Andrew Calcutt 66445e8653
Add support for multi-sprites in styles (#1232)
* fix: allow sprite array in styles

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: add 'sprite/' to generated path

So it doesn't conflict with style json url

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: allow old sprite endpoints to work

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: lint

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* docs:  add multi-sprite name to endpoint

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: duplicate styleJSON.sprite

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: try to fix some codeql errors

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: try to fix some codeql errors

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: try to fix some codeql errors

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: try to fix some codeql errors

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: try to fix some codeql errors

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: lint

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: ci sprite issue

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: remove console.log's

Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: use sprite id instead of name

Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: add suggestions

Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: remove unneeded array check

Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: lint

Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: don't force multi-sprites in style

Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: move fixUrl and allowedOptions to utils

Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: add test for default sprite

Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>

* fix: lint

Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>


Signed-off-by: Andrew Calcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>
Signed-off-by: acalcutt <acalcutt@techidiots.net>
2024-04-23 14:51:37 -04:00

119 lines
5.5 KiB

Available endpoints
If you visit the server on the configured port (default 8080) you can see your maps appearing in the browser.
* Styles are served at ``/styles/{id}/style.json`` (+ array at ``/styles.json``)
* Sprites at ``/styles/{id}/sprite[/spriteID][@2x].{format}``
* Fonts at ``/fonts/{fontstack}/{start}-{end}.pbf``
Rendered tiles
* Rendered tiles are served at ``/styles/{id}[/{tileSize}]/{z}/{x}/{y}[@2x].{format}``
* The optional ratio ``@2x`` (ex. ``@2x``, ``@3x``, ``@4x``) part can be used to render HiDPI (retina) tiles
* The optional tile size ``/{tileSize}`` (ex. ``/256``, ``/512``). if omitted, tileSize defaults to 256.
* Available formats: ``png``, ``jpg`` (``jpeg``), ``webp``
* TileJSON at ``/styles[/{tileSize}]/{id}.json``
* The rendered tiles are not available in the ``tileserver-gl-light`` version.
WMTS Capabilities
* WMTS Capabilities are served at ``/styles/{id}/wmts.xml``
Static images
* Several endpoints:
* ``/styles/{id}/static/{lon},{lat},{zoom}[@{bearing}[,{pitch}]]/{width}x{height}[@2x].{format}`` (center-based)
* ``/styles/{id}/static/{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}/{width}x{height}[@2x].{format}`` (area-based)
* ``/styles/{id}/static/auto/{width}x{height}[@2x].{format}`` (autofit path -- see below)
* All the static image endpoints additionally support following query parameters:
* ``path`` - ``((fill|stroke|width)\:[^\|]+\|)*(enc:.+|-?\d+(\.\d*)?,-?\d+(\.\d*)?(\|-?\d+(\.\d*)?,-?\d+(\.\d*)?)+)``
* comma-separated ``lng,lat``, pipe-separated pairs
* e.g. ``path=5.9,45.8|5.9,47.8|10.5,47.8|10.5,45.8|5.9,45.8``
* `Google Encoded Polyline Format <https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm>`_
* e.g. ``path=enc:_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@``
* If 'enc:' is used, the rest of the path parameter is considered to be part of the encoded polyline string -- do not specify the coordinate pairs.
* With options (fill|stroke|width)
* e.g. ``path=stroke:yellow|width:2|fill:green|5.9,45.8|5.9,47.8|10.5,47.8|10.5,45.8|5.9,45.8`` or ``path=stroke:blue|width:1|fill:yellow|enc:_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@``
* can be provided multiple times
* ``latlng`` - indicates coordinates are in ``lat,lng`` order rather than the usual ``lng,lat`` for paths and markers
* ``fill`` - default color to use as the fill (e.g. ``red``, ``rgba(255,255,255,0.5)``, ``#0000ff``) for all paths
* ``stroke`` - default color of the path stroke for all paths
* ``width`` - default width of the stroke for all paths
* ``linecap`` - rendering style for the start and end points of all paths - see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/lineCap
* ``linejoin`` - rendering style for joining successive segments of all paths when the direction changes - see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/lineJoin
* ``border`` - color of the optional border stroke for all paths ; the border is like a halo around the stroke
* ``borderwidth`` - width of the border stroke (default 10% of stroke width) for all paths
* ``marker`` - Marker in format ``lng,lat|iconPath|option|option|...``
* Will be rendered with the bottom center at the provided location
* ``lng,lat`` and ``iconPath`` are mandatory and icons won't be rendered without them
* ``iconPath`` is either a link to an image served via http(s) or a path to a file relative to the configured icon path
* ``option`` must adhere to the format ``optionName:optionValue`` and supports the following names
* ``scale`` - Factor to scale image by
* e.g. ``0.5`` - Scales the image to half it's original size
* ``offset`` - Image offset as positive or negative pixel value in format ``[offsetX],[offsetY]``
* scales with ``scale`` parameter since image placement is relative to it's size
* e.g. ``2,-4`` - Image will be moved 2 pixel to the right and 4 pixel in the upwards direction from the provided location
* e.g. ``5.9,45.8|marker-start.svg|scale:0.5|offset:2,-4``
* can be provided multiple times
* ``padding`` - "percentage" padding for fitted endpoints (area-based and path autofit)
* value of ``0.1`` means "add 10% size to each side to make sure the area of interest is nicely visible"
* ``maxzoom`` - Maximum zoom level (only for auto endpoint where zoom level is calculated and not provided)
* You can also use (experimental) ``/styles/{id}/static/raw/...`` endpoints with raw spherical mercator coordinates (EPSG:3857) instead of WGS84.
* The static images are not available in the ``tileserver-gl-light`` version.
Source data
* Source data are served at ``/data/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{format}``
* Format depends on the source file (usually ``png`` or ``pbf``)
* ``geojson`` is also available (useful for inspecting the tiles) in case the original format is ``pbf``
* TileJSON at ``/data/{id}.json``
TileJSON arrays
Array of all TileJSONs is at ``[/{tileSize}]/index.json`` (``[/{tileSize}]/rendered.json``; ``/data.json``)
* The optional tile size ``/{tileSize}`` (ex. ``/256``, ``/512``). if omitted, tileSize defaults to 256.
List of available fonts
Array of names of the available fonts is at ``/fonts.json``
Health check
Endpoint reporting health status is at ``/health`` and currently returns:
* ``503`` Starting - for a short period before everything is initialized
* ``200`` OK - when the server is running