" msgstr "Yordam" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeMessageWindow.vala:128 msgid "" "Hidden files and folders are included by default since they contain user-" "specific configuration files." msgstr "" "Yashirin fayllar va jildlar standart bo‘yicha kiritilgan, chunki ular " "foydalanuvchi uchun maxsus konfiguratsiya fayllarini o‘z ichiga oladi." #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:181 msgid "Hide" msgstr "Yashirish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:392 msgid "Hide rsync output" msgstr "Rsync chiqishini yashirish" #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:182 msgid "Hide this window (files will be deleted in background)" msgstr "Ushbu oynani yashirish (fayllar fonda o‘chiriladi)" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:116 msgid "Home" msgstr "Uy" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeMessageWindow.vala:115 msgid "Home Directory" msgstr "Uy katalogi" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:298 src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:118 msgid "Hourly" msgstr "Soatlik" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1089 msgid "Hourly snapshot failed!" msgstr "Soatlik snapshotni olib bo‘lmadi!" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1070 msgid "Hourly snapshots are enabled" msgstr "Soatlik snapshotlar yoqilgan" #: src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:102 msgid "" "If the restored system fails to boot, then boot from the Live CD/USB, " "install Timeshift, and try restoring another snapshot." msgstr "" "Tiklangan tizim yuklanmasa, Live CD/USB dan yuklang, Timeshiftni o‘rnating " "va boshqa snapshotni tiklashga harakat qiling." #: src/Core/Main.vala:2386 msgid "" "If these terms are not acceptable to you, please do not proceed beyond this " "point!" msgstr "" "Agar ushbu shartlar siz uchun maqbul bo‘lmasa, iltimos, bu banddan " "tashqariga chiqmang!" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:54 msgid "Include / Exclude Patterns" msgstr "Namunalarni qo‘shish / istisno qilish" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:336 msgid "Include @home subvolume in backups" msgstr "Zaxiraga @home kichik boʻlimni qoʻshish" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:262 msgid "Include All Files" msgstr "Barcha fayllarni kiritish" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:190 msgid "Include Only Hidden Files" msgstr "Faqat yashirin fayllarni kiritish" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2200 msgid "Invalid Snapshot" msgstr "Yaroqsiz snapshot" #: src/AppConsole.vala:257 #, c-format msgid "Invalid command line arguments" msgstr "Yaroqsiz buyruq qatori argumentlari" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:831 msgid "Invalid snapshot" msgstr "Yaroqsiz snapshot" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:282 msgid "Items Not Selected" msgstr "Elementlar tanlanmagan" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:283 msgid "Keep" msgstr "Saqlash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:112 msgid "" "Keep configuration files for bittorrent clients like Deluge, Transmission, " "etc. If un-checked, previous configuration files will be restored from " "snapshot." msgstr "" "Deluge, Transmission va shu kabi bittorrent mijozlari uchun konfiguratsiya " "fayllarini saqlash. Belgilanmagan bo‘lsa, oldingi konfiguratsiya fayllari " "snapshotdan tiklanadi." #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:85 msgid "" "Keep configuration files for web browsers like Firefox and Chrome. If un-" "checked, previous configuration files will be restored from snapshot" msgstr "" "Firefox va Chrome kabi veb-brauzerlar uchun konfiguratsiya fayllarini " "saqlash. Belgilanmagan bo‘lsa, oldingi konfiguratsiya fayllari snapshotdan " "tiklanadi" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:244 msgid "Keep on Root Device" msgstr "Ildiz qurilmada saqlash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:229 msgid "Keep this mount path on the root filesystem" msgstr "Ushbu ulash yo‘lini ildiz fayl tizimida saqlash" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:523 msgid "LIVE" msgstr "JONLI" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1973 src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:254 #: src/AppConsole.vala:471 src/AppConsole.vala:510 #, c-format msgid "Label" msgstr "Yorliq" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1051 #, c-format msgid "Last boot snapshot is %d hours old" msgstr "Oxirgi yuklash snapshoti %d soat oldin" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1046 msgid "Last boot snapshot is older than system start time" msgstr "Oxirgi yuklash snapshoti tizimni ishga tushirish vaqtidan oldinroq" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1042 msgid "Last boot snapshot not found" msgstr "Oxirgi yuklash snapshoti topilmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1113 #, c-format msgid "Last daily snapshot is %d hours old" msgstr "Oxirgi kunlik snapshot %d soat oldin" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1108 msgid "Last daily snapshot is more than 1 day old" msgstr "Oxirgi kunlik snapshot 1 kundan oldinroq" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1104 msgid "Last daily snapshot not found" msgstr "Oxirgi kunlik snapshot topilmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1082 #, c-format msgid "Last hourly snapshot is %d minutes old" msgstr "Oxirgi soatlik snapshot %d daqiqa oldin" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1077 msgid "Last hourly snapshot is more than 1 hour old" msgstr "Oxirgi soatlik snapshot 1 soatdan oldinroq" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1073 msgid "Last hourly snapshot not found" msgstr "Oxirgi soatlik snapshot topilmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1175 #, c-format msgid "Last monthly snapshot is %d days old" msgstr "Oxirgi oylik snapshot %d kun oldin" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1170 msgid "Last monthly snapshot is more than 1 month old" msgstr "Oxirgi oylik snapshot 1 oydan oldinroq" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1166 msgid "Last monthly snapshot not found" msgstr "Oxirgi oylik snapshot topilmadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1144 #, c-format msgid "Last weekly snapshot is %d days old" msgstr "Oxirgi haftalik snapshot %d kun oldin" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1139 msgid "Last weekly snapshot is more than 1 week old" msgstr "Oxirgi haftalik snapshot 1 haftadan oldinroq" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1135 msgid "Last weekly snapshot not found" msgstr "Oxirgi haftalik snapshot topilmadi" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1019 #, c-format msgid "Latest snapshot" msgstr "Eng soʻnggi snapshot" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1518 #, c-format msgid "Linking from snapshot" msgstr "Snapshotdan ulanish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:363 msgid "List" msgstr "Roʻyxat" #: