#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # TODO: use --fail-with-body to get the response body on failure CURL=${CURL:-curl --silent --show-error --fail --compressed} DATABASE_URL="${DATABASE_URL:-postgres://postgres@localhost/db}" MARTIN_BUILD="${MARTIN_BUILD:-cargo build}" MARTIN_PORT="${MARTIN_PORT:-3111}" MARTIN_URL="http://localhost:${MARTIN_PORT}" MARTIN_ARGS="${MARTIN_ARGS:---listen-addresses localhost:${MARTIN_PORT}}" MARTIN_BIN="${MARTIN_BIN:-cargo run --} ${MARTIN_ARGS}" MBTILES_BUILD="${MBTILES_BUILD:-cargo build -p mbtiles}" MBTILES_BIN="${MBTILES_BIN:-target/debug/mbtiles}" LOG_DIR="${LOG_DIR:-target/test_logs}" mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR" function wait_for_martin { # Seems the --retry-all-errors option is not available on older curl versions, but maybe in the future we can just use this: # timeout -k 20s 20s curl --retry 10 --retry-all-errors --retry-delay 1 -sS "$MARTIN_URL/health" PROCESS_ID=$1 echo "Waiting for Martin ($PROCESS_ID) to start by checking $MARTIN_URL/health to be valid..." for i in {1..60}; do if $CURL "$MARTIN_URL/health" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then echo "Martin is up!" $CURL "$MARTIN_URL/health" return fi if ps -p $PROCESS_ID > /dev/null ; then echo "Martin is not up yet, waiting for $MARTIN_URL/health ..." sleep 1 else echo "Martin died!" ps au lsof -i || true exit 1 fi done echo "Martin did not start in time" ps au lsof -i || true exit 1 } function kill_process { PROCESS_ID=$1 echo "Waiting for Martin ($PROCESS_ID) to stop..." kill $PROCESS_ID for i in {1..50}; do if ps -p $PROCESS_ID > /dev/null ; then sleep 0.1 else echo "Martin ($PROCESS_ID) has stopped" return fi done echo "Martin did not stop in time, killing it" kill -9 $PROCESS_ID # wait for it to die using timeout and wait timeout -k 1s 1s wait $PROCESS_ID || true } test_jsn() { FILENAME="$TEST_OUT_DIR/$1.json" URL="$MARTIN_URL/$2" echo "Testing $(basename "$FILENAME") from $URL" $CURL "$URL" | jq -e > "$FILENAME" } test_pbf() { FILENAME="$TEST_OUT_DIR/$1.pbf" URL="$MARTIN_URL/$2" echo "Testing $(basename "$FILENAME") from $URL" $CURL "$URL" > "$FILENAME" if [[ $OSTYPE == linux* ]]; then ./tests/fixtures/vtzero-check "$FILENAME" ./tests/fixtures/vtzero-show "$FILENAME" > "$FILENAME.txt" fi } test_png() { # 3rd argument is optional, .png by default FILENAME="$TEST_OUT_DIR/$1.${3:-png}" URL="$MARTIN_URL/$2" echo "Testing $(basename "$FILENAME") from $URL" $CURL "$URL" > "$FILENAME" if [[ $OSTYPE == linux* ]]; then file "$FILENAME" > "$FILENAME.txt" fi } test_jpg() { test_png $1 $2 jpg } test_font() { FILENAME="$TEST_OUT_DIR/$1.pbf" URL="$MARTIN_URL/$2" echo "Testing $(basename "$FILENAME") from $URL" $CURL "$URL" > "$FILENAME" } # Delete a line from a file $1 that matches parameter $2 remove_line() { FILE="$1" LINE_TO_REMOVE="$2" >&2 echo "Removing line '$LINE_TO_REMOVE' from $FILE" grep -v "$LINE_TO_REMOVE" "${FILE}" > "${FILE}.tmp" mv "${FILE}.tmp" "${FILE}" } test_log_has_str() { LOG_FILE="$1" EXPECTED_TEXT="$2" echo "Checking $LOG_FILE for expected text: '$EXPECTED_TEXT'" grep -q "$EXPECTED_TEXT" "$LOG_FILE" remove_line "$LOG_FILE" "$EXPECTED_TEXT" } validate_log() { LOG_FILE="$1" >&2 echo "Validating log file $LOG_FILE" # Older versions of PostGIS don't support the margin parameter, so we need to remove it from the log remove_line "$LOG_FILE" 'Margin parameter in ST_TileEnvelope is not supported' remove_line "$LOG_FILE" 'Source IDs must be unique' # Make sure