refactor tile query

This commit is contained in:
Stepan Kuzmin 2017-11-27 17:52:07 +03:00
parent 2ae8917591
commit ca44463c0f
2 changed files with 60 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use r2d2::{Config, Pool, PooledConnection};
use r2d2_postgres::{TlsMode, PostgresConnectionManager};
pub type PostgresPool = Pool<PostgresConnectionManager>;
pub type PostgresPooledConnection = PooledConnection<PostgresConnectionManager>;
pub type PostgresConnection = PooledConnection<PostgresConnectionManager>;
pub struct DB;
impl Key for DB { type Value = PostgresPool; }
@ -20,64 +20,91 @@ pub fn setup_connection_pool(cn_str: &str, pool_size: u32) -> Result<PostgresPoo
pub fn get_connection(req: &mut Request) -> Result<PostgresPooledConnection, Box<Error>> {
pub fn get_connection(req: &mut Request) -> Result<PostgresConnection, Box<Error>> {
let pool = try!(req.get::<Read<DB>>());
let conn = try!(pool.get());
pub fn get_tile(conn: PostgresPooledConnection, schema: &str, table: &str, z: &str, x: &str, y: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<Error>> {
let query = format!(
"SELECT ST_AsMVT(q, '{1}', 4096, 'geom') FROM ( \
geom, \
TileBBox({2}, {3}, {4}, 4326), \
4096, \
256, \
true \
) AS geom FROM {0}.{1} \
) AS q;",
schema, table, z, x, y
let rows = try!(conn.query(&query, &[]));
pub fn get_tile(conn: PostgresConnection, tileset: &Tileset, z: &i32, x: &i32, y: &i32) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<Error>> {
let rows = try!(conn.query(&tileset.query, &[&z, &x, &y]));
let tile = rows.get(0).get("st_asmvt");
pub struct Tileset {
pub schema: String,
pub table: String,
pub geometry_column: String,
pub srid: i32,
pub _type: String
schema: String,
table: String,
geometry_column: String,
srid: i32,
extent: i32,
buffer: i32,
clip_geom: bool,
geometry_type: String,
query: String
pub struct Tilesets;
impl Key for Tilesets { type Value = HashMap<String, Tileset>; }
pub fn get_tilesets(conn: PostgresPooledConnection) -> Result<HashMap<String, Tileset>, Box<Error>> {
pub fn get_tilesets(conn: PostgresConnection) -> Result<HashMap<String, Tileset>, Box<Error>> {
let query = "
f_table_schema, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, srid, type
from geometry_columns
let default_extent = 4096;
let default_buffer = 256;
let default_clip_geom = true;
let mut tilesets = HashMap::new();
let rows = try!(conn.query(&query, &[]));
for row in &rows {
let schema = row.get("f_table_schema");
let table = row.get("f_table_name");
let schema: String = row.get("f_table_schema");
let table: String = row.get("f_table_name");
let id = format!("{}.{}", schema, table);
let geometry_column: String = row.get("f_geometry_column");
let srid: i32 = row.get("srid");
let transformed_geometry = if srid == 3857 {
} else {
format!("ST_Transform({0}, 3857)", geometry_column)
let query = format!(
"SELECT ST_AsMVT(q, '{1}', {4}, '{2}') FROM (\
{3}, \
TileBBox($1, $2, $3, 3857), \
{4}, \
{5}, \
) AS geom FROM {0}.{1}\
) AS q;",
let tileset = Tileset {
schema: schema,
table: table,
geometry_column: row.get("f_geometry_column"),
srid: row.get("srid"),
_type: row.get("type")
geometry_column: geometry_column,
srid: srid,
extent: default_extent,
buffer: default_buffer,
clip_geom: default_clip_geom,
geometry_type: row.get("type"),
query: query
tilesets.insert(id, tileset);

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@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ pub fn tile(req: &mut Request, caps: Captures) -> IronResult<Response> {
let tile = match db::get_tile(conn, &tileset.schema, &tileset.table, &caps["z"], &caps["x"], &caps["y"]) {
let z: &i32 = &caps["z"].parse().unwrap();
let x: &i32 = &caps["x"].parse().unwrap();
let y: &i32 = &caps["y"].parse().unwrap();
let tile = match db::get_tile(conn, &tileset, z, x, y) {
Ok(tile) => tile,
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("Couldn't get a tile: {}", error);