src/AppConsole.vala:365 msgid "List devices" msgstr "Qurilmalarni ro‘yxatlash" #: src/AppConsole.vala:364 msgid "List snapshots" msgstr "Snapshotlarni roʻyxatlash" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:970 msgid "Live USB Mode (Restore Only)" msgstr "Jonli USB rejimi (faqat tiklash)" #: src/Gtk/SettingsWindow.vala:90 src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:87 #: src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:104 msgid "Location" msgstr "Joylashuv" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:441 msgid "Main window closed by user" msgstr "Asosiy oyna foydalanuvchi tomonidan yopildi" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:349 msgid "Mark/Unmark for Deletion" msgstr "O‘chirish uchun belgilash/belgini olib tashlash" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:628 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:671 msgid "Maximum backups exceeded for backup level" msgstr "Zaxiralash darajasi uchun maksimal zahiradan oshib ketdi" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:207 msgid "Menu" msgstr "Menyu" #: src/Gtk/SettingsWindow.vala:105 msgid "Misc" msgstr "Boshqa" #: src/Core/Main.vala:253 msgid "Missing Dependencies" msgstr "Yo‘qolgan bog‘liqliklar" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:605 #, c-format msgid "Mode" msgstr "Rejim" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1956 #, c-format msgid "Model" msgstr "Model" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:301 src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:64 msgid "Monthly" msgstr "Oylik" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1163 msgid "Monthly snapshot are enabled" msgstr "Oylik snapshot yoqilgan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1182 msgid "Monthly snapshot failed!" msgstr "Oylik snapshot bajarilmadi!" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2287 src/Core/Main.vala:2320 msgid "Mount" msgstr "Ulash" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3148 msgid "Moved system subvolume to snapshot directory" msgstr "Tizim kichik boʻlimi snapshotlar katalogiga koʻchirildi" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:807 msgid "Multiple snapshots selected" msgstr "Bir nechta snapshot tanlandi" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:235 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:491 #: src/AppConsole.vala:437 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nomi" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:201 src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:164 #: src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:203 src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:165 msgid "Next" msgstr "Keyingi" #: src/Utility/Gtk/CustomMessageDialog.vala:157 msgid "No" msgstr "Yo‘q" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:87 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:122 msgid "No Change" msgstr "O‘zgarish yo‘q" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:616 src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:335 msgid "No Snapshots Selected" msgstr "Hech qanday snapshot tanlanmagan" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1043 msgid "No snapshots available" msgstr "Snapshotlar mavjud emas" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:830 src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:987 #: src/AppConsole.vala:326 msgid "No snapshots found" msgstr "Hech qanday snapshot topilmadi" #: src/AppConsole.vala:753 msgid "No snapshots found on device" msgstr "Qurilmada hech qanday snapshot topilmadi" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:537 msgid "No snapshots on device" msgstr "Qurilmada snapshotlat yo‘q" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:581 msgid "No snapshots on this device" msgstr "Ushbu qurilmada snapshotlar yo‘q" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:800 msgid "No snapshots selected" msgstr "Hech qanday snapshot tanlanmagan" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1020 src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1022 msgid "None" msgstr "Yo‘q" #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:198 #, c-format msgid "Not Found" msgstr "Topilmadi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:599 msgid "Not Selected" msgstr "Tanlanmagan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:398 msgid "Not Supported" msgstr "Qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:543 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:572 msgid "Not enough disk space" msgstr "Diskda joy yetarli emas" #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:55 src/AppConsole.vala:409 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Eslatmalar" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1193 msgid "Nothing to do!" msgstr "Qiladigan ish yo‘q!" #: src/AppConsole.vala:435 src/AppConsole.vala:465 src/AppConsole.vala:504 #: src/AppConsole.vala:552 msgid "Num" msgstr "Num" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:282 msgid "" "Number of snapshots to keep.\n" "Older snapshots will be removed once this limit is exceeded." msgstr "" "Saqlash uchun snapshotlar soni.\n" "Bu chegaradan oshib ketganda eski snapshotlar oʻchirib tashlanadi." #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:554 src/Utility/Gtk/CustomMessageDialog.vala:147 #: src/Utility/Gtk/CustomMessageDialog.vala:151 src/Utility/GtkHelper.vala:108 #: src/Gtk/SettingsWindow.vala:123 src/Gtk/ExcludeListSummaryWindow.vala:84 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:188 msgid "" "OS must be installed on a BTRFS partition with Ubuntu-type subvolume layout " "(@ and @home subvolumes). Other layouts are not supported." msgstr "" "OT Ubuntu tipidagi kichik boʻlim tartibiga ega (@ va @home kichik boʻlimlar) " "BTRFS boʻlimiga oʻrnatilishi kerak. Boshqa tartiblar qoʻllab-quvvatlanmaydi." #: src/Core/Main.vala:4306 msgid "Older log files removed" msgstr "Eski jurnal fayllari olib tashlandi" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1021 msgid "Oldest snapshot" msgstr "Eng eski snapshot" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:296 msgid "On demand (manual)" msgstr "Talab boʻyicha (qoʻlda)" #: src/Core/Main.vala:396 src/Core/Main.vala:3634 #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:511 msgid "" "Only ubuntu-type layouts with @ and @home subvolumes are currently supported." msgstr "" "Hozirda faqat @ va @home kichik boʻlimlari boʻlgan ubuntu tipidagi tartiblar " "qoʻllab-quvvatlanadi." #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:208 msgid "Open Menu" msgstr "Menyuni ochish" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3416 msgid "" "Option --snapshot-device should not be specified for creating snapshots in " "BTRFS mode" msgstr "" "BTRFS rejimida snapshotlarni yaratish uchun --snapshot-device varianti " "belgilanmasligi kerak" #: src/AppConsole.vala:361 src/AppGtk.vala:128 msgid "Options" msgstr "Variantlar" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:118 msgid "Other applications (next page)" msgstr "Boshqa ilovalar (keyingi sahifa)" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:99 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:134 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:398 #, c-format msgid "Owner" msgstr "Egasi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1968 #, c-format msgid "Parent Device" msgstr "Yuqori qurilma" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2651 src/Core/Main.vala:2742 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:222 msgid "Parsing log file..." msgstr "Jurnal fayli tahlil qilinmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:510 msgid "Partition has an unsupported subvolume layout." msgstr "Boʻlim qoʻllab-quvvatlanmaydigan kichik boʻlim tartibiga ega." #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:604 src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:93 #, c-format msgid "Path" msgstr "Yoʼl" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:166 msgid "Pattern" msgstr "Namuna" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:98 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:133 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:396 #, c-format msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Ruxsatlar" #: src/Core/Main.vala:272 msgid "Please check if you have multiple windows open." msgstr "Bir nechta oyna ochiqligini tekshiring." #: src/Core/Main.vala:2418 msgid "Please do not interrupt the restore process!" msgstr "Tiklash jarayonini toʻxtatmang!" #: src/Core/Main.vala:367 msgid "Please install required packages and try running TimeShift again" msgstr "" "Kerakli paketlarni oʻrnating va Timeshift-ni qaytadan ishga tushirib koʻring" #: src/AppGtk.vala:143 msgid "Please re-run the application as admin (using 'sudo' or 'su')" msgstr "" "Ilovani administrator sifatida qayta ishga tushiring ('sudo' yoki 'su' " "yordamida)" #: src/AppConsole.vala:108 msgid "Please run the application as admin (using 'sudo' or 'su')" msgstr "" "Ilovani administrator sifatida ishga tushiring ('sudo' yoki 'su' yordamida)" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2368 msgid "Please save your work and close all applications." msgstr "Ishingizni saqlang va barcha ilovalarni yoping." #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:702 msgid "Please select a snapshot to view the log!" msgstr "Jurnalni koʻrish uchun snapshotni tanlang!" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:498 msgid "Please select the GRUB device" msgstr "GRUB qurilmasini tanlang" #: src/Core/Main.vala:268 msgid "Please wait a few minutes and try again." msgstr "Bir necha daqiqa kutib turing va qayta urinib koʻring." #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:769 msgid "Please wait for snapshots to be deleted." msgstr "Snapshotlar oʻchirilishini kuting." #: src/Gtk/EstimateBox.vala:66 msgid "Please wait..." msgstr "Kuting..." #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:188 msgid "Populating list..." msgstr "Roʻyxat toʻldirilmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1753 src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:117 #: src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:88 src/Gtk/DeleteBox.vala:68 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:232 msgid "Preparing..." msgstr "Tayyorlanmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:193 src/Gtk/BackupWindow.vala:156 #: src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:195 src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:157 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Oldingi" #: src/AppGtk.vala:130 msgid "Print debug information" msgstr "Nosozliklarni tuzatish ma'lumotlarini chop etish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:395 src/AppGtk.vala:132 msgid "Print version number" msgstr "Versiya raqamini chop etish" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3996 msgid "Query completed" msgstr "Soʻrov tugallandi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3979 msgid "Querying subvolume info..." msgstr "Kichik boʻlim maʼlumotlari soʻralmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:77 msgid "RSYNC" msgstr "RSYNC" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:193 msgid "RSYNC Snapshots" msgstr "RSYNC snapshotlari" #: src/Gtk/BootOptionsBox.vala:137 msgid "" "Re-generates initramfs for all installed kernels. This is generally not " "needed. Select this only if the restored system fails to boot." msgstr "" "Barcha oʻrnatilgan yadrolar uchun initramflarni qayta yaratadi. Bu odatda " "kerak emas. Buni faqat tiklangan tizim yuklanmasagina tanlang." #: src/AppConsole.vala:995 #, c-format msgid "Re-install GRUB2 bootloader?" msgstr "GRUB2 yuklovchisi qayta oʻrnatilsinmi?" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2481 msgid "Re-installing GRUB2 bootloader..." msgstr "GRUB2 yuklovchisi qayta oʻrnatilmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/BootOptionsBox.vala:120 msgid "Re-installs the GRUB2 bootloader on the selected device." msgstr "GRUB2 yuklovchisini tanlangan qurilmaga qayta oʻrnatadi." #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:181 #, c-format msgid "Read %'d of %'d lines..." msgstr "%'d satr %'d dan oʻqish..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:2581 msgid "Rebooting system..." msgstr "Tizim qayta yuklanmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:61 src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:91 #, c-format msgid "Recommended" msgstr "Tavsiya etilgan" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:65 src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:70 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Yangilash" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:106 msgid "Remote and network locations are not supported." msgstr "Masofaviy va tarmoq manzillari qoʻllab-quvvatlanmaydi." #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:262 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Olib tashlash" #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:509 src/Core/Main.vala:1791 src/Core/Main.vala:1802 #: src/Core/Main.vala:4302 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:907 #, c-format msgid "Removed" msgstr "Olib tashlangan" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:340 msgid "Removed cron task" msgstr "Olib tashlangan cron vazifasi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3784 #, c-format msgid "Removed mount directory: '%s'" msgstr "Olib tashlangan ulash katalogi: '%s'" #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:555 msgid "Removed snapshot" msgstr "Olib tashlangan snapshot" #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:484 msgid "Removing" msgstr "Olib tashlanmoqda" #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:521 msgid "Removing snapshot" msgstr "Snapshot olib tashlanmoqda" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:763 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:782 #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:800 