{ "db_name": "SQLite", "query": "SELECT (\n -- Has a 'tiles' table\n SELECT COUNT(*) = 1\n FROM sqlite_master\n WHERE name = 'tiles'\n AND type = 'table'\n --\n ) AND (\n -- 'tiles' table's columns and their types are as expected:\n -- 4 columns (zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row, tile_data).\n -- The order is not important\n SELECT COUNT(*) = 4\n FROM pragma_table_info('tiles')\n WHERE ((name = 'zoom_level' AND type = 'INTEGER')\n OR (name = 'tile_column' AND type = 'INTEGER')\n OR (name = 'tile_row' AND type = 'INTEGER')\n OR (name = 'tile_data' AND type = 'BLOB'))\n --\n ) as is_valid;", "describe": { "columns": [ { "name": "is_valid", "ordinal": 0, "type_info": "Int" } ], "parameters": { "Right": 0 }, "nullable": [ null ] }, "hash": "7341bfc10beb4719811556a57ae8098085994c8fba93e0293359afd43079c50c" }