# THANKS Thank you to the following contributors, who have helped make Amfora great. FOSS projects are a community effort, and we would be worse off without you. - Sotiris Papatheodorou (@sotpapathe) - Chloe Kudryavtsev (@CosmicToast) - Adrian Hesketh (@a-h) - Jansen Price (@sumpygump) - Alex Wennerberg (@alexwennerberg) - Timur Ismagilov (@bouncepaw) - Matt Caroll (@ohiolab) - Patryk Niedźwiedziński (@pniedzwiedzinski) - Trevor Slocum (@tsclocum) - Mattias Jadelius (@jedthehumanoid) - Lokesh Krishna (@lokesh-krishna) - Jeff (@phaedrus-jaf)