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:814 #, c-format msgid "Removing snapshots" msgstr "Snapshotlar olib tashlanmoqda" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:150 src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:125 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:377 src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:566 #: src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:71 src/AppConsole.vala:373 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Tiklash" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:325 msgid "Restore @home subvolume" msgstr "@home kichik boʻlimni tiklash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:89 msgid "Restore Device" msgstr "Qurilmani tiklash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:94 msgid "Restore Exclude" msgstr "Tiklashni cheklash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:69 msgid "Restore Snapshot" msgstr "Snapshotni tiklash" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2991 src/Core/Main.vala:3033 msgid "Restore completed" msgstr "Tiklash tugallandi" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:151 msgid "Restore selected snapshot" msgstr "Tanlangan snapshotni tiklash" #: src/AppConsole.vala:374 msgid "Restore snapshot" msgstr "Snapshotni tiklash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:96 msgid "Restored subvolumes will become active after system is restarted." msgstr "" "Tiklangan kichik bo‘limlar tizim qayta ishga tushirilgandan so‘ng " "faollashadi." #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:220 msgid "Restored system subvolume" msgstr "Tiklangan tizim kichik bo‘limi" #: src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:77 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:190 msgid "Restoring Snapshot..." msgstr "Snapshot tiklanmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:85 msgid "" "Restoring a snapshot will replace system subvolumes, and system subvolumes " "currently in use will be preserved as a new snapshot. If required, this " "snapshot can be restored later to 'undo' the restore." msgstr "" "Snapshotni tiklash tizim kichik bo‘limlarni almashtiradi va hozirda " "foydalanilayotgan tizim kichik bo‘limlari yangi snapshot sifatida saqlanib " "qoladi. Agar kerak bo‘lsa, qayta tiklashni \"ortga qaytarish\" uchun ushbu " "snapshotni keyinroq tiklash mumkin." #: src/Core/Main.vala:2960 msgid "Restoring snapshot..." msgstr "Snapshot tiklanmoqda..." #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:88 msgid "" "Restoring snapshots only replaces system files and settings. Non-hidden " "files and directories in user home directories will not be touched. This " "behaviour can be changed by adding a filter to include these files. Included " "files will be backed up when snapshot is created, and replaced when snapshot " "is restored." msgstr "" "Snapshotlarni tiklash faqat tizim fayllari va sozlamalarini almashtiradi. " "Foydalanuvchining uy kataloglaridagi yashirin bo‘lmagan fayllar va " "kataloglarga tegilmaydi. Ushbu xatti-harakatni ushbu fayllarni kiritish " "uchun filtr qo‘shish orqali o‘zgartirish mumkin. Snapshot yaratilganda " "kiritilgan fayllar zaxiralanadi va snapshot tiklanganda almashtiriladi." #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1958 #, c-format msgid "Revision" msgstr "Qayta ko‘rib chiqish" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:438 msgid "Root device not selected" msgstr "Ildiz qurilmasi tanlanmagan" #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogWindow.vala:49 msgid "Rsync Log Viewer" msgstr "Rsync jurnalini ko‘rish vositasi" #: src/AppGtk.vala:134 #, c-format msgid "Run 'timeshift' for the command-line version of this tool" msgstr "" "Ushbu vositaning buyruq qatori versiyasi uchun \"timeshift\" ishga tushiring" #: src/AppConsole.vala:393 msgid "Run in non-interactive mode" msgstr "Interaktiv bo‘lmagan rejimda ishga tushirish" #: src/Core/Main.vala:204 msgid "Running" msgstr "Ishlamoqda" #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:95 msgid "" "Save snapshots to an external disk instead of the system disk to guard " "against drive failures." msgstr "" "Drayv nosozliklaridan himoyalanish uchun snappshotlarni tizim diski o‘rniga " "tashqi diskda saqlang." #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:97 msgid "" "Saving snapshots to a non-system disk allows you to format and re-install " "the OS on the system disk without losing snapshots stored on it. You can " "even install another Linux distribution and later roll-back the previous " "distribution by restoring a snapshot." msgstr "" "Snapshotlarni tizimdan tashqari diskda saqlash tizim diskida saqlangan " "suratlarni yo‘qotmasdan formatlash va OTni qayta o‘rnatish imkonini beradi. " "Siz hatto boshqa Linux distributivini o‘rnatishingiz va keyinroq snapshotni " "tiklash orqali oldingi tarqatishni orqaga qaytarishingiz mumkin." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1459 src/Core/Main.vala:1613 src/Core/Main.vala:1615 msgid "Saving to device" msgstr "Qurilmaga saqlanmoqda" #: src/Gtk/SettingsWindow.vala:93 src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:109 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Jadval" #: src/Core/Main.vala:275 msgid "Scheduled snapshot in progress..." msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan snapshot ishlanmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1193 src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1037 #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:312 msgid "Scheduled snapshots are disabled" msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan snapshotlar o‘chirilgan" #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:78 msgid "Scheduled snapshots are disabled. It's recommended to enable it." msgstr "" "Rejalashtirilgan snapshotlar o‘chirilgan. Uni yoqish tavsiya etiladi." #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:305 msgid "Scheduled snapshots are enabled" msgstr "Rejalashtirilgan snapshotlar yoqilgan" #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:75 msgid "" "Scheduled snapshots are enabled. Snapshots will be created automatically for " "selected levels." msgstr "" "Rejalashtirilgan snapshotlar yoqilgan. Tanlangan darajalar uchun snapshotlar " "avtomatik ravishda yaratiladi." #: src/AppConsole.vala:883 #, c-format msgid "Select '%s' device (default = %s)" msgstr "'%s' qurilmani tanlang (birlamchi = %s)" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:510 src/AppConsole.vala:702 msgid "Select BTRFS system disk with root subvolume (@)" msgstr "Ildiz kichik bo‘limli BTRFS tizim diskini tanlang (@)" #: src/AppConsole.vala:1011 msgid "Select GRUB device" msgstr "GRUB qurilmani tanlang" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:701 msgid "Select Snapshot" msgstr "Snapshot tanlang" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:57 msgid "Select Snapshot Levels" msgstr "Snapshot darajasini tanlang" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:56 msgid "Select