the log has just the expected warnings, remove them, and test that there are no other ones test_log_has_str "$LOG_FILE" 'WARN martin::pg::table_source] Table public.table_source has no spatial index on column geom' test_log_has_str "$LOG_FILE" 'WARN martin::fonts] Ignoring duplicate font Overpass Mono Regular from tests' echo "Checking for no other warnings or errors in the log" if grep -e ' ERROR ' -e ' WARN ' "$LOG_FILE"; then echo "Log file $LOG_FILE has unexpected warnings or errors" exit 1 fi } curl --version # Make sure martin and mbtiles are built - this way it won't timeout while waiting for it to start # If set to "-", don't build if [[ "$MARTIN_BUILD" != "-" ]]; then $MARTIN_BUILD fi if [[ "$MBTILES_BUILD" != "-" ]]; then $MBTILES_BUILD fi echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Test auto configured Martin" TEST_OUT_DIR="$(dirname "$0")/output/auto" mkdir -p "$TEST_OUT_DIR" ARG=(--default-srid 900913 --auto-bounds calc --save-config "$(dirname "$0")/output/generated_config.yaml" tests/fixtures/mbtiles tests/fixtures/pmtiles --sprite tests/fixtures/sprites/src1 --font tests/fixtures/fonts/overpass-mono-regular.ttf --font tests/fixtures/fonts) set -x $MARTIN_BIN "${ARG[@]}" 2>&1 | tee "${LOG_DIR}/test_log_1.txt" & PROCESS_ID=`jobs -p` { set +x; } 2> /dev/null trap "kill -9 $PROCESS_ID 2> /dev/null || true" EXIT wait_for_martin $PROCESS_ID >&2 echo "Test catalog" test_jsn catalog_auto catalog >&2 echo "***** Test server response for table source *****" test_jsn table_source table_source test_pbf tbl_0_0_0 table_source/0/0/0 test_pbf tbl_6_57_29 table_source/6/57/29 test_pbf tbl_12_3673_1911 table_source/12/3673/1911 test_pbf tbl_13_7346_3822 table_source/13/7346/3822 test_pbf tbl_14_14692_7645 table_source/14/14692/7645 test_pbf tbl_17_117542_61161 table_source/17/117542/61161 test_pbf tbl_18_235085_122323 table_source/18/235085/122323 >&2 echo "***** Test server response for composite source *****" test_jsn cmp table_source,points1,points2 test_pbf cmp_0_0_0 table_source,points1,points2/0/0/0 test_pbf cmp_6_57_29 table_source,points1,points2/6/57/29 test_pbf cmp_12_3673_1911 table_source,points1,points2/12/3673/1911 test_pbf cmp_13_7346_3822 table_source,points1,points2/13/7346/3822 test_pbf cmp_14_14692_7645 table_source,points1,points2/14/14692/7645 test_pbf cmp_17_117542_61161 table_source,points1,points2/17/117542/61161 test_pbf cmp_18_235085_122323 table_source,points1,points2/18/235085/122323 >&2 echo "***** Test server response for function source *****" test_jsn fnc function_zxy_query test_pbf fnc_0_0_0 function_zxy_query/0/0/0 test_pbf fnc_6_57_29 function_zxy_query/6/57/29 test_pbf fnc_12_3673_1911 function_zxy_query/12/3673/1911 test_pbf fnc_13_7346_3822 function_zxy_query/13/7346/3822 test_pbf fnc_14_14692_7645 function_zxy_query/14/14692/7645 test_pbf fnc_17_117542_61161 function_zxy_query/17/117542/61161 test_pbf fnc_18_235085_122323 function_zxy_query/18/235085/122323 test_jsn fnc_token function_zxy_query_test test_pbf fnc_token_0_0_0 function_zxy_query_test/0/0/0?token=martin test_jsn fnc_b function_zxy_query_jsonb test_pbf fnc_b_6_38_20 function_zxy_query_jsonb/6/57/29 >&2 echo "***** Test server response for different function call types *****" test_pbf fnc_zoom_xy_6_57_29 function_zoom_xy/6/57/29 test_pbf fnc_zxy_6_57_29 function_zxy/6/57/29 test_pbf fnc_zxy2_6_57_29 function_zxy2/6/57/29 test_pbf fnc_zxy_query_6_57_29 function_zxy_query/6/57/29 test_pbf fnc_zxy_row_6_57_29 