mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 20:31:54 +03:00
Add compression and query to martin-cp (#1019)
* Use gzip compression for MVT tiles by default * Allow user to set compression with `--encoding` parameter (same as browser's header, e.g. use `br,gzip' to encode with brotli as first choice, unless already encoded as gzip) * Allow user to pass a query to the Postgres functions with `--url-query` * A bit of a cleanup for `mbtiles summary` output
This commit is contained in:
@ -1905,7 +1905,7 @@ version = "0.1.5"
name = "mbtiles"
version = "0.8.0"
version = "0.8.1"
dependencies = [
@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
Use `mbtiles summary` to get a summary of the contents of an MBTiles file. The command will print a table with the number of tiles per zoom level, the size of the smallest and largest tiles, and the average size of tiles at each zoom level. The command will also print the bounding box of the covered area per zoom level.
File: tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities.mbtiles
MBTiles file summary for tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities.mbtiles
Schema: flat
File size: 48.00KiB
Page size: 4.00KiB
Page count: 12
| Zoom | Count |Smallest | Largest | Average | BBox |
| 0| 1| 1.08KiB| 1.08KiB| 1.08KiB| -180,-85,180,85 |
| 1| 4| 160B| 650B| 366B| -180,-85,180,85 |
| 2| 7| 137B| 495B| 239B| -180,-67,180,67 |
| 3| 17| 67B| 246B| 134B| -135,-41,180,67 |
| 4| 38| 64B| 175B| 86B| -135,-41,180,67 |
| 5| 57| 64B| 107B| 72B| -124,-41,180,62 |
| 6| 72| 64B| 97B| 68B| -124,-41,180,62 |
| all| 196| 64B| 1.0KiB| 96B| -180,-85,180,85 |
Zoom | Count | Smallest | Largest | Average | Bounding Box
0 | 1 | 1.0KiB | 1.0KiB | 1.0KiB | -180,-85,180,85
1 | 4 | 160B | 650B | 366B | -180,-85,180,85
2 | 7 | 137B | 495B | 239B | -180,-67,180,67
3 | 17 | 67B | 246B | 134B | -135,-41,180,67
4 | 38 | 64B | 175B | 86B | -135,-41,180,67
5 | 57 | 64B | 107B | 72B | -124,-41,180,62
6 | 72 | 64B | 97B | 68B | -124,-41,180,62
all | 196 | 64B | 1.0KiB | 96B | -180,-85,180,85
## meta-all
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
use std::time::Duration;
use actix_http::error::ParseError;
use actix_http::test::TestRequest;
use actix_web::http::header::{AcceptEncoding, Header as _, ACCEPT_ENCODING};
use clap::Parser;
use futures::stream::{self, StreamExt};
use futures::TryStreamExt;
@ -11,9 +14,11 @@ use log::{debug, error, info, log_enabled};
use martin::args::{Args, ExtraArgs, MetaArgs, OsEnv, PgArgs, SrvArgs};
use martin::srv::{get_tile_content, merge_tilejson, RESERVED_KEYWORDS};
use martin::{
append_rect, read_config, Config, IdResolver, MartinError, MartinResult, ServerState,
append_rect, read_config, Config, IdResolver, MartinError, MartinResult, ServerState, Source,
TileCoord, TileData, TileRect,
use martin_tile_utils::TileInfo;
use mbtiles::sqlx::SqliteConnection;
use mbtiles::{
init_mbtiles_schema, is_empty_database, CopyDuplicateMode, MbtType, MbtTypeCli, Mbtiles,
@ -56,7 +61,15 @@ pub struct CopyArgs {
value_name = "SCHEMA",
pub dst_type: Option<MbtTypeCli>,
pub mbt_type: Option<MbtTypeCli>,
/// Optional query parameter (in URL query format) for the sources that support it (e.g. Postgres functions)
pub url_query: Option<String>,
/// Optional accepted encoding parameter as if the browser sent it in the HTTP request.
/// May be multiple values separated by comma, e.g. `gzip,br`.
/// Use `identity` to disable compression.
#[arg(long, alias = "encodings", default_value = "gzip")]
pub encoding: String,
/// Specify the behaviour when generated tile already exists in the destination file.