Snapshot Location" msgstr "Snapshot joylashuvini tanlang" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:62 msgid "Select Snapshot Type" msgstr "Snapshot turini tanlang" #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:85 msgid "Select Snapshots" msgstr "Snapshot tanlang" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:61 msgid "Select Target Device" msgstr "Maqsadli qurilmani tanlang" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:410 #, c-format msgid "Select a partition on this disk" msgstr "Ushbu diskdagi bo‘limni tanlang" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:808 msgid "Select a single snapshot to restore" msgstr "Tiklash uchun snapshotni tanlang" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:467 msgid "Select another device for root file system (/)" msgstr "Ildiz fayl tizimi uchun xotira qurilmasini tanlang" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:546 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:575 msgid "Select another device or free up some space" msgstr "Boshqa qurilmani tanlang yoki xotiradan biroz joy bo‘shating" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:531 src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:538 msgid "Select another device to delete snasphots" msgstr "Snapshotlarni o‘chirish uchun boshqa qurilmani tanlang" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:463 msgid "Select another device?" msgstr "Boshqa qurilma tanlaysizmi?" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:57 msgid "Select applications to exclude from restore" msgstr "Tiklashdan chiqarib tashlash uchun ilovalarni tanlash" #: src/AppConsole.vala:685 msgid "Select backup device" msgstr "Zaxira qurilmasini tanlash" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:443 msgid "Select directory" msgstr "Katalogni tanlash" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:416 msgid "Select file(s)" msgstr "Fayl(lar) tanlash" #: src/AppConsole.vala:759 msgid "Select snapshot" msgstr "Snapshot tanlash" #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:336 msgid "Select snapshots to delete" msgstr "O‘chirish uchun snapshot tanlang" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:439 msgid "Select the device for root file system (/)" msgstr "Ildiz fayl tizimi (/) uchun qurilmani tanlash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:83 msgid "Select the devices where files will be restored." msgstr "Fayllar tiklanadigan qurilmalarni tanlash." #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:313 msgid "Select the intervals for creating snapshots" msgstr "Snapshotlar yaratish uchun vaqt oralig‘ini tanlash" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:283 msgid "Select the items to be removed from the list" msgstr "Ro‘yxatdan olib tashlash kerak bo‘lgan elementlarni tanlash" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:472 msgid "Select the snapshot device" msgstr "Snapshot qurilmasini tanlash" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:801 msgid "Select the snapshot to restore" msgstr "Tiklash uchun snapshot tanlang" #: src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:87 msgid "Select the snapshots to be deleted" msgstr "O‘chirish uchun snapshot tanlash" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:617 msgid "Select the snapshots to mark for deletion" msgstr "O‘chirilishi kerak bo‘lgan snapshotlarni tanlash" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:79 msgid "Select the target devices where system will be cloned." msgstr "Tizim klonlanadigan maqsadli qurilmalarni tanlash." #: src/Core/Main.vala:3444 msgid "Selected default snapshot device" msgstr "Tanlangan standart snapshot qurilmasi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3395 src/Core/Main.vala:3399 msgid "Selected default snapshot type" msgstr "Tanlangan standart snapshot turi" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:388 msgid "Selected device does not have BTRFS partition" msgstr "Tanlangan qurilmada BTRFS bo‘limi mavjud emas" #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:385 msgid "Selected device does not have Linux partition" msgstr "Tanlangan qurilmada Linux bo‘limi mavjud emas" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:144 msgid "Selected snapshot device" msgstr "Tanlangan snapshot qurilmasi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:509 src/AppConsole.vala:701 msgid "Selected snapshot device is not a system disk" msgstr "Tanlangan snapshot qurilmasi tizim diski emas" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2201 msgid "Selected snapshot is marked for deletion" msgstr "Tanlangan snapshot oʻchirish uchun belgilangan" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:832 msgid "Selected snapshot is marked for deletion and cannot be restored" msgstr "" "Tanlangan snapshot oʻchirish uchun belgilangan va uni qayta tiklab boʻlmaydi" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:234 msgid "" "Selected user has an encrypted home directory. It's not possible to include " "only hidden files." msgstr "" "Tanlangan foydalanuvchi shifrlangan uy katalogiga ega. Faqat yashirin " "fayllarni kiritish mumkin emas." #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1957 #, c-format msgid "Serial" msgstr "Serial" #: src/Core/Main.vala:232 msgid "Session log file" msgstr "Sessiya jurnali fayli" #: src/AppConsole.vala:370 msgid "Set snapshot description" msgstr "Snapshot tavsifini sozlash" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:180 src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:181 #: src/Gtk/SettingsWindow.vala:56 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Sozlamalar" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:191 msgid "Settings wizard" msgstr "Sozlamalar ustasi" #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:58 msgid "Setup Complete" msgstr "Sozlash tugallandi" #: src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:64 msgid "Setup Wizard" msgstr "Sozlash ustasi" #: src/AppConsole.vala:390 msgid "Show additional debug messages" msgstr "Qo‘shimcha nosozliklarni tuzatish xabarlarini ko‘rsatish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:394 src/AppGtk.vala:131 msgid "Show all options" msgstr "Hamma parametrlarni koʻrsatish" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:121 msgid "Show more applications to exclude on the next page" msgstr "Keyingi sahifada istisno qilinadigan koʻproq ilovalarni koʻrsatish" #: src/AppConsole.vala:391 msgid "Show rsync output (default)" msgstr "Rsync chiqishini ko‘rsatish (standart)" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1960 src/Utility/Device.vala:1975 #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:173 src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:96 #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:202 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:131 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:392 src/AppConsole.vala:469 src/AppConsole.vala:508 #, c-format msgid "Size" msgstr "Hajmi" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:186 msgid "" "Size of BTRFS snapshots are initially zero. As system files gradually change " "with time, data gets written to new data blocks which take up disk space " "(copy-on-write). Files in the snapshot continue to point to original data " "blocks." msgstr "" "BTRFS snapshotlarining oʻlchami dastlab nolga teng. Vaqt o‘tishi bilan tizim " "fayllari asta-sekin oʻzgarib borar ekan, ma'lumotlar diskda boʻsh joyni " "egallagan yangi ma'lumotlar bloklariga yoziladi (nusxalash va yozish). " "Snapshotdagi fayllar asl ma'lumotlar bloklariga ishora qilishda davom etadi." #: src/AppConsole.vala:379 msgid "Skip GRUB2 reinstall" msgstr "GRUB2-ni qayta o‘rnatishni o‘tkazib yuborish" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2206 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:631 #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:684 src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:94 #, c-format msgid "Snapshot" msgstr "Snapshot" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:548 #, c-format msgid "" "Snapshot '%s' is being used by the system and cannot be deleted. Restart the " "system to activate the restored snapshot." msgstr "" "'%s' snapshoti tizim tomonidan foydalanilmoqda va uni oʻchirib boʻlmaydi. " "Tiklangan snapshotni faollashtirish uchun tizimni qayta ishga tushiring." #: src/Gtk/BackupFinishBox.vala:60 msgid "Snapshot Created" msgstr "Snapshot yaratildi" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:295 #, c-format msgid "Snapshot Levels" msgstr "Snapshot darajalari" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:768 msgid "Snapshot deletion in progress..." msgstr "Snapshotni oʻchirish davom etmoqda..." #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:442 #, c-format msgid "Snapshot device" msgstr "Snapshot qurilmasi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:478 src/AppConsole.vala:675 msgid "Snapshot device not available" msgstr "Snapshot qurilmasi mavjud emas" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:471 src/AppConsole.vala:671 msgid "Snapshot device not selected" msgstr "Snapshot qurilmasi tanlanmagan" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:446 #, c-format msgid "Snapshot location" msgstr "Snapshot joylashuvi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1330 msgid "Snapshot saved successfully" msgstr "Snapshot muvaffaqiyatli saqlandi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2196 msgid "Snapshot to restore not specified!" msgstr "Tiklash uchun snapshot belgilanmagan!" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3037 msgid "Snapshot will become active after system is rebooted." msgstr "Tizim qayta ishga tushirilgandan so‘ng snapshot faol bo‘ladi." #: src/Gtk/DeleteFinishBox.vala:60 msgid "Snapshot(s) Deleted" msgstr "Snapshot(lar) oʻchirildi" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:309 src/Gtk/DeleteWindow.vala:89 msgid "Snapshots" msgstr "Snapshotlar" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:178 msgid "" "Snapshots are created and restored instantly. Snapshot creation is an atomic " "transaction at the file system level." msgstr "" "Snapshotlar bir zumda yaratiladi va tiklanadi. Snapshot yaratish fayl tizimi " "darajasidagi atom tranzaktsiyasidir." #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:195 msgid "" "Snapshots are created by creating copies of system files using rsync, and " "hard-linking unchanged files from previous snapshot." msgstr "" "Snapshotlar rsync yordamida tizim fayllari nusxalarini yaratish va oldingi " "snapshotdagi oʻzgarmagan fayllarni qattiq bogʻlash orqali yaratiladi." #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:176 msgid "" "Snapshots are created using the built-in features of the BTRFS file system." msgstr "" "Snapshotlar BTRFS fayl tizimining o‘rnatilgan xususiyatlaridan foydalangan " "holda yaratiladi." #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:167 #, c-format msgid "Snapshots are not scheduled at fixed times." msgstr "Snapshotlar belgilangan vaqtda rejalashtirilmagan." #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:182 msgid "" "Snapshots are perfect, byte-for-byte copies of the system. Nothing is " "excluded." msgstr "" "Snapshotlar mukammal, tizimning bayt-bayt nusxalari. Hech narsa istisno " "qilinmaydi." #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:180 msgid "" "Snapshots are restored by replacing system subvolumes. Since files are never " "copied, deleted or overwritten, there is no risk of data loss. The existing " "system is preserved as a new snapshot after restore." msgstr "" "Snapshotlar tizim kichik bo‘limlarini almashtirish orqali tiklanadi. Fayllar " "hech qachon nusxa ko‘chirilmaydi, o‘chirilmaydi yoki ustiga yozilmaydi, " "ma'lumotlarni yo‘qotish xavfi yo‘q. Mavjud tizim qayta tiklangandan keyin " "yangi snapshot sifatida saqlanadi." #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:184 msgid "" "Snapshots are saved on the same disk from which they are created (system " "disk). Storage on other disks is not supported. If system disk fails then " "snapshots stored on it will be lost along with the system." msgstr "" "Snapshotlar ular yaratilgan diskda (tizim diskida) saqlanadi. Boshqa " "disklarda saqlash qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi. Agar tizim diskida ishlamay qolsa, " "unda saqlangan snapshotlar tizim bilan birga yo‘qoladi." #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:107 msgid "" "Snapshots are saved to /timeshift on selected partition. Other locations are " "not supported." msgstr "" "Snapshotlar tanlangan bo‘limda /timeshift katalogiga saqlanadi. Boshqa " "joylar qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi." #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:99 msgid "" "Snapshots are saved to /timeshift-btrfs on selected partition. Other " "locations are not supported." msgstr "" "Snapshotlar tanlangan bo‘limda /timeshift-btrfs katalogiga saqlanadi. Boshqa " "joylar qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi." #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:982 msgid "Snapshots available for restore" msgstr "Tiklash uchun snapshotlar mavjud" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotBackendBox.vala:199 msgid "" "Snapshots can be saved to any disk formatted with a Linux file system. " "Saving snapshots to non-system or external disk allows the system to be " "restored even if system disk is damaged or re-formatted." msgstr "" "Snapshotlarni Linux fayl tizimida formatlangan har qanday diskda saqlash " "mumkin. Snapshotlarni tizim bo‘lmagan yoki tashqi diskda saqlash tizim diski " "shikastlangan yoki qayta formatlangan bo‘lsa ham tizimni tiklash imkonini " "beradi." #: src/AppConsole.vala:289 msgid "Snapshots cannot be created in Live CD mode" msgstr "Snapshotlarni Live CD rejimida yaratish mumkin emas" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1029 msgid "Snapshots will be created at selected intervals" msgstr "Snapshotlar tanlangan vaqt oralig‘ida