/* https://github.com/mapbox/postgis-vt-util/blob/master/postgis-vt-util.sql */ /****************************************************************************** ### TileBBox ### Given a Web Mercator tile ID as (z, x, y), returns a bounding-box geometry of the area covered by that tile. __Parameters:__ - `integer` z - A tile zoom level. - `integer` x - A tile x-position. - `integer` y - A tile y-position. - `integer` srid - SRID of the desired target projection of the bounding box. Defaults to 3857 (Web Mercator). __Returns:__ `geometry(polygon)` ******************************************************************************/ create or replace function TileBBox (z int, x int, y int, srid int = 3857) returns geometry language plpgsql immutable as $func$ declare max numeric := 20037508.34; res numeric := (max*2)/(2^z); bbox geometry; begin bbox := ST_MakeEnvelope( -max + (x * res), max - (y * res), -max + (x * res) + res, max - (y * res) - res, 3857 ); if srid = 3857 then return bbox; else return ST_Transform(bbox, srid); end if; end; $func$;