#[arg(long, value_enum, default_value_t = CopyDuplicateMode::default())]
pub on_duplicate: CopyDuplicateMode,
@ -82,8 +95,8 @@ pub struct CopyArgs {
pub zoom_levels: Vec<u8>,
async fn start(copy_args: CopierArgs) -> MartinResult<()> {
info!("Starting Martin v{VERSION}");
async fn start(copy_args: CopierArgs) -> MartinCpResult<()> {
info!("Martin-CP tile copier v{VERSION}");
let env = OsEnv::default();
let save_config = copy_args.meta.save_config.clone();
@ -185,6 +198,20 @@ impl Progress {
type MartinCpResult<T> = Result<T, MartinCpError>;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum MartinCpError {
Martin(#[from] MartinError),
#[error("Unable to parse encodings argument: {0}")]
EncodingParse(#[from] ParseError),
Actix(#[from] actix_web::Error),
Mbt(#[from] mbtiles::MbtError),
impl Display for Progress {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
@ -225,7 +252,7 @@ fn iterate_tiles(tiles: Vec<TileRect>) -> impl Iterator<Item = TileCoord> {
async fn run_tile_copy(args: CopyArgs, state: ServerState) -> MartinResult<()> {
async fn run_tile_copy(args: CopyArgs, state: ServerState) -> MartinCpResult<()> {
let output_file = &args.output_file;
let concurrency = args.concurrency.unwrap_or(1);
let (sources, _use_url_query, info) = state.tiles.get_sources(args.source.as_str(), None)?;
@ -235,28 +262,13 @@ async fn run_tile_copy(args: CopyArgs, state: ServerState) -> MartinResult<()> {
let tiles = compute_tile_ranges(&args);
let mbt = Mbtiles::new(output_file)?;
let mut conn = mbt.open_or_new().await?;
let dst_type = if is_empty_database(&mut conn).await? {
let dst_type = match args.dst_type.unwrap_or(MbtTypeCli::Normalized) {
MbtTypeCli::Flat => MbtType::Flat,
MbtTypeCli::FlatWithHash => MbtType::FlatWithHash,
MbtTypeCli::Normalized => MbtType::Normalized { hash_view: true },
init_mbtiles_schema(&mut conn, dst_type).await?;
let mut tj = merge_tilejson(sources, String::new());
serde_json::Value::String(format!("martin-cp v{VERSION}")),
mbt.insert_metadata(&mut conn, &tj).await?;
} else {
mbt.detect_type(&mut conn).await?
let mbt_type = init_schema(&mbt, &mut conn, sources, tile_info, args.mbt_type).await?;
let query = args.url_query.as_deref();
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((ACCEPT_ENCODING, args.encoding.as_str()))
let accept_encoding = AcceptEncoding::parse(&req)?;
let encodings = Some(&accept_encoding);
let progress = Progress::new(&tiles);
@ -274,7 +286,7 @@ async fn run_tile_copy(args: CopyArgs, state: ServerState) -> MartinResult<()> {
.try_for_each_concurrent(concurrency, |xyz| {
let tx = tx.clone();
async move {
let tile = get_tile_content(sources, info, &xyz, None, None).await?;
let tile = get_tile_content(sources, info, &xyz, query, encodings).await?;
let data = tile.data;
tx.send(TileXyz { xyz, data })
@ -295,7 +307,7 @@ async fn run_tile_copy(args: CopyArgs, state: ServerState) -> MartinResult<()> {
} else {
batch.push((tile.xyz.z, tile.xyz.x, tile.xyz.y, tile.data));
if batch.len() >= BATCH_SIZE || last_saved.elapsed() > SAVE_EVERY {
mbt.insert_tiles(&mut conn, dst_type, args.on_duplicate, &batch)
mbt.insert_tiles(&mut conn, mbt_type, args.on_duplicate, &batch)
last_saved = Instant::now();
@ -310,7 +322,7 @@ async fn run_tile_copy(args: CopyArgs, state: ServerState) -> MartinResult<()> {
if !batch.is_empty() {
mbt.insert_tiles(&mut conn, dst_type, args.on_duplicate, &batch)
mbt.insert_tiles(&mut conn, mbt_type, args.on_duplicate, &batch)
@ -321,6 +333,36 @@ async fn run_tile_copy(args: CopyArgs, state: ServerState) -> MartinResult<()> {
async fn init_schema(
mbt: &Mbtiles,
conn: &mut SqliteConnection,
sources: &[&dyn Source],
tile_info: TileInfo,
mbt_type: Option<MbtTypeCli>,
) -> Result<MbtType, MartinError> {
Ok(if is_empty_database(&mut *conn).await? {
let mbt_type = match mbt_type.unwrap_or(MbtTypeCli::Normalized) {
MbtTypeCli::Flat => MbtType::Flat,
MbtTypeCli::FlatWithHash => MbtType::FlatWithHash,
MbtTypeCli::Normalized => MbtType::Normalized { hash_view: true },
init_mbtiles_schema(&mut *conn, mbt_type).await?;
let mut tj = merge_tilejson(sources, String::new());
serde_json::Value::String(format!("martin-cp v{VERSION}")),
mbt.insert_metadata(&mut *conn, &tj).await?;
} else {
mbt.detect_type(&mut *conn).await?
