allow machines to execute effects when emitting output

This commit is contained in:
Marco Perone 2023-01-26 10:57:14 +01:00 committed by Marco Perone
parent e096f7d33f
commit 743242aaf4
6 changed files with 254 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ booleanStateMachine initialState =
( \state input -> case state of
SFalse ->
if even input
then ActionResult SFalse (input + 1)
else ActionResult STrue (input * 3)
then pureResult (input + 1) SFalse
else pureResult (input * 3) STrue
STrue ->
if even input
then ActionResult STrue (input - 1)
else ActionResult SFalse (input * 5)
then pureResult (input - 1) STrue
else pureResult (input * 5) SFalse
(InitialState initialState)

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@ -47,22 +47,22 @@ data LockDoorEvent
lockDoorMachine :: SLockDoorVertex a -> BaseMachine LockDoorTopology LockDoorCommand LockDoorEvent
lockDoorMachine initialState =
{ initialState = InitialState initialState
, action = \case
SIsLockOpen -> \case
LockOpen -> ActionResult SIsLockOpen LockNoOp
LockClose -> ActionResult SIsLockClosed LockClosed
LockLock -> ActionResult SIsLockOpen LockNoOp
LockUnlock -> ActionResult SIsLockOpen LockNoOp
LockOpen -> pureResult LockNoOp SIsLockOpen
LockClose -> pureResult LockClosed SIsLockClosed
LockLock -> pureResult LockNoOp SIsLockOpen
LockUnlock -> pureResult LockNoOp SIsLockOpen
SIsLockClosed -> \case
LockOpen -> ActionResult SIsLockOpen LockOpened
LockClose -> ActionResult SIsLockClosed LockNoOp
LockLock -> ActionResult SIsLockLocked LockLocked
LockUnlock -> ActionResult SIsLockClosed LockNoOp
LockOpen -> pureResult LockOpened SIsLockOpen
LockClose -> pureResult LockNoOp SIsLockClosed
LockLock -> pureResult LockLocked SIsLockLocked
LockUnlock -> pureResult LockNoOp SIsLockClosed
SIsLockLocked -> \case
LockOpen -> ActionResult SIsLockLocked LockNoOp
LockClose -> ActionResult SIsLockLocked LockNoOp
LockLock -> ActionResult SIsLockLocked LockNoOp
LockUnlock -> ActionResult SIsLockClosed LockUnlocked
LockOpen -> pureResult LockNoOp SIsLockLocked
LockClose -> pureResult LockNoOp SIsLockLocked
LockLock -> pureResult LockNoOp SIsLockLocked
LockUnlock -> pureResult LockUnlocked SIsLockClosed

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import "singletons-base" Data.Singletons.Base.TH
oneVertexMachine :: BaseMachine (TrivialTopology @()) () ()
oneVertexMachine =
{ initialState = InitialState STuple0
, action = \STuple0 _ -> ActionResult STuple0 ()
, action = \STuple0 _ -> pureResult () STuple0

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@ -3,92 +3,115 @@
module CRM.BaseMachine where
import CRM.Topology
import "base" Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..), first)
import "base" Data.Kind (Type)
import "base" Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
-- import "base" Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor (Choice (..), Profunctor (..), Strong (..))
import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor.Sieve (Cosieve (..))
-- import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor.Sieve (Cosieve (..))
import "base" Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import "singletons-base" Data.Singletons.Base.TH (STuple0 (..))
-- * Specifying state machines
-- | A `BaseMachine topology input output` describes a state machine with
-- | A `BaseMachineT topology input output` describes a state machine with
-- allowed transitions constrained by a given `topology`.
-- A state machine is composed by an `initialState` and an `action`, which
-- defines the `output` and the new `state` given the current `state` and an
-- `input`
(topology :: Topology vertex)
(input :: Type)
(output :: Type) = forall state.
