Martin is a [PostGIS]( [vector tiles]( server suitable for large databases. Martin is written in [Rust]( using [Actix]( web framework.
[Mapbox GL JS]( is a JavaScript library for interactive, customizable vector maps on the web. It takes map styles that conform to the
[Mapbox Style Specification](, applies them to vector tiles that
conform to the [Mapbox Vector Tile Specification](, and renders them using
You can add a layer to the map and specify martin TileJSON endpoint as a vector source URL. You should also specify a `source-layer` property. For [Table Sources](#table-sources) it is `{schema_name}.{table_name}` by default.
Table Source is a database table which can be used to query [vector tiles]( When started, martin will go through all spatial tables in the database and build a list of table sources. A table should have at least one geometry column with non-zero SRID. All other table columns will be represented as properties of a vector tile feature.
Function Source is a database function which can be used to query [vector tiles]( When started, martin will look for the functions with a suitable signature. A function that takes `z integer`, `x integer`, `y integer`, and `query_params json` and returns `bytea`, can be used as a Function Source.
**Hint**: You may want to use [TileBBox]( function to generate bounding-box geometry of the area covered by a tile.
If you don't want to expose all of your tables and functions, you can list your sources in a configuration file. To start martin with a configuration file you need to pass a path to a file with a `--config` argument.
martin --config config.yaml
You can find an example of a configuration file [here](
# Maximum connections pool size [default: 20]
pool_size: 20
# Connection keep alive timeout [default: 75]
keep_alive: 75
# Number of web server workers
worker_processes: 8
# The socket address to bind [default:]
listen_addresses: ''
# associative arrays of table sources
# table source id
id: public.table_source
# table schema
schema: public
# table name
table: table_source
# geometry column name
geometry_column: geom
# geometry srid
srid: 4326
# tile extent in tile coordinate space
extent: 4096
# buffer distance in tile coordinate space to optionally clip geometries
buffer: 64
# boolean to control if geometries should be clipped or encoded as is
clip_geom: true
# geometry type
geometry_type: GEOMETRY
# list of columns, that should be encoded as a tile properties
If you are running PostgreSQL instance on `localhost`, you have to change network settings to allow the Docker container to access the `localhost` network.
For Linux, add the `--net=host` flag to access the `localhost` PostgreSQL service.
If you are running martin behind nginx proxy, you may want to rewrite request URL, to properly handle tile urls in [TileJSON](#table-source-tilejson) [endpoints](#function-source-tilejson).
Log levels are controlled on a per-module basis, and by default all logging is disabled except for errors. Logging is controlled via the `RUST_LOG` environment variable. The value of this environment variable is a comma-separated list of logging directives.
This will enable verbose logging for the `actix_web` module and enable debug logging for the `martin` and `postgres` modules: