explain how to create a machine

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Marco Perone 2023-01-20 15:47:35 +01:00 committed by Marco Perone
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# How to create a machine
A `StateMachine a b` is a stateful process which receives inputs of type `a` and emits outputs of type `b`.
We will represent a machine as such
a ┌────┐ b
──┤ ├──
as black boxes, where inputs are on the left and outputs are on the right.
The `StateMachine a b` data type has four constructors which we can use to construct a machine:
- `Basic`
- `Compose`
- `Parallel`
- `Alternative`
Let's start with the last three.
## `Compose`
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine b c
-> StateMachine a c
allows us to sequentially compose two machines
a ┌────┐ b b ┌────┐ c
──┤ ├── ──┤ ├──
└────┘ └────┘
to get a single machine
a │ ┌╌╌╌╌┐ b ┌╌╌╌╌┐ │ c
──┼╌┤ ├╌╌╌┤ ├╌┼──
│ └╌╌╌╌┘ └╌╌╌╌┘ │
where every output `b` of the first machine is passed as an input to the second machine.
## `Parallel`
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine c d
-> StateMachine (a, c) (b, d)
allows us to execute two machines in parallel
a ┌────┐ b
──┤ ├──
c ┌────┐ d
──┤ ├──
to get a single machine
│ a ┌╌╌╌╌┐ b │
│┌╌╌┤ ├╌╌┐│
(a, c) ││ └╌╌╌╌┘ ││ (b, d)
───────┼┤ ├┼───────
││ ┌╌╌╌╌┐ ││
│└╌╌┤ ├╌╌┘│
│ c └╌╌╌╌┘ d │
which passes the first element of the input tuple to the first machine and the second element to the second machine, collects the outputs and emits them together in a tuple.
## `Alternative`
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine c d
-> StateMachine (Either a c) (Either c d)
allows us to execute one out of two machines, depending on the input.
If we have two machines
a ┌────┐ b
──┤ ├──
c ┌────┐ d
──┤ ├──
we can compose them like so
│ a ┌╌╌╌╌┐ b │
│┌╌╌┤ ├╌╌┐│
Either a c ││ └╌╌╌╌┘ ││ Either b d
───────────┼┤ ⊕ ├┼───────────
││ ┌╌╌╌╌┐ ││
│└╌╌┤ ├╌╌┘│
│ c └╌╌╌╌┘ d │
where the `⊕` symbol allows us to distinguish alternative composition from the parallel one.
In practice, if the composed machine receives a `Left a` as input, the `a` will be passed as input to the first machine that will emit a `b`, which will be wrapped to emit a `Left b` from the composed machine, while the second machine remains untouched.
Similarly, if the composed machine receives a `Right c` as input, the `c` will be passed as input to the second machine that will emit a `d`, which will be wrapped to emit a `Right d` from the composed machine, while the first machine remains untouched.
## `Basic`
All the other constructors are combinators to construct more complicated machine out of simpler ones. We still miss a way to build the simpler ones! That is exactly what the `Basic` constructor provides. It gives a way to create a machine by specifying precisely its internal behaviour.
:: forall vertex (topology :: Topology vertex) a b
. ( Demote vertex ~ vertex
, SingKind vertex
, SingI topology
, Show vertex
=> BaseMachine topology a b
-> StateMachine a b
To build a `StateMachine a b` using the `Basic` constructor, we need to build first a `BaseMachine topology a b` satisfying some constraints.
Let's start by understanding what `topology` represents.
### `Topology`
The `Topology` data type is defined as
newtype Topology vertex = Topology
{edges :: [(vertex, [vertex])]}
and represents a directed graph on a set of elements of type `vertex`.
It is indexed by a `vertex` type, and it is a newtype wrapper around a list, where every element of the list is a pair containing an element `a :: vertex` and a list of elements of type `vertex`. Every element `b :: vertex` in this last list means that there is an edge from `a` to `b`.
In practice, a `Topology` is a list of pairs, where every pair contains a vertex `a` and the list of vertices where an edge coming from `a` ends.
In fact, we use [`singletons`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/singletons) to promote `Topology` to the type level and use it to keep track of the available machine transitions at the type level.
We use a `Topology vertex` kind, and we construct types of that kind using the `Topology :: [(vertex, [vertex])] -> Topology vertex` type constructor. In such a use, notice that also `vertex` is a kind.