{ initialState :: InitialState state
, action
:: forall initialVertex
. state initialVertex
-> input
-> ActionResult topology state initialVertex output
-> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output
instance Profunctor (BaseMachine topology) where
lmap :: (a -> b) -> BaseMachine topology b c -> BaseMachine topology a c
lmap f (BaseMachine initialState action) =
type BaseMachine
(topology :: Topology vertex)
(input :: Type)
(output :: Type) =
forall m. Monad m => BaseMachineT m topology input output
-- * Hoist
:: (forall x. m x -> n x)
-> BaseMachineT m topology a b
-> BaseMachineT n topology a b
baseHoist f (BaseMachineT initialState action) =
((hoistResult f .) . action)
instance Functor m => Profunctor (BaseMachineT m topology) where
lmap :: (a -> b) -> BaseMachineT m topology b c -> BaseMachineT m topology a c
lmap f (BaseMachineT initialState action) =
{ initialState = initialState
, action = (. f) . action
rmap :: (b -> c) -> BaseMachine topology a b -> BaseMachine topology a c
rmap f (BaseMachine initialState action) =
rmap :: (b -> c) -> BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology a c
rmap f (BaseMachineT initialState action) =
{ initialState = initialState
, action = ((f <$>) .) . action
instance Strong (BaseMachine topology) where
first' :: BaseMachine topology a b -> BaseMachine topology (a, c) (b, c)
first' (BaseMachine initialState action) =
instance Functor m => Strong (BaseMachineT m topology) where
first' :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (a, c) (b, c)
first' (BaseMachineT initialState action) =
{ initialState = initialState
, action = \state (a, c) -> (,c) <$> action state a
second' :: BaseMachine topology a b -> BaseMachine topology (c, a) (c, b)
second' (BaseMachine initialState action) =
second' :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (c, a) (c, b)
second' (BaseMachineT initialState action) =
{ initialState = initialState
, action = \state (c, a) -> (c,) <$> action state a
instance Choice (BaseMachine topology) where
left' :: BaseMachine topology a b -> BaseMachine topology (Either a c) (Either b c)
left' (BaseMachine initialState action) =
instance Applicative m => Choice (BaseMachineT m topology) where
left' :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (Either a c) (Either b c)
left' (BaseMachineT initialState action) =
{ initialState = initialState
, action = \state -> \case
Left a -> Left <$> action state a
Right c -> ActionResult state (Right c)
Right c -> ActionResult $ pure (Right c, state)
right' :: BaseMachine topology a b -> BaseMachine topology (Either c a) (Either c b)
right' (BaseMachine initialState action) =
right' :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (Either c a) (Either c b)
right' (BaseMachineT initialState action) =
{ initialState = initialState
, action = \state -> \case
Left c -> ActionResult state (Left c)
Left c -> ActionResult $ pure (Left c, state)
Right a -> Right <$> action state a
-- | see
-- This is basically saying that we can interpret a `BaseMachine topology a b`
-- as a function from a `NonEmpty a` to `b`
instance Cosieve (BaseMachine topology) NonEmpty where
cosieve :: BaseMachine topology a b -> NonEmpty a -> b
cosieve machine (a0 :| as0) =
case runBaseMachine machine a0 of
(b, machine') -> case as0 of
[] -> b
a1 : as1 -> cosieve machine' (a1 :| as1)
-- -- | see
-- -- This is basically saying that we can interpret a `BaseMachineT m topology a b`
-- -- as a function from a `NonEmpty a` to `b`
-- instance Cosieve (BaseMachineT m topology) NonEmpty where
-- cosieve :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> NonEmpty a -> m b
-- cosieve machine (a0 :| as0) =
-- case runBaseMachineT machine a0 of
-- (b, machine') -> case as0 of
-- [] -> b
-- a1 : as1 -> cosieve machine' (a1 :| as1)
-- | A value of type `InitialState state` describes the initial state of a
-- state machine, describing the initial `vertex` in the `topology` and the
@ -101,6 +124,7 @@ data InitialState (state :: vertex -> Type) where
-- where the transition from `initialVertex` to `finalVertex` is allowed by the machine `topology`
(topology :: Topology vertex)
(state :: vertex -> Type)
(initialVertex :: vertex)
@ -108,44 +132,65 @@ data
:: AllowedTransition topology initialVertex finalVertex
=> state finalVertex
-> output
-> ActionResult topology state initialVertex output
=> m (output, state finalVertex)
-> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output
instance Functor (ActionResult topology state initialVertex) where
:: (forall x. m x -> n x)
-> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output
-> ActionResult n topology state initialVertex output
hoistResult f (ActionResult outputStatePair) = ActionResult $ f outputStatePair
instance Functor m => Functor (ActionResult m topology state initialVertex) where
:: (a -> b)
-> ActionResult topology state initialVertex a
-> ActionResult topology state initialVertex b
fmap f (ActionResult state output) =
ActionResult state (f output)
-> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex a
-> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex b
fmap f (ActionResult outputStatePair) =
ActionResult $ first f <$> outputStatePair
:: (Applicative m, AllowedTransition topology initialVertex finalVertex)
=> output
-> state finalVertex
-> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output
pureResult output state = ActionResult . pure $ (output, state)
:: ActionResult Identity topology state initialVertex [output]
-> ActionResult [] topology state initialVertex output
sequence (ActionResult (Identity (outputs, state))) =
ActionResult $ (,state) <$> outputs
-- ** Stateless machines
-- | The `statelessBase` transforms its input to its output and never changes its state
statelessBase :: (a -> b) -> BaseMachine (TrivialTopology @()) a b
statelessBase f =
-- | The `statelessBaseT` transforms its input to its output and never changes its state
statelessBaseT :: Applicative m => (a -> m b) -> BaseMachineT m (TrivialTopology @()) a b
statelessBaseT f =
{ initialState = InitialState STuple0
, action = \state input ->
ActionResult state $ f input
ActionResult $ (,state) <$> f input
statelessBase :: (a -> b) -> BaseMachine (TrivialTopology @()) a b
statelessBase f = statelessBaseT (pure . f)
-- ** Identity machine
-- | The `identity` machine simply outputs its input and never changes its state. It is the result of `statelessBase id`.
identity :: BaseMachine (TrivialTopology @()) a a
identity = statelessBase id
-- ** Unfold
-- ** Unrestricted machines
-- | a machine modelled with explicit state, where every transition is allowed
:: (forall initialVertex. state initialVertex -> a -> ActionResult (AllowAllTopology @vertex) state initialVertex b)
:: (forall initialVertex. state initialVertex -> a -> ActionResult m (AllowAllTopology @vertex) state initialVertex b)
-> InitialState (state :: vertex -> Type)
-> BaseMachine (AllowAllTopology @vertex) a b
unrestrictedBaseMachine action initialState =
-> BaseMachineT m (AllowAllTopology @vertex) a b
unrestrictedBaseMachineT action initialState =
{ initialState = initialState
, action = action
@ -154,19 +199,22 @@ unrestrictedBaseMachine action initialState =
-- | Given an `input`, run the machine to get an output and a new version of
-- the machine
:: BaseMachine topology input output
:: Functor m
=> BaseMachineT m topology input output
-> input
-> (output, BaseMachine topology input output)
runBaseMachine (BaseMachine (InitialState initialState) action) input =
-> m (output, BaseMachineT m topology input output)
runBaseMachineT (BaseMachineT (InitialState initialState) action) input =
actionResult = action initialState input
case actionResult of
(ActionResult finalState output) ->
( output
, BaseMachine
{ initialState = InitialState finalState
, action = action
ActionResult outputStatePair ->
( \finalState ->
{ initialState = InitialState finalState
, action = action
<$> outputStatePair

View File

@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ topologyAsGraph (Topology edges) = Graph $ edges >>= edgify
-- | Interpret a `BaseMachine` as a `Graph` using the information contained in
-- its topology
:: forall vertex topology input output
:: forall vertex topology input output m
. (Demote (Topology vertex) ~ Topology vertex, SingKind vertex, SingI topology)
=> BaseMachine (topology :: Topology vertex) input output
=> BaseMachineT m (topology :: Topology vertex) input output
-> Graph vertex
baseMachineAsGraph _ = topologyAsGraph (demote @topology)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ renderUntypedMermaid (UntypedGraph graph) = renderMermaid graph
-- | Interpret a `StateMachine` as an `UntypedGraph` using the information
-- contained in its structure and in the topology of its basic components
machineAsGraph :: StateMachine input output -> UntypedGraph
machineAsGraph :: StateMachineT m input output -> UntypedGraph
machineAsGraph (Basic baseMachine) =
UntypedGraph (baseMachineAsGraph baseMachine)
machineAsGraph (Compose machine1 machine2) =

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@ -8,47 +8,64 @@ import CRM.BaseMachine as BaseMachine
import CRM.Topology
import "base" Control.Category (Category (..))