async fn main() {
let env = env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("martin_cp=info");
@ -354,10 +354,8 @@ pub async fn get_tile_response(
) -> ActixResult<HttpResponse> {
let (sources, use_url_query, info) = sources.get_sources(source_ids, Some(xyz.z))?;
let sources = sources.as_slice();
let query = use_url_query.then_some(query);
let tile = get_tile_content(sources, info, &xyz, query, encodings.as_ref()).await?;
let tile = get_tile_content(sources.as_slice(), info, &xyz, query, encodings.as_ref()).await?;
Ok(if tile.data.is_empty() {
@ -381,10 +379,9 @@ pub async fn get_tile_content(
if sources.is_empty() {
return Err(ErrorNotFound("No valid sources found"));
let query = if let Some(v) = query {
} else {
let query = match query {
Some(v) if !v.is_empty() => Some(Query::<UrlQuery>::from_query(v)?.into_inner()),
_ => None,
let mut tiles = try_join_all(sources.iter().map(|s| s.get_tile(xyz, &query)))
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ lints.workspace = true
name = "mbtiles"
version = "0.8.0"
version = "0.8.1"
authors = ["Yuri Astrakhan <YuriAstrakhan@gmail.com>", "MapLibre contributors"]
description = "A simple low-level MbTiles access and processing library, with some tile format detection and other relevant heuristics."
keywords = ["mbtiles", "maps", "tiles", "mvt", "tilejson"]
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
// Re-export sqlx
pub use sqlx;
mod copier;
pub use copier::{CopyDuplicateMode, MbtilesCopier};
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use tilejson::{tilejson, Bounds, Center, TileJSON};
use crate::errors::MbtResult;
use crate::Mbtiles;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct Metadata {
pub id: String,
@ -155,6 +156,9 @@ impl Mbtiles {
if obj.is_empty() {
json = None;
Ok((tj, layer_type, json))
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ impl Display for Summary {
"|{:^9}|{:^9}|{:^9}|{:^9}|{:^9}| {:^20} |",
"Zoom", "Count", "Smallest", "Largest", "Average", "BBox"
" {:^4} | {:^9} | {:^9} | {:^9} | {:^9} | Bounding Box",
"Zoom", "Count", "Smallest", "Largest", "Average"
for l in &self.zoom_info {
@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ impl Display for Summary {
"|{:>9}|{:>9}|{:>9}|{:>9}|{:>9}| {:<20} |",
" {:>4} | {:>9} | {:>9} | {:>9} | {:>9} | {:.prec$}",
format!("{:.prec$}", l.bbox),
@ -93,13 +93,12 @@ impl Display for Summary {
let prec = get_zoom_precision(max_zoom);
"|{:>9}|{:>9}|{:>9}|{:>9}|{:>9}| {:<20} |",
" {:>4} | {:>9} | {:>9} | {:>9} | {:>9} | {bbox:.prec$}",
format!("{:.prec$}", bbox),
@ -1,25 +1,13 @@
[INFO ] cp_flat-with-hash has an unrecognized metadata value foo={"bar":"foo"}
[INFO ] Using 'mvt' tile format from metadata table in file cp_flat-with-hash
id: cp_flat-with-hash