yaratiladi" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:306 msgid "" "Snapshots will be created at selected intervals if snapshot disk has enough " "space (> 1 GB)" msgstr "" "Snapshot diskida yetarli joy boʻlsa (> 1 GB) snapshotlar tanlangan vaqt " "oraligʻida yaratiladi." #: src/AppConsole.vala:386 msgid "Specify backup device (default: config)" msgstr "Zaxira qurilmasini belgilang (standart: config)" #: src/AppConsole.vala:378 msgid "Specify device for installing GRUB2 bootloader" msgstr "GRUB2 yuklovchisini o‘rnatish uchun qurilmani belgilang" #: src/AppConsole.vala:376 msgid "Specify snapshot to restore" msgstr "Tiklash uchun snapshot belgilash" #: src/AppConsole.vala:377 msgid "Specify target device" msgstr "Maqsadli qurilmani belgilash" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:452 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:606 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:471 #, c-format msgid "Status" msgstr "Xolat" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:154 msgid "Stop cron emails for scheduled tasks" msgstr "" "Rejalashtirilgan vazifalar uchun cron elektron pochta xabarlarini to‘xtatish" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:101 msgid "Subvolume" msgstr "Kichik bo‘lim" #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:203 #, c-format msgid "Subvolume exists at destination" msgstr "Belgilangan joyda kichik bo‘lim mavjud" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:274 #, c-format msgid "Subvolumes" msgstr "Kichik bo‘limlar" #: src/Gtk/ExcludeBox.vala:267 src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:120 #: src/Gtk/ExcludeAppsBox.vala:134 msgid "Summary" msgstr "Hisobot" #: src/AppConsole.vala:388 msgid "Switch to BTRFS mode (default: config)" msgstr "BTRFS rejimiga o‘tish (standart: config)" #: src/AppConsole.vala:389 msgid "Switch to RSYNC mode (default: config)" msgstr "RSYNC rejimiga o‘tish (standart: config)" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:961 msgid "Symlinks updated" msgstr "Ramziy havolalar yangilandi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2556 msgid "Syncing file systems..." msgstr "Fayl tizimlari sinxronlanmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1535 src/Core/Main.vala:2726 src/Core/Main.vala:2967 msgid "Syncing files with rsync..." msgstr "Fayllar rsync orqali sinxronlanmoqda..." #: src/AppGtk.vala:126 msgid "Syntax" msgstr "Sintaksis" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1981 src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:126 #, c-format msgid "System" msgstr "Tizim" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:929 msgid "System Restore Utility" msgstr "Tizimni tiklash yordam dasturi" #: src/Gtk/FinishBox.vala:82 msgid "System can be rolled-back to a previous date by restoring a snapshot." msgstr "Snapshotni tiklash orqali tizim oldingi sanaga qaytarilishi mumkin." #: src/Core/Main.vala:2419 msgid "System will reboot after files are restored" msgstr "Fayllar tiklanganidan keyin tizim qayta yuklanadi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2369 msgid "System will reboot after files are restored." msgstr "Fayllar tiklanganidan keyin tizim qayta yuklanadi." #: src/Core/Main.vala:1266 src/Core/Main.vala:1340 msgid "Tagged snapshot" msgstr "Belgilangan snapshot" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:150 src/AppConsole.vala:438 msgid "Tags" msgstr "Teglar" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2231 msgid "Target device is not mounted" msgstr "Maqsadli qurilma ulanmagan" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:466 msgid "Target device is same as system device" msgstr "Maqsadli qurilma tizim qurilmasi bilan bir xil" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2225 msgid "Target device not specified!" msgstr "Maqsadli qurilma ko‘rsatilmagan!" #: src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:156 msgid "" "The cron service sends the output of scheduled tasks as an email to the " "current user. Select this option to suppress the emails for cron tasks " "created by Timeshift." msgstr "" "Cron xizmati rejalashtirilgan vazifalarning natijasini joriy foydalanuvchiga " "elektron pochta sifatida yuboradi. Timeshift tomonidan yaratilgan cron " "vazifalari uchun elektron pochta xabarlarini bostirish uchun ushbu " "parametrni tanlang." #: src/Core/Main.vala:395 msgid "The system partition has an unsupported subvolume layout." msgstr "" "Tizim bo‘limida qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydigan kichik bo‘lim tartibi mavjud." #: src/Core/Main.vala:3633 msgid "The target partition has an unsupported subvolume layout." msgstr "" "Maqsadli bo‘lim qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydigan kichik bo‘lim tartibiga ega." #: src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:512 #, c-format msgid "There are no snapshots on this device" msgstr "Bu qurilmada snapshotlar mavjud emas" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1402 msgid "This device is not encrypted" msgstr "Bu qurilma shifrlanmagan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2385 msgid "" "This software comes without absolutely NO warranty and the author takes no " "responsibility for any damage arising from the use of this program." msgstr "" "Ushbu dasturiy ta'minot mutlaqo kafolatsiz taqdim etiladi va muallif ushbu " "dasturdan foydalanish natijasida kelib chiqadigan har qanday zarar uchun " "javobgarlikni o‘z zimmasiga olmaydi." #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1017 src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:1028 msgid "Timeshift is active" msgstr "Timeshift faol" #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:97 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:132 #: src/Gtk/RsyncLogBox.vala:394 #, c-format msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "Vaqt tamg‘asi" #: src/AppConsole.vala:624 #, c-format msgid "To restore with default options, press the ENTER key for all prompts!" msgstr "" "Standart variantlar bilan tiklash uchun barcha takliflar uchun ENTER bosing!" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1971 src/Gtk/BackupDeviceBox.vala:190 #: src/Gtk/SettingsWindow.vala:87 src/AppConsole.vala:470 #: src/AppConsole.vala:509 #, c-format msgid "Type" msgstr "Turi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1970 #, c-format msgid "UUID" msgstr "UUID" #: src/AppGtk.vala:107 msgid "Unknown option" msgstr "Noma'lum parametr" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1248 msgid "Unknown snapshot type" msgstr "Noma'lum snapshot turi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1740 msgid "Unknown value specified for option --tags" msgstr "--tags parametri uchun noma'lum qiymat ko‘rsatilgan" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1413 src/Utility/Device.vala:1529 #, c-format msgid "Unlocked device is mapped to '%s'" msgstr "Qulfdan chiqarilgan qurilma “%s” bilan taqqoslandi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1528 msgid "Unlocked successfully" msgstr "Muvaffaqiyatli qulfdan chiqarildi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1744 msgid "Unmounting from" msgstr "Uzilmoqda" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:198 msgid "Unshared" msgstr "Ulashmagan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:3637 src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:508 msgid "Unsupported Subvolume Layout" msgstr "Qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydigan kichik bo‘lim tartibi" #: src/Gtk/BootOptionsBox.vala:150 msgid "Update GRUB menu" msgstr "GRUB menyusini yangilash" #: src/Gtk/BootOptionsBox.vala:135 msgid "Update initramfs" msgstr "initramfs yangilash" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2906 msgid "Updated /etc/crypttab on target device" msgstr "Maqsadli qurilmada yangilangan /etc/crypttab" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2826 msgid "Updated /etc/fstab on target device" msgstr "Maqsadli qurilmada yangilangan /etc/fstab" #: src/Gtk/BootOptionsBox.vala:152 msgid "" "Updates the GRUB menu entries (recommended). This is safe to run and should " "be left selected." msgstr "" "GRUB menyu yozuvlarini yangilaydi (tavsiya etiladi). Buni ishlatish xavfsiz " "va tanlangan holda qoldirilishi kerak." #: src/Core/Main.vala:2539 msgid "Updating GRUB menu..." msgstr "GRUB menyusi yangilanmoqda..." #: src/Core/Main.vala:2750 msgid "Updating bootloader configuration..." msgstr "Yuklovchi konfiguratsiyasi yangilanmoqda..." #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1978 #, c-format msgid "Used" msgstr "Ishlatilgan" #: src/Gtk/SetupWizardWindow.vala:114 src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:101 msgid "User" msgstr "Foydalanuvchi" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:62 msgid "User Home Directories" msgstr "Foydalanuvchi uy kataloglari" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1483 msgid "User cancelled the password prompt" msgstr "Foydalanuvchi parol so‘rovini bekor qildi" #: src/Gtk/UsersBox.vala:66 msgid "" "User home directories are excluded by default unless you enable them here" msgstr "" "Agar siz ularni bu yerda yoqmasangiz, foydalanuvchi uy kataloglari sukut " "bo‘yicha chiqarib tashlanadi" #: src/Gtk/SettingsWindow.vala:101 msgid "Users" msgstr "Foydalanuvchilar" #: src/Gtk/RestoreWindow.vala:114 msgid "Users Home" msgstr "Foydalanuvchilar uyi" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1955 #, c-format msgid "Vendor" msgstr "Ishlab chiqaruvchi" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:328 msgid "View Rsync Log for Create" msgstr "Yaratish uchun Rsync jurnalini koʻrish" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:335 msgid "View Rsync Log for Restore" msgstr "Tiklash uchun Rsync jurnalini koʻrish" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:369 msgid "View TimeShift Logs" msgstr "TimeShift jurnallarini ko‘rish" #: src/Core/Main.vala:2280 src/Gtk/RestoreSummaryBox.vala:53 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Ogohlantirish" #: src/Gtk/RestoreExcludeBox.vala:61 msgid "Web Browsers" msgstr "Veb-brauzerlar" #: src/Gtk/SnapshotListBox.vala:300 src/Gtk/ScheduleBox.vala:82 msgid "Weekly" msgstr "Har hafta" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1151 msgid "Weekly snapshot failed!" msgstr "Haftalik snapshot amalga oshmadi!" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1132 msgid "Weekly snapshots are enabled" msgstr "Haftalik snapshotlar yoqilgan" #: src/Gtk/DeleteFinishBox.vala:63 src/Gtk/BackupFinishBox.vala:63 msgid "With Errors" msgstr "Xatolar bilan" #: src/Gtk/MainWindow.vala:190 msgid "Wizard" msgstr "Usta" #: src/Utility/Device.vala:1456 src/Utility/Device.vala:1502 msgid "Wrong password" msgstr "Notoʼg‘ri parol" #: src/Utility/Gtk/CustomMessageDialog.vala:156 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ha" #: src/Gtk/RestoreFinishBox.vala:98 msgid "" "You can continue working on the current system. After restart, the current " "system will be visible as a new snapshot. This snapshot can be restored " "later if required, to 'undo' the restore." msgstr "" "Siz joriy tizimda ishlashni davom ettirishingiz mumkin. Qayta ishga " "tushirilgandan so‘ng, joriy tizim yangi snapshot sifatida ko‘rinadi. Agar " "kerak bo‘lsa, qayta tiklashni \"ortga qaytish\" uchun bu snapshotni keyinroq " "tiklash mumkin." #: src/AppConsole.vala:1023 #, c-format msgid "[ENTER = Default (%s), a = Abort]" msgstr "[ENTER = Standart (%s), a = To‘xtatish]" #: src/AppConsole.vala:894 #, c-format msgid "[ENTER = Default (%s), r = Root device, a = Abort]" msgstr "[ENTER = Standart (%s), r = Ildiz qurilmasi, a = To‘xtatish]" #: src/Gtk/RestoreDeviceBox.vala:401 msgid "" "[For Experienced Users] Change these settings if the restored system fails " "to boot." msgstr "" "[Tajribali foydalanuvchilar uchun] Tiklangan tizim yuklanmasa, ushbu " "sozlamalarni o‘zgartiring." #: src/Utility/AppLock.vala:54 msgid "[Warning] Deleted invalid lock" msgstr "[Ogohlantirish] Yaroqsiz qulf o‘chirildi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:814 msgid "all" msgstr "hammasi" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1668 src/Core/Main.vala:4047 src/Core/Main.vala:4132 #: src/Core/Subvolume.vala:215 msgid "btrfs returned an error" msgstr "btrfs xatolikni qaytardi" #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:500 src/Core/Main.vala:1567 msgid "complete" msgstr "tugallangan" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:261 msgid "crontab file exported" msgstr "crontab fayli eksport qilindi" #: src/Utility/CronTab.vala:244 msgid "crontab file installed" msgstr "crontab fayli o‘rnatilgan" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:800 msgid "incomplete" msgstr "tugallanmagan" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:782 msgid "marked for deletion" msgstr "oʻchirish uchun belgilangan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1459 src/Core/Main.vala:1613 src/Core/Main.vala:1615 msgid "mounted at path" msgstr "yo‘lda ulangan" #: src/Core/Snapshot.vala:501 src/Core/Main.vala:1567 #: src/Gtk/BackupBox.vala:255 src/Gtk/RestoreBox.vala:237 #: src/Gtk/DeleteBox.vala:149 msgid "remaining" msgstr "qolgan" #: src/Core/Main.vala:1578 msgid "rsync returned an error" msgstr "rsync xatolikni qaytardi" #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:631 src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:684 #: src/Core/SnapshotRepo.vala:763 msgid "un-tagged" msgstr "belgilanmagan" #: src/share/polkit-1/actions/in.teejeetech.pkexec.timeshift.policy:9 msgid "Timeshift" msgstr "Timeshift" #: src/share/polkit-1/actions/in.teejeetech.pkexec.timeshift.policy:10 #: src/share/polkit-1/actions/in.teejeetech.pkexec.timeshift.policy:22 msgid "Run Timeshift as Administrator" msgstr "Timeshift-ni administrator sifatida ishga tushiring" #: src/share/polkit-1/actions/in.teejeetech.pkexec.timeshift.policy:21 msgid "Authentication is required to run Timeshift as Administrator" msgstr "" "Timeshift-ni administrator sifatida ishga tushirish uchun autentifikatsiya " "talab qilinadi"