import "base" Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..), bimap)
import "base" Data.Foldable (foldl')
import "base" Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import "base" Data.Kind (Type)
import "base" Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), fromList)
import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor (Choice (..), Costrong (..), Profunctor (..), Strong (..))
import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor.Rep (Corepresentable (..), unfirstCorep, unsecondCorep)
import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor.Sieve (Cosieve (..))
-- import "base" Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), fromList)
import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor (Choice {-Costrong (..),-} (..), Profunctor (..), Strong (..))
-- import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor.Rep (Corepresentable (..), unfirstCorep, unsecondCorep)
-- import "profunctors" Data.Profunctor.Sieve (Cosieve (..))
import "singletons-base" Data.Singletons (Demote, SingI, SingKind)
import Prelude hiding ((.))
-- | A `StateMachine` is a [Mealy machine](
-- with inputs of type `input` and outputs of type `output`
data StateMachine input output where
data StateMachineT m input output where
:: forall vertex (topology :: Topology vertex) input output
:: forall m vertex (topology :: Topology vertex) input output
. ( Demote vertex ~ vertex
, SingKind vertex
, SingI topology
, Eq vertex
, Show vertex
=> BaseMachine topology input output
-> StateMachine input output
=> BaseMachineT m topology input output
-> StateMachineT m input output
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine b c
-> StateMachine a c
:: StateMachineT m a b
-> StateMachineT m b c
-> StateMachineT m a c
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine c d
-> StateMachine (a, c) (b, d)
:: StateMachineT m a b
-> StateMachineT m c d
-> StateMachineT m (a, c) (b, d)
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine c d
-> StateMachine (Either a c) (Either b d)
:: StateMachineT m a b
-> StateMachineT m c d
-> StateMachineT m (Either a c) (Either b d)
:: StateMachine a [a]
-> StateMachine a [a]
:: StateMachineT m a [a]
-> StateMachineT m a [a]
type StateMachine a b = forall m. Monad m => StateMachineT m a b
-- * Hoist
hoist :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> StateMachineT m a b -> StateMachineT n a b
hoist f machine = case machine of
Basic baseMachine -> Basic $ baseHoist f baseMachine
Compose machine1 machine2 -> Compose (hoist f machine1) (hoist f machine2)
Parallel machine1 machine2 -> Parallel (hoist f machine1) (hoist f machine2)
Alternative machine1 machine2 -> Alternative (hoist f machine1) (hoist f machine2)
Loop machine' -> Loop $ hoist f machine'
-- | a state machine which does not rely on state
stateless :: (a -> b) -> StateMachine a b
stateless f = Basic $ statelessBase f
statelessT :: Applicative m => (a -> m b) -> StateMachineT m a b
statelessT f = Basic $ statelessBaseT f
stateless :: Applicative m => (a -> b) -> StateMachineT m a b
stateless f = statelessT (pure . f)
-- | a machine modelled with explicit state, where every transition is allowed
@ -61,138 +78,132 @@ unrestrictedMachine
=> ( forall initialVertex
. state initialVertex
-> a
-> ActionResult (AllowAllTopology @vertex) state initialVertex b
-> ActionResult m (AllowAllTopology @vertex) state initialVertex b
-> InitialState (state :: vertex -> Type)
-> StateMachine a b
unrestrictedMachine action state = Basic $ unrestrictedBaseMachine action state
-> StateMachineT m a b
unrestrictedMachine action state = Basic $ unrestrictedBaseMachineT action state
-- * Category
instance Category StateMachine where