function_zxy_row/6/57/29 test_pbf fnc_zxy_row2_6_57_29 function_Mixed_Name/6/57/29 test_pbf fnc_zxy_row_key_6_57_29 function_zxy_row_key/6/57/29 >&2 echo "***** Test server response for table source with different SRID *****" test_jsn points3857_srid points3857 test_pbf points3857_srid_0_0_0 points3857/0/0/0 >&2 echo "***** Test server response for PMTiles source *****" test_jsn pmt stamen_toner__raster_CC-BY-ODbL_z3 test_png pmt_3_4_2 stamen_toner__raster_CC-BY-ODbL_z3/3/4/2 >&2 echo "***** Test server response for MbTiles source *****" test_jsn mb_jpg geography-class-jpg test_jpg mb_jpg_0_0_0 geography-class-jpg/0/0/0 test_jsn mb_png geography-class-png test_png mb_png_0_0_0 geography-class-png/0/0/0 test_jsn mb_mvt world_cities test_pbf mb_mvt_2_3_1 world_cities/2/3/1 >&2 echo "***** Test server response for table source with empty SRID *****" test_pbf points_empty_srid_0_0_0 points_empty_srid/0/0/0 kill_process $PROCESS_ID validate_log "${LOG_DIR}/test_log_1.txt" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Test pre-configured Martin" TEST_OUT_DIR="$(dirname "$0")/output/configured" mkdir -p "$TEST_OUT_DIR" ARG=(--config tests/config.yaml --max-feature-count 1000 --save-config "$(dirname "$0")/output/given_config.yaml" -W 1) set -x $MARTIN_BIN "${ARG[@]}" 2>&1 | tee "${LOG_DIR}/test_log_2.txt" & PROCESS_ID=`jobs -p` { set +x; } 2> /dev/null trap "kill -9 $PROCESS_ID 2> /dev/null || true" EXIT wait_for_martin $PROCESS_ID >&2 echo "Test catalog" test_jsn catalog_cfg catalog test_pbf tbl_0_0_0 table_source/0/0/0 test_pbf cmp_0_0_0 points1,points2/0/0/0 test_pbf fnc_0_0_0 function_zxy_query/0/0/0 test_pbf fnc2_0_0_0 function_zxy_query_test/0/0/0?token=martin test_png pmt_0_0_0 pmt/0/0/0 test_jsn spr_src1 sprite/src1.json test_png spr_src1 sprite/src1.png test_jsn spr_src1_2x sprite/src1@2x.json test_png spr_src1_2x sprite/src1@2x.png test_jsn spr_mysrc sprite/mysrc.json test_png spr_mysrc sprite/mysrc.png test_jsn spr_mysrc_2x sprite/mysrc@2x.json test_png spr_mysrc_2x sprite/mysrc@2x.png test_jsn spr_cmp sprite/src1,mysrc.json test_png spr_cmp sprite/src1,mysrc.png test_jsn spr_cmp_2x sprite/src1,mysrc@2x.json test_png spr_cmp_2x sprite/src1,mysrc@2x.png test_font font_1 font/Overpass%20Mono%20Light/0-255 test_font font_2 font/Overpass%20Mono%20Regular/0-255 test_font font_3 font/Overpass%20Mono%20Regular,Overpass%20Mono%20Light/0-255 kill_process $PROCESS_ID validate_log "${LOG_DIR}/test_log_2.txt" remove_line "$(dirname "$0")/output/given_config.yaml" " connection_string: " remove_line "$(dirname "$0")/output/generated_config.yaml" " connection_string: " echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Test mbtiles utility" if [[ "$MBTILES_BIN" != "-" ]]; then TEST_OUT_DIR="$(dirname "$0")/output/mbtiles" mkdir -p "$TEST_OUT_DIR" TEST_TEMP_DIR="$(dirname "$0")/temp" if [[ -d "$TEST_TEMP_DIR" ]]; then echo "ERROR: ./$TEST_TEMP_DIR already exists. Please remove it first." exit 1 else mkdir -p "$TEST_TEMP_DIR" fi set -x $MBTILES_BIN --help 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/help.txt" $MBTILES_BIN meta-all --help 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/meta-all_help.txt" $MBTILES_BIN meta-all ./tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities.mbtiles 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/meta-all.txt" $MBTILES_BIN meta-get --help 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/meta-get_help.txt" $MBTILES_BIN meta-get ./tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities.mbtiles name 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/meta-get_name.txt" $MBTILES_BIN meta-get ./tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities.mbtiles missing_value 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/meta-get_missing_value.txt" $MBTILES_BIN validate ./tests/fixtures/mbtiles/zoomed_world_cities.mbtiles 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/validate-ok.txt" set +e $MBTILES_BIN validate ./tests/fixtures/files/bad_hash.mbtiles 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/validate-bad.txt" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: validate with bad_hash should have failed" exit 1 fi set -e cp ./tests/fixtures/files/bad_hash.mbtiles "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/fix_bad_hash.mbtiles" $MBTILES_BIN validate --update-agg-tiles-hash "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/fix_bad_hash.mbtiles" 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/validate-fix.txt" $MBTILES_BIN validate "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/fix_bad_hash.mbtiles" 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/validate-fix2.txt" # Create diff file $MBTILES_BIN copy \ ./tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities.mbtiles \ "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/world_cities_diff.mbtiles" \ --diff-with-file ./tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities_modified.mbtiles \ 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/copy_diff.txt" if command -v sqlite3 > /dev/null; then # Apply this diff to the original version of the file cp ./tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities.mbtiles "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/world_cities_copy.mbtiles" sqlite3 "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/world_cities_copy.mbtiles" \ -bail \ -cmd ".parameter set @diffDbFilename $TEST_TEMP_DIR/world_cities_diff.mbtiles" \ "ATTACH DATABASE @diffDbFilename AS diffDb;" \ "DELETE FROM tiles WHERE (zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row) IN (SELECT zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row FROM diffDb.tiles WHERE tile_data ISNULL);" \ "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tiles (zoom_level, tile_column, tile_row, tile_data) SELECT * FROM diffDb.tiles WHERE tile_data NOTNULL;" # Ensure that applying the diff resulted in the modified version of the file $MBTILES_BIN copy \ --diff-with-file "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/world_cities_copy.mbtiles" \ ./tests/fixtures/mbtiles/world_cities_modified.mbtiles \ "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/world_cities_diff_modified.mbtiles" \ 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/copy_diff2.txt" sqlite3 "$TEST_TEMP_DIR/world_cities_diff_modified.mbtiles" \ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tiles;" \ 2>&1 | tee "$TEST_OUT_DIR/copy_apply.txt" else echo "---------------------------------------------------------" echo "##### sqlite3 is not installed, skipping apply test #####" # Copy expected output files as if they were generated by the test EXPECTED_DIR="$(dirname "$0")/expected/mbtiles" cp "$EXPECTED_DIR/copy_diff2.txt" "$TEST_OUT_DIR/copy_diff2.txt" cp "$EXPECTED_DIR/copy_apply.txt" "$TEST_OUT_DIR/copy_apply.txt" fi rm -rf "$TEST_TEMP_DIR" { set +x; } 2> /dev/null else echo "Skipping mbtiles utility tests" fi >&2 echo "All integration tests have passed"