# Connection keep alive timeout [default: 75] keep_alive: 75 # The socket address to bind [default:] listen_addresses: '' # Number of web server workers worker_processes: 8 # Amount of memory (in MB) to use for caching tiles [default: 512, 0 to disable] cache_size_mb: 512 # see https://maplibre.org/martin/config-file.html # postgres: # connection_string: 'postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/db' # default_srid: 4326 # pool_size: 20 # max_feature_count: 1000 # auto_bounds: skip # pmtiles: # paths: # - /dir-path # - /path/to/pmtiles.pmtiles # - http://example.org/pmtiles.pmtiles # sources: # pm-src1: /path/to/pmtiles1.pmtiles # pm-web1: http://example.org/pmtiles1.pmtiles # mbtiles: # paths: # - /dir-path # - /path/to/mbtiles.mbtiles # sources: # mb-src1: /path/to/mbtiles1.mbtiles # sprites: # paths: # - /path/to/sprites_dir # sources: # sprite1: /path/to/sprites_dir2 # fonts: # - /path/to/font/file.ttf # - /path/to/font_dir