id :: StateMachine a a
instance Monad m => Category (StateMachineT m) where
id :: StateMachineT m a a
id = Basic identity
(.) :: StateMachine b c -> StateMachine a b -> StateMachine a c
(.) :: StateMachineT m b c -> StateMachineT m a b -> StateMachineT m a c
(.) = flip Compose
-- * Profunctor
instance Profunctor StateMachine where
lmap :: (a -> b) -> StateMachine b c -> StateMachine a c
instance Applicative m => Profunctor (StateMachineT m) where
lmap :: (a -> b) -> StateMachineT m b c -> StateMachineT m a c
lmap f (Basic baseMachine) = Basic $ lmap f baseMachine
lmap f (Compose machine1 machine2) = Compose (lmap f machine1) machine2
lmap f machine = Compose (stateless f) machine
rmap :: (b -> c) -> StateMachine a b -> StateMachine a c
rmap :: (b -> c) -> StateMachineT m a b -> StateMachineT m a c
rmap f (Basic baseMachine) = Basic $ rmap f baseMachine
rmap f (Compose machine1 machine2) = Compose machine1 (rmap f machine2)
rmap f machine = Compose machine (stateless f)
-- * Strong
instance Strong StateMachine where
first' :: StateMachine a b -> StateMachine (a, c) (b, c)
instance Monad m => Strong (StateMachineT m) where
first' :: StateMachineT m a b -> StateMachineT m (a, c) (b, c)
first' = flip Parallel
second' :: StateMachine a b -> StateMachine (c, a) (c, b)
second' :: StateMachineT m a b -> StateMachineT m (c, a) (c, b)
second' = Parallel
-- * Choice
-- | An instance of `Choice` allows us to have parallel composition of state machines, meaning that we can pass two inputs to two state machines and get out the outputs of both
instance Choice StateMachine where
left' :: StateMachine a b -> StateMachine (Either a c) (Either b c)
instance Monad m => Choice (StateMachineT m) where
left' :: StateMachineT m a b -> StateMachineT m (Either a c) (Either b c)
left' = flip Alternative
right' :: StateMachine a b -> StateMachine (Either c a) (Either c b)
right' :: StateMachineT m a b -> StateMachineT m (Either c a) (Either c b)
right' = Alternative
-- * Cosieve
-- -- * Cosieve
-- | see
-- This is basically saying that we can interpret a `StateMachine a b` as a
-- function from a `NonEmpty a` to `b`
instance Cosieve StateMachine NonEmpty where
cosieve :: StateMachine a b -> NonEmpty a -> b
cosieve machine (a0 :| as0) =
case run machine a0 of
(b, machine') -> case as0 of
[] -> b
a1 : as1 -> cosieve machine' (a1 :| as1)
-- -- | see
-- -- This is basically saying that we can interpret a `StateMachine a b` as a
-- -- function from a `NonEmpty a` to `b`
-- instance Cosieve (StateMachineT m) NonEmpty where
-- cosieve :: StateMachineT m a b -> NonEmpty a -> m b
-- cosieve machine (a0 :| as0) =
-- case run machine a0 of
-- (b, machine') -> case as0 of
-- [] -> b
-- a1 : as1 -> cosieve machine' (a1 :| as1)
-- * Corepresentable
-- -- * Corepresentable
-- the state space for a machine with a topology containing a single vertex
-- and a type of possible states in that vertex
data SingleVertexState a (vertex :: ()) where
SingleVertexState :: a -> SingleVertexState a '()
-- -- the state space for a machine with a topology containing a single vertex
-- -- and a type of possible states in that vertex
-- data SingleVertexState a (vertex :: ()) where
-- SingleVertexState :: a -> SingleVertexState a '()
-- | see
-- This is basically saying that we can interpret a function from `NonEmpty a`
-- to `b` as a `StateMachine a b`, where we store the tail of the non-empty
-- list in the state of the machine.
instance Corepresentable StateMachine where
type Corep StateMachine = NonEmpty
-- -- | see
-- -- This is basically saying that we can interpret a function from `NonEmpty a`
-- -- to `b` as a `StateMachine a b`, where we store the tail of the non-empty
-- -- list in the state of the machine.