format: mvt
encoding: ''
layer_type: null
tilejson: 3.0.0
tiles: []
- id: table_source
gid: int4
- -2.0
- -1.0
- 142.84131509869133
- 45.0
name: table_source
foo: '{"bar":"foo"}'
description: public.function_zxy_query_test
name: function_zxy_query_test
format: mvt
generator: martin-cp v0.11.1
json: {}
@ -2,15 +2,13 @@ MBTiles file summary for tests/mbtiles_temp_files/cp_flat-with-hash.mbtiles
Schema: flat-with-hash
Page size: 512B
| Zoom | Count |Smallest | Largest | Average | BBox |
| 0| 1| 1.07KiB| 1.07KiB| 1.07KiB| -180,-85,180,85 |
| 1| 2| 141B| 167B| 154B| -180,-85,0,85 |
| 2| 4| 418B| 988B| 589B| -90,-67,90,67 |
| 3| 7| 52B| 962B| 311B| -45,-41,90,67 |
| 4| 13| 52B| 867B| 249B| -22,-22,157,56 |
| 5| 27| 52B| 741B| 193B| -11,-11,146,49 |
| 6| 69| 52B| 679B| 144B| -6,-6,146,45 |
| 7| 214| 48B| 633B| 118B| -3,-3,143,45 |
| 8| 751| 48B| 420B| 103B| -3,-1,143,45 |
| all| 1088| 48B| 1.0KiB| 117B| -180,-85,180,85 |
Zoom | Count | Smallest | Largest | Average | Bounding Box
0 | 1 | 892B | 892B | 892B | -180,-85,180,85
1 | 4 | 474B | 983B | 609B | -180,-85,180,85
2 | 5 | 150B | 865B | 451B | -90,-67,180,67
3 | 8 | 57B | 839B | 264B | -45,-41,180,67
4 | 13 | 57B | 751B | 216B | -22,-22,157,56
5 | 27 | 57B | 666B | 167B | -11,-11,146,49
6 | 69 | 57B | 636B | 127B | -6,-6,146,45
all | 127 | 57B | 983B | 187B | -180,-85,180,85
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
[INFO ] cp_flat has an unrecognized metadata value foo={"bar":"foo"}
[INFO ] Using 'mvt' tile format from metadata table in file cp_flat
id: cp_flat
format: mvt
encoding: ''
layer_type: null
encoding: gzip
tilejson: 3.0.0
tiles: []
@ -21,5 +19,4 @@ tilejson:
foo: '{"bar":"foo"}'
format: mvt
generator: martin-cp v0.11.1
json: {}
@ -2,15 +2,13 @@ MBTiles file summary for tests/mbtiles_temp_files/cp_flat.mbtiles
Schema: flat
Page size: 512B
| Zoom | Count |Smallest | Largest | Average | BBox |
| 0| 1| 1.07KiB| 1.07KiB| 1.07KiB| -180,-85,180,85 |
| 1| 2| 141B| 167B| 154B| -180,-85,0,85 |
| 2| 4| 418B| 988B| 589B| -90,-67,90,67 |
| 3| 7| 52B| 962B| 311B| -45,-41,90,67 |
| 4| 13| 52B| 867B| 249B| -22,-22,157,56 |
| 5| 27| 52B| 741B| 193B| -11,-11,146,49 |
| 6| 69| 52B| 679B| 144B| -6,-6,146,45 |
| 7| 214| 48B| 633B| 118B| -3,-3,143,45 |
| 8| 751| 48B| 420B| 103B| -3,-1,143,45 |
| all| 1088| 48B| 1.0KiB| 117B| -180,-85,180,85 |
Zoom | Count | Smallest | Largest | Average | Bounding Box
0 | 1 | 643B | 643B | 643B | -180,-85,180,85
1 | 2 | 150B | 172B | 161B | -180,-85,0,85
2 | 4 | 291B | 690B | 414B | -90,-67,90,67
3 | 7 | 75B | 727B | 263B | -45,-41,90,67
4 | 13 | 75B | 684B | 225B | -22,-22,157,56
5 | 27 | 75B | 659B | 195B | -11,-11,146,49
6 | 69 | 75B | 633B | 155B | -6,-6,146,45
all | 123 | 75B | 727B | 190B | -180,-85,180,85