-- instance Corepresentable (StateMachineT m) where
-- type Corep (StateMachineT m) = NonEmpty
cotabulate :: forall a b. (NonEmpty a -> b) -> StateMachine a b
cotabulate f =
Basic @() @TrivialTopology $
{ initialState = InitialState $ SingleVertexState ([] :: [a])
, action = \(SingleVertexState as) input ->
allInputs = input : as
(SingleVertexState allInputs)
(f . fromList . reverse $ allInputs)
-- cotabulate :: forall a b. (NonEmpty a -> m b) -> StateMachineT m a b
-- cotabulate f =
-- Basic @_ @() @TrivialTopology $
-- BaseMachineT
-- { initialState = InitialState $ SingleVertexState ([] :: [a])
-- , action = \(SingleVertexState as) input ->
-- let
-- allInputs = input : as
-- in
-- ActionResult
-- (SingleVertexState allInputs)
-- (f . fromList . reverse $ allInputs)
-- }
-- * Costrong
-- -- * Costrong
instance Costrong StateMachine where
unfirst :: StateMachine (a, c) (b, c) -> StateMachine a b
unfirst = unfirstCorep
-- instance Costrong (StateMachineT m) where
-- unfirst :: StateMachineT m (a, c) (b, c) -> StateMachineT m a b
-- unfirst = unfirstCorep
unsecond :: StateMachine (c, a) (c, b) -> StateMachine a b
unsecond = unsecondCorep
-- unsecond :: StateMachineT m (c, a) (c, b) -> StateMachineT m a b
-- unsecond = unsecondCorep
-- * Run a state machine
-- | Given an `input`, run the machine to get an output and a new version of
-- the machine
run :: StateMachine a b -> a -> (b, StateMachine a b)
run (Basic baseMachine) a = Basic <$> runBaseMachine baseMachine a
run (Compose machine1 machine2) a =
(output1, machine1') = run machine1 a
(output2, machine2') = run machine2 output1
(output2, Compose machine1' machine2')
run (Parallel machine1 machine2) (a, b) =
(output1, machine1') = run machine1 a
(output2, machine2') = run machine2 b
((output1, output2), Parallel machine1' machine2')
run :: Monad m => StateMachineT m a b -> a -> m (b, StateMachineT m a b)
run (Basic baseMachine) a = second Basic <$> runBaseMachineT baseMachine a
run (Compose machine1 machine2) a = do
(output1, machine1') <- run machine1 a
(output2, machine2') <- run machine2 output1
pure (output2, Compose machine1' machine2')
run (Parallel machine1 machine2) a = do
(output1, machine1') <- run machine1 (fst a)
(output2, machine2') <- run machine2 (snd a)
pure ((output1, output2), Parallel machine1' machine2')
run (Alternative machine1 machine2) a =
case a of
Left a1 -> bimap Left (`Alternative` machine2) $ run machine1 a1
Right a2 -> bimap Right (machine1 `Alternative`) $ run machine2 a2
run (Loop machine) a =
(as, machine') = run machine a
first (as <>) $ runMultiple (Loop machine') as
Left a1 -> bimap Left (`Alternative` machine2) <$> run machine1 a1
Right a2 -> bimap Right (machine1 `Alternative`) <$> run machine2 a2
run (Loop machine) a = do
(as, machine') <- run machine a
first (as <>) <$> runMultiple (Loop machine') as
-- | process multiple inputs in one go, accumulating the results in a monoid
:: (Foldable f, Monoid b)
=> StateMachine a b
:: (Monad m, Foldable f, Monoid b)
=> StateMachineT m a b
-> f a
-> (b, StateMachine a b)
-> m (b, StateMachineT m a b)
runMultiple machine =
(\(b, machine') -> first (b <>) . run machine')
(\(b, machine') a -> first (b <>) <$> run machine' a)
(mempty, machine)