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -2,15 +2,8 @@ MBTiles file summary for tests/mbtiles_temp_files/cp_normalized.mbtiles
Schema: normalized
Page size: 512B
| Zoom | Count |Smallest | Largest | Average | BBox |
| 0| 1| 1.07KiB| 1.07KiB| 1.07KiB| -180,-85,180,85 |
| 1| 2| 141B| 167B| 154B| -180,-85,0,85 |
| 2| 4| 418B| 988B| 589B| -90,-67,90,67 |
| 3| 7| 52B| 962B| 311B| -45,-41,90,67 |
| 4| 13| 52B| 867B| 249B| -22,-22,157,56 |
| 5| 27| 52B| 741B| 193B| -11,-11,146,49 |
| 6| 69| 52B| 679B| 144B| -6,-6,146,45 |
| 7| 214| 48B| 633B| 118B| -3,-3,143,45 |
| 8| 751| 48B| 420B| 103B| -3,-1,143,45 |
| all| 1088| 48B| 1.0KiB| 117B| -180,-85,180,85 |
Zoom | Count | Smallest | Largest | Average | Bounding Box
0 | 1 | 20.7KiB | 20.7KiB | 20.7KiB | -180,-85,180,85
1 | 4 | 11.8KiB | 20.6KiB | 16.4KiB | -180,-85,180,85
all | 5 | 11.8KiB | 20.7KiB | 17.2KiB | -180,-85,180,85
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ File size: 48.00KiB
Page size: 4.00KiB
Page count: 12
| Zoom | Count |Smallest | Largest | Average | BBox |
| 0| 1| 1.08KiB| 1.08KiB| 1.08KiB| -180,-85,180,85 |
| 1| 4| 160B| 650B| 366B| -180,-85,180,85 |
| 2| 7| 137B| 495B| 239B| -180,-67,180,67 |
| 3| 17| 67B| 246B| 134B| -135,-41,180,67 |
| 4| 38| 64B| 175B| 86B| -135,-41,180,67 |
| 5| 57| 64B| 107B| 72B| -124,-41,180,62 |
| 6| 72| 64B| 97B| 68B| -124,-41,180,62 |
| all| 196| 64B| 1.0KiB| 96B| -180,-85,180,85 |
Zoom | Count | Smallest | Largest | Average | Bounding Box
0 | 1 | 1.0KiB | 1.0KiB | 1.0KiB | -180,-85,180,85
1 | 4 | 160B | 650B | 366B | -180,-85,180,85
2 | 7 | 137B | 495B | 239B | -180,-67,180,67
3 | 17 | 67B | 246B | 134B | -135,-41,180,67
4 | 38 | 64B | 175B | 86B | -135,-41,180,67
5 | 57 | 64B | 107B | 72B | -124,-41,180,62
6 | 72 | 64B | 97B | 68B | -124,-41,180,62
all | 196 | 64B | 1.0KiB | 96B | -180,-85,180,85
@ -386,13 +386,13 @@ if [[ "$MARTIN_CP_BIN" != "-" ]]; then
test_martin_cp "flat" "${CFG[@]}" \
--source table_source --mbtiles-type flat --concurrency 3 \
--min-zoom 0 --max-zoom 8 "--bbox=-2,-1,142.84,45"
--min-zoom 0 --max-zoom 6 "--bbox=-2,-1,142.84,45"
test_martin_cp "flat-with-hash" "${CFG[@]}" \
--source table_source --mbtiles-type flat-with-hash --concurrency 3 \
--min-zoom 0 --max-zoom 8 "--bbox=-2,-1,142.84,45"
--source function_zxy_query_test --url-query 'foo=bar&token=martin' --encoding 'identity' --mbtiles-type flat-with-hash --concurrency 3 \
--min-zoom 0 --max-zoom 6 "--bbox=-2,-1,142.84,45"
test_martin_cp "normalized" "${CFG[@]}" \
--source table_source --mbtiles-type normalized --concurrency 3 \
--min-zoom 0 --max-zoom 8 "--bbox=-2,-1,142.84,45"
--source geography-class-png --mbtiles-type normalized --concurrency 3 \
--min-zoom 0 --max-zoom 6 "--bbox=-2,-1,